NCE4 L5 Youth

Lesson 5 Youth 青年

First listen and then answer the following question:
How does the writer like to treat young people?

People(经常做被批判对象) are always(主观副词) talking about(通常表示作者的不满) ‘the problem of(表示同位语) youth’. (开门见山,提出问题:issuse/topic)



argue pro and con 正反两方面进行论述

con -> contrary


be always/constantly/forever/continually/invariably doing 进行时表示频繁发生,是主观强调(不满)

He’s often late. often 比较客观,他经常迟到

He’ always late. always 主观色彩:表示他总是迟到

the island of(表示同位语关系) Taiwan

the city of(表示同位语关系) Beijing

If there is one – which I take leave(presume/venture/take the liberty of doubting) to doubtthen it is(强调句型,不充当句子成分,可去掉 it is 和 who,不影响意思) older people who(可以替换成 that) create(引发,引起) it, not(表示对比反差,可换成 far more than / rather than / instead of) the young themselves. (stand point 作者的立场、观点、论点:doubt,直接摆明自己的态度)

If …, then 写作句型

Although s’ + v’, (不能加 but,因为已经有连词 although)s + v.

If s’ + v’, then(此处是副词,不是连词) s + v

Just as s’ + v’, so s + v

It is the fact that I love you that matters.

The fact that I love you matters. 我爱你这一事实很重要 / 重要的是我爱你,这是个事实


the young

elder people

babyhood 婴儿期 -> baby

infancy 幼儿期 -> infant

toddler 蹒跚学步的孩童 -> toddle 小孩子蹒跚学步

childhood 少年时期 -> child 儿童

boyhood 少男时期

girlhood 少女时期

teen(13-19岁) -> teenage -> teenager 13-19 岁的青年

twelve, 13 teen, 19 teen, twenty

adolescence 青春期的青少年 -> adolescent 青春期

juvenile adj. 青少年的 books / courts 青少年书/法庭

youth 青年

adulthood 成人阶段

in one’s early years 老年人写回忆时这么写

before one grows old

in one’s declining years 在自己的风烛残年(晚年)

from the cradle to the grave 从摇篮到坟墓

the young

the old 中性词,不太礼貌

erder people

senior citizens 年长的公民,老年人

80 young 避免使用 old

grey 年老 A fox may grow grey, but never grow good. 狐狸🦊可能会变老,但绝不会变好

grey hairs 年长之人

the aged 上了年纪的人

elders 年长的人

老年的:the old, the aged

老年人:elders, elder people

老年人:senior citizen, grey hairs

Smith major/minor 大/小史密斯

Smith (seninor/junior) 老/小史密斯

create vt. 1.创造 2.引起/发

Her appearance created a sensation. 她的出现引起了轰动。

Her behavior created a bad impression.

Let us get down to(静下心来去做某事) fundamentals(基本道理,常识 common sense) and agree(承认) that the young are after all human beings – people(同位语) just like their elders(同位语加后定,elders 年长者,长辈). (此句是论述 argument)

Let us wait for Tom in this reading-room, will you ?

Let’s go and listen to the music, shall we ?


get down to one’s business 静下心来做正经事

get down to one’s work/study

get down to the details

There is only one(a single/solitary/unique) difference between an old man and a young one(代替man): the young man has a glorious(splendid/brilliant/magnificent) future(prospect/outlook) before(ahead of) him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and(语法上并列,逻辑上解释) maybe that is where the rub is(名词性从句做表语,表语从句).

unique 数量的唯一/独一无二 Human being’s unque talent is speech.

id - ego - superego

glas 四贪

glutton 吃

lust 色

avarice 财

sloth 睡


That’s how(the way that) we handled the problem.

That’s why(the reason why) I don’t go there any more.

Is she who(the one who) you are looking for?

That’s what(the thing that) I need.

I wander where I shall go(名词性从句,宾语从句).

This is the village where I ever lived 10 years(形容词,定语从句).

Put the bicycle where it used to be(副词,状语从句).

When I was(可以替换成 As) a teenager(属于youth), I felt(认为,觉得,thought) that I was just young and uncertain(对自己的identity不确定:who am I?) – that(和之前的that是互相解释的关系) I was a new boy in a huge school, and(引导并列句) I would have been(对过去的虚拟,站在现在对过去的虚拟) very pleased to(很满意) be regarded as something so interesting as a problem(像…一样有趣).

