NCE4 L1 Finding Fossil Man

Lesson 1 Finding Fossil Man

Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful?

[P1] ***(s1)***We can read of things that (happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East), where people first learned to write(非限定性定语从句,修饰 Near East).

read of == read about 读有关哪一方面的书籍

read vt. -> to ~ a book

The gypsy offered to (主动提出做某事) read my palm(手掌). 主动提出要给我看手相

to read the sky 看天气

to read sb’s face 察言观色

to read sb’s mind 揣测心理

speak of == speak about 就xxx发表见解(about更加详细)

think of (想到) == think about (考虑)

hear of (泛泛听说) == hear about (详细听说)

talk of = talk about

boast of = boast about

complain of = ~ about

know of = ~ about

that (happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East)

黄金原则:名词后是名词修饰语。 that 为关系代词,替代 things,引导定语从句

happen <-> occur 偶然发生

take place : Great changes have taken place in Beijing these days. (先地点状语,后时间状语)

正常语序应该先说 in the Near East 再说 5000 years ago,但是 the Near East 后面有一个定语从句,所以要换位置

the Near East 近东,即是中东地区,这个概念已经没有了,现在统一用 the Middle East

the Middle East

the Far East


the Far West 指美国西海岸(太平洋沿岸)

where people first learned to write


an elephant (which comes from Africa) (限定性定语从句)

Bill Clinton, who … (非限定性定语从句,因为 Bill Clinton 为具体名词,而上句的 elephant 不具体,所以用限定性定语从句)

where 做关系副词,在从句里面做地点状语,相当于 in which (which 为关系代词) ,相当于 in the Near East

非限定性定语从句经常可以转译为“原因状语从句” ,比如此句:我们从书籍中可读到5,000 年前近东发生的事情,(因为)那里的人最早学会了写字。

***(s2)***But (形成过渡句) there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write.

place => 地点

parts => 面,区域

此处 where 引导限定性定语从句,因为此处的一些地方并不具体

where —> parts

where 做地点状语,可改写为 in which/ in these parts

there are some parts of the world where there be 句型

There be + n. + prep n. + (修饰语从句,修饰某物)

有 某物 某处

There be 句型是一个倒装句型,其中“某物”是主语,是龙头老大


There are times when we would willingly sacrifice everything we possess to save our lives.

有这样的时期,There are times when (有时) 我们心甘情愿我们所拥有的一切来拯救我们的性命。

when 做时间状语,相当于 in which, in these times

would like to do (主观心态)喜欢做某事

would prefer to do 更喜欢做某事

would rather do 宁愿做某事

would willingly do 心甘情愿做某事

There was a time when the owners of businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for protection.


There was a time when (曾经)

bussinesses 可数时为企业


in return for 作为对…的回报


There are times when …

There was a time when …

There are some parts of the world where …

There are some parts of China where even now people cannot send their children to school.

There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract concept.


instances 指时间(times)

instance n. 例子 => case => 情况

There are rear instances when (在个别情况下)

cease to do 停止做某事


There are times when …

There was a time when …

There are rare instances when …

There are some parts of the world where …

**[s3]The only way that [they can preserve their history] is to recount it as sagas – legends(同位语) [handed down from one generation of story tellers to another] [后置定语](同位语+后定!).


名词前一旦加上如此强调词(序数词),后面不能用 which ,只能用 that


在定语从句中也是一个完整的句子,此处 that 是一个关系副词,相当于 in which (in this way),意思为通过这种方式


n. (time) -> when (关系副词) -> prep. + which -> that -> 省略

n. (place) -> where (关系副词) -> prep. + which -> 不能改成 that,也不能省略

way(方式) -> 只能用 that -> in which -> 省略

reason(原因) -> why (关系副词) -> for which -> that -> 省略

The earthquake happened on the day when(on which/that/省略) I was born.

Is that the reason why(for which/that/省略) he was dismissed?

preserve: keep sth in a perfect condition

to ~ one’s eyesight

a well-~d old lady

腌制:to ~ egg,~d vegetables

The only way is to do

s. + be + p


The only way to succeed is to endure.

When I feel blue, the only thing (that) I can do is (省略了to) take a look at you. 前有do,后省to

The only way for them to preserve their history is to …

hand n. 手

vt. hand sth to sb

give sth to sb

hand sth in to sb上交某物给某人

hand sth out 分发某物

hand sth down 流传

hand sth over 移交某物

over sth 掌管/负责某物

a hand-over ceremony 移交仪式/交接仪式

He wore his brother’s hand-me-downs until he was 16. 他16岁之前一直穿的哥哥的旧衣服

tell a story

story teller

fortune 1. 命运 2. 财富

tell sb’s fortune -> fortune teller

to read sb’s palm


Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another.

***[s4]***These legends are useful because(可改为 in that/for the simple reason that) they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down(record/make a note of) what they did.


useful -> of use/ of great use / of little use

tell 后接双宾语

who lived long ago -> of long ago 此处不用是因为前面已经有 of 了

none = no + one

write down

quiet down

calm down

slow down

turn down 调低音量

burn down 烧掉

break down (人)崩溃/(车)抛锚

what -> 名词性从句 主|宾|表|同位 从句

  1. what 什么
  2. what = the thing (that …) = all (that …)
  3. what + n = the n. (that …)
  4. whatever ever 表示语气加强 = anything (that … )
  5. whatever + n = any + n + (that …)

what they did 此处用的是第 2 条

***[s5]***(开始举例)Anthropologists wondered {where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples [now living in the Pacific Islands(太平洋群岛)] came from}.

证明上句的 useful


what, where, who, which, why, when 疑问词 wh- 开头的引导的从句即为名词性从句,how 时表示如何怎样时也是名词性从句



emperor Yan Huang 炎黄帝

remote ancestors


  1. (空)a ~ mountain village
  2. (时)in the ~ past
  3. (亲)~ ancestors/ ~ relatives / close relatives, be remotely/closely related to sb. 远亲/近亲
  4. (否)a remote chance 机会渺茫 a fat chance 也是渺茫的机会

people n. 人们,大家(集体含义); 民族,种族 = race/nationality

a hardy people 一个坚强的民族

the ~s of Asia 亚洲各个民族

who now live in … = now living in …

***[s6]***The sagas of these people explain that(可省略) some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago.

that 引导宾语从句(名词性从句)



s1 writing -> history ---------------> first way to preserve history

s2 But (过渡)cannot write -----> bridge

s3 only way => sagas / legends -------- second way to preserve history

s4 useful / because / migrations ---------------------------|

s5 anthropologists wonder ------- 证明 s4

s6 explain ------------|

**[P2] [s1]But the first people (who were like ourselves lived so long ago) that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten.

the earliest people


His words, if true(强调真的概率较小), are worth our consideration.

His virtue, if he has had any, is that he is modest. 他的优点,假如他有的话,那就是他很谦虚(强调他的优点少)

His friends seldom, if ever, visit him. 他的朋友,如果有的话,很少来拜访他。

Even dinner parties, if they happen at all, have gone casual. 即使是正式的晚宴,如果有的话,也已经变得很随意了。


***[s2]***So archaeologists have neither history(writing history) nor legends(sagas) to help them to(可省略) find out (where the first ‘modern men’ came from).


help sb (to) do sth

Britain English 用单引号

American English 用双引号



***[P3] [s1]***Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone(石器,石具), especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds.

fortune n.

fortunate adj.


This tool is made of stone[材料].

make this tool of stone.

with 后面往往接具体工具

make … of … 用xxx制作xxx

make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人

make fun of sb.

make a friend of sb. 和某人交朋友,不能用 with

如果用 with:make friends with sb.


shape n. 形状 vt. 1.塑造形状 2.塑造

be in ~ 1. 2. 健康的状态,好的状态

Our footballers are in ~ today.

take ~ 成型

The old world order has disintegrated, and the new one has yet to(尚未,有待于) take ~.


The building was ~ed like an apple. 这个建筑被塑造成了一个苹果状

oddly shaped lights 稀奇古怪的灯

to ~ one’s character 塑造一个人的性格

A tall man is easy to spot in a crowd. 高个子人在人群中很容易被识别

不能写成 be spotted

=> To spot a tall man in a crowd is easy. 头重脚轻,是对的,但是要避免

=> It is easy to spot a tall man in a crowd. 形式主语

S + be + P


The apple is red.

