ISO 10303 Part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure




ISO TC 184/SC4/WG11 N304

Date: 2015-07-30

Supersedes N303

ISO 10303-21
Industrial automation systems and integration —
Product data representation and exchange —
Part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure


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ABSTRACT: This document specifies an exchange format that allows product data described in the EXPRESS language to be transferred from one computer system to another.

KEYWORDS: automation, automation engineering, computer applications, industrial products, data, data representation, data exchange, coding (data conversion), implementation.


This is the International Standard for the third edition of ISO 10303-21. It adds anchor, reference and signature sections to support external references, and converts the document source to HTML.

Project Leader: Dr. Dave Loffredo
Address: STEP Tools, Inc.
14 First Street
Troy, NY 12180-3810 USA

Telephone: +1 (518) 687-2848 x311
Telefacsimile: +1 (518) 687-4420
Electronic mail:
Project Editor: Dr. Martin Hardwick
Address: Department of Computer Science
110 8th Street
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180 USA
Telephone: +1 (518) 687-2848 x306
Telefacsimile: +1 (518) 687-4420
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardizations.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 10303 may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard ISO 10303-21 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 184, Industrial automation systems and integration, Subcommittee SC4, Industrial data. This third edition of ISO 10303-21 cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 10303-21:2002), of which it constitutes a technical revision.

This International Standard is organized as a series of parts, each published separately. The structure of this International Standard is described in ISO 10303-1.

Each part of this International Standard is a member of one of the following series: description methods, implementation methods, conformance testing methodology and framework, integrated generic resources, integrated application resources, application protocols, abstract test suites, application interpreted constructs, and application modules. This part is a member of the implementation methods series.

A complete list of parts of ISO 10303 is available from the Internet:


Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F and G form a normative part of this part of ISO 10303. Annexes H, J, K, L, M and N are for information only.


ISO 10303 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation of product information and for the exchange of product data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of describing products throughout their life cycle. This mechanism is suitable not only for neutral file exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing product databases, and as a basis for archiving.

This part of ISO 10303 specifies a mechanism that allows product data described in the EXPRESS language, specified in annex G of ISO 10303-11, to be transferred from one computer system to another.

Major subdivisions in this part of ISO 10303 are:

  • specification of the exchange structure syntax;
  • mapping from an EXPRESS schema onto this syntax.

NOTE 1      The examples of EXPRESS usage in this part of ISO 10303 do not conform to any particular style rules. Indeed, the examples sometimes use poor style to conserve space or to concentrate on the important points. The examples are not intended to reflect the content of the information models defined in other parts of this International Standard. They are crafted to show particular features of EXPRESS or of the exchange structure. Many examples are annotated in a way that is not consistent with the syntax rules of this part of ISO 10303. These annotations are introduced by symbolic arrows, either horizontal '---->', or vertical. These annotations should be ignored when considering the parse rules. Any similarity between the examples and the normative models specified in other parts of this International Standard should be ignored. Several mapping examples have been provided throughout this document. Additional spaces and new lines have been inserted into some of these examples to aid readability. These spaces and new lines need not appear in an exchange structure.

This edition incorporates the following technical modifications to ISO 10303-21:2002:

  • Anchor and reference sections allow entities and values to be defined in external files;
  • A schema_population controls how a population spans multiple files;
  • The exchange structure can be compressed and stored in an archive;
  • Strings may contain characters as UTF-8 encoded octets instead of \X2\ and \X4\ control directives;
  • The exchange structure may be given one or more signatures to verify its contents and validate the credentials of the author;
  • The exchange structure may reference values and instances defined in its EXPRESS schema;
  • The exchange structure may include ECMAScript;
  • The document source has been converted to HTML.

NOTE 2      Applications can use the new edition to enable more data sharing, reduce memory footprint, reduce development costs, improve performance and increase data security.

All exchange structures that are encoded according to the previous edition of ISO 10303-21 also conform to this edition.


ISO 10303-21 edition 3


Industrial automation systems and integration —
Product data representation and exchange —
Part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure

1 Scope

This part of ISO 10303 specifies an exchange structure format using a clear text encoding of product data for which the conceptual model is specified in the EXPRESS language (ISO 10303-11). The exchange format is suitable for the transfer of product data among computer systems and for the distribution of product data between several computer systems.

The mapping from the EXPRESS language described in annex G of ISO 10303-11 to the syntax of the exchange structure is specified. Any EXPRESS schema can be mapped onto the exchange structure syntax.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 639-2, Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code.

ISO 3788, Information processing — 9-Track, 12,7 mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange using phase encoding at 126 ftpmm (3200 ftpi) — 63 cpmm (1600 cpi).

ISO 8601:2004, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times.

ISO 10303-1:1994, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles.

ISO 10303-11:2004, Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 11: The EXPRESS language reference manual.

ISO/IEC 8824-1, Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation.

ISO/IEC 8859-1, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1.

ISO/IEC 8859-2, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 2: Latin alphabet No. 2.

ISO/IEC 8859-3, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 3: Latin alphabet No. 3.

ISO/IEC 8859-4, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 4: Latin alphabet No. 4.

ISO/IEC 8859-5, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet.

ISO/IEC 8859-6, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 6: Latin/Arabic alphabet.

ISO/IEC 8859-7, Information processing — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 7: Latin/Greek alphabet.

ISO/IEC 8859-8, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 8: Latin/Hebrew alphabet.

ISO/IEC 8859-9, Information technology — 8 bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 9: Latin alphabet No. 5.

ISO/IEC 10646, Information Processing — Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)

ISO/IEC 16262, Information technology -- Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces -- ECMAScript language specification.

APPNOTE.TXT - .ZIP File Format Specification, Version 6.2.0. PKWARE Inc. 26 April 2004 1.0 [cited 2013-02-08]. Available from PKWARE: <>

NOTE      This specification is to be published as ISO 21320-1

Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS). Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 5652 September 2009 [cited 2015-03-10]. Available from World Wide Web: <>

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition). World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation 26 November 2008 [cited 2013-03-15]. Available from World Wide Web: <>

The Base15, Base32 and Base64 Data Encodings. Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 4648 October 2006 [cited 2015-03-11]. Available from World Wide Web: <>

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 3986 January 2005 [cited 2015-03-09]. Available from World Wide Web: <>

A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace. Internet Engineering Task Force RFC 4122 July 2005 [cited 2015-03-19]. Available from World Wide Web: <>

3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations

3.1 Term defined in ISO 8859-1

This part of ISO 10303 makes use of the following term defined in ISO 8859-1.

  • byte.

3.2 Terms defined in ISO 10646

This part of ISO 10303 makes use of the following terms defined in ISO 10646.

  • basic multilingual plane;
  • character;
  • code point;
  • encoding scheme;
  • graphic character;
  • octet.

3.3 Terms defined in ISO 10303-1

This part of ISO 10303 makes use of the following terms defined in ISO 10303-1.

  • application protocol;
  • exchange structure.

3.4 Terms defined in ISO 10303-11

This part of ISO 10303 makes use of the following terms defined in ISO 10303-11 annex G.

  • complex entity instance;
  • data type;
  • EXPRESS constant;
  • entity;
  • partial complex entity instance;
  • simple entity instance;
  • token.

3.5 Terms defined in ISO/IEC 16262

This part of ISO 10303 makes use of the following term defined in ISO 16262.

  • ECMAScript.

3.6 Terms defined by IETF RFC 2396

Terms defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 2396 are repeated below for convenience.

NOTE     Definitions copied verbatim from other standards are followed by a reference to the source standard in brackets. Definitions that have been adapted from other standards are followed by an explanatory note.

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

compact string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical resource [IETF RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax]

URI Fragment Identifier

additional reference information to be interpreted after a URI retrieval action has been successfully completed [Fragment identifiers in IETF RFC 2396]

URI Query component

string of information to be interpreted by a resource [Query component in IETF RFC 2396]

3.7 Terms defined by IETF RFC 4122

Terms defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 4122 are repeated below for convenience.

3.7.1 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

a UUID is an identifier that is unique across both space and time [IETF RFC 4122: A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace].

3.8 Terms defined by IETF RFC 4648

Terms defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 4648 are repeated below for convenience.

3.8.1 Base64 encoding

the character encoding of the CMS [IETF RFC 4648: The Base16, Base32 and Base64 Data Encodings].

3.9 Terms defined by IETF RFC 5652

Terms defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 5652 are repeated below for convenience.

3.9.1 Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)

a specification for the form and content of a digital signature [IETF RFC 5652: Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)].

3.9.2 Message digest

hash value computed on the content and included in the signature data [IETF RFC 5652 Section 5].

3.10 Other definitions

For the purposes of this part of ISO 10303, the following definitions apply.


identifier that can be addressed in a reference.

basic alphabet

set of UCS characters corresponding to code points U+0020 to U+007E and U+0080 to U+10FFFF.

clear text encoding

encoding of information, using a sequence of codes for characters in the basic alphabet.

control directive

sequence of characters in the basic alphabet.


special sequence of characters identifying an entity or a defined type in the exchange structure.


address of an anchor in an exchange structure, or in another type of resource that can be converted to an exchange structure.


physical or abstract exchange structure addressed by a URI.


collection of data of the same functional category of information.

sequential file

file that can only be accessed in a sequential manner.


a cryptographically encoded authentication of content.


additional information about an anchor that is outside the scope of the schema.

token separator

sequence of one or more characters in the basic alphabet that separate any two tokens.

ZIP archive

data compression format for an archive of files [PKWARE Inc.: APPNOTE.TXT - .ZIP File Format Specification, Version 6.2.0].

3.11 Abbreviations

For the purposes of this part of ISO 10303, the following abbreviations apply:

BMP Basic Multilingual Plane
CMS Cryptographic Message Syntax
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
GUID Globally Unique Identifier
OID Object Identifier
UCS Universal Character Set
UTF Universal Character Set + Transformation Format
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
WSN Wirth Syntax Notation

4 Exchange structure fundamental concepts and assumptions

4.1 Introduction

The exchange structure is described by an unambiguous, context-free grammar to facilitate parsing by software. The grammar is expressed in Wirth Syntax Notation that is described in annex B. The form of product data in the exchange structure is specified using a mapping from the EXPRESS language to the exchange structure syntax.

4.2 Notational and typographical conventions

Any quotation marks used in this part of ISO 10303 are not part of the text that appears in the exchange structure but serve to delimit that text. This statement applies to all places in the text where quotation marks are used. Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 form an exception to this rule as the quotation marks used in those tables form part of the WSN rules.

In ISO 8859, each character is assigned an identifying name. When that name is used in this part of ISO 10303, it is typeset in italics to distinguish it from ordinary text. Thus comma is used to refer to ",", low line refers to "_", and latin capital letter A refers to "A".

Within examples in this part of ISO 10303, an annotation is introduced by the sequence ----> where clarification is required.

4.3 Conformance

Two levels of conformance are specified:

  • syntactical conformance of the exchange structure: an exchange structure conforms to ISO 10303-21 if the requirements of this part of ISO 10303 are satisfied;
  • schema conformance of the exchange structure: the instances represented in the exchange structure conform to the schemas listed in the header section of the exchange structure if every requirement or constraint of these schemas is satisfied with respect to each instance or grouping of instances to which it shall apply whatsoever and the mapping requirements defined in clauses 11 and 12 of this part of ISO 10303 are satisfied.

NOTE 1      Annex E presents methods for evaluating schema conformance when an exchange structure contains multiple data sections based on different EXPRESS schemas.

Syntactical conformance is a prerequisite for schema conformance.

Three classes of syntactical conformance are defined by this part of ISO 10303:

  • an exchange structure shall be syntactical conformance class 3 if it defines value instances, if it references EXPRESS constants or if it defines functionality using ECMAScript;
  • otherwise an exchange structure shall be syntactical conformance class 2 if it has a reference section, or uses a multi-file ZIP structure;
  • otherwise an exchange structure shall be syntactical conformance class 1.

NOTE 2      A processor for a previous edition of this part of ISO 10303 can parse syntactical conformance class 1 by ignoring the anchor and signature sections, and it can parse syntactical conformance class 2 by using a pre-processor to resolve external entity references in the reference section.

NOTE 3      The syntactical conformance class of an exchange structure is shown by the implementation_level attribute of the file_description entity in the header section (see 8.2.2). If the value of this attribute is "4;1" then this exchange structure has syntactical conformance class 1. If the value of this attribute is "4;2" then this exchange structure has syntactical conformance class 2. If the value of this attribute is "4;3" then this exchange structure has syntactical conformance class 3.

An implementation that claims schema conformance to this part of ISO 10303 shall read or write files or both that exhibit schema as well as syntactical conformance.

5 Formal definitions

5.1 Formal notation

Wirth Syntax Notation (WSN) is used in this part of ISO 10303 to specify the syntax of the exchange structure in a formal notation. WSN is described in annex B.

5.2 Basic alphabet definition

The alphabet of the exchange structure is defined as the code points U+0020 to U+007E and U+0080 to U+10FFFF of ISO 10646. The alphabet shall be represented by octets in the exchange structure using the UTF-8 encoding scheme defined by ISO 10646. Table 1 divides the basic alphabet into subsets.

The UTF-8 encoding scheme results in a single octet with a hexadecimal value from 20 to 7E for each LATIN_CODEPOINT character, and a sequence of octets with hexadecimal values from 80 to F4 for each HIGH_CODEPOINT character. Octets with values outside of these ranges shall be ignored when processing the exchange structure.

NOTE     The set of LATIN_CODEPOINT character is equivalent to the basic alphabet in the first and second editions of ISO 10303-21. The UTF-8 representation of code points U+0020 to U+007E is the same as the ISO 8859-1 characters G(02/00) to G(07/14) that defined the basic alphabet in earlier editions. Use of HIGH_CODEPOINT characters within the exchange structure can be avoided when compatibility with previous editions of ISO 10303-21 is desired.

Table 1 — WSN defining subsets of the basic alphabet
SPACE    = " " .

DIGIT    = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7"
         | "8" | "9" .

