1.session.use_cookies = 12.session.use_only_cookies = 13.short_open_tag = On4.allow_url_fopen = Off5.allow_url_include = Off6.disable_functions =phpinfo,passthru,exec,system,chroot,scandir,chgrp,chown,shell_exec,proc_open,proc_get_status,ini_alter,ini_set,ini_restore,pfsockopen,dl,pfsockopen,syslog, Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:25 wint Views(264) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
年 月 日: Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:19 wint Views(268) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
类与对象在线手册:中文英文PHP手册后期静态绑定从PHP 5.3.0开始,PHP增加了一个叫做后期静态绑定的功能,用于在继承范围内引用静态调用的类。该功能从语言内部角度考虑被命名为”后期静态绑定“。”后期绑定“的意思是说,static::不再被解析为定义当前方法所在的类,而是在实际运行时计算的。也可以称之为”静态绑定“,因为它可以用于(但不限于)静态方法的调用。self::的限制使用self::或者__CLASS__对当前类的静态引用,取决于定义当前方法所在的类:Example #1self::用法以上例程会输出:A后期静态绑定的用法后期静态绑定试图通过引入一个关键字表示运行时最初调用的类来绕 Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:16 wint Views(178) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:14 wint Views(453) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
尽管这不算是什么安全性的问题,不过这表明服务器正在运行PHP并且包含了当前的版本信息。所以,从隐蔽服务器信息的角度考虑可以在php.ini文件中设置:expose_php = Off这样就避免了输出类似X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.4 Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:10 wint Views(206) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Centos6.2安装Memcached详细教程博客分类:网站Memcache是一个高性能的分布式的内存对象缓存系统,通过在内存里维护一个统一的巨大的hash表,它能够用来存储各种格式的数据.简单的说就是将数据调用到内存中,然后从内存中读取,从而大大提高读取速度。工作原理:①客户端第一次访问应用程序时,会到数据库(RDBMS)中取出数据,返回给客户端;同时也将取出的数据保存到memcached中。② 第二次访问时,因为数据已经缓存,不不用去数据库查询了,直接从memcached取。那么memcached的快速和高效率是如何体现出来的呢?我们都清楚,RDBMS是文件型的数据库,最终还是以文件的形 Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:08 wint Views(84) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Insert title here My Awesome pagePHPPHP is Read morePHPPHP is Read morePHPPHP is Read morePHPPHP is Read moreselect a term不要忘记从getData函数返回false,否则页面将导航到ReadMore链接data.php<?php$page=$_GET['page'];switch ($page){ case 'php': echo '';break; case 'jQuery': echo '&# Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:02 wint Views(110) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Cartyour cartCart is emptybook as $book){ echo ''; echo 'Name -'.$book->name.''; echo 'Price -$'.$book->price.'';?>Quantity-" />";}?>calculate.php //价格计算0){ for($i=0;$i$_POST['bookId'],'quantity'=>$_POST['quantit Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:02 wint Views(132) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Insert title here Menu Item 1 Sub link 1 Sub link 2 Sub link 3 Menu Item 2 Sub menu 3rd level menu Sub link 1 Sub link 2 Sub link 3 Sub Link1 Sub Link1 This is paragraphp with hegiht set to 1000 to craete a long page Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 18:01 wint Views(108) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Insert title here Tab1 Tab2 Tab3 Tab 1 Content for tab1 Tab 2 Content for tab2 Tab 3 Content for tab3 tab.css@CHARSET "UTF-8";body { font-family:"Trebuchet MS",verdana; margin:50 auto; width:800px;}h3{ margin:0; padding:0;}ul{ float:left; list-style:none; margin:0pt; padding:0pt; Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:47 wint Views(167) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Insert title here Name Selection Confirmation Please enter your name > " class="next" /> Please select a product select quantity >" class="next" /> Rev... Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:45 wint Views(117) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Insert title heregoogleyahooobingstyel1.css@CHARSET "UTF-8";ul { list-style:none; margin:0; paddign:0;}li.menuHeader{ border:1px solid #fff; cursor:pointer; float:left; padding:5px 10px; text-align:center; width:120px;}a{ color:#fff;}.about{ background-image:url(01.png);}.products{ backgro Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:44 wint Views(147) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Insert title here About us Company Culture Motto Products Shopping cart CMS Blog Software Technology PHP PHP PHP //另一种方案,单机打开一个子菜单style.css@CHARSET "UTF-8";body { font-family:"Trebuchet mS",verdana;}ul{ list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0;}li.menuHeader { border:1px solid #fff; Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:43 wint Views(114) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Insert title here Name Selection Confirmation Please enter your name > " class="next" /> Please select a product select quantity >" class="next" /> Review Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:42 wint Views(90) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
1。数据库create table country(id int(11) not null auto_increment,countryName varchar(64) not null,primary key(id));create table states(id int(11) not null auto_increment,countryId int not null,stateName varchar(64) not null,primary key(id));insert into states values(1,1,'U.P.'),(2,1,'Uttarak Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:37 wint Views(116) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
1.sqlcreate table movies(id int not null auto_increment,movieName varchar(64) not null,primary key(id));insert into movies values(null,'a');select * from movies;2.index.phpTop 100 movieTop 100 movis voted by peolemoviequery('select * from movies');if($result->num_rows>0){ while Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:36 wint Views(141) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
1.sqlcreate table users(id int(11) not null auto_increment,username varchar(32) not null,password varchar(32) not null,primary key(id));2.insert into users values(1,'holmes','sherlockhlmes'),(2,'watson','johnwatson'),(3,'sati','dd'),(4,'mantu', Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:35 wint Views(185) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
"> My JSP 'index.jsp' starting page Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:34 wint Views(111) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
(document).height()与$(window).height()jQuery(window).height()代表了当前可见区域的大小,而jQuery(document).height()则代表了整个文档的高度,可视具体情况使用. 注意当浏览器窗口大小改变时(如最大化或拉大窗口后) jQuery(window).height() 随之改变,但是jQuery(document).height()是不变的。$(document).scrollTop() 获取垂直滚动的距离 即当前滚动的地方的窗口顶端到整个页面顶端的距离$(document).scrollLeft() 这是获取水平滚动. Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:33 wint Views(85) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Endless scrollTest paragraphp 1Test paragraphp 2Test paragraphp 3Test paragraphp4Test paragraphp 5Test paragraphp 6Test paragraphp 7Test paragraphp 8Test paragraphp 9Test paragraphp 10Test paragraphp 11Test paragraphp 12Test paragraphp 13Test paragraphp 14Test paragraphp 15Test paragraphp 16Test par Read More
posted @ 2014-03-31 17:32 wint Views(244) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit