Pari wants to buy an expensive chocolate from Arya. She has n coins, the value of the i-th coin is ci. The price of the chocolate is k, so Pari will t... 阅读全文
Today Pari and Arya are playing a game called Remainders.Pari chooses two positive integer x and k, and tells Arya k but not x. Arya have to find the ... 阅读全文
Recently, Pari and Arya did some research about NP-Hard problems and they found the minimum vertex cover problem very interesting.Suppose the graph G ... 阅读全文
Pari has a friend who loves palindrome numbers. A palindrome number is a number that reads the same forward or backward. For example 12321, 100001 and... 阅读全文
Arya has n opponents in the school. Each day he will fight with all opponents who are present this day. His opponents have some fighting plan that gua... 阅读全文