LOWER    = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h"
         | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p"
         | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x"
         | "y" | "z" .

UPPER    = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H"
         | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P"
         | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X"
         | "Y" | "Z" | "_" .

SPECIAL  = "!" | """" | "*" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "." | "#"
	 | "+" | ","  | "-" | "(" | ")" | "?" | "/" | ":" 
	 | ";" | "<"  | "=" | ">" | "@" | "[" | "]" | "{" 
	 | "|" | "}"  | "^" | "`" | "~" .




HIGH_CODEPOINT	= (U+0080 to U+10FFFF, see 5.2)

5.3 Exchange structure

The exchange structure shall be a sequential file using a clear text encoding. The exchange structure shall contain a header section and four optional sections: the anchor section, the reference section, one or more data sections and one or more signature sections. The role of each section is described below in the same order as which they appear in the exchange structure.

  • The header section provides data relating to the exchange structure itself. The structure of the header section is specified in clause 8.
  • The anchor section provides external names for entities and values that can be referenced from other exchange structures. The structure of the anchor section is defined in clause 9.
  • The reference section provides for entities and values that are defined in external exchange structures. The structure of the reference section is defined in clause 10.
  • The data section provides the data to be transferred. The structure of the data section is specified in clause 11.
  • The signature section validates the data to be transferred and authenticates the origin of that data. The structure of the signature section is specified in clause 14.

The exchange structure is defined by the WSN in Table 3.

NOTE      The header section is at the start because it defines context information for the rest of the exchange structure. The anchor and reference sections appear next because they define how the structure is linked to other files. Putting them near the beginning allows search systems to find these dependencies without reading the entire structure. The signature sections is at the end so that new signatures can be added without disturbing the text validated by earlier signatures.

The exchange structure is a stream of octets that are encodings of the graphic characters of the basic alphabet. The graphic characters are collected into recognizable sequences called tokens. Tokens may be separated by token separators. The exchange structure can be considered as a sequence of tokens and token separators.

The exchange structure may be compressed and stored in an archive using the organization described in annex A.4.

5.4 Definition of tokens

The tokens used in the exchange structure are defined by the WSN in Table 2. The tokens UNIVERSAL_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER, URI_FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER and BASE64 are defined in 6.5.

Table 2 — WSN of token definitions



SIGN              = "+" | "-" .

INTEGER           = [ SIGN ] DIGIT { DIGIT } .

REAL              = [ SIGN ] DIGIT { DIGIT } "." { DIGIT }
                    [ "E" [ SIGN ] DIGIT { DIGIT } ] .

STRING            = "'" { SPECIAL | DIGIT | SPACE | LOWER | UPPER | 
                    HIGH_CODEPOINT |
                    APOSTROPHE APOSTROPHE | 
                    CONTROL_DIRECTIVE } "'" .






                              CONSTANT_ENTITY_NAME | CONSTANT_VALUE_NAME) . 


TAG_NAME          = ( UPPER | LOWER) { UPPER | LOWER | DIGIT } .


ENUMERATION       = "." UPPER { UPPER | DIGIT } "." .

HEX               = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" |
                    "8" | "9" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" .

BINARY            = """" ( "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" ) { HEX } """" .


5.5 WSN of the exchange structure

The syntax of the exchange structure is specified in Table 3. Table 3 references the tokens defined in Table 2. The relationship between the syntax and the EXPRESS schema is specified in clause 12.

Table 3 — WSN of the exchange structure
EXCHANGE_FILE      = "ISO-10303-21;"
                     HEADER_SECTION [ ANCHOR_SECTION ] 
                     [ REFERENCE_SECTION ] { DATA_SECTION } 
                     "END-ISO-10303-21;" { SIGNATURE_SECTION }.

                     "ENDSEC;" .

                     | ENUMERATION | BINARY | LIST .
LIST               = "(" [ PARAMETER { "," PARAMETER } ] ")" .

ANCHOR_LIST        = { ANCHOR } .
ANCHOR_TAG         = "{" TAG_NAME ":" ANCHOR_ITEM "}" .


DATA_SECTION       = "DATA" [ "(" PARAMETER_LIST ")" ] ";" 
                     ENTITY_INSTANCE_LIST "ENDSEC;" .


5.6 Token separators

A token separator is an element that separates two tokens. Token separators are space, the explicit print control directives, and comments. A token separator may appear between the terminals or non-terminals of the productions of Table 3. Any number of token separators may appear wherever one token separator may appear. A token separator shall not appear within tokens except that explicit print control directives may also appear within binaries and within strings. Print control directives are defined in clause 13.

NOTE      Space is the only whitespace character that separates tokens. Line-delimiters such as line feed or carriage return and other control characters such as form feed or character tabulation (tab) may appear in the exchange structure but are required by 5.2 to be ignored when processing the exchange structure. Consequently, line breaks may appear anywhere within the structure, including within tokens.

A comment shall be encoded as a solidus asterisk "/*" followed by any number of characters from the basic alphabet, and terminated by an asterisk solidus "*/". Any occurrence of solidus asterisk following the first occurrence shall not be significant, i.e. comments cannot be nested. All graphic characters appearing inside a comment shall not be significant to the exchange structure and are only intended to be read by humans.

6 Tokens

6.1 Token types

In the exchange structure, a token is a special token, a keyword, a simple data type encoding, or an IETF encoding.

6.2 Special tokens

The special token "ISO-10303-21;" shall be used to open an exchange structure, and the special token "END-ISO-10303-21;" shall be used to close an exchange structure.

The special token "HEADER;" shall be used to open the optional header section of an exchange structure, and the special token "ENDSEC;" shall be used to close the header section of an exchange structure.

The special token "ANCHOR;" shall be used to open the optional anchor section of an exchange structure, and the special token "ENDSEC;" shall be used to close the anchor section of an exchange structure.

The special token "REFERENCE;" shall be used to open the optional reference section of an exchange structure, and the special token "ENDSEC;" shall be used to close the reference section of an exchange structure.

The special token "DATA" shall be used to open the optional data sections of an exchange structure, and the special token "ENDSEC;" shall be used to close the data sections of an exchange structure.

The special token "SIGNATURE" shall be used to open the optional signature sections of an exchange structure, and the special token "ENDSEC;" shall be used to close the signature sections of an exchange structure.

The special token dollar sign ("$") is used to represent an object whose value is not provided in the exchange structure.

The special token asterisk ("*") is used to represent an object whose value is not provided in the exchange structure but can be derived from other values according to rules given in the EXPRESS schema (see 12.2.6).

The special tokens semicolon (";"), parentheses ("(", ")"), comma (",") and solidus ("/") are used to punctuate the exchange structure.

6.3 Keywords

Keywords are sequences of graphic characters indicating an entity or a defined type in the exchange structure. Keywords shall consist of capital letters, digits, low lines, and possibly an exclamation mark "!". The exclamation mark shall occur at most once, and only as the first character in a keyword.

Keywords may be schema-defined keywords or user-defined keywords. Keywords that do not begin with the exclamation mark are schema-defined keywords. Keywords that begin with the exclamation mark are user-defined keywords. A user-defined keyword is the identifier for a named type (an entity data type or a defined type) in the EXPRESS schema governing the exchange structure. The meaning of a user-defined keyword is a matter of agreement between the partners using the exchange structure.

6.4 Simple data type encodings

Six simple data type encodings are used in exchange structures: integer, real, string, instance name, enumeration and binary.

6.4.1 Integer

An integer shall be encoded as a sequence of one or more digits, as prescribed in Table 2, optionally preceded by a plus sign "+" or a minus sign "-". Integers shall be expressed in base 10. If no sign is associated with the integer, the integer shall be assumed to be positive.


Valid integer expressions Meaning
16 Positive 16
+12 Positive 12
-349 Negative 349
012 Positive 12
00 Zero
Invalid integer expressions Problem
26 54 Contains spaces
32.0 Contains full stop
+ 12 Contains space between plus sign and digits

6.4.2 Real

A real shall be encoded as prescribed in Table 2. The encoding shall consist of a decimal mantissa optionally followed by a decimal exponent. The decimal mantissa consists of an optional plus sign "+" or minus sign "-", followed by a sequence of one or more digits, followed by a full stop ".", followed by a sequence of zero or more digits. A decimal exponent consists of the latin capital letter E optionally followed by a plus sign "+" or minus sign "-", followed by one or more digits.

NOTE 1      No attempt is made to convey the concept of precision in this part of ISO 10303. Where a precise meaning is necessary, the sender and receiver of the exchange structure should agree on one. Where a precise meaning is required as part of the description of an entity data type, this meaning should be included in the entity data type definition in the EXPRESS schema.

NOTE 2      Under certain conditions, transfer of clear text files via electronic mail attachment has been observed to corrupt the full stop in a real value. See A.2.2 for recommendations.


Valid real expressions Meaning
+0.0E0 0.0
-0.0E-0 0.0, as above example
1.5 1.5
-32.178E+02 -3217.8
0.25E8 25 million
0.E25 0.
2. 2.
5.0 5.0
Invalid real expressions Problem
1.2E3. Decimal point not allowed in exponent
1E05 Decimal point required in mantissa
1,000.00 Comma not allowed
3.E Digit(s) required in exponent
.5 At least one digit must precede the decimal point
1 Decimal point required in mantissa

6.4.3 String String structure

A string shall be encoded as an apostrophe "'", followed by zero or more characters from the basic alphabet, and ended by an apostrophe "'". The null string (string of length zero) shall be encoded by two consecutive apostrophes "''". Within a string, a single apostrophe shall be encoded as two consecutive apostrophes. Within a string, a single reverse solidus "\" shall be encoded as two reverse solidi "\\".

As specified in 5.2, the octet representation of the characters at code points U+0080 to U+10FFFF is given by UTF-8. These characters may be encoded as hexadecimal digits (see HEX in Table 2) using control directives defined in when compatibility with previous editions of ISO 10303-21 is desired.


Characters not in the basic alphabet shall be encoded using the control directives defined in, and The WSN of control directives for encoding strings is given in Table 4.

NOTE       Under certain conditions, transfer of clear text files via electronic mail attachment has been observed to corrupt a full stop in a string value. See A.2.2 for recommendations.

Table 4 — String control directives
                  | EXTENDED4 | ARBITRARY .



            HEX_TWO { HEX_TWO } END_EXTENDED .






HEX_FOUR = HEX_TWO HEX_TWO . Encoding ISO 8859 characters within a string

In ISO 8859, G(x/y) is the notation for the character in "column" x "row" y, i.e., code value (16 · x) + y, in the code table. Each part of ISO 8859 is identical to the ISO 10646 code points U+0000 to U+007F in positions G(00/00) through G(07/15). The various parts of ISO 8859 differ in the symbols of the extended character set — positions G(10/00) through G(15/14). To include characters from the extended character set in a string requires the use of control directives.

NOTE      The control directives described in this section are retained for compatibility with previous editions of ISO 10303-21. It is recommended that all ISO 8859 characters be converted to corresponding ISO 10646 values.

The PAGE control directive — reverse solidus latin capital letter S reverse solidus ("\S\") followed by a LATIN_CODEPOINT character (see Table 1) — is used within a string to allow a character in the basic alphabet to represent the character in the corresponding position in the ISO 8859 extended alphabet. The PAGE control directive shall be interpreted in the string as the single character G((x+8)/y), where G(x/y) is the basic alphabet character following the "\S\". That is, if the basic alphabet character has code value v, it shall be interpreted as the character with code value v + 128.

The control directive reverse solidus latin capital letter P UPPER reverse solidus shall indicate that, for this string only, the subsequent reverse solidus latin capital letter S reverse solidus control directives shall be interpreted as referring to the extended alphabet defined in that part of ISO 8859 indicated by the value of UPPER. The capital letter referred to shall be one of the following letters : "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I". In this context, the latin capital letter A identifies ISO 8859-1; latin capital letter B identifies ISO 8859-2, etc. If this control directive does not appear within a string, the value "A" shall be assumed for all PAGE control directives; i.e., the extended alphabet shall be that specified in ISO 8859-1.


String as stored Effective contents Comments
'Don''t' Don't
'''' '
'' string of length zero
'\S\Drger' Ärger
'h\S\ttel' hôtel
'\PE\\S\*\S\U\S\b' Њет Cyrillic, 'Nyet' Encoding ISO 10646 characters within a string

This part of ISO 10303 specifies control directives that allow encoding of ISO 10646 characters as a sequence of hexadecimal characters. These control directives may be used in place of UTF-8 encoded characters when compatibility with previous editions of the exchange structure encoding is desired.

The control directive reverse solidus latin capital letter X digit two reverse solidus "\X2\" shall be followed by multiples of four hexadecimal characters. Each multiple of four hexadecimal characters shall be the interpreted as a 16-bit number giving an integer position within the UCS codespace.

The control directive reverse solidus latin capital letter X digit four reverse solidus "\X4\" shall be followed by multiples of eight hexadecimal characters. Each multiple of eight hexadecimal characters shall be the interpreted as a 32-bit number giving an integer position within the UCS codespace.

The control directive reverse solidus latin capital letter X digit zero reverse solidus "\X0\" shall be used to indicate the end of the "\X2\" or "\X4\" hexadecimal character sequence.

NOTE     This use of eight hexadecimal characters in the "\X4\" encoding predates the restriction of the UCS codespace to a maximum value of 10FFFF. The first two characters in each eight character group will always be digit zero.


String as stored Code point Character
'\X2\03C0\X0\' U+03C0 greek small letter pi (π)
'\X2\03B103B203B3\X0\' U+03B1 U+03B2 U+03B3 greek small letters alpha, beta, gamma (αβγ)
'\X4\001F600\X0\' U+1F600 grinning face (an emoticon, 😀)
'\X4\001F600001F638\X0\' U+1F600 U+1F638 grinning face, grinning cat face with smiling eyes (two emoticons, 😀 😸) Encoding U+0000 to U+00FF in a string

The control directive reverse solidus latin capital letter X reverse solidus "\X\" followed by two hexadecimal characters shall encode a UCS code point in the range U+0000 to U+00FF. The two hexadecimal characters shall be the interpreted as an 8-bit number giving the integer position within the UCS codespace.