此处 easy 不是 man 的表语,是不定式短语的表语

***[s2]***They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away(腐烂,=these have decayed).


complexion / skin / hide / peel / fur

skin: n. 人(动物)皮肤;vt. 剥皮 I’ll skin(剥皮) the rabbit.

hide: n. 兽皮(工业,制造业,制造产品)

peel: n. 植物的皮 vt. 削皮 to ~ a banana,peeler 水果刀,削皮刀

fur: 皮毛

complexion: 皮肤,肤色(人) I have a fair / dark complexion (白皮肤,黑皮肤)

may … but …

新概念三lesson27: tramp 流浪汉

He may hunt, beg or steal occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real need, do a little work, but he will never sacrifice his freedom.

He may never be sure (where the next meal is coming from), but he is free from(免受) the thousands of anxieties which afflict(折磨) other poeple.

may have used

may do: 将来推测

may have done 过去推测

might 语气更委婉(但是本质很类似)

  1. must have done => 语气强 | 有极限, 推测
  2. ought to / should have done => (1) 推测,弱于must,强于may/might,(2)责备,本应完成但没有完成
  3. may / might have done => 推测
  4. can / could have done => (1) 推测 (2)遗憾,本能够

The light is on.

He must be in.

He must have gone.

He cannot have gone.

You should have arrived here 5 minutes earlier. 表示责备

***[s3]***Stone does not decay(rot away), and so(thus/hence/therefore) the tools [of long ago] have remained when(翻译为让步 although) even the bones(remains) of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.

a figure of the past/today

a figure of long ago

remainder n. 剩余物

remains n. 剩余物,尸体,遗址


Age has left its trace on his face.

to lose any ~ of sb.

to disappear(宽泛用词) without trace

to vanish(更高级,突然消失) into thin air

die out 灭绝

blend in with the crowd

The battery is failing

Poetry is eternal, and so the beautiful lines have remained when even the heart of the men who made themhas stopped beating the rhythm of life.



s1 writing -> history: first way to preserve history

s2 But 过渡 cannot write

s3 only way -> history (sagas | legends)

s4 useful -> because (migrations)

s5 wonder where …

s6 explain


s1 But … neither history nor legends

s2 So the first people 转折递进


s1 However -> tools of stone | flint

s2 may … but … wood/skins->rot away; stone -> doesn’t decay

s3 stone tools have remained

【New words and expressions 生词和短语】

fossil man adj. 化石人

fossil [n] 既可数又不可数

[u] a fossil dinosaur 物质名词,一块恐龙化石

[c] Our Chinese teacher is an old fossil. 可数名词,我们的中文老师是一个老古董

bones 骨化石

shells 贝壳化石

recount v. 叙述

re’count 名词前一个音节重读,动词后面一个音节重读,从发音可以看出这个词是一个动词 vt. 及物动词

re count 再一次数一数,即叙述

re-count the votes 加连词符表示再数一遍

to ~ one’s adventures 叙述自己的冒险经历

recount –

relate – 前三个表示客观叙述:History never relates/recount/narrate that … 历史上从未记载

narrate –

describe (emotional) 绘声绘色地描述,带有主观色彩

depict (picture) 描绘,细致地描写/描绘

portray ( 'portrait 肖像) 细致地描绘/描画/描写

saga n. 英雄故事

saga n. (1)英雄故事 (2)家族故事(史)

sage n. 贤人,贤者,智者

the Forsyte Saga 福赛特世家(一个世界名著)


fable:寓言 Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言

mythology:神话 Greek M~ 希腊神话 Roman M~ 罗马神话

epic:史诗 Beowulf ,the most famous epic in … is Beowulf.

legend:The most famous legend in Great Britain is about King Arthur.

ballad:民谣 The most famous ballad in Great Britain is about Robin Hood. 罗宾汉


legend n. 传说,传奇

migration n. 迁移,移居


'migrate vi. 迁移(move) to ~ to HongKong

immigrate vi. 迁入 -> immigrant n. 移民

emigrate vi. 迁出 -> emigrant n.

