

  此系列是本人一个字一个字码出来的,包括示例和实验截图。由于系统内核的复杂性,故可能有错误或者不全面的地方,如有错误,欢迎批评指正,本教程将会长期更新。 如有好的建议,欢迎反馈。码字不易,如果本篇文章有帮助你的,如有闲钱,可以打赏支持我的创作。如想转载,请把我的转载信息附在文章后面,并声明我的个人信息和本人博客地址即可,但必须事先通知我

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🔒 华丽的分割线 🔒



1️⃣ 写代码实现需输入进程的PID来获取打印其VAD树。

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🔒 点击查看驱动代码 🔒
#include <ntifs.h>
#include <ntddk.h>

typedef struct _CONTROL_AREA
    char Reserve[0x24];
    ULONG FileObject;

typedef struct _MMVAD_FLAGS {
    ULONG CommitCharge : 19;
    ULONG PhysicalMapping : 1;
    ULONG ImageMap : 1;
    ULONG UserPhysicalPages : 1;
    ULONG NoChange : 1;
    ULONG WriteWatch : 1;
    ULONG Protection : 5;
    ULONG LargePages : 1;
    ULONG MemCommit : 1;
    ULONG PrivateMemory : 1;

typedef struct _MMVAD {
    ULONG StartingVpn;
    ULONG EndingVpn;
    struct _MMVAD* Parent;
    struct _MMVAD* LeftChild;
    struct _MMVAD* RightChild;
    union {
        ULONG LongFlags;
        MMVAD_FLAGS VadFlags;
    } u;
    PCONTROL_AREA ControlArea;
    ULONG FirstPrototypePte;
    ULONG LastContiguousPte;
    union {
        ULONG LongFlags2;
        ULONG VadFlags2;
    } u2;

#define DEVICE_NAME L"\\Device\\VADLookup"
#define SYMBOL_LINK L"\\??\\VADLookup"

//操作码:0x0-0x7FF 被保留,0x800-0xFFF 可用

NTSTATUS Common_Dispatch(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDevObj, PIRP pIrp);
void LookUpVAD(int pid);
void _fastcall ParseVad(PMMVAD vad);


NTSTATUS UnloadDriver(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject)
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;


    DriverObject->DriverUnload = UnloadDriver;

    RtlInitUnicodeString(&Devicename, DEVICE_NAME);
    if (IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, 0, &Devicename, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN, FALSE, &dobj))

    RtlInitUnicodeString(&SymbolLink, SYMBOL_LINK);

    NTSTATUS s = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&SymbolLink, &Devicename);

    if (s)
        DbgPrint("创建符号失败!!!%x", s);

    DriverObject->Flags |= DO_BUFFERED_IO;

    DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = Common_Dispatch;
    DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = DEVICE_CONTROL_Dispatch;
    DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = Common_Dispatch;

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;


    ULONG uIoControlCode;
    PVOID pIoBuffer;
    ULONG uInLength;
    ULONG uOutLength;
    ULONG uRead;
    ULONG uWrite;

    pIrqlStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp);
    uIoControlCode = pIrqlStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode;
    pIoBuffer = pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
    uInLength = pIrqlStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength;
    uOutLength = pIrqlStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength;

    switch (uIoControlCode)
        case Lookup:
            if (uInLength > 4)
                status = STATUS_BAD_DATA;
            RtlCopyMemory(&uRead, pIoBuffer, uInLength);

    pIrp->IoStatus.Status = status;
    pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 4;
    IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
    pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
    IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

void LookUpVAD(int pid)
    PEPROCESS process;
    if (PsLookupProcessByProcessId(pid, &process) == STATUS_SUCCESS)
        PMMVAD vad = *(DWORD32*)((DWORD32)process + 0x11C);

void _fastcall ParseVad(PMMVAD vad)
    if (!vad)


        MMVAD_FLAGS vadflag = vad->u.VadFlags;

        if (vadflag.PrivateMemory)
            DbgPrint("Attr : Private\tStart : %x\tEnd : %x\tCommit : %d\tProtection : %d\n", vad->StartingVpn, vad->EndingVpn, vadflag.CommitCharge, vadflag.Protection);
            DbgPrint("Attr : Mapped\tStart : %x\tEnd : %x\tCommit : %d\tProtection : %d", vad->StartingVpn, vad->EndingVpn, vadflag.CommitCharge, vadflag.Protection);

            if (vadflag.ImageMap)

