第一次写博客,此文是关于HDOJ 1006题Tick and Tick的学习与整理;自己捣鼓了好几天,看了网上的一些解题思路最后终于琢磨出来,希望对大家有所帮助。

Problem Description
The three hands of the clock are rotating every second and meeting each other many times everyday. Finally, they get bored of this and each of them would like to stay away from the other two. A hand is happy if it is at least D degrees from any of the rest. You are to calculate how much time in a day that all the hands are happy.


  既然此路不通,原因也很明确(精度不够);便换一条思路,考虑到指针的夹角是关于时、分、秒的线性函数,当时、分确定便可得到关于秒的线性不等式组;所以回退一步遍历12*60分钟,从而计算计算出每一分钟内happyTime的区间范围(还是以秒为单位);最后计算出总的happyTime区间占总的区间大小43200的比例即可。要实现此目标首先便需要计算任一时刻H:M:S(0 <= H < 12, 0 <= M < 60, 0 <= S < 60, H,M皆为整数, S为实数)下各指针相对于0时刻(统一参照点)的夹角,简单分析可得各夹角分别为HAngle = 30 * H + (1/2) * M + (1/120) * S;MAngle = 6 * M + (1/10) * S;SAngle = 6 * S;而happyTime的定义是要求各指针夹角均不小于D,之后只需求解关于S的不等式组:D≤|HAngle - MAngle|≤360 - D ; D≤|HAngle - SAngle|≤360 - D ; D≤|MAngle - SAngle|≤360 - D。所得到的结果保存在数组Seg[3][2]中,最终的结果为(Seg[0][0]∪Seg[0][1])∩(Seg[1][0]∪Seg[1][1])∩(Seg[2][0]∪Seg[2][1])其中对于绝对值的解集Seg[0][0]∩Seg[0][1] = 0(之后求解有用)


(a∩c∩e)∪(b∩c∩e)∪(a∩d∩e)∪(b∩d∩e)∪(a∩c∩f)∪(b∩c∩f)∪(a∩d∩f)∪(b∩d∩f),且其中(a∩b = c∩d = e∩f = 0),即上述8个不等式互不相交;所有S的解集为:

(a∩c∩e) + (b∩c∩e) + (a∩d∩e) + (b∩d∩e) + (a∩c∩f) + (b∩c∩f) + (a∩d∩f) + (b∩d∩f)


using namespace std;

struct Interval
    double left;
    double right;

Interval Solving1(double coef , double constant , double Degree)
    Interval result;
    double _left = (Degree + constant) / coef;
    double _right = (360 - Degree + constant) / coef;
    if(_left < 0)
        _left = 0;
    if(_right > 60)
        _right = 60;
    if(_left > _right)
        _left = _right = 0.0;
    result.left = _left;
    result.right = _right;
    return result;
Interval Solving2(double coef , double constant , double Degree)
    Interval result;
    double _left = (Degree + constant - 360) / coef;
    double _right = (constant - Degree) / coef;
    if(_left < 0)
        _left = 0;
    if(_right > 60)
        _right = 60;
    if(_left > _right)
        _left = _right = 0.0;
    result.left = _left;
    result.right = _right;
    return result;

Interval operator * (Interval a , Interval b)
    Interval result;
    if(a.left < b.left)
        result.left = b.left;
        result.left = a.left;
    if(a.right < b.right)
        result.right = a.right;
        result.right = b.right;
    if(result.left > result.right)
        result.left = result.right = 0.0;
    return result;

int main()
    double D , coef , cont;
    Interval inter[3][2];
    while (cin >> D && (D != -1))
        double sum = 0.0;
        for(int H = 0 ; H < 12 ; ++ H)
            for(int M = 0 ; M < 60 ; ++ M)
                coef = 11.0 / 120;
                cont = 30.0 * H - 5.5 * M;
                inter[0][0] = Solving1(coef , cont , D);
                inter[0][1] = Solving2(coef , cont , D);
                coef = 719.0 / 120;
                cont = 30.0 * H + 0.5 * M;
                inter[1][0] = Solving1(coef , cont , D);
                inter[1][1] = Solving2(coef , cont , D);

                coef = 5.9;
                cont = 6.0 * M;
                inter[2][0] = Solving1(coef , cont , D);
                inter[2][1] = Solving2(coef , cont , D);

                for(int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++ i)
                    for(int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; ++ j)
                        for(int k = 0 ; k < 2 ; ++ k)
                            Interval Seg = inter[0][i] * inter[1][j] * inter[2][k];
                            sum += (Seg.right - Seg.left);
        cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(3) << sum / 432.0 << endl;
    return 0;


posted on 2014-09-02 15:03  winstic  阅读(261)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报