This control directive shall be used for UCS code points U+0000 to U+001F and code point U+007F. This control directive may be used in place of UTF-8 encoded code points U+0080 to U+00FF when compatibility with earlier editions of the exchange structure encoding is desired.

NOTE      The characters defined by ISO 10646 and ISO 8859-1 are identical within this range.


String as stored Effective contents Comments
'see \X\A7 4.1' see § 4.1 Contains section sign.
'line one\X\0Aline two' line one
line two
Contains line feed control character. Maximum string length

The maximum length of a string as stored in an exchange structure is 32769 octets, including the beginning and ending apostrophes. If embedded quotation marks, reverse solidi, apostrophes, print control directives (see clause 12) or characters encoded according to,, or are included in the string as stored, the maximum length of the effective contents of the string will be less than 32767 graphic characters. The effective contents is the sequence of graphic characters after these encoding conventions have been resolved.

6.4.4 Occurrence names

An occurrence name shall be a constant instance name, a constant value name, an entity instance name or a value instance name.

NOTE 1      This edition of this part of ISO 10303 allows constant values, constant entities, values instances and entity instances to be named and referenced in an exchange structure. Previous editions only allowed entity instances to be named and referenced (see clause 4.3). Constant instance names

A constant instance name shall be encoded as a number sign, "#", followed by an UPPER character, followed by a sequence of UPPER or DIGIT characters.

Constant instance names are references to entity instances defined in the EXPRESS schema. If there are multiple EXPRESS schemas defined in the file_schema of the exchange structure then the constant instance name shall reference an entity instance defined in the first schema (see clause 8.2.4).

The WSN for constant instance names is given in Table 2 in the CONSTANT_INSTANCE_NAME production.


Valid name expressions Meaning
#FARADAY Reference to constant named FARADAY in the EXPRESS schema
#INCH Reference to constant named INCH in the EXPRESS schema
Invalid name expressions Problem
#23 Name begins with a digit
#INCHES INCHES is not defined in the EXPRESS schema
#PI PI is defined as a value in the EXPRESS schema
#Inch All letters must be normalized to upper case

Constant instance names may be used in RHS_OCCURRENCE productions only (see Table 2). Constant value names

A constant value name shall be encoded as an at sign, "@", followed by an UPPER character, followed by a sequence of UPPER or DIGIT characters.

Constant value names are references to values defined in the EXPRESS schema. If there are multiple EXPRESS schemas defined in the file_schema of the exchange structure then the constant value name shall reference a value defined in the first schema (see clause 8.2.4).

The WSN for constant value names is given in Table 2 in the CONSTANT_VALUE_NAME production.


Valid name expressions Meaning
@PI Reference to the value of PI as defined in the EXPRESS schema
@E Reference to the value of E as defined in the EXPRESS schema
Invalid name expressions Problem
@23 Name begins with a digit
@INCH INCH is defined as an ENTITY instance in the EXPRESS schema
@Pie All letters must be normalized to upper case

Constant value names may be used in RHS_OCCURRENCE productions only (see Table 2). Entity instance names

An entity instance name shall be encoded as a number sign, "#", followed by a sequence of DIGIT characters. At least one character shall not be "0". Leading zeros are not significant. An entity instance name shall not use the same integer as a value instance name.

NOTE 1      The integer spaces for ENTITY_INSTANCE_NAME and VALUE_INSTANCE_NAME are not permitted to overlap because both types may be referenced using a URI, for example "<abc.stp#123> " (see clause 10.2.7).

NOTE 2      Leading zeros in entity instance names are ignored so "#001" is the same identifier as "#1".

The WSN for entity instance names is given in Table 2 in the ENTITY_INSTANCE_NAME production.


Valid name expressions Meaning
#12 Names or refers to entity with identifier 12
#023 Names or refers to entity with identifier 23
Invalid name expressions Problem
#Faraday Contains non-numeric character
#439A6 Contains non-numeric character
#+23 Contains '+' sign
#00.1 Contains decimal point
74 Does not begin with a number sign

Entity instance names are used as references to entity instances. Both forward and backward references are permitted. An entity instance name may be defined in the reference section (see clause 10) or a data section (clause 11). Entity instance names may be used in LHS_OCCURRENCE and RHS_OCCURRENCE productions (see Table 2). Value instance names

A value instance name shall be encoded as an at sign, "@", followed by a sequence of DIGIT characters. At least one character shall not be "0". Leading zeros are not significant. An value instance name shall not use the same integer as an entity instance name.

NOTE      This edition of this part of ISO 10303 allows instance names to be assigned to values so that values can be defined in external files. See annex K for examples.

The WSN for value instance names is given in Table 2 in the VALUE_INSTANCE_NAME production.


Valid name expressions Meaning
@12 Names or refers to value with identifier 12
@023 Names or refers to value with identifier 23

Value instance names are used as references to values. A value instance name is defined in the reference section (see clause 10). Value instance names may be used in LHS_OCCURRENCE and RHS_OCCURRENCE productions (see Table 2). A value instance name shall be defined in the reference section only.

6.4.5 Enumeration values

An enumeration value shall be encoded as a sequence of latin capital letters or digits beginning with a latin capital letter delimited by full stops. The meaning of a given enumeration value is determined by the EXPRESS schema and its associated definitions from the enumeration type declarations.

NOTE      Under certain conditions, transfer of clear text files via electronic mail attachment has been observed to corrupt the full stop at the start or end of an enumeration value. See A.2.2 for recommendations.


Valid enumeration expression Meaning
.STEEL. Indicates a value of STEEL
Invalid enumeration expressions Problem
.RED Missing ending full stop
.123. Does not start with an alphabetic character.

6.4.6 Binary

A binary is a sequence of bits (0 or 1). A binary shall be encoded as determined by the following procedure.

  • count the number of bits in the sequence. Call the result p;
  • determine a number n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, such that k=p+n is a multiple of four;
  • left fill the binary with n zero bits. Divide the sequence into groups of four bits.
  • precede the sequence with the 4-bit representation of n;
  • if the decimal equivalent of a 4-bit group is 9 or less, add 48 to that decimal value to create an 8-bit byte; if the decimal equivalent of the 4-bit group is greater than 9, add 55 to that decimal value to create an 8-bit byte.

NOTE      This is a binary to hexadecimal conversion.

  • the encoding of a binary consists of k/4+1 hexadecimal digits. The first digit is the value of n. This is followed by the hexadecimal digits representing the binary;
  • delimit the encoded binary with quotation marks """.



Binary value Representation
'null' or 'empty' "0"
0 "30"
1 "31"
111011 "23B"
100100101010 "092A"

6.5 Anchor, reference and signature section encodings

The following encodings are used in the anchor, reference and signature sections.

6.5.1 Resource

A resource shall be encoded as a URI preceded by a less-than sign, "<" and followed by a greater-than sign, ">".

The WSN for resources is given in Table 2 in the RESOURCE production.

NOTE 1      In the anchor section the resource is on the right of the equals sign ("=") and the anchor name is on the left see clause 6.5.4.


Valid expression in the anchor section Meaning
<picture> = <a.jpeg>; Sets anchor "picture" to the resource <a.jpeg>
<BOM> = <b.xml#123>; Sets the anchor "BOM" to the resource <b.xml#123>

NOTE 2     A resource in the reference section must resolve to an entity instance or a value instance. See clause 10 for the resolution process


Valid expression in the reference section Meaning
#10 = <a#b>; Sets entity instance 10 to the entity identified by the resource <a#b>
@20 = <c#d>; Sets value instance 20 to the value identified by the resource <c#d>
6.5.2 Universal Resource Identifier (URI)

A UNIVERSAL_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER token of Table 2 shall meet the requirements defined by the IETF (see 3.6).


External Reference Example Usage
<> Reference to a workpiece in a STEP-NC file stored at the given world wide web address
<building.ifc#first_floor> Reference to a floor in an IFC building on the current server
<file:///c:/users/jt_files/assembly.jt.#first_shape> Reference to a shape in a JT file

6.5.3 URI Fragment identifier

A URI_FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER token of Table 2 is the name following the number sign, "#", in a Universal Resource Identifier.


Universal Resource Identifier Fragment Identifier Example Usage
<> tool_tip Fragment identifier for a point at the tip of a cutting tool
<#first_floor> first_floor Fragment identifier for a floor in the current exchange structure
<> 3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301 Fragment identifier defined by a UUID (see annex G)

6.5.4 Anchor name

An anchor name shall be encoded as a URI Fragment identifier preceded by a less-than sign, "<" and followed by a greater-than sign, ">". At least one character in a URI Fragment identifier that references an anchor name shall not be a digit.

NOTE 1      URI Fragment identifiers defined as digits are assumed to be references to occurrence names in exchange structures defined by previous editions of ISO 10303-21. See 10.2.7.

An anchor name that meets the requirements of annex G is a Universally Unique IDentitifer (UUID).

NOTE 2      Anchors defined by a UUID can be found without a URI because they are universally unique. See 10.2.2.

The WSN for anchor names is given in Table 2 in the ANCHOR_NAME production. Anchor names are used to define identifiers that can be externally referenced (see clause 9).


Valid expression in the anchor section Meaning
<a> = 3.142; Sets anchor "a" to 3.142
<b> = @10; Sets anchor "b" to value @10
<c> = #20; Sets anchor "c" to entity #20
<ad3f1724-19cf-4d19-94ef-eed90b7b4dde> = 2.71828; Sets anchor with the UUID "ad3f1724-19cf-4d19-94ef-eed90b7b4dde" to 2.71828
<2f0cb220-355d-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66> = @30; Sets anchor with the UUID "2f0cb220-355d-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66" to value @30
<3f553e90-355d-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66> = #40; Sets anchor with the UUID "3f553e90-355d-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66" to entity #40

6.5.5 Tag name

A tag name shall be encoded as a sequence of UPPER, LOWER and DIGIT characters. The first character shall be an UPPER or LOWER character.

The WSN for tag name is given in Table 2 in the TAG_NAME production. Tag names associate additional information with anchors. This information is not part of the information model.(see 9.2.8).

NOTE       Tag names are allowed in this edition of this part of ISO 10303 so that programmers can create data structures to optimize traversals when an information model is distributed across many exchange structures linked by anchors and references.


Valid expression in the anchor section Meaning
<plate_edge> = #20 {preparation:<WELD_DC.XML>} Associates edge at #20 with file WELD_DC.XML using the tag name "preparation"

6.5.6 Base64

A BASE64 token of Table 2 is data encoded to the meet the requirements of the IETF (3.8). Base64 is used to encode signatures and message digests.


Base64 encoding of a message digest

7 Structured data types

Two list data types are allowed in the exchange structure.

7.1 Parameter list

As defined in Table 3 a LIST is a (possibly empty) sequence of PARAMETERs, each of which may be:

  • a simple type encoding, as described in 6.4, or
  • the special token dollar sign ("$"), or
  • a TYPED_PARAMETER, representing an instance of a select type (see 12.1.8), or
  • a LIST, representing an instance of a (nested) structured type.

A given LIST may contain more than one of the above forms. In the exchange structure, a LIST begins with a left parenthesis "(" and ends with a matching right parenthesis ")". Instances are separated by commas. LISTs can be nested to any depth.


Structured data type Representation
List of Integer (0,1,2,3,7,2,4)
List of String ('CAT', 'HELLO')
List of List of Real ((0.0, 1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0, 5.0))
List of List of Real ((0.0, 1.0, 2.0), ( ))

In the last List of List of Real, the second embedded list is empty.

7.2 Anchor item list

As defined in Table 3 an ANCHOR_ITEM_LIST may be defined in the anchor section. The list shall contain a sequence of values each of which may be:

  • a simple type encoding, as described in 6.4, or
  • a resource encoding, as described in 6.5.1, or
  • the special token dollar sign ("$"),
  • an ANCHOR_ITEM_LIST, representing an instance of a (nested) structured type.

A given ANCHOR_ITEM_LIST may contain more than one of the above forms. In the exchange structure, an ANCHOR_ITEM_LIST begins with a left parenthesis "(" and ends with a matching right parenthesis ")". Instances are separated by commas. ANCHOR_ITEM_LISTs can be nested to any depth.


Structured data type Representation
List of URI (<abc#d>, <def.xml>)
List of integers (1, 2, 3)

8 Header section

8.1 Header section structure

The header section contains information that is applicable to the entire exchange structure. Every exchange structure shall contain a header section.

The header section shall begin with the special token "HEADER;" and shall terminate with the special token "ENDSEC;".

The header section shall contain one instance of each of the following entities: file_description, file_name, and file_schema, and they shall appear in that order. Instances of schema_population, file_population, section_language and section_context may appear after file_schema.

NOTE      Annexes H, J and K present examples of a header section.

If instances of user-defined header section entities are present, they shall appear after the header section entity instances. The syntax of the header section entity instances is given in Table 3 in WSN. Each entity name shall map to the KEYWORD of the HEADER_ENTITY production. Clause 12 provides mapping of simple and aggregate data types to the PARAMETER_LIST for the attribute values of these entity instances.

8.2 Header section declarations

8.2.1 header section schema

This clause specifies header section entities and types that appear in the header section of the exchange structure. The header section entities are specified in EXPRESS.

EXPRESS Specification:

SCHEMA header_section_schema;

TYPE exchange_structure_identifier = STRING;

This schema specifies the header section entities that are specific to the process of transferring product data using the exchange structure.

NOTE      The exchange_structure_identifier type serves the same purpose as the identifier type in ISO 10303-41 but has been defined separately in order to keep this part of ISO 10303 independent from the data models defined in the ISO 10303 integrated resource series parts.

8.2.2 file_description

The file_description specifies the version of this part of ISO 10303 used to create the exchange structure as well as its contents.

