
Multipart Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

Description of Data Content
Typical Filename Extensions

MIME type/subtype
Text and Text-Related Types      
HTML text data (RFC 1866) html htm   text/html
Plain text: documents; program listings txt c c++ pl cc h   text/plain
Richtext (obsolete - replaced by text/enriched)     text/richtext
Structure enhanced text (etx?)   text/x-setext
Enriched text markup (RFC 1896)     text/enriched
Tab-separated values (tabular) (tsv?)   text/tab-separated-values
SGML documents (RFC 1874)     text/sgml
Speech synthesis data (MVP Solutions) talk   text/x-speech
Document Stylesheet Types      
Cascading Stylesheets css   text/css
DSSSL-online stylesheets     application/dsssl (proposed)
Image Types      
GIF gif   image/gif
X-Windows bitmap (b/w) xbm   image/x-xbitmap
X-Windows pixelmap (8-bit color) xpm   image/x-xpixmap
Portable Network Graphics png   image/x-png
Image Exchange Format (RFC 1314) ief   image/ief
JPEG jpeg jpg jpe   image/jpeg
TIFF tiff tif   image/tiff
RGB rgb   image/rgb
Group III Fax (RFC 1494) g3f   image/g3fax
X Windowdump format xwd   image/x-xwindowdump
Macintosh PICT format pict   image/x-pict
PPM (UNIX PPM package) ppm   image/x-portable-pixmap
PGM (UNIX PPM package) pgm   image/x-portable-graymap
PBM (UNIX PPM package) pbm   image/x-portable-bitmap
PNM (UNIX PPM package) pnm   image/x-portable-anymap
Microsoft Windows bitmap bmp   image/x-ms-bmp
CMU raster ras   image/x-cmu-raster
Kodak Photo-CD pcd   image/x-photo-cd
Computer Graphics Metafile cgm   image/cgm
North Am. Presentation Layer Protocol     image/naplps
CALS Type 1 or 2 mil cal   image/x-cals
Fractal Image Format (Iterated Systems) fif   image/fif
QuickSilver active image (Micrografx) dsf   image/x-mgx-dsf
CMX vector image (Corel) cmx   image/x-cmx
Wavelet-compressed (Summus) wi   image/wavelet
AutoCad Drawing (SoftSource) dwg   image/vnd.dwg
AutoCad DXF file (SoftSource) dxf   image/vnd.dxf
Simple Vector Format (SoftSource) svf   image/vnd.svf
      also vector/x-svf
Audio/Voice/Music Related Types      
"basic"audio - 8-bit u-law PCM au snd   audio/basic
Macintosh audio format (AIpple) aif aiff aifc   audio/x-aiff
Microsoft audio wav   audio/x-wav
MPEG audio mpa abs mpega   audio/x-mpeg
MPEG-2 audio mp2a mpa2   audio/x-mpeg-2
compressed speech (Echo Speech Corp.) es   audio/echospeech
Toolvox speech audio (Voxware) vox   audio/voxware
RapidTransit compressed audio (Fast Man) lcc   application/fastman
Realaudio (Progressive Networks) ra ram   application/x-pn-realaudio
NIFF music notation data format     application/
MIDI music data mmid   x-music/x-midi
Koan music data (SSeyo) skp   application/vnd.koan
Speech synthesis data (MVP Solutions) talk   text/x-speech
Video Types      
MPEG video mpeg mpg mpe   video/mpeg
MPEG-2 video mpv2 mp2v   video/mpeg-2
Macintosh Quicktime qt mov   video/quicktime
Microsoft video avi   video/x-msvideo
SGI Movie format movie   video/x-sgi-movie
VDOlive streaming video (VDOnet) vdo   video/vdo
Vivo streaming video (Vivo software) viv   video/
Special HTTP/Web Application Types      
Proxy autoconfiguration (Netscape browsers) pac   application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
See Chapter 6     application/x-www-form-urlencoded
See Chapter 9     application/x-www-local-exec
See Chapter 9 (Netscape extension)     multipart/x-mixed-replace
See Chapter 9 and Appendix B     multipart/form-data
Netscape Cooltalk chat data (Netscape) ice   x-conference/x-cooltalk
Interactive chat (Ichat)     application/x-chat
Application Types      
PostScript ai eps ps   application/postscript
Microsoft Rich Text Format rtf   application/rtf
Adobe Acrobat PDF pdf   application/pdf
Maker Interchange Format (FrameMaker) mif   application/vnd.mif
Troff document t tr roff   application/x-troff
Troff document with MAN macros man   application/x-troff-man
Troff document with ME macros me   application/x-troff-me
Troff document with MS macros ms   application/x-troff-ms
LaTeX document latex   application/x-latex
Tex/LateX document tex   application/x-tex
GNU TexInfo document texinfo texi   application/x-texinfo
TeX dvi format dvi   application/x-dvi
MacWrite document ??   application/macwriteii
MS word document ??   application/msword
WordPerfect 5.1 document ??   application/wordperfect5.1
SGML application (RFC 1874)     application/sgml
Office Document Architecture oda   application/oda
Envoy Document evy   application/envoy
Wang Info. Tranfer Format (Wang)     application/wita
DEC Document Transfer Format (DEC)     application/dec-dx
IBM Document Content Architecture (IBM)     application/dca-rft
CommonGround Digital Paper (No Hands Software)     application/commonground