            ULONG fobj = vad->ControlArea->FileObject;

            if (fobj)
                DbgPrint("\t%wZ", fobj + 0x30);



    __except (1)
🔒 点击查看应用代码代码 🔒
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//操作码:0x0-0x7FF 被保留,0x800-0xFFF 可用
#define SYMBOL_LINK_NAME L"\\\\.\\VADLookup"

HANDLE g_Device;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   if (g_Device==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      goto endproc;

   DWORD pid;
   DWORD outBuffer;
   DWORD re;
   puts("请输入需要遍历VAD的程序 pid :");
   if (pid)
       if (DeviceIoControl(g_Device,Lookup,&pid,sizeof(DWORD), &outBuffer,sizeof(DWORD),&re,NULL))
       puts("pid 非法!");
   return 0;







#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    printf("Addr : 0x%X\n",p);
    return 0;


kd> !process 0 0
Failed to get VadRoot
PROCESS 89b58790  SessionId: 0  Cid: 0554    Peb: 7ffd5000  ParentCid: 07f4
    DirBase: 139c01a0  ObjectTable: e1296f58  HandleCount:  13.
    Image: mytest.exe

kd> dt _EPROCESS 89b58790
   +0x11c VadRoot          : 0x89b374c8 Void
   +0x120 VadHint          : 0x89b374c8 Void
kd> !vad 0x89b374c8
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89ac2628  1        10        10      1 Private      READWRITE          
89aded18  2        20        20      1 Private      READWRITE          
89cae1a8  3        30       12f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89ac9510  4       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89b02128  5       140       23f      3 Private      READWRITE          
8984b8a8  6       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
89a77700  7       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89a92160  8       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89bdf5d8  9       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89b48e18 10       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89bb9360 11       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89b55438 12       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89b563c8 13       380       38f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89867100 14       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89b374c8  0       400       42d      8 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89b48270  2     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89bb7c98  1     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89b3e480  3     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
8986e660  2     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89ac97b0  3     7ffd5     7ffd5      1 Private      READWRITE          
89c82bc8  4     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 21, average level: 6, maximum depth: 14
Total private commit: 0x25 pages (148 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x81 pages (516 KB)


Addr : 0x3A0000


kd> !vad 0x89b374c8
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89ac9510  2       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89b02128  1       140       23f      3 Private      READWRITE          
8984b8a8  3       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
89a77700  2       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89a92160  4       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89bdf5d8  3       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89b48e18  5       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89bb9360  4       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89b55438  6       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89b563c8  5       380       38f      5 Private      READWRITE          
89867100  6       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89aafb48  7       3a0       3a0      1 Private      READWRITE          
89b374c8  0       400       42d      9 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89b48270  2     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89bb7c98  1     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89b3e480  3     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
8986e660  2     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89ac97b0  3     7ffd5     7ffd5      1 Private      READWRITE          
89c82bc8  4     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 19, average level: 4, maximum depth: 7
Total private commit: 0x24 pages (144 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x81 pages (516 KB)


Commit 与 Reserve


kd> !vtop 139c01a0 0x3A0000
X86VtoP: Virt 00000000003a0000, pagedir 00000000139c01a0
X86VtoP: PAE PDPE 00000000139c01a0 - 000000004603f001
X86VtoP: PAE PDE 000000004603f008 - 0000000045e8a067
X86VtoP: PAE PTE 0000000045e8ad00 - 0000000000000000
X86VtoP: PAE zero PTE
Virtual address 3a0000 translation fails, error 0xD0000147.


kd> !vtop 139c01a0 0x3A0000
X86VtoP: Virt 00000000003a0000, pagedir 00000000139c01a0
X86VtoP: PAE PDPE 00000000139c01a0 - 000000004603f001
X86VtoP: PAE PDE 000000004603f008 - 0000000045e8a067
X86VtoP: PAE PTE 0000000045e8ad00 - 00000000463e2067
X86VtoP: PAE Mapped phys 00000000463e2000
Virtual address 3a0000 translates to physical address 463e2000.