EXPRESS Specification:

ENTITY file_description;
  description          : LIST [1:?] OF STRING (256) ;
  implementation_level : STRING (256) ;

Attribute Descriptions:

description: an informal description of the contents of this exchange structure.

implementation_level: an identification of the specification to which the encoding in this exchange structure conforms and any conformance options employed in that encoding. The value of this attribute shall indicate conformance to this version of this part of ISO 10303 by having either the value "4;1" the value "4;2" or the value "4;3" (see 4.3). The value for exchange structures adhering to syntactical conformance class 1 shall be "4;1". The value for exchange structures adhering to syntactical conformance class 2 shall be "4;2". The value for exchange structures adhering to syntactical conformance class 3 shall be "4;3".

If the following restrictions on the encoding are met, the value "3;1" may be used to indicate conformance to this version of this part of ISO 10303:

  • the exchange structure shall not contain an anchor section;
  • the exchange structure shall not contain a reference section;
  • the exchange structure header section shall not contain a SCHEMA_POPULATION entity;
  • the string tokens within the exchange structure shall only encode the characters at U+0080 to U+10FFFF with the "\X2\" and "\X4\" control directives defined in;
  • the exchange structure shall not contain a signature section;
  • the exchange structure shall not reference EXPRESS constants;

If used, the value "3;1" shall designate exchange structures adhering to syntactical conformance class 1 of edition 2.

If the following additional restrictions on the encoding are met, the value "2;1" may be used to indicate conformance to this version of this part of ISO 10303:

  • the exchange structure shall contain a single data section, and the "DATA" keyword shall not be followed by a parenthesized PARAMETER_LIST;
  • the exchange structure header section shall not contain FILE_POPULATION entities;
  • the exchange structure header section shall not contain SECTION_LANGUAGE entities;
  • the exchange structure header section shall not contain SECTION_CONTEXT entities;
  • the enumerated values of an EXPRESS ENUMERATION shall not be encoded using short names.

If used, the value "2;1" shall designate exchange structures adhering to conformance class 1 of edition 1.

NOTE 1      The general form for the value is "v;cc", where v is the version number of this part of ISO 10303, as specified in annex C, and cc is the encoding of conformance class. Future versions of this part of ISO 10303 may specify additional values for v and cc.

NOTE 2      The use of "3;1" is provided to support upward compatibility with implementations based on ISO 10303-21:2002, and the use of "2;1" is provided to support upward compatibility with implementations based on ISO 10303-21:1994.

NOTE 3      The values "2;2" and "3;2" were used by earlier editions to indicate an encoding that used the external mapping for all entity instances.

8.2.3 file_name

The file_name provides human readable information about the exchange structure. With the exception of the name and time_stamp attributes, the contents of the attributes of this entity are not defined by this part of ISO 10303.

EXPRESS Specification:

ENTITY file_name;
  name                 : STRING (256) ;
  time_stamp           : time_stamp_text ;
  author               : LIST [ 1 : ? ] OF STRING (256) ;
  organization         : LIST [ 1 : ? ] OF STRING (256) ;
  preprocessor_version : STRING (256) ;
  originating_system   : STRING (256) ;
  authorization        : STRING (256) ;

TYPE time_stamp_text = STRING(256);

Attribute Descriptions:

name: the string of graphic characters used to name this exchange structure. Two exchange structures with the same name shall use compatible representations for anchors with the same anchor name.

The use of an object identifier within the name is recommended but not required as it provides unambiguous identification of the anchor structure.

If an object identifier is provided, it shall have the form specified in ISO/IEC 8824-1. The use of object identifiers within this International Standard is described in clause 3 of ISO 10303-1.


name Example usage
brep_shape Exchange structure has the anchors of a Brep shape model
PMI{ 1 2 10303 501 0 1 1 1 } Exchange structure has the anchors of a PMI model version defined by the OID


time_stamp: the date and time specifying when the exchange structure was created. The contents of the string shall correspond to the extended format for the complete calendar date as specified in ISO 8601 concatenated to the extended format for the time of the day as specified either in or in 4.3.3 of ISO 8601. The date and time shall be separated by the latin capital letter T as specified in 4.4.1 of ISO 8601. The alternate formats of and 4.3.3 permit the optional inclusion of a time zone specifier.

author: the name and mailing address of the person responsible for creating the exchange structure.

organization: the group or organization with whom the author is associated.

preprocessor_version: the system used to create the exchange structure, including the system product name and version.

originating_system: the system from which the data in this exchange structure originated.

authorization: the name and mailing address of the person who authorized the sending of the exchange structure.


Time stamp element Complete extended format
Calendar Date
12 April 1993
Time of the Day
27 minutes 46 seconds
past 15 hours
Time Zone
5 hours west of Greenwich
Time Zone field is optional
Above date and time encoded
within the Time_Stamp field

8.2.4 file_schema

The file_schema entity identifies the EXPRESS schemas that specify the entity instances in the data sections. The attribute schema_identifiers shall consist of a list of strings, each of which shall contain the name of the schema optionally followed by the object identifier assigned to that schema.

If the name of a schema contains small letters, such small letters shall be converted to the corresponding capital letters. Only capital letters shall occur in strings of the schema_name.

If an object identifier is provided, it shall have the form specified in ISO/IEC 8824-1. The use of object identifiers within this International Standard is described in clause 3 of ISO 10303-1. When available, the use of the object identifier is recommended as it provides unambiguous identification of the schema.

NOTE      The general form of an object identifier is a sequence of space-delimited integers. The sequence is enclosed within braces ("{", "}").

EXPRESS Specification:

ENTITY file_schema;
  schema_identifiers : LIST [1:?] OF UNIQUE schema_name;

TYPE schema_name = STRING(1024);

Attribute Descriptions:

schema_identifiers: the schemas that specify the entity instances in the data section.

EXAMPLE      The instance below identifies an EXPRESS schema called 'CONFIG_CONTROL_DESIGN':


The instance below uses an object identifier to indicate a specific version of an EXPRESS schema called 'AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN':

FILE_SCHEMA (('AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN { 1 0 10303 214 1 1 1 }'));

8.2.5 schema_population

The schema_population identifies the collection of instances that comprise the schema population of the exchange structure for the purpose of determining schema conformance to the first schema of the file_schema (see clause 8.2.4). The header section of an exchange structure shall contain at most one schema_population instance.

The schema population shall contain all entity instances in all data sections in the exchange structure. Additional members of the population shall be determined as follows:

  • If a schema_population is present then the schema population shall include the schema population of each exchange structure in the set of external_file_locations;
  • If the exchange structure includes a reference section, then the schema population shall include the schema populations of all exchange structures referenced by URIs in the reference section.
  • Each entity instance shall appear at most once in the schema population.

NOTE 1      The definition of schema population is transitive. If file A references file B and file B references file C then the schema population of A includes the schema populations of both B and C.

EXAMPLE 1      A file may have multiple references to the same entity instance because of duplicate references, Universal Resource Identifiers that resolve to the same address, or other reasons. In such cases, the instance only appears once in the schema population.

Each external_file_location shall be represented by three strings that define an address, an optional time_stamp and an optional copy of the message_digest of the referenced file (see clause 14).

If the file at the address does not resolve to an exchange structure then no instances from that file shall be included in the schema population.

If a time stamp is included and its value describes a date and time after the date and time in the file_name of the header of the referenced exchange structure, then the referenced exchange structure has not been changed since this reference was created.

If a message_digest is included then it validates the integrity of the referenced file. A message digest shall be given only if the exchange structure has at least one signature section. The message digest shall use the hash algorithm chosen for the first signature section.

EXPRESS Specification:

ENTITY schema_population;
  external_file_identifications : LIST [ 1 : ? ] OF LIST [1:3] OF STRING;

Attribute Descriptions:

external_file_identifications: list of external addresses for the files whose schema populations are to be included in the schema population of this file. Each address shall be represented as a triple of strings. If the second or third string is not set then it shall be represented as a null value "$".

  • The first string shall be the address of the referenced exchange structure represented as a Universal Resource Identifier (see clause 6.5.1) encoded as a STRING (see clause 6.4.3)


  • The second string shall be a time_stamp describing the date and time when the external resource was last visited. The string describing the date and time shall meet the requirements for time_stamp_text of clause 8.2.3.


  • The third string shall be the message_digest for the referenced file. The message_digest shall be a Base64 encoded string (see clause 3.8.1).

NOTE 2      Including the message_digest of the referenced file in the schema population means that when this file is signed then the referenced file is also being signed.

EXAMPLE 2      Sample instantiation for a schema population:


NOTE 3      Files that are not exchange structures may be included in the schema population so that their contents can also be validated using a signature.

8.2.6 file_population

The file_population entity identifies a collection of entity instances within the schema population defined in 8.2.5 for the purpose of determining schema conformance to a particular EXPRESS schema. The collection of entity instances shall be determined by applying an algorithm identified by the attribute determination_method to the set of data sections identified by the attribute governed_sections. If no value is provided for governed_sections, the algorithm shall be applied to all data sections in the schema population.

An exchange structure may contain zero, one, or many file_population instances. A data section name may appear in the governed_sections attribute of zero, one, or many file_population instances.

NOTE 1      Clause E.2 defines three possible determination methods.

NOTE 2      If no value is provided for the governed_sections attribute, the attribute is encoded by a dollar sign ("$"), as specified in 12.2.2, and not as an empty list.

EXPRESS Specification:

ENTITY file_population;
  governing_schema      : schema_name;
  determination_method  : exchange_structure_identifier;
  governed_sections     : OPTIONAL SET [ 1 : ? ] OF section_name;

TYPE section_name = exchange_structure_identifier;

Attribute Descriptions:

governing_schema: name of the EXPRESS schema that applies to population of entity instances identified by this header section file_population entry. The schema name must appear in the header section file_schema entry.

determination_method: string of graphic characters used to identify an algorithm to be used for selecting entity instances in the exchange.

governed_sections: the names of the data sections that are used as input to the determination method.

8.2.7 section_language

The section_language entity identifies the default language for string values in a data section. The attribute default_language shall contain the name of the language. The name of the language shall be encoded using the Alpha-3 bibliographic code specified in ISO 639-2.

The attribute section shall contain the name of a data section in the exchange structure for which the default language shall apply. If the exchange structure contains a single, unnamed, data section, no value shall be provided for the attribute section (see 12.2.2). The header section of an exchange structure shall contain at most one section_language instance where no value is provided for the attribute section. If present, the default language encoded by this instance shall apply to all data sections in the exchange structure for which no other section_language instance applies.

EXAMPLE      Some possible values for default_language are 'eng' for English, 'fre' for French, 'rus' for Russian, or 'ger' for German.

EXPRESS Specification:

ENTITY section_language;
  section          : OPTIONAL section_name;
  default_language : language_name;
  UR1: section;

TYPE language_name = exchange_structure_identifier;

Attribute Descriptions:

section: name of the data section for which the default_language is to apply.

default_language: name of the language used for string values.

8.2.8 section_context

The section_context entity identifies information describing the contexts within which the instances encoded in the exchange structure are applicable.

The attribute section shall contain the name of a data section in the exchange structure for which the context identifiers shall apply. If the exchange structure contains a single, unnamed, data section, no value shall be provided for the attribute section (see 12.2.2). The header section of an exchange structure shall contain at most one section_context instance where no value is provided for the attribute section. If present, the context identifiers encoded by this instance shall apply to all data sections in the exchange structure for which no other section_context instance applies.

EXPRESS Specification:

ENTITY section_context;
  section             : OPTIONAL section_name;
  context_identifiers : LIST [1:?] OF context_name;
  UR1: section;

TYPE context_name = STRING;

Attribute Descriptions:

section: name of the data section for which the context_identifiers are to apply.

context_identifiers: identifiers which convey contextual information about instances encoded in the exchange structure.

NOTE      An application protocol may define symbolic identifiers for each application protocol conformance class. The context identifiers for a section may indicate a partial list of application protocol conformance classes satisfied by the data in the section.

EXAMPLE 1      Language and context identifier assignments for an exchange structure with a single, unnamed, data section.

SECTION_LANGUAGE ($,'eng'); -----------------> A 
SECTION_CONTEXT ($,('tag_a')); --------------> B 

A: Assign the language encoded 'eng' (English) to the data section.

B: Assign the context tag 'tag_a' to the data section.

EXAMPLE 2      Language and context identifier assignments for an exchange structure with several data sections.

SECTION_LANGUAGE ('DS1','ger'); -------------> A 
SECTION_LANGUAGE ('DS2','epo'); -------------> B 
SECTION_LANGUAGE ($,'haw'); -----------------> C 
SECTION_CONTEXT ('DS1',('tag_a','tag_b')); --> D 
SECTION_CONTEXT ('DS2',('tag_c')); ----------> E 
SECTION_CONTEXT ($,('tag_d')); --------------> F 

A: Assign the language encoded 'ger' (German) to the data section named 'DS1'.

B: Assign the language encoded 'epo' (Esperanto) to the data section named 'DS2'.

C: Assign the language encoded 'haw' (Hawaiian) to all data sections that do not otherwise have a language assignment. These are the sections named 'DS3' and 'DS4'.

D: Assign the context identifiers 'tag_a' and 'tag_b' to the data section named 'DS1'.

E: Assign the context identifier 'tag_c' to the data section named 'DS2'.

F: Assign the context identifier 'tag_d' to all data sections that do not otherwise have a context identifier assignment. These are the sections named 'DS3' and 'DS4'.


8.3 User-defined header section entities

User-defined header section entity instances may be placed in the header section with specific restrictions as listed below:

  • a) User-defined header section entity instances shall conform to the same syntax of all header section entity instances with the additional requirement that the first character of the keyword shall be an exclamation mark "!".


  • b) The attributes of user-defined header section entities shall have EXPRESS data types and shall be mapped to the header section as specified in clause 12.



9 Anchor section

9.1 Anchor section structure

The anchor section defines external names for instances in the exchange structure so that they can be referenced.

The syntax of the anchor section is prescribed in Table 3. The anchor section is optional. If an anchor section is included in the exchange structure then it shall be given after the header section and before any reference, data or signature section. The section shall begin with the special token "ANCHOR;" and shall terminate with the special token "ENDSEC;".

