1.对付异步时钟先看看 大牛 的博客文章http://blog.chinaaet.com/detail/21533.htmlhttp://blog.chinaaet.com/detail/21534.html还有特权的书中也讲的很详细得出:方法1:使用系统时钟(一般频率最高)管理异步时钟; 使用最高时钟打慢"几拍",便实现了与最高时钟的同步; 但是打一拍 还是打两拍? 暂时不知道.方法2: 将异步输入时钟转换成使能时钟. 阅读全文
1. handbook:Cyclone II devices provide a global clock network and up to fourphase-locked loops (PLLs). The global clock network consists of up to 16global clock lines that drive throughout the entire device. The global clocknetwork can provide clocks for all resources within the device, such asinput 阅读全文