malloc 分析


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    LPVOID p = malloc(4);
    printf("Addr : 0x%X\n",p);
    return 0;


kd> !process 0 0
Failed to get VadRoot
PROCESS 89a797b8  SessionId: 0  Cid: 062c    Peb: 7ffda000  ParentCid: 07f4
    DirBase: 139c0240  ObjectTable: e18600d8  HandleCount:  21.
    Image: mytest.exe

kd> dt _EPROCESS 89a797b8
   +0x118 HardwareTrigger  : 0
   +0x11c VadRoot          : 0x89ad68b8 Void
   +0x120 VadHint          : 0x89ad68b8 Void
kd> !vad 0x89ad68b8
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89b70870  1        10        10      1 Private      READWRITE          
89ac2628  2        20        20      1 Private      READWRITE          
89ad68b8  0        30       12f      4 Private      READWRITE          
89aa7ea8  3       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89b67bd0  2       140       23f      8 Private      READWRITE          
89c36038  4       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
89aafea8  3       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89a7d4e0  5       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89a65be8  4       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89c582a8  6       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89a804b0  5       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
8984a8e8  7       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89aa7ce0  6       380       38f      5 Private      READWRITE          
89a77700  7       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89bb9360  8       3a0       3ad      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0xe
89bb91f0  9       3b0       3b0      1 Private      READWRITE          
89a71930  1       400       42d      8 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89b72328  4     76d70     76d91      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll
8986e660  5     77bd0     77bd7      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\version.dll
89ad52a8  6     77da0     77e48      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
89b4c008  7     77e50     77ee1      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll
89a6ef40  8     77fc0     77fd0      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll
89d789a0  3     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89b77380  2     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89a979a8  4     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
89b5a9a0  3     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89b69c20  4     7ffda     7ffda      1 Private      READWRITE          
89c00950  5     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 28, average level: 5, maximum depth: 9
Total private commit: 0x37 pages (220 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x8f pages (572 KB)


Addr : 0x382A50
请按任意键继续. . .


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int v=0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int stack;
    LPVOID p = malloc(4);
    printf("v : 0x%X\np : 0x%X\nstack : 0x%X\n",&v,p,&stack);
    return 0;


kd> !process 0 0
Failed to get VadRoot
PROCESS 89cb6410  SessionId: 0  Cid: 053c    Peb: 7ffdc000  ParentCid: 07f4
    DirBase: 139c0240  ObjectTable: e18600d8  HandleCount:  21.
    Image: mytest.exe
kd> dt _EPROCESS 89cb6410
   +0x118 HardwareTrigger  : 0
   +0x11c VadRoot          : 0x89b414b8 Void
   +0x120 VadHint          : 0x89b414b8 Void
kd> !vad 0x89b414b8
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89aa0138  1        10        10      1 Private      READWRITE          
89ca54b0  2        20        20      1 Private      READWRITE          
89b414b8  0        30       12f      4 Private      READWRITE          
89bb91a0  3       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89cc9458  2       140       23f      8 Private      READWRITE          
89b5cfe8  4       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
89bfa7c8  3       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89ab5c40  5       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89abda00  4       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89854a80  6       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89b5ccb8  5       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89872988  7       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89dc63d8  6       380       38f      5 Private      READWRITE          
89bb9360  7       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89ad52a8  8       3a0       3ad      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0xe
89b67bd0  9       3b0       3b0      1 Private      READWRITE          
89869828  1       400       42d      8 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89a804b0  4     76d70     76d91      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll
89cd9a50  5     77bd0     77bd7      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\version.dll
89bc8e80  6     77da0     77e48      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
89871a10  7     77e50     77ee1      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll
89bcc868  8     77fc0     77fd0      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll
89ae1ab0  3     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89b55438  2     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89a77700  4     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
89b31c68  3     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89b69c20  4     7ffdc     7ffdc      1 Private      READWRITE          
89b48e08  5     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 28, average level: 5, maximum depth: 9
Total private commit: 0x37 pages (220 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x8f pages (572 KB)


v : 0x429E68
p : 0x382A50
stack : 0x12FF7C
请按任意键继续. . .