migratory adj. ~ birds / ~ labor 流动劳动力

anthropologist n. 人类学家

anthro’pologist n. 人类学家

ist 人/家

log: logy 学科

anthrop: 人的/与人相关的

zo’ology n. 动物学 -> zo’ologist (重音位置不变)-> zoo’logical (重音位置后移,下同)

soci’ology n. 社会学 -> sociologist

archae’ology n. 考古学 -> archaeologist

psychology n. 心理学,p 不发音 -> psychologist

physi’ology n. 生理学 -> physiologist

pa’thology n. 病理学 -> pathologist

pharma’cology n. 药理学 -> pharmacologist


mi’santhropist 否定人类的人,厌世者

philanthropist 爱人的人,慈善家

anthropoid adj.类人的 n. 猿

philobiblic 爱书的人

bibliophile. 珍藏书籍者 possible possibility, bibli -> bible.

philosopher 哲学家

archaeologist n. 考古学家

ancestor n. 祖先

’ancestor n. 祖先 remote ~s 远祖

an’tique n. 古董

'ancient adj. 古代的

ancestor -> an’cestral adj. 祖先的

actor -> actress

one’s ~al home 祖宅


'forefathers 祖先们 -> fathers. offspring n. 子孙,后代

'forebears 祖先 posterity n. 后代

predecessor n. 前任,前辈 descendant n. 后代

forerunner n. swallows are the ~ of spring. 燕子是春天的先兆

Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

bring forth -> establish/set up



proposition 原则

Polynesian adj.波利尼西亚(中太平洋之一群岛)的

Polynesia n. 波利尼西亚

Indonesia n. 印度尼西亚

Indonesian adj. 印度尼西亚的

poly -> 多的

polycrystal 多晶体

polysyllable 多音节

polygamy 一夫多妻

polycentric 多中心

polydirectional 多方向的

mo’nopoly n. 垄断

Indonesia n. 印度尼西亚

flint n. 燧石

flint n. 燧石,(火石,电石)-> 硬的

flint stone

a heart of ~ 铁石心肠

a flinty heart 硬心肠/铁石心肠

to wring(squeeze) water from a flint. 缘木求鱼(做不可能的事情)

rot n. 烂掉

rot vi./vt. (使)烂掉

The continual rain will rot the wheat. 连绵不断的雨会使小麦烂掉

A fallen (fell) tree will ~ away soon. 一颗倒下的树很快会烂掉

rotten adj.

He is rotten to the core. 他烂透了/坏透了

a rotten apple 害群之马

go rotten 变烂

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. 丹麦国出现了不可告人的坏事情

a rotten film

rotten weather

rot (away)

decompose vi. -> 分解 After we die, our body will ~.

degenerate vi. -> 腐化/堕落 the ~ing society/officials/young generation

decay (可和 rot 进行替换)vt./vi. (使)腐朽/烂掉 a decayed tooth 一颗蛀牙

disintegrate vt./vi. 瓦解/分裂

deteriorate vi. 恶化


1.hand down 把…传下去

例句:Many old legends were handed down from generation by mouth.

许多古老的传说都是一代一代口传下来了。 of,读到,和read about是相同的意思。

谈到:speak of,talk of

了解到:know of

听到:hear of

3.the first people,原始人

people+s 表示民族

4.if they had any: 即便是有,表假设

例句:His relatives, if he had any, never went to visit him when he was hospitalized.


5.when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace,这个以when引导的状语从句表示让步的意思,而when可以译成“虽然”,“尽管”。


我们从书籍中可读到5,000 年前近东发生的事情,那里的人最早学会了写字。但直到现在,世界上有些地方,人们还不会书写。 他们保存历史的唯一办法是将历史当作传说讲述,由讲述人一代接一代地将史实描述为传奇故事口传下来。人类学家过去不清楚如今生活在太平洋诸岛上的波利尼西亚人的祖先来自何方,当地人的传说却告诉人们:其中一部分是约在2,000年前从印度尼西亚迁来的。


然而, 幸运的是,远古人用石头制作了工具,特别是用燧石,因为燧石较之其他石头更容易成形。他们也可能用过木头和兽皮,但这类东西早已腐烂殆尽。石头是不会腐烂的。因此,尽管制造这些工具的人的骨头早已荡然无存,但远古时代的石头工具却保存了下来。

posted @ 2020-04-18 15:40  winechord  阅读(136)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报