Each entry in the anchor section shall define one external name. The anchor name shall not be used for any other anchor in the same exchange structure. The anchor name shall meet the requirements defined in clause 6.5.4. The anchor name shall be a UUID if it meets the requirements defined in annex G.


Anchor section structure Comment
<82ff3c50-3610-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66> = #10; /* Anchor defined by an entity instance name 9.2.1 */
<8eae4370-3610-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66> = @20; /* Anchor defined by a value instance name 9.2.2 */
<9a9ec060-3610-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66> = 30; /* Anchor defined by a simple data type 9.2.3 */
<a3cee4d0-3610-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66> = $; /* Anchor defined by a null_value 9.2.4 */
<bb2ac46e-3610-11e5-a151-feff819cdc9f> = (1.1, 2.1, 3.1); /* Anchor defined by a list 9.2.5 */
<bb2ac770-3610-11e5-a151-feff819cdc9f> = <picture.jpg>; /* Anchor defined by a resource 9.2.6 */
<d1dbb491-dae8-409b-87dd-f21fd5bbb624> = #INCH; /* Anchor defined by an EXPRESS constant 9.2.7 */
<1231ea63-d573-4d50-81f3-8bb0e9c1cbf5> = #10 {ratio:196.73}; /* Anchor with a tag 9.2.8 */

9.2 Anchor item

Each ANCHOR shall associate an ANCHOR_NAME with an ANCHOR_ITEM. The anchor item shall describe how the anchor is represented in the exchange structure. The same anchor item may be used as the representation for multiple anchors and it may be null.


Anchor section structure Possible usage
<tool_length> = #100; /* First usage of anchor item #100 */
<tool_height> = #100; /* Second usage of anchor item #100 */
<tool_tip_unused> = $; /* Instance unavailable in this version of the exchange structure */

NOTE      If two anchors in two exchange structures have the same name then it should be inferred that they describe different aspects, or different versions, of the same concept. For example, a tool maker may use anchors for the same concept on a family of tool items.

9.2.1 Anchor item defined by an entity instance name

If the anchor item is defined by an entity instance name (see clause then the value of that anchor shall be the entity instance identified by that name.

NOTE      An entity instance name can be defined in the reference section in which case the value of the anchor item will be defined in a different exchange structure.


Anchor Possible usage
<tool_length> = #100; /* First usage of entity #100 as an anchor item */
<tool_height> = #100; /* Second usage of entity #100 as an anchor item*/

9.2.2 Anchor item defined by a value instance name

If the anchor item is defined by a value instance name (see clause then the value of that anchor shall be the value identified by that name.

NOTE      A value instance is defined in the reference section.


Anchor Possible usage
<length_ratio> = @10; /* First usage of value @10 as an anchor item */
<height_ratio> = @10; /* Second usage of value @10 as an anchor item */
<width_ratio> = $; /* Value unavailable in this version of the exchange structure */

9.2.3 Anchor item defined by a simple type

If the anchor item is defined by a simple type (see clause 6.4) then the value of the anchor shall be that simple type.


Anchor Possible usage
<low_precision_pi> = 3.142; /* Anchor defined by a simple type */
<message> = 'This is a message'; /* Anchor defined by a simple type */

9.2.4 Anchor item defined by a null_value ("$")

If the anchor item is defined by a null_value ("$") then the value of the anchor shall be the null_value.

NOTE      An anchor defined by the null_value may be a promissory usage that could not be met in this version of the exchange structure, but was met in a previous version, or will be met in future versions.


Anchor Possible usage
<tool_tip_unused> = $; /* Value unavailable in this version of the exchange structure */

9.2.5 Anchor item defined by a list structure

If the anchor item is defined by a ANCHOR_ITEM_LIST structure (see clause 7.2) then the value of that item shall be the list.


Anchor Possible usage
<identity> = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)); /* Anchor item defined as an identity matrix */

9.2.6 Anchor item defined by a resource

If the anchor item is defined by a resource (see clause 6.5.1) then the value of that item shall be the resource.

NOTE      Anchors externalize information. They do not add information so they can be tagged with anything that meets the syntax requirements of this part of ISO 10303.


Anchor Possible usage
<main_image> = <picture.jpg>; /* Anchor item defined by an image */
<sheet_values> = (<work.xls#A3>,<work.xls#A4>,<work.xls#A5>); /* Anchor item defined by a list of spreadsheet values */

9.2.7 Anchor item defined by an EXPRESS constant

If the anchor item is defined by an EXPRESS constant (see clauses and then the value of that item shall be the value or instance defined by the constant in the first EXPRESS schema of the file_schema (see 8.2.4).


Anchor Possible usage
<pi> = #ARCHIMEDES_CONSTANT_PI; /* Anchor item defined by the EXPRESS value constant for PI */
<units> = (#IMPERIAL_LENGTH_INCH, #PLANE_ANGLE_RADIAN, #SOLID_ANGLE_STERADIAN); /* Anchor item defined by a list of EXPRESS entity constants */

9.2.8 Anchor item with tags

A tag shall associate additional information with an anchor. This information shall be outside the scope of the EXPRESS schema that defines the exchange structure (8.2.4).

NOTE 1      Applications can use tags to make an exchange structure easier to process. For example, a tag may contain a data index that can be used to find values more rapidly.

NOTE 2      The entity of the header section can be used to indicate what types of anchors and tags are in an exchange structure (see 8.2.3).


Anchor Possible usage
<bedroom> = #10 {link:<bedroom.jpg>}; /* Tag used to define source of additional information for anchored item */
<kitchen> = #20 {label:'Price estimate'} {link:<kitchen_cost.xls>}; /* Tags used to define and label cost of anchored item */

NOTE 3      Annex F describes an ECMAScript binding for accessing the tag information.

10 Reference section

10.1 Reference section structure

The syntax of the reference section is prescribed in Table 3. The reference section is optional. If a reference section is included in the exchange structure then it shall be given after the header section and any anchor section and before any data section or signature section. The section shall begin with the special token "REFERENCE;" and shall terminate with the special token "ENDSEC;".

Each entry in the reference section shall associate an LHS_OCCURRENCE_NAME with a RESOURCE. If the occurrence name is an ENTITY_INSTANCE_NAME then the resource shall identify an entity. If the occurrence name is a VALUE_INSTANCE_NAME then the resource shall identify a value.

Each occurrence name shall have one association only and it shall not be defined in the data sections of the exchange structure.


Reference section structure Comment
#10 = <>; /* Reference to a URI with fragment identifier see 10.2 */
#20 = <building_698.ifc>; /* Reference to a URI without fragment identifier see 10.2.1*/
#30 = <#10b9903b-fe1a-41dd-91e2-dd8bf06f262d>; /* Reference to a fragment identifier defined by a UUID see 10.2.2 */
#40 = <#wheel>; /* Reference to a fragment identifier defined in same file see 10.2.3 */
#50 = <>; /* Reference to a file in another format see 10.2.4 */
#60 = <>; /* Reference to an entity instance see 10.2.5 */
@70 = <>; /* Reference to a value see 10.2.6 */
#80 = <>; /* Reference using edition 1 or edition 2 entity instance name see 10.2.7 */

10.2 Reference to a URI

The reference shall resolve to a value or entity instance in an exchange structure defined by this part of ISO 10303, to a compressed archive that meets the requirements defined in annex A.4, or to a directory that has the form of an uncompressed archive as defined in annex A.5.

The resource delivered shall contain an anchor with the same name as the URI_FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER of the URI. The ANCHOR_ITEM identified by this anchor shall be the result of the reference. The identified ANCHOR_ITEM shall meet the requirements for an entity or value instance belonging to the file_schema of this exchange structure.

If the resource resolves to an anchor defined by another URI then the process shall be repeated.

If the resolution of the URI does not meet these requirements, then the result of the reference shall be the null_value ("$").


Reference Comment
#1234 = <>; /* Reference to a tool item in a tool assembly */
#1235 = <building_698.ifc#7c9e6679-7425-40de-944b-e07fc1f90ae7>; /* Reference to product with the UUID shown (see annex G)*/
@1236 = <>; /* Reference to a value defined in another exchange structure */

NOTE      Circular references can be constructed by referencing a value in an external exchange structure that references back to the current reference in the current exchange structure. These references are invalid and must be resolved to the NULL value by the processing system.

10.2.1 reference to a URI without a fragment identifier

If the resource does not include a URI_FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER then the reference shall resolve to the null_value ("$").


Reference Comment
#10 = <> /* result is the null_value ("$") */

10.2.2 reference to a URI with a fragment identifier defined by a UUID

If a the resource defined by a URI is anchored by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) (see annex G) then the identifier shall be resolved to the entity or value anchored by that unique identifier.

If the resource has more than a URI_FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER then the exchange structure identified by the URI must have an anchor with that UUID.

If the resource is defined by a URI_FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER alone, then the processing system shall be responsible for finding a service that can identify the exchange structure containing the UUID.

NOTE      For example it may go to a registry service that might be a PLM or similar system to request the exchange structure.


Reference Comment
#123 = <>; /* resolves to an entity anchored by the UUID which must be in the file returned by the server at the URI */
#123 = <#97c6e1f0-3544-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66>; /* resolves to an entity anchored by the UUID in an exchange structure found by a registry service */
@abc = <cutter.stp#825cd420-3547-11e5-a2cb-0800200c9a66>; /* resolves to a value anchored by the UUID which must be in the file identified by the URI */

10.2.3 reference to a URI that is only a fragment identifier and is not a UUID

If the resource is defined by a URI_FRAGMENT_IDENTIFIER alone, and that fragment identifier is not a UUID, then the identifier shall be resolved to an anchor with the same name in the current exchange structure.


Reference Comment
#123 = <#wheel>; /* resolves to entity defined by local anchor */
@124 = <#size>; /* resolves to value defined by local anchor */

10.2.4 reference to an exchange structure in another format

If the resource identifies a file in another format then the server identified by the URI shall convert the file to the requirements of this exchange structure.


Reference Comment
#100 = <>; /* Reference to a file in the 3DXML format */
#200 = <http:///>; /* Reference to a file in the JT format */
@300 = <http:///>; /* Reference to a spreadsheet in the XLS format */

10.2.5 reference to a URI fragment that resolves to an entity instance

If the URI fragment identifier resolves to an entity instance then the LHS_OCCURRENCE_NAME shall be an entity instance name.


Reference Comment
#100 = <>; /* Reference to an entity instance defined in the anchor section of hub.stp */
#200 = <http:///>; /* Reference to an entity instance defined in the anchor section of a STEP translation of axle.jt */

10.2.6 reference to a URI fragment that resolves to a value

If the URI fragment identifier resolves to a value then the LHS_OCCURRENCE_NAME shall be a value instance name.


Reference Comment
@100 = <>; /* Reference to a value defined in the anchor section of hub.stp */
@200 = <http:///>; /* Reference to a value defined in the anchor section of a STEP translation of axle.jt */

NOTE       The value may be a simple type or a list structure.

10.2.7 reference using a URI fragment that is an entity instance name

If the URI fragment identifier is an unsigned number that meets the requirements of an entity instance name, then it shall be resolved to the entity instance with that number in the referenced exchange structure and the null_value ("$") otherwise.


Reference Comment
#30 = <http:///>; /* Reference to entity instance #300 in legacy.stp */

NOTE       References to instance names are allowed so that edition 3 exchange structures can reference edition 2 data.

11 Data sections

11.1 Data section structure

The data sections contain instances to be transferred by the exchange structure. Each data section contains instances of entities that correspond to one EXPRESS schema specified in the header section.

The syntax of the data section is prescribed in Table 3. Each data section shall begin with the "DATA" keyword. If an exchange structure contains more than one data section, each "DATA" keyword shall be followed by a parenthesized PARAMETER_LIST containing a STRING and a LIST parameter.

The first parameter shall be a STRING containing a unique name for the section. The second parameter shall be a LIST containing exactly one STRING. The string shall be the name of the schema that shall govern the data section. The schema name must appear in the header section file_schema entry.

If an exchange structure contains only one data section, the parenthesized PARAMETER_LIST may be omitted. In this case, the header section file_schema entry shall specify only one schema, and that schema shall govern the data section.

Each data section shall be terminated with the special token "ENDSEC;".

NOTE 1      The data section is optional in this edition of this part of ISO 10303 so that exchange structures may be created for the purpose of defining forwarding references to other structures

NOTE 2      Annexes H and J present complete examples of a data section within an exchange structure.

11.2 Data section entity instances

Each entity instance that is not defined by an external reference (see clause 10) shall be mapped to an ENTITY_INSTANCE (see Table 3) in the data section, as specified in 12.2. Each entity instance shall be represented at most once in the exchange structure and shall have an instance name that is unique within the exchange structure. The entity instances need not be ordered in the exchange structure. An instance name may be referenced before it is defined.

11.3 Data section user-defined entity instances

A user-defined entity instance is an entity that is not part of the EXPRESS schema specified in the header section. User-defined entity instances shall conform to the same syntax of all data section entity instances except that the USER_DEFINED_KEYWORD choice shall be used in the SIMPLE_RECORD that is part of this definition. The meaning of a user-defined entity instance, and the number, data types and meanings of its attributes, is a matter of agreement between the partners using the exchange structure.


#1=PT(1.0,2.0,3.0); ---------------------> CONVENTIONAL ENTITY INSTANCE
#12=!MYCURVE(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,$,$,$); ----> USER DEFINED ENTITY INSTANCE

NOTE      Rather than use the user-defined syntax defined in this clause, it is recommended that an implementation define an EXPRESS schema for the user-defined information and encode this information in a separate data section.

12 Mapping from EXPRESS to the exchange structure

12.1 Mapping of EXPRESS data types

This clause describes how instances of data types defined in the EXPRESS language defined in annex G of ISO 10303-11 are mapped to the exchange structure.

The EXPRESS language includes TYPE and ENTITY declarations, CONSTANT declarations, constraint specifications and algorithm descriptions. Only instances of data types, as defined by EXPRESS data types and TYPE and ENTITY declarations, are mapped to the exchange structure. Other elements of the language are not mapped to the exchange structure.