#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    LPVOID p = MapViewOfFile(handle,FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,0,0,BUFSIZ);
    printf("p : 0x%X\n",p);
    *(int*)p = 5;
    return 0;


kd> !process 0 0
Failed to get VadRoot
PROCESS 89ab1da0  SessionId: 0  Cid: 06d0    Peb: 7ffda000  ParentCid: 07f4
    DirBase: 139c0240  ObjectTable: e11e84a8  HandleCount:  13.
    Image: mytest.exe

kd> dt _EPROCESS 89ab1da0
   +0x114 ForkInProgress   : (null) 
   +0x118 HardwareTrigger  : 0
   +0x11c VadRoot          : 0x89c16668 Void
kd> !vad 0x89c16668
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89cae1a8  1        10        10      1 Private      READWRITE          
89aa0138  2        20        20      1 Private      READWRITE          
89dbf128  3        30       12f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89a804b0  4       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89b70870  5       140       23f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89c36038  6       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
898693d0  7       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89ab5c40  8       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89ae1ab0  9       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89abda00 10       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89854a80 11       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89bcc210 12       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89b67bd0 13       380       38f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89bb9520 14       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89c16668  0       400       42d     10 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89b554e0  2     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89a7d2a0  1     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89ad85a8  3     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
89869828  2     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89aceb18  3     7ffda     7ffda      1 Private      READWRITE          
8985ce38  4     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 21, average level: 6, maximum depth: 14
Total private commit: 0x27 pages (156 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x81 pages (516 KB)


kd> !vad 0x89c16668
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89cae1a8  1        10        10      1 Private      READWRITE          
89aa0138  2        20        20      1 Private      READWRITE          
89dbf128  3        30       12f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89a804b0  4       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89b70870  5       140       23f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89c36038  6       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
898693d0  7       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89ab5c40  8       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89ae1ab0  9       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89abda00 10       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89854a80 11       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89bcc210 12       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89b67bd0 13       380       38f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89bb9520 14       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89c16668  0       400       42d     10 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89b554e0  2     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89a7d2a0  1     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89ad85a8  3     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
89869828  2     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89aceb18  3     7ffda     7ffda      1 Private      READWRITE          
8985ce38  4     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 21, average level: 6, maximum depth: 14
Total private commit: 0x27 pages (156 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x81 pages (516 KB)


kd> !vad 0x89c16668
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89a804b0  2       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89b70870  1       140       23f      3 Private      READWRITE          
89c36038  3       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
898693d0  2       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89ab5c40  4       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89ae1ab0  3       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89abda00  5       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89854a80  4       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89bcc210  6       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89b67bd0  5       380       38f      5 Private      READWRITE          
89bb9520  6       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
8984a8e8  7       3a0       3a0      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x1
89c16668  0       400       42d     10 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89b554e0  2     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89a7d2a0  1     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89ad85a8  3     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
89869828  2     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89aceb18  3     7ffda     7ffda      1 Private      READWRITE          
8985ce38  4     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 19, average level: 4, maximum depth: 7
Total private commit: 0x24 pages (144 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x82 pages (520 KB)


kd> !vtop 139c0240 0x3A0000
X86VtoP: Virt 00000000003a0000, pagedir 00000000139c0240
X86VtoP: PAE PDPE 00000000139c0240 - 00000000764c0001
X86VtoP: PAE PDE 00000000764c0008 - 000000007618d067
X86VtoP: PAE PTE 000000007618dd00 - 0000000000000000
X86VtoP: PAE zero PTE
Virtual address 3a0000 translation fails, error 0xD0000147.


kd> !vtop 139c0240 0x3A0000
X86VtoP: Virt 00000000003a0000, pagedir 00000000139c0240
X86VtoP: PAE PDPE 00000000139c0240 - 00000000764c0001
X86VtoP: PAE PDE 00000000764c0008 - 000000007618d067
X86VtoP: PAE PTE 000000007618dd00 - 00000000764fe067
X86VtoP: PAE Mapped phys 00000000764fe000
Virtual address 3a0000 translates to physical address 764fe000.




#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    HANDLE handle = CreateFileMapping(hfile,NULL,PAGE_READWRITE,0,BUFSIZ,NULL);
    LPVOID p = MapViewOfFile(handle,FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,0,0,BUFSIZ);
    printf("p : 0x%X\n",p);
    return 0;


p : 0x3A0000
请按任意键继续. . .