FrameMaker Documents (Frame) doc fm frm frame   application/vnd.framemaker
Remote printing at arbitrary printers (RFC 1486)     application/remote-printing
Archive/Compressed Archives      
Gnu tar format gtar   application/x-gtar
4.3BSD tar format tar   application/x-tar
POSIX tar format ustar   application/x-ustar
Old CPIO format bcpio   application/x-bcpio
POSIX CPIO format cpio   application/x-cpio
UNIX sh shell archive shar   application/x-shar
DOS/PC - Pkzipped archive zip   application/zip
Macintosh Binhexed archive hqx   application/mac-binhex40
Macintosh Stuffit Archive sit sea   application/x-stuffit
Fractal Image Format fif   application/fractals
Binary, UUencoded bin uu   application/octet-stream
PC executable exe   application/octet-stream
WAIS "sources" src wsrc   application/x-wais-source
NCSA HDF data format hdf   application/hdf
Downloadable Program/Scripts      
Javascript program js ls mocha   text/javascript
VBScript program     text/vbscript
UNIX bourne shell program sh   application/x-sh
UNIX c-shell program csh   application/x-csh
Perl program pl   application/x-perl
Tcl (Tool Control Language) program tcl   application/x-tcl
Atomicmail program scripts (obsolete)     application/atomicmail
Slate documents - executable enclosures (BBN)     application/slate
Undefined binary data (often executable progs)     application/octet-stream
RISC OS Executable programs (ANT Limited)     application/riscos
Andrew Toolkit inset     application/andrew-inset
FutureSplash vector animation (FutureWave) spl   application/futuresplash
mBED multimedia data (mBED) mbd   application/mbedlet
Macromedia Shockwave (Macromedia)     application/x-director
Sizzler real-time video/animation     application/x-sprite
PowerMedia multimedia (RadMedia) rad   application/x-rad-powermedia
PowerPoint presentation (Microsoft) ppz   application/mspowerpoint
PointPlus presentation data (Net Scene) css   application/x-pointplus
ASAP WordPower (Software Publishing Corp.) asp   application/x-asap
Astound Web Player multimedia data (GoldDisk) asn   application/astound
Special Embedded Object      
OLE script e.g. Visual Basic (Ncompass) axs   application/x-olescript
OLE Object (Microsoft/NCompass) ods   application/x-oleobject
OpenScape OLE/OCX objects (Business@Web) opp   x-form/x-openscape
Visual Basic objects (Amara) wba   application/x-webbasic
Specialized data entry forms (Alpha Software) frm   application/x-alpha-form
client-server objects (Wayfarer Communications) wfx   x-script/x-wfxclient
General Applications      
Undefined binary data (often executable progs)     application/octet-stream
CALS (U.S. D.O.D data format - RFC 1895)     application/cals-1840
Pointcast news data (Pointcast) pcn   application/x-pcn
Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft)     application/
PowerPoint (Microsoft) ppt   application/
Microsoft Project (Microsoft)     application/
Works data (Microsoft)     application/
MAPI data (Microsoft)     application/
Artgallery data (Microsoft)     application/vnd.artgalry
SourceView document (Dataware Electronics) svd   application/vnd.svd
Truedoc (Bitstream)     application/vnd.truedoc
Net Install - software install (20/20 Software) ins   application/x-net-install
Carbon Copy - remote control/access (Microcom) ccv   application/ccv
Spreadsheets (Visual Components) vts   workbook/formulaone
Cybercash digital money (Cybercash)     application/cybercash
Format for sending generic Macintosh files     application/applefile
Active message -- connect to active mail app.     application/activemessage
X.400 mail message body part (RFC 1494)     application/x400-bp
USENET news message id (RFC 1036)     application/news-message-id
USENET news message (RFC 1036)     application/news-transmission
Multipart Types (mostly email)      
Messages with multiple parts     multipart/mixed
Messages with multiple, alternative parts     multipart/alternative
Message with multiple, related parts     multipart/related
Multiple parts are digests     multipart/digest
For reporting of email status (admin.)     multipart/report
Order of parts does not matter     multipart/parallel
Macintosh file data     multipart/appledouble
Aggregate messages; descriptor as header     multipart/header-set
Container for voice-mail     multipart/voice-message
HTML FORM data (see Ch. 9 and App. B)     multipart/form-data
Infinite multiparts - See Chapter 9 (Netscape)     multipart/x-mixed-replace
Message Types (mostly email)      
MIME message     message/rfc822
Partial message     message/partial
Message containing external references     message/external-body
Message containing USENET news     message/news
HTTP message     message/http
2D/3D Data/Virtual Reality Types      
VRML data file wrl vrml   x-world/x-vrml

