
从表面上看,IN和EXITS的SQL语句是可互换和等效的。然而,它们在处理UULL数据时会有很大的差别,并导致不同的结果。问题的根源是在一个Oracle数据库中,一个NULL值意味着未知变量,所以操作NULL值的比较函数的结果也是一个未知变量,而且任何返回NULL的值通常也被忽略。 例如,以下查询都不会返回一行的值:
  select 'true' from dual where 1 = null;
  select 'true' from dual where 1 != null;
  只有IS NULL才能返回true,并返回一行:
  select 'true' from dual where 1 is null;
  select 'true' from dual where null is null;
  select 'true' from dual where null in (null);
  select 'true' from dual where (null,null) in ((null,null));
  select 'true' from dual where (1,null) in ((1,null));
  一个IN语句在功能上相当于 = ANY语句:
  select 'true' from dual where null = ANY (null);
  select 'true' from dual where (null,null) = ANY ((null,null));
  select 'true' from dual where (1,null) = ANY ((1,null));
  select 'true' from dual where exists (select null from dual);
  select 'true' from dual where exists (select 0 from dual where null is null);
  IN 和EXISTS在逻辑上是相同的。IN语句比较由子查询返回的值,并在输出查询中过滤某些行。EXISTS语句比较行的值,并在子查询中过滤某些行。对于NULL值的情况,行的结果是相同的。
  select ename from emp where empno in (select mgr from emp);
  select ename from emp e where exists (select 0 from emp where mgr = e.empno);
  然而当逻辑被逆向使用,即NOT IN 及NOT EXISTS时,问题就会产生:
  select ename from emp where empno not in (select mgr from emp);
  select ename from emp e where not exists (select 0 from emp where mgr =
  e.empno );
  NOT IN 语句实质上等同于使用=比较每一值,假如测试为FALSE或者NULL,结果为比较失败。例如:
  select 'true' from dual where 1 not in (null,2);
  select 'true' from dual where 1 != null and 1 != 2;
  select 'true' from dual where (1,2) not in ((2,3),(2,null));
  select 'true' from dual where (1,null) not in ((1,2),(2,3));
  这些查询不会返回任何一行。第二个查询语句更为明显,即 1 != null ,所以整个WHERE都为false。然而这些查询语句可变为:
  select 'true' from dual where 1 not in (2,3);
  select 'true' from dual where 1 != 2 and 1 != 3;
  你也可以使用NOT IN查询,只要你保证返回的值不会出现NULL值:
  select ename from emp where empno not in (select mgr from emp where mgr is not
  null );
  select ename from emp where empno not in (select nvl(mgr,0) from emp);
  通过理解IN, EXISTS, NOT IN,以及NOT EXISTS之间的差别,当NULL出现在任一子查询中时,你可以避免一些常见的问题。



posted @ 2010-03-31 10:27  刘雨赣  阅读(320)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报