As + n. prep. 作为

be certain of / about 对 … 确定

When I was …, …, and …

and I would have been very pleased if I had been regarded as sth. of(某种东西) a problem.

For one thing(On the one hand), being a problem gives you a certain identity(某种身份), and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in(忙于) seeking(追求).

For one thing, … , for another …

For one thing 可以单独存在,On the one hand 不行

for certain reasons

on certain conditions

a certain Mr. Brown 某位 Brown 先生

a certain reluctance in one’s attitude






run after


​ I find young people exciting.


They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to(他们不会单调地致力于) mean ambitions(野心,抱负) or love of comfort(贪图享受).

air 气场 an air of mystery / seriousness 一脸神秘/严肃



arrogant airs 傲气

bureacratic airs 官气

finicky airs 娇气

a moderate ambition 不大的理想

a modest ambition 一个小理想

a soaring ambition 凌云壮志

mean ambition 庸俗的理想

They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to(commitment的同义改写,have not the slightest/the least) material things(没有物质享受).


status seeker == social climber

All this seems to me(in my eyes/opinion) to link them with(把…连接起来) life, and the origins of things.


It’s as if they were, in some sense(to some degree/extent/ in some measure 某种程度上), cosmic beings(天外来客) in violent and lovely(striking/stark) contrast with us suburban creatures(同位语,解释 us,凡夫俗子)(后置定语).

as if 仿佛,后面可以接虚拟语气,也可以不接(此处接了)

rational beings 理性的人们


in + n. + with, etc 和 … 处于 … 状态

in agreement with

in contradition with

in contrast with

in conflict with 和 … 有冲突

in clash with

in … of 处于 … 的 in fear/need/despair/dread of

in return for / in response to

The dazzling tourists are in striking/stark/violent contrast with the local poverty-stricken people.


a dazzling bride 光彩照人的新娘

All that is in my mind when(可变成 whenever) I meet a young person.

when -> whenever

He may be conceited(自命不凡,自以为是), ill-mannered(没礼貌的), presumptuous(自以为是的) or fatuous(自满的,愚蠢的), but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches(陈词滥调) about respect for elders – as if mere(only,just) age were a reason for respect.

ill -> good/well

well-educated ill-educated

well-timed 合时宜的 ill-timed 不合时宜的

ill-bred 没教养的 well-bred 有教养的

good-mannered ill-mannered

good-omened 好兆头 ill-omened 坏兆头

I accept(think 认为) that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong.

I cannot accept that he is to blame. (否定转移)我认为他不应该收到责备

peer n. 1.同年龄的人 2. 同级别的人

equal 此处可数

counterpart 对应的角色

opposite number 对应的角色

FIELDEN HUGHES from Out of the Air, The Listener

A group of young people

New words and expressions 生词和短语

leave n.允许

(1)(离开)假 ask for leave 请假

take French leave 法国式的离开,不辞而别

I am a Dutchman if …

Dutch act 荷兰行为,自杀

Dutch auction 荷兰式拍卖,出价越来越低

Dutch courage / comfort 酒后之勇 / 阿Q式的安慰

go Dutch with sb. 和… AA制


May I take leave to ask you a question? 我可以冒昧地问您一个问题吗?(比较正式)

== presume 斗胆,冒险 / venture / take the liberty of doing 冒昧

fundamentals n.基本原则

fundamental 基本的

the fundamentals of the religion 该宗教的基本知识

the fundamentals of the philosophy 该哲学的基本知识

the fundamentals of the Buddhism 佛教的基本知识

glorious adj.光辉灿烂的

glory n. the glory of the sunset 落日的辉煌 => the glorious sunset / one’s glorious past

to return with glory 凯旋而归/衣锦还乡

to win glory for one’s motherland 为国争光

to send sb. to glory 送某人归西

brilliant a.

splendid a.

magnificent a.

glorious a.

splendid adj.灿烂的
rub n.难题

v. 摩擦 => rubber 橡皮

rub shoulders with sb. 和某人(一般是名人,大人物)交往

rub along with sb. 和某人相处得不错,过得去

get along with sb. 和上面意思一样

n. 难题 == problem == a thorny(棘手的) problem

That’s the rub. 这就是问题所在

That’s where the rub is. 这就是问题之所在

identity n.身份
dreary adj.沉郁的

dreary adj. 1. 沉闷的,阴郁的 a dreary day / morning

2.单调的,枯燥的 a dreary meeting / a dreary companion 闷不做声的伙伴


mo’notonous 单调的



commitment n.信奉

commit vt. 1. to commit an error 犯错 / to commit suicide 自杀 / commit a crime/murder 犯罪/犯谋杀罪 / to commit an adultery 通奸罪