(changing to model/vrml)

WIRL - VRML data (VREAM) vrw   x-world/x-vream
Play3D 3d scene data (Play3D) p3d   application/x-p3d
Viscape Interactive 3d world data (Superscape) svr   x-world/x-svr
WebActive 3d data (Plastic Thought) wvr   x-world/x-wvr
QuickDraw3D scene data (Apple) 3dmf   x-world/x-3dmf
Scientific/Math/CAD Types      
Chemical types -- to communicate information about chemical models     chemical/* (several subtypes)
Mathematica notebook ma   application/mathematica
Computational meshes for numerical simulations msh   x-model/x-mesh

(evolving to model/mesh)

Vis5D 5-dimensional data v5d   application/vis5d
IGES models -- CAD/CAM (CGM) data igs   application/iges

(evolving to model/iges?)

Autocad WHIP vector drawings dwf   drawing/x-dwf

Largely Platform-Specific Types

Silicon Graphics Specific Types
Showcase Presentations showcase slides sc sho show   application/x-showcase
Insight Manual pages ins insight   application/x-insight
Iris Annotator data ano   application/x-annotator
Directory Viewer dir   application/x-dirview
Software License lic   application/x-enterlicense
Fax manager file faxmgr   application/x-fax-manager
Fax job data file faxmgrjob   application/x-fax-manager-job
IconBook data icnbk   application/x-iconbook
? wb   application/x-inpview
Installable software in 'inst' format inst   application/x-install
Mail folder mail   application/x-mailfolder
? pp ppages   application/x-ppages
Data for printer (via lpr) sgi-lpr   application/x-sgi-lpr
Software in 'tardist' format tardist   application/x-tardist
Software in compressed 'tardist' format ztardist   application/x-ztardist
WingZ spreadsheet wkz   application/x-wingz
Open Inventor 3-D scenes iv   graphics/x-inventor
posted on 2011-06-27 22:16  COS  阅读(531)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报