Table 5 — Quick reference mapping table
EXPRESS elementmapped onto:
ARRAY list
BAG list
BOOLEAN boolean
BINARY binary
CONSTANT entity or value instance
ENTITY entity instance
ENUMERATION enumeration
INTEGER integer
LIST list
LOGICAL enumeration
REAL real
SELECT See 12.1.8
SET list
STRING string
TYPE See 12.1.6

12.1.1 Mapping of EXPRESS simple data types Integer

Values of the EXPRESS data type INTEGER shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an integer data type (see 6.4.1), as a constant value name (see, or as a value instance name (see

NOTE      In this edition of this part of ISO 10303 instance values can be defined in the reference section (see 10), and as EXPRESS constants. String

Values of the EXPRESS data type STRING shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a string data type (see 6.4.3), as a constant value name (see, or as a value instance name (see Boolean

Values of the EXPRESS data type BOOLEAN shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an enumeration data type (see 6.4.5), as a constant value name (see, or a value instance name (see

The EXPRESS data type BOOLEAN shall be treated as a predefined enumerated data type with a value encoded by the graphic characters "T" or "F". These values shall correspond to true and false respectively. Logical

Values of the EXPRESS data type LOGICAL shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an enumeration data type (see 6.4.5), as a constant value name (see, or a value instance name (see

The EXPRESS data type LOGICAL shall be treated as a predefined enumerated data type with a value encoded by the graphic characters "T", "F" or "U". These values shall correspond to true, false, and unknown respectively. Real

Values of the EXPRESS data type REAL shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a real data type (see 6.4.2), as a constant value name (see, or as a value instance name (see

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY widget;
  i1: INTEGER;    ----------->  A
  i2: INTEGER;    ----------->  B
  s1: STRING(3);  ----------->  C
  s2: STRING;     ----------->  D
  l : LOGICAL;    ----------->  E
  b : BOOLEAN;    ----------->  F
  r1: REAL(4);    ----------->  G
  r2: REAL;       ----------->  H
  r3: REAL;       ----------->  L
  r4: REAL;       ----------->  M

Sample instance in the data section:

#2 = WIDGET(99, 99999, 'ABC', 'ABCDEFG', .T., .F., 9., 1.2345, @10, @PI);
             ^    ^      ^       ^        ^    ^   ^      ^     ^    ^
             |    |      |       |        |    |   |      |     |    |
             |    |      |       |        |    |   |      |     |    |
             A    B      C       D        E    F   G      H     L    M

A: i1 has a value of 99 in this entity instance.

B: i2 has a value of 99999 in this entity instance.

C: s1 has a value of 'ABC' in this entity instance. This value falls within the range (3 characters) specified for this attribute.

D: s2 has a value of 'ABCDEFG' in this entity instance.

E: l has a value of TRUE in this entity instance.

F: b has a value of FALSE in this entity instance.

G: r1 has the value of 9. in this entity instance. The precision specification does not affect the encoding.

H: r2 has a value of 1.2345 in this entity instance.

L: r3 has a value defined in the reference section.

M: r4 has a value defined in the EXPRESS schema. Binary

Values of the EXPRESS data type BINARY shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a binary data type (see 6.4.6), as a constant value name (see, or as a value instance name (see

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY picture;
  bn :  BINARY;

Sample entity instance in data section:

#4 = PICTURE("1556FB0");

A: bn has an encoding of "1556FB0" in this instance, corresponding with the bit sequence 101 0101 0110 1111 1011 0000. Number

Values of the EXPRESS data type NUMBER shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a real data type. 6.4.2 describes the composition of a real data type.

12.1.2 List

Values of the EXPRESS data type LIST shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a list data type. Clause 7 describes the composition of a list data type. If the LIST is empty, the list shall be encoded as a left parenthesis ("(") followed by a right parenthesis (")"). Within the list, each instance of the element type shall be encoded as specified in clause 12 for that EXPRESS data type.

Values of the EXPRESS data type LIST may be defined in the reference section. The value shall be mapped using the value instance name defined for that instance in the reference section. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

Values of the EXPRESS data type LIST may be defined by EXPRESS constants. The value shall be mapped using the value defined for that instance in the EXPRESS schema. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

NOTE      If, in a particular entity instance, no value is provided for an OPTIONAL attribute whose data type is a LIST, the attribute is encoded by a dollar sign ("$"), as specified in 12.2.2, and not as an empty list.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY widget;
  attribute1:  LIST [0 : ?] OF INTEGER; -----------> A
  attribute2:  LIST [1 : ?] OF INTEGER; -----------> B
  attribute3:  OPTIONAL LIST [1 : ?] OF INTEGER; --> C
  attribute4:  REAL; ------------------------------> D
  attribute5:  LIST [1 : ?] OF INTEGER; --> E

Sample entity instance in data section:

#4 = WIDGET((), (1,2,@10), $, 2.56, @PI);
             ^     ^       ^   ^     ^
             |     |       |   |     |
             A     B       C   D     E

A: attribute1 is an empty list (list with zero elements).

B: attribute2 contains three elements in this instance. One of the instances is defined by instance @10 in the reference section.

C: attribute3 does not have a value in this instance.

D: attribute4 has a value of 2.56 in this instance.

E: attribute5 has a LIST value defined by the EXPRESS constant PI.

12.1.3 Array

Values of the EXPRESS data type ARRAY shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a list data type. Clause 7 describes the composition of a list data type. If an EXPRESS attribute is a multidimensional array the attribute shall be encoded as a list of lists, nested as deeply as there are dimensions. In constructing such lists, the inner-most list, the list containing only instances of the element type, shall correspond to the right-most ARRAY specifier in the EXPRESS statement defining the entity. The ordering of the elements within the encoding shall be that all the elements of the inner-most list are encoded for each element of the next outer list. This order means that the right-most index in each list shall vary first. Within the list, each instance of the element type shall be encoded as specified in clause 12 for that EXPRESS data type. If the array data type has OPTIONAL elements, any element for which no value is provided shall be encoded by a dollar sign ("$").

Values of the EXPRESS data type ARRAY may be defined in the reference section. The value shall be mapped using the value instance name defined for that instance in the reference section. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

Values of the EXPRESS data type ARRAY may be defined by EXPRESS constants. The value shall be mapped using the value defined for that instance in the EXPRESS schema. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

NOTE      If, in a particular entity instance, no value is provided for an OPTIONAL attribute whose data type is an ARRAY, the attribute is encoded by a dollar sign ("$"), as specified in 12.2.2, and not as an empty list.

EXAMPLE 1      Entity definition in EXPRESS:


This is encoded in the following order:

( (X [1,100], X [1,101], X [1,102] ),
  (X [2,100], X [2,101], X [2,102] ),
  (X [3,100], X [3,101], X [3,102] ),
  (X [4,100], X [4,101], X [4,102] ),
  (X [5,100], X [5,101], X [5,102] )  )

EXAMPLE 2      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY widget;
  attribute1:  ARRAY [-1 : 3] OF INTEGER;     ----------------------> A
  attribute2:  ARRAY [1 : 5] OF OPTIONAL INTEGER;     --------------> B
  attribute3:  ARRAY [1 : 2] OF ARRAY [1 : 3] OF INTEGER;     ------> C

Sample entity instance in data section:

#30 = WIDGET((1,2,3,4,5) , (1,2,3,$,5) , ((1,2,3),(4,5,6)));
                  ^            ^                 ^
                  |            |                 |
                  A            B                 C

A: attribute1 contains the following values:

attribute1 [-1] = 1
attribute1 [0]  = 2
attribute1 [1]  = 3
attribute1 [2]  = 4
attribute1 [3]  = 5

B: attribute2 contains the following values:

attribute2 [1] = 1
attribute2 [2] = 2
attribute2 [3] = 3
attribute2 [4] = not provided
attribute2 [5] = 5

The significance of a missing value is defined within the EXPRESS schema.

C: attribute3 contains the following values:

attribute3 [1,1] = 1
attribute3 [1,2] = 2
attribute3 [1,3] = 3
attribute3 [2,1] = 4
attribute3 [2,2] = 5
attribute3 [2,3] = 6

12.1.4 Set

Values of the EXPRESS data type SET shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a list data type. Clause 7 describes the composition of a list data type. Within the list, each instance of the element type shall be encoded as specified in clause 12 for that EXPRESS data type. If the SET is empty, the list shall be encoded as a left parenthesis ("(") followed by a right parenthesis (")").

Values of the EXPRESS data type SET may be defined in the reference section. The value shall be mapped using the value instance name defined for that instance in the reference section. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

Values of the EXPRESS data type SET may be defined by EXPRESS constants. The value shall be mapped using the value defined for that instance in the EXPRESS schema. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

NOTE      If, in a particular entity instance, no value is provided for an OPTIONAL attribute whose data type is a SET, the attribute is encoded by a dollar sign ("$"), as specified in 12.2.2, and not as an empty list.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY widget;
  a_number: SET OF INTEGER;

Sample entity instance in data section:

#2 = WIDGET((0,1,2)); --------> A
#3 = WIDGET((0,$,2)); --------> B
#4 = WIDGET((0,0,2)); --------> C

A: The attribute a_number was defined by the set numbers 0, 1, 2 in this instance.

B: Syntactically the instance is correct. However, the instance is incorrect with respect to the definition of a SET in EXPRESS because a SET is not allowed to have missing members.

C: Syntactically the instance is correct. However, the instance is incorrect with respect to the definition of a SET in EXPRESS because a SET is not allowed to have duplicate members.

12.1.5 Bag

Values of the EXPRESS data type BAG shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a list data type. Clause 7 describes the composition of a list data type. Within the list, each instance of the element type shall be encoded as specified in clause 12 for that EXPRESS data type. If the BAG is empty, the list shall be encoded as a left parenthesis ("(") followed by a right parenthesis (")").

Values of the EXPRESS data type BAG may be defined in the reference section. The value shall be mapped using the value instance name defined for that instance in the reference section. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

Values of the EXPRESS data type BAG may be defined by EXPRESS constants. The value shall be mapped using the value defined for that instance in the EXPRESS schema. The value of the instance shall be compatible with the EXPRESS type.

NOTE      If, in a particular entity instance, no value is provided for an OPTIONAL attribute whose data type is a BAG, the attribute is encoded by a dollar sign ("$"), as specified in 12.2.2, and not as an empty list.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY widget;
  a_numbers: BAG OF INTEGER;

Sample entity instance in data section:

#2 = WIDGET((0,1,1,2));  --------> A
#3 = WIDGET((0,$,2));    --------> B

A: The attribute a_numbers was defined by the collection of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2 in this instance.

B: Syntactically, the instance is correct. However, the instance is incorrect with respect to the definition of BAG in EXPRESS because a BAG is not allowed to have missing members.

12.1.6 Simple defined types

A simple defined type is a type defined by an EXPRESS type declaration in which the underlying type is neither an ENUMERATION nor a SELECT. A simple defined type shall be mapped to the exchange structure as the data type used in its definition.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  type1 =  INTEGER;

  type2 = LIST [1 : 2] of REAL;

ENTITY widget;
  attribute1:  LOGICAL;  ------------>  A
  attribute2:  TYPE1;    ------------>  B
  attribute3:  TYPE2;    ------------>  C

Sample entity instance in data section:

#4 = WIDGET( .T., 256, (1.0,0.0));
              ^    ^       ^
              |    |       |
              A    B       C

A: The value of the attribute attribute1; in this instance, TRUE.

B: Type1 is an integer type and, therefore, the value 256 is valid.

C: Type2 is a list and, therefore, a list with 2 REAL elements is valid.

12.1.7 Enumeration

Values of an EXPRESS ENUMERATION data type shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an enumeration data type. 6.4.5 describes the composition of a enumeration data type.

If the document that defines the schema whose instances are the subject of the data section also defines a set of short names for the enumerated values within that schema, the actual value in an instance of the ENUMERATION may be the short name corresponding to one of the enumerated values in the EXPRESS schema. Otherwise, the actual value shall be one of the enumerated values in the EXPRESS schema. In either case, any small letters shall be converted to the corresponding capital letters, and the value shall be delimited by full stops "." as defined in the ENUMERATION production of Table 2.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  primary_colour = ENUMERATION OF (red, green, blue);

ENTITY widget;
  p_colour: primary_colour;     ---------------> A

Sample entity Instance in data section:

#2 = WIDGET(.RED.);

A: The value of the attribute p_colour in this entity instance is RED.

12.1.8 Select data types

An EXPRESS select data type defines a list of data types, called the "select-list", whose values are valid instances of the select data type. An instance of a select data type shall be a value of at least one of the data types in the select-list. The value shall be encoded in the exchange structure as determined by the following procedure:

  • if the value is an instance of an entity data type in the select-list, it shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an instance name (see 6.4.4);
  • if the value is an instance of a simple defined type in the select-list, it shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a TYPED_PARAMETER (see Table 3) in which the KEYWORD shall identify the simple defined type, as specified below, and the PARAMETER shall be the encoding of the value of the simple defined type, as specified in 12.1.6;
  • if the value is an instance of an enumeration data type in the select-list, it shall be mapped to the exchange structure as a TYPED_PARAMETER (see Table 3) in which the KEYWORD shall identify the enumeration data type, as specified below, and the PARAMETER shall be the encoding of the value of the enumeration data type, as specified in 12.1.7;
  • if the value is an instance of a (nested) select data type in the select-list, it shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an instance of that select type as provided in this clause.

For instances of simple defined types and enumeration data types, the KEYWORD shall identify the data type of the instance. The data type identified shall be one of the types in the select-list. If the document that defines the schema whose instances are the subject of the data section also defines a set of short names for the simple defined types and enumeration types within that schema, the KEYWORD may be the short name corresponding to the data type of the instance. Otherwise, the KEYWORD shall be the name of the simple defined type or enumeration data type itself. In either case, any small letters shall be converted to the corresponding capital letters, i.e., the encoding shall not contain any small letters.