2.(give) to commit a child to a doctor’s care 把孩子托付给医生照顾

to commit the papers(加s说明不是纸,而是报纸、文件资料、论文等) to the fire 将这些文件资料付之一炬

to commit sb. to prison 把某人关进牢房

to commit sb’s body to the earth/flames 把某人的尸体埋了/火化掉

to commit sth. to pen 用笔记下某事

to commit oneself to sth. / to do sth. 致力某事(重要)

be committed to sth.

devote oneself to 这里的 to 只能是介词,to sth./doing sth.

dedicate oneself to 这里的 to 只能是介词,to sth./doing sth.

commit oneself to 这个用法更宽泛,可以 + sth. / to do …


a sense of commitment 使命感,忠诚感

a sense of humor / responsibility

mean adj.吝啬,小气



a mean miser 一个卑鄙的小气鬼

a mean trick 一个卑劣的诡计

be mean with money 对钱很吝啬

frugal (腐乳够)节俭的

thrifty 节俭的

economical 节俭的/经济的

mean 贬义,小气的

social climber 追求更高社会地位的人,向上爬的人
devotion n.热爱
cosmic adj.宇宙的

cosmos n. 宇宙 / universe

cosmic 宇宙的 a cosmic being / a cosmic creature / a cosmic form of life

being => creature 生物(人/动物)

He is a being 他是一个畜生

universe / cosmos / galaxy / the Milky Way 银河系 / the solar/lunar system 太阳系/月亮系


水星:Mercury (水银)墨丘利



火星:Mars (战神)

木星:Jupiter (朱庇特)





suburban adj.见识不广的,偏狭的

suburb 郊区

suburban 1.郊区的 2. 心胸狭隘的,见识不广的

go up to London

urban 都市的,城市的

urbane 礼貌的,有教养的,温文尔雅的

province 省

provincial 1.省的 2. 外省的 3. suburban 心胸狭隘的,见识不广的

insular 1.岛屿的 2. 心胸狭隘的,见识不广的

suburban 郊区的,心胸狭隘的

insular 岛屿的,心胸狭隘的

provincial 外省的,心胸狭隘的

urbane 彬彬有礼的

conceited adj.自高自大的

conceit n. 自负

conceited a. 自以为是的,自大的

He’s full of conceit.

a conceited young man.

presumptuous adj 自以为是的,放肆的

presume v. 1.假设 2. 冒昧,斗胆


reckless 鲁莽的,不计后果的

fatuous adj. 愚蠢的

adj. 沾沾自喜的,自满的

a fatuous smile 自满的笑

a fatuous yound man

conceited 自负的

presumptuous 鲁莽的

fatuous 自满的


cliche n.陈词滥调


a flea-ridden place

a poverty-ridden place

a cliche-ridden newpaper article 一篇充满陈词滥调的报纸文章

cliche == platitude == hackneyed sayings 陈词滥调

Notes on the text 课文注释

1 which I take leave to doubt,这是一个插入成分,用两个破折号与句子的主要部分分工。take leave to do sth.是“擅自做”,“冒昧去做”的意思。
2 get down to,认真处理,认真研究。
3 … that is where the rub is. There’s the rub. = That’s the problem 这就是问题所在
4 for one thing,首先。
5 air of freedom,无拘无束。
6 in some sense,在某种意义上。
7 turn to…for …,为…而求助于…。


人们总是在谈论“青年问题”。如果这个问题存在的话 – 请允许我对此持怀疑态度 – 那么,这个问题是由老年人而不是青年人造成的。让我们来认真研究一些基本事实:承认青年人和他们的长辈一样也是人。老年人和青年人只有一个区别:青年人有光辉灿烂的前景,而老年人的辉煌已成为过去。 问题的症结恐怕就在这里。 我十几岁时,总感到自己年轻,有些事拿不准 – 我是一所大学里的一名新生,如果我当时真的被看成像一个问题那样有趣,我会感到很得意的。因为这至少使我得到了某种承认,这正是年轻人所热衷追求的。


posted @ 2020-05-17 08:55  winechord  阅读(202)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报