kd> !process 0 0
Failed to get VadRoot
PROCESS 89840598  SessionId: 0  Cid: 01a4    Peb: 7ffda000  ParentCid: 07f4
    DirBase: 139c0240  ObjectTable: e1114520  HandleCount:  23.
    Image: mytest.exe

kd> dt _EPROCESS 89840598
   +0x118 HardwareTrigger  : 0
   +0x11c VadRoot          : 0x89a750e8 Void
   +0x120 VadHint          : 0x89a750e8 Void
kd> !vad 0x89a750e8
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89a9f1d8  1        10        10      1 Private      READWRITE          
89cdaed8  2        20        20      1 Private      READWRITE          
89a750e8  0        30       12f      4 Private      READWRITE          
89ccc468  3       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89d18de0  2       140       23f      8 Private      READWRITE          
89cae1a8  4       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
89ac4b60  3       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89cc8870  5       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89ab2a58  4       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89859980  6       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89aa8bb8  5       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89856468  7       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89c84f40  6       380       38f      5 Private      READWRITE          
8984c1c8  7       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89ae2a08  8       3a0       3a0      0 Mapped       READWRITE          \WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE
89d78940  9       3b0       3bd      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0xe
89b02128 10       3c0       3c0      1 Private      READWRITE          
8985ca38  1       400       42d      9 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89b06098  4     76d70     76d91      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll
898e2078  5     77bd0     77bd7      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\version.dll
89b1a138  6     77da0     77e48      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
89cd9a50  7     77e50     77ee1      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll
898e2510  8     77fc0     77fd0      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll
89a92c10  3     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89cc6fd8  2     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89a7d798  4     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
89cd9dd8  3     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89ab60e8  4     7ffda     7ffda      1 Private      READWRITE          
89868d28  5     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 29, average level: 5, maximum depth: 10
Total private commit: 0x38 pages (224 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x8f pages (572 KB)


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    HMODULE lib = LoadLibrary("C:\\WINDOWS\\NOTEPAD.EXE");
    printf("Addr : 0x%X\n",lib);
    return 0;


Addr : 0x1000000
请按任意键继续. . .


kd> !process 0 0
Failed to get VadRoot
PROCESS 89ab1da0  SessionId: 0  Cid: 04b0    Peb: 7ffd7000  ParentCid: 07f4
    DirBase: 139c0300  ObjectTable: e1860870  HandleCount:  21.
    Image: mytest.exe

kd> dt _EPROCESS 89ab1da0
   +0x118 HardwareTrigger  : 0
   +0x11c VadRoot          : 0x89b560b0 Void
   +0x120 VadHint          : 0x89b560b0 Void
kd> !vad 0x89b560b0
VAD   Level     Start       End Commit
89cb58b8  1        10        10      1 Private      READWRITE          
89dbf128  2        20        20      1 Private      READWRITE          
89b560b0  0        30       12f      4 Private      READWRITE          
89a71930  3       130       132      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89b81690  2       140       23f      8 Private      READWRITE          
89dc6230  4       240       24f      6 Private      READWRITE          
89a908f0  3       250       25f      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0x3
89cc8870  5       260       275      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
89b78808  4       280       2c0      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
89c0ecf0  6       2d0       310      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
89bdab80  5       320       325      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
89cc6fd8  7       330       370      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x41
89cdb3a8  6       380       38f      5 Private      READWRITE          
89856468  7       390       392      0 Mapped       READONLY           \WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
89cd9dd8  8       3a0       3ad      0 Mapped       READWRITE          Pagefile section, shared commit 0xe
89aceaf8  9       3b0       3b0      1 Private      READWRITE          
8985ca38  1       400       42d      8 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MyProjects\mytest\Debug\mytest.exe
89a7d798  4      1000      1012      2 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE
89ad6280  5     76d70     76d91      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll
89844168  6     77bd0     77bd7      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\version.dll
89bbe270  7     77da0     77e48      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
89aa8bb8  8     77e50     77ee1      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll
89ab2a58  9     77fc0     77fd0      1 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll
898719a8  3     7c800     7c91d      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
89855958  2     7c920     7c9b2      5 Mapped  Exe  EXECUTE_WRITECOPY  \WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
89868d38  4     7f6f0     7f7ef      0 Mapped       EXECUTE_READ       Pagefile section, shared commit 0x7
89a85dd0  3     7ffa0     7ffd2      0 Mapped       READONLY           Pagefile section, shared commit 0x33
89bb5328  4     7ffd7     7ffd7      1 Private      READWRITE          
89b77068  5     7ffdf     7ffdf      1 Private      READWRITE          

Total VADs: 29, average level: 5, maximum depth: 9
Total private commit: 0x39 pages (228 KB)
Total shared commit:  0x8f pages (572 KB)




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