NOTE 1      If the data type (in the select-list) which the value instantiates is itself a select data type, then this clause will be used recursively to encode the value. Only instances of entity data types, simple defined types and enumeration data types can actually be encoded (see Example 2).

NOTE 2      According to ISO 10303-11, an instance of a subtype of an entity data type is an instance of the entity data type. So "an instance of an entity data type in the select list" includes instances of subtypes of those entity data types.

NOTE 3      If the entity data types in the select-list are not mutually exclusive, then a value of the select data type may instantiate more than one entity data type in the select-list (see Example 1).

NOTE 4      If the value is not an entity instance, it is an instance of exactly one simple defined-type or enumeration data type. The value may, however, be a valid instance of several (nested) select data types and thereby instantiate more than one type in the original select-list (see Example 2).

EXAMPLE 1     Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY Leader SUBTYPE OF (Employee);
  project: STRING;

ENTITY Manager SUBTYPE OF (Employee);
  unit: STRING;

ENTITY Employee;
  name: STRING;

TYPE Supervisor = SELECT (Manager, Leader);


ENTITY Meeting;
  date:         STRING;
  attendees:    SET [2:?] OF Supervisor;

Sample data section instances:

#1 = LEADER('J. Brahms','Academic Festival');
#2 = MANAGER('S. Ozawa', 'Tokyo Symphony');
#3 = (EMPLOYEE('G. Verdi') LEADER('Aida') MANAGER('La Scala'));
#4 = MEETING('14921012', (#1, #2, #3));

The second attribute of instance #4 is the attendees: a SET OF Supervisor. Instance #1 is a Leader and thus a valid Supervisor. Instance #2 is a Manager and thus a valid Supervisor. Instance #3 is an instance of both (entity) types Leader and Manager from the select-list of Supervisor. All are mapped according to 6.4.4.

EXAMPLE 2      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

TYPE Mass = SELECT (Mass_Spec, Mass_Substitute); END_TYPE;

TYPE Mass_Spec = SELECT (Measured_Mass, Computed_Mass, Estimated_Mass);

TYPE Measured_Mass = REAL;

TYPE Computed_Mass = Extended_Real;

TYPE Estimated_Mass = REAL;

TYPE Mass_Substitute = SELECT(Weight, Estimated_Mass);

TYPE Weight = REAL;

TYPE Extended_Real = SELECT (FloatingNumber, NotaNumber);

TYPE FloatingNumber = REAL(7);

TYPE NotaNumber = ENUMERATION OF (plus_infinity,
  minus_infinity, indeterminate, invalid);

ENTITY Steel_Bar;
  bar_length: Extended_Real;
  bar_mass:   Mass;

Sample instantiation in data section:


The first attribute of instance #1 represents an Extended_Real value that is a FloatingNumber. It is mapped (following 12.1.8 for the select data type Extended_Real) as a TYPED_PARAMETER with KEYWORD FLOATINGNUMBER (the simple defined type in the select-list). The PARAMETER value 77.0 is mapped to the exchange structure, following 12.1.6 for FloatingNumber, as a value of the simple type REAL.

The second attribute of instance #1 represents a Measured_Mass value, which is a valid Mass_Spec value and therefore a valid Mass value. It is mapped (by recursive application of 12.1.8, since Mass is a select data type and Mass_Spec is a select data type) as a TYPED_PARAMETER with KEYWORD MEASURED_MASS (the simple defined type in the select-list). The PARAMETER value 13.25 is mapped to the exchange structure, following 12.1.6 for Measured_Mass, as a value of the simple type REAL.

The first attribute of instance #2 represents an Extended_Real value that is a NotaNumber value. It is mapped (following 12.1.8 for Extended_Real) as a TYPED_PARAMETER with KEYWORD NOTANUMBER (the enumeration type in the select-list). The PARAMETER value "indeterminate" is mapped to the exchange structure, following 12.1.7 for the enumeration type NotaNumber.

The second attribute of instance #2 represents an Estimated_Mass value. This is a valid Mass_Spec value and also a valid Mass_Substitute value and therefore a valid value of Mass. This value actually instantiates both (select) data types in the select-list of Mass. It is mapped (by recursive application of 12.1.8, since Mass is a select data type and Mass_Spec is a select data type) as a TYPED_PARAMETER with KEYWORD ESTIMATED_MASS (the simple defined type in the select-list). The PARAMETER value 10.0 is mapped to the exchange structure, following clause 12.1.6 for Estimated_Mass, as a value of the simple type REAL.

The first attribute of instance #3 is the same as the first attribute of instance #1.

The second attribute of instance #3 represents a Computed_Mass value, which is a valid Mass_Spec value and therefore a valid Mass value. It is mapped (by recursive application of 12.1.8, since Mass is a select data type and Mass_Spec is a select data type) as a TYPED_PARAMETER with KEYWORD COMPUTED_MASS (the simple defined type in the select-list). The PARAMETER value encoding follows clause 12.1.6 for a value of Computed_Mass, which is an Extended_Real value. Extended_Real is a select data type. Per clause 12.1.8, the Extended_Real value is encoded as a TYPED_PARAMETER with KEYWORD FLOATINGNUMBER and PARAMETER value 14.77719, following clause 12.1.6 for FloatingNumber.

12.2 Mapping of EXPRESS entity data types

An instance of an EXPRESS entity data type shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an ENTITY_INSTANCE.

As defined by ISO 10303-11, a "simple entity instance" is an entity instance that is not an instance of a subtype of any entity data type. All other entity instances are called "complex entity instances". A simple entity instance shall be mapped as specified in 12.2.1. A complex entity instance shall be mapped as specified in 12.2.5.

NOTE 1      A simple entity instance is an entity instance which is completely described by a single EXPRESS entity-declaration. A complex entity instance is an instance whose description involves more than one entity-declaration, even when only one of them contains explicit attributes. A simple entity instance can be an instance of a supertype, as long as it is not an instance of any subtype, but an instance of a subtype is always "complex".

Only the explicit attributes of an EXPRESS entity are mapped to the exchange structure. Special provisions, however, apply to OPTIONAL explicit attributes (see 12.2.2), explicit attributes whose values are entity instances (see 12.2.4), and all redeclarations of explicit attributes (see 12.2.6, 12.2.7, and 12.2.8)

NOTE 2      More than one such provision may apply to the same attribute.

12.2.1 Mapping of a simple entity instance

A simple entity instance shall be mapped as a SIMPLE_ENTITY_INSTANCE in the exchange structure. The entity data type name shall be mapped to the KEYWORD of the SIMPLE_RECORD, as specified in 12.2.11.

Each explicit attribute shall be mapped directly to a PARAMETER of the SIMPLE_RECORD in the exchange structure. The order of the PARAMETERs in the exchange structure shall be the same as the order of the corresponding attributes in the EXPRESS entity declaration. The first PARAMETER shall be the value of the first explicit attribute; the second PARAMETER shall be the value of the second explicit attribute, and so on. If the EXPRESS entity data type has no explicit attributes, the PARAMETER_LIST shall be empty.

The form of each PARAMETER shall depend on the data type of the corresponding attribute, as specified in 12.1.

EXAMPLE      Definition in EXPRESS:

  primary_colour_abbreviation = ENUMERATION OF (r, g, b);

ENTITY widget; ----------------------------->  A
  attribute1: INTEGER; --------------------->  B
  attribute2: STRING;  --------------------->  C
  attribute3: LOGICAL; --------------------->  D
  attribute4: BOOLEAN; --------------------->  E
  attribute5: REAL; ------------------------>  F
  attribute6: LIST [1 : 2] of LOGICAL;  ---->  G
  attribute7: ARRAY [-1:3]  of INTEGER;  --->  H

Sample entity instance in data section:

#1 = WIDGET( 1, 'A', .T., .F., 1.0, (.T.,.F.), (1,0,1,2,3), .R.);
        ^    ^   ^    ^    ^    ^       ^           ^        ^
        |    |   |    |    |    |       |           |        |
        A    B   C    D    E    F       G           H        I

A: The EXPRESS entity name widget is mapped to the WIDGET standard keyword of the data section entity.

B: attribute1 has a value of 1 in this entity instance.

C: attribute2 has a value of A in this entity instance.

D: attribute3 has a value of T in this entity instance.

E: attribute4 has a value of F in this entity instance.

F: attribute5 has a value of 1.0 in this entity instance.

G: attribute6 is a list of logicals in this entity instance. The list values are:


H: attribute 7 is an array of integers in this entity instance. The array values are:

ATTRIBUTE7(-1) = 1
ATTRIBUTE7( 0) = 0
ATTRIBUTE7( 1) = 1
ATTRIBUTE7( 2) = 2
ATTRIBUTE7( 3) = 3

I: Attribute 8 is an enumeration. The attribute contains a value of R.

12.2.2 Mapping of OPTIONAL explicit attributes

An explicit attribute that is declared to be OPTIONAL is not required to have a value in a given entity instance. When the optional value is supplied in an entity instance, it shall be encoded according to the data type of the attribute, as specified in 12.1. When the optional value is not supplied in an entity instance, the missing attribute value shall be encoded in the exchange structure as the dollar sign "$".

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  attribute1: REAL;
  attribute2: REAL;

ENTITY yyy;  ------------------------>  A
  attribute1: OPTIONAL LOGICAL; ----->  B
  attribute2: xxx;  ----------------->  C
  attribute3: xxx;  ----------------->  D
  attribute4: OPTIONAL INTEGER; ----->  E
  attribute5: OPTIONAL REAL;  ------->  F

Sample entity instances in data section:

    ^  ^  ^  ^ ^ ^
    |  |  |  | | |
    A  B  C  D E F

A: The EXPRESS entity name yyy is mapped to the YYY standard keyword of the data section entity.

B: attribute1 does not have a value in this entity instance.

C: attribute2 is a reference to the xxx entity with entity instance #2.

D: attribute3 is a reference to the xxx entity with entity instance #1.

E: attribute4 does not have a value in this entity instance.

F: attribute5 does not have a value in this entity instance.

12.2.3 Mapping of derived attributes

The derived attributes of an entity shall not be mapped to the exchange structure. When a derived attribute in a subtype redeclares an attribute in a supertype, the mapping used shall be as described in 12.2.6.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  q0: Real;
  q1: Real;
  q2: Real;

ENTITY xxx;   --------------------------->  A
  p0: yyy;    --------------------------->  B
  p1: yyy;    --------------------------->  C
  p2: yyy;    --------------------------->  D
  attrib5 : vector := func_normal (p0,p1,p2);  ---->  E
  attrib4 : real   := func_diameter (p0,p1,p2);  -->  F

Sample entity instances in data section:

#9  = YYY( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#10 = YYY( 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
#11 = YYY( 4.0, 5.0, 6.0);
#12 = XXX( #9, #10, #11);
       ^    ^   ^    ^
       |    |   |    |
       A    B   C    D

A: The EXPRESS entity name xxx is mapped to the standard keyword of the data section entity.

B: p0 is a reference to the yyy entity with an entity instance #9.

C: p1 is a reference to the yyy entity with an entity instance #10.

D: p3 is a reference to the yyy entity with an entity instance #11.

E: attrib5 does not map to the entity instance because it is a derived attribute.

F: attrib4 does not map to the entity instance because it is a derived attribute.

12.2.4 Mapping of attributes whose values are entity instances

If an entity instance is specified as an attribute of a second (referencing) entity instance, the first (referenced) entity instance shall be mapped to the exchange structure as an instance name (see 6.4.4). The referenced entity instance shall be defined within the EXPRESS schema, the reference section or one of the data sections, i.e. somewhere within the EXPRESS schema, reference or data sections the referenced entity instance shall occur on the left of the equals sign "=". This definition may precede or follow the use of the entity instance as an attribute. The definition need not occur within the same data section as the use of the entity instance as an attribute.

NOTE 1      As per if the referenced instance is defined by an EXPRESS constant then the first character of its name will be an UPPER letter.

NOTE 2      Annex E describes methods for evaluating schema conformance when an exchange structure contains multiple data sections based on different EXPRESS schemas, including the validity of references among entity instances defined in data sections based on different EXPRESS schemas.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  x : REAL;
  y : REAL;
  z : REAL;

  p0 :  yyy;  -------------->  A
  p1 :  yyy;  -------------->  B

Sample entity instance in data section:

#1 = YYY(3., 4., 5.);
#2 = XXX (#1, #3);
#3 = YYY (1., 2., 3.);

12.2.5 Entities defined as subtypes of other entities

ISO 10303-11 defines instances of an entity having a SUBTYPE clause to be "complex entity instances", in that they may involve attributes from more than one entity-type declaration. This subclause specifies how complex entity instances are mapped to the exchange structure.

Complex entity instances shall be mapped to the exchange structure using one of two mapping rules, internal mapping or external mapping. One mapping rule applies to each instance of a subtype entity. The selection of which mapping rule to use for each entity instance is prescribed by

NOTE 1      The selection of mapping depends on the entity instance rather than the entity type. It is possible for different instances of the same entity data type to use different mappings, depending on whether they are instances of subtypes and which subtypes they instantiate.

NOTE 2      This subclause applies only to complex entity instances. It does not necessarily apply to every instance of a supertype entity. In particular, it does not apply to an instance of a supertype that is not an instance of any subtype. Such instances may exist if the supertype is not an abstract supertype and is not itself a subtype of some other entity. Such instances are mapped as provided in 12.2.1. Selection of mapping

A set of entity data type definitions that are linked by subtype and implicit or explicit supertype expressions define a set of complex entity instance structures, referred to as the evaluated set in annex B of ISO 10303-11. Each member of the evaluated set specifies a list of entity data type names.

Each particular instance of an entity data type corresponds to one member of the evaluated set. The mapping that may be applied to a particular instance depends on the member of the evaluated set to which it corresponds.

