随笔分类 -  Ubuntu Basic Skills

摘要:下面总结一下有关apt-get的常用但容易混淆的指令:apt-get autoclean: 如果你的硬盘空间不大的话,可以定期运行这个程序,将已经删除了的软件包的.deb安装文件从硬盘中删除掉。如果你仍然需要硬盘空间的话,可以试试 apt-get clean,这会把你已安装的软件包的安装包也删除掉,当然多数情况下这些包没什么用了,因此这是个为硬盘腾地方的好办法。apt-get clean: 类似上面的命令,但它删除包缓存中的所有包。这是个很好的做法,因为多数情况下这些包没有用了。但如果你是拨号上网的话,就得重新考虑了。apt-get autoremove: 删除为了满足其他软件包的依赖而... 阅读全文
posted @ 2014-02-13 03:08 WinsCoder 编辑
摘要:Switching between installed Java versions can be accomplished using the update alternatives command.To get a list of your installed Java platforms, run the following command from the terminal:sudo update-alternatives --config javaThis will give you a list output similar to this:There are 2 choices f 阅读全文
posted @ 2014-02-12 03:41 WinsCoder 编辑
摘要:If you've downloaded Eclipse from their official website, follow these steps for the installation. (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)Extract the eclipse.XX.YY.tar.gz usingtar -zxvf eclipse.XX.YY.tar.gzCopy the extracted folder to /optsudo cp -r eclipse.XX.YY /optCreate a desktop file and install it:gedit eclips 阅读全文
posted @ 2014-02-12 03:36 WinsCoder 编辑