To determine the mapping rules to apply to a given entity instance:

  • a) determine the list of entity data type names that are included in the evaluated set member that corresponds to the entity instance;
  • b) identify from the list all entity-types that have no subtypes and all entity-types that may have subtypes but for which none of the subtypes appears in the list (evaluated set member) for this instance;
  • c) if only one entity data type has been identified, this entity-type is referred to as the "leaf entity data type" and the internal mapping shall be used. Otherwise the external mapping shall be used.

NOTE      At least one entity data type will be identified in step b above. Internal mapping

If the internal mapping is used, the entity instance shall be mapped to a SIMPLE_ENTITY_INSTANCE (see Table 3). The KEYWORD shall encode the name of the leaf entity data type, as specified in 12.2.11. The PARAMETER_LIST shall encode the values of the inherited explicit attributes of all supertype entities and the explicit attributes of the leaf entity data type. The order in which the inherited and explicit attributes appear in the exchange structure shall be determined as follows:

  • all inherited attributes shall appear sequentially prior to the explicit attributes of any entity
  • the attributes of a supertype entity shall be inherited in the order they appear in the supertype entity itself;
  • if the supertype entity is itself a subtype of another entity, then the attributes of the higher supertype entity shall be inherited first;
  • when multiple supertype entities are specified, the attributes of supertype entities shall be processed in the order specified in the SUBTYPE OF expression.

This procedure may result in a supertype entity being referenced more than once. In this case all references after the first one shall be ignored.

EXAMPLE 1      An example of a simple subtype/supertype relationship. Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  attrib_a: zz;  -------------------------------------->  B

        ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(xx)); ------------>  C
  attrib_b1: yy;  ------------------------------------->  D
  attrib_b2: yy;  ------------------------------------->  E

  attrib_c : REAL;

  attrib_x:  REAL;  ----------------------------------->  F

  attrib_z : STRING;

  attrib_1 : REAL;
  attrib_2 : REAL;
  attrib_3 : REAL;

Sample entity instance of entity data type xx in data section:

#1 = ZZ('ZATTR');
#2 = YY(1.0, 2.0, 0.0);
#3 = YY(2.0, 2.0, 0.0);

#4 = XX(#1, #2, #3, 4.0);
         ^   ^   ^   ^
         |   |   |   |
         B   D   E   F

A: Because entity aa is an abstract supertype it does not map to the exchange structure.

B: The attribute attrib_a will map to the data section as an inherited attribute in an entity that is directly or indirectly subtyped to the aa entity. In this case, attrib_a is represented by the first attribute of the instance of xx, and refers to zz, entity instance #1.

C: Because entity bb is an abstract supertype it will not map to the exchange structure.

D: The attribute attrib_b1 will map to the data section as an inherited attribute in an entity that is directly or indirectly subtyped to the bb entity. In this case, attrib_b1 is represented by the second attribute of the instance of entity xx, and refers to yy, entity instance #2.

E: The attribute attrib_b2 will map to the data section as an inherited attribute in an entity that is directly or indirectly subtyped to the bb entity. In this case, attrib_b2 is represented by the third attribute of the instance of entity xx, and refers to yy, entity instance #3.

F: Attribute attrib_x is represented by its value 4.0 .

EXAMPLE 2      An example of the mapping of a supertype that is not an ABSTRACT supertype. Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY aa SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(bb,dd));  -->  A
  attrib_a :  STRING;

ENTITY bb SUBTYPE OF (aa); --------------->  B

ENTITY cc SUBTYPE OF (bb);  -------------->  C
  attrib_c :  INTEGER;

ENTITY dd SUBTYPE OF (aa);  -------------->  D
  attrib_d : REAL;

ENTITY ee ;  ----------------------------->  E
  attrib_e : aa;

Sample entity instance in data section:

#1 = AA('SAMPLE STRING');  --------------->  A 
#2 = BB('ABC');  ------------------------->  B 
#3 = CC('DEF', 123);   ------------------->  C 
#4 = DD('XYZ', 99.99); ------------------->  D 
#5 = EE(#1); ----------------------------->  E 
#6 = EE(#2); ----------------------------->  E 
#7 = EE(#3); ----------------------------->  E 
#8 = EE(#4); ----------------------------->  E 

A: Since it was not an abstract supertype, the supertype entity aa can be instantiated in an exchange structure and notice that it contains only its attrib_a attribute when it is instantiated.

B: The entity bb is a subtype of aa and therefore its instances will contain the attributes of both aa and bb, but since entity bb does not define any attributes the parameter list will only contain attrib_a.

C: The entity cc is a subtype of bb and therefore its instances will contain the attributes of aa, bb, and cc.

D: The entity dd is a subtype of aa and therefore its instances will contain the attributes of both aa and dd.

E: The entity ee references entity aa as an attribute. Therefore, an instance of entity ee may reference any of #1, #2, #3 or #4.

EXAMPLE 3      An example of the mapping of an entity with multiple supertypes in the SUBTYPE OF expression. Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY base SUPERTYPE OF (branch_one,branch_two);  --->  A
  attrib_a :  STRING;

ENTITY branch_one SUBTYPE OF (base); ----------------->  B
  attrib_b :  INTEGER;

ENTITY branch_two SUBTYPE OF (base);  ---------------->  C
  attrib_c :  BOOLEAN;

ENTITY leaf SUBTYPE OF (branch_one, branch_two);  ---->  D
  attrib_d : REAL;

Sample entity instance in data section:

#1 = BASE('SAMPLE STRING');  ------------------------->  A 
#2 = BRANCH_ONE('ABC', 123);  ------------------------>  B 
#3 = BRANCH_TWO('DEF', .T.);   ----------------------->  C 
#4 = LEAF('XYZ', 123, .T., 99.99); ------------------->  D 

A: Entity base has no supertypes. When instantiated in an exchange structure, its parameter list will contain only a value for the attrib_a attribute.

B: The entity branch_one is a subtype of base. When instantiated in an exchange structure, its parameter list will contain the inherited attributes of base followed by the attributes of branch_one.

C: The entity branch_two is a subtype of base. When instantiated in an exchange structure, its parameter list will contain the inherited attributes of base followed by the attributes of branch_two.

D: The entity leaf is a subtype of branch_one and branch_two. When instantiated in an exchange structure, its parameter list will contain the inherited attributes of branch_one, which includes the attributes of base, followed by the inherited attributes of branch_two, followed by the attributes of leaf. The attributes of base are only written once, while writing the attributes of branch_one. They are ignored when they are encountered a second time when writing the attributes of branch_two. External mapping

If the external mapping is used, the entity instance shall be mapped to a COMPLEX_ENTITY_INSTANCE (see Table 3).

ISO 10303-11 defines a "partial (complex) entity value" to be the set of attribute values described by a single EXPRESS entity declaration. Every entity data type name in the evaluated set member identifies a partial complex entity value of the entity instance. Thus, the evaluated set member identifies the set of partial complex entity values that, together with the instance name, completely describe the entity instance.

Every partial complex entity value identified by an entity data type name in the evaluated set member shall be mapped to a SIMPLE_RECORD within the SUBSUPER_RECORD. The order of SIMPLE_RECORDs within the SUBSUPER_RECORD shall be in ascending sequence of their entity data type names. The names shall be collated as UPPER and DIGIT characters using the octet values defined in 5.2.

Each SIMPLE_RECORD shall encode one partial complex entity value. In each SIMPLE_RECORD, the KEYWORD shall encode the corresponding entity data type name, as specified in 12.2.11, and the PARAMETER_LIST shall encode the values of the explicit attributes, if any, appearing in the corresponding entity declaration. The order of the PARAMETERs in the exchange structure shall be the same as the order of the corresponding attributes in the EXPRESS entity declaration. If the EXPRESS entity declaration contains no explicit attributes, the PARAMETER_LIST shall be empty. The form of each PARAMETER shall depend on the data type of the corresponding attribute, as specified in 12.1.

NOTE 1      The sequence of partial entity values (SIMPLE_RECORDs) is determined by the entity data type name (the so-called "long name") and not by the "short name", if provided, which may be used for the encoding.

NOTE 2      Every partial entity value in the evaluated set is required to appear, including supertypes which have no explicit attributes.

EXAMPLE 1      An example of the mapping of subtypes related by ANDOR.

Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  attrib_a :  STRING;

ENTITY bb SUBTYPE OF (aa); -------------->  B
  attrib_b :  INTEGER;

ENTITY cc SUBTYPE OF (aa);  ------------->  C
  attrib_c : REAL;

ENTITY dd ;  ---------------------------->  D
  attrib_d : aa;

Sample entity instance in data section:

#1 = BB('sample string', 15);   ------------> A 
#2 = CC('S', 3.0);  ------------------------> B 
#3 = (AA('ASTRID')BB(17)CC(4.0));  ---------> C 
#4 = DD(#1);  ------------------------------> D 
#5 = DD(#2);  ------------------------------> D 
#6 = DD(#3);  ------------------------------> D 
#7 = AA('ABC');  ---------------------------> E 

A: #1 is an instance of aa and bb combined.

B: #2 is an instance of aa and cc combined.

C: #3 is an instance of aa, bb and cc combined.

D: The entity dd references entity aa as an attribute. Therefore, an instance of entity dd may legally reference any of #1, #2 or #3.

E: The non-abstract supertype aa can be instantiated, and the internal mapping applies because the evaluated set contains only one member.

EXAMPLE 2      An example of the mappings of a more complicated subtype/supertype graph. Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  attrib_x : INTEGER;

  attrib_a : x  ------------------------------->  B

  attrib_b : REAL;  --------------------------->  B

ENTITY c SUBTYPE OF (a);  --------------------->  C
  attrib_c : REAL;

ENTITY d SUBTYPE OF (b);  --------------------->  D
  attrib_d : x;

	   SUBTYPE OF (b);  ------------------------>  A
  attrib_e : x;  ------------------------------>  B

  attrib_f : x;  ------------------------------>  B

ENTITY g SUBTYPE OF (e);  --------------------->  E
  attrib_g : INTEGER;

ENTITY h SUBTYPE OF (e,f);  ------------------->  E
  attrib_h : INTEGER;

A: Since entity a and e are abstract supertypes they cannot occur on the exchange structure as independent instances.

B: Since attrib_a, attrib_b, attrib_e and attrib_f are attributes of supertype entities, they will be mapped as inherited attributes if a subtype is mapped using the internal mapping. They will be mapped as attributes of the entities in which they are declared if a subtype is mapped using the external mapping.

C: Since entity c participates in an ONEOF operation and its supertype participates in no supertype operation, it will use the internal mapping.

D: The mapping of d will depend on the structure of the evaluated set in which it appears.

E: Since entities g and h both have a supertype (entity e) that participates in an ANDOR operation. their mapping will depend on the structure of the evaluated set in which they appear.

EXAMPLE 3      An entity instance showing internal mapping.

#2=C(#1, 2.0);
   ^  ^   ^
   |  |   |
   A  B   C

A: The evaluated set of '#2' is [c & a] and therefore uses the internal mapping.

B: attrib_a is inherited by entity data type c. The evaluated set is a reference to an instance of entity data type x.

C: attrib_c appears after all inherited attributes.

EXAMPLE 4      Entity instance showing internal mapping:

#2=D(#1, 2.0, #4)
   ^  ^   ^    ^
   |  |   |    |
   A  B   C    D

A: Since entity instance #2 belongs to the evaluated set [a & b & d] that has exactly one leaf (d), it is internally mapped.

B: The attribute of a with name attrib_a is inherited by entity data type d.

C: attrib_b is inherited by entity data type d.

D: attrib_d is the last attribute in the d instance because inherited attributes from the supertype entities a and b come first.

EXAMPLE 5      Entity instance showing external mapping:

#2=(A(#1) B(9.0) D(#1) E(#1) F(#1) H(4) );  -------------> A 

A: Since entity instance #2 is a member of [a & b & d & e & f & h] and this evaluated set has more than one leaf (d and h), external mapping is used. There is no single entity data type name that can be associated with the entity; rather it can be considered to have the composite name a-b-d-e-f-h. The spaces between the entity records are optional and have been added to this example for ease of reading.

12.2.6 Explicit attributes redeclared as DERIVEd

If a subtype entity redeclares an attribute of its supertype using the DERIVE clause and if the original attribute is an explicit attribute, the value of the original attribute in the supertype shall be encoded as an asterisk ("*").

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY point;
  x : REAL;
  y : REAL;
  z : REAL;

ENTITY point_on_curve SUBTYPE OF (point);
  u : REAL;
  c : curve;
  SELF\point.x : real := fx(u, c);
  SELF\point.y : real := fy(u, c);
  SELF\point.z : real := fz(u, c);

ENTITY curve;
  attr : STRING;

Sample entity instance in data section

#1 = CURVE('curve_attribute');
#2 = POINT_ON_CURVE( *, *, *, 0.55, #1);  -----------> A 
#3 = POINT(2.0, 3.0, 4.0);  -------------------------> B 

A: Because a subtype with derived attributes is used here, the attributes x, y and z are replaced by asterisks.

B: Because POINT is not an ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE, it is possible to have an instance of POINT in the exchange structure. The attributes x, y, and z appear as normal.

12.2.7 Attributes redeclared as INVERSE

If a subtype entity redeclares an attribute of its supertype using the INVERSE clause, there is no effect on the encoding. The redeclared attribute is not encoded in any way.

12.2.8 Attributes redeclared as explicit attributes

If a subtype entity redeclares an attribute of one of its supertypes as an explicit attribute, i.e. not in a DERIVE clause nor an INVERSE clause, there is no effect on the encoding.

The attribute value shall be encoded as an attribute of the supertype, as specified in 12.2.5, applying the mapping specified in clause 12 for the data type of the attribute in the supertype. The redeclared attribute shall be ignored, that is, it shall not be considered an attribute of the subtype for encoding purposes.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

  a1    : NUMBER;
  a2    : curve;
  a3    : SET OF mmm FOR m1;

  SELF\aaa.a1   : INTEGER;
  b             : REAL;

  SELF\aaa.a2   : line;
  SELF\aaa.a3   : SET [1:2] OF mmm FOR m1;

ENTITY curve;

ENTITY line SUBTYPE OF (curve);

  m1    : aaa;

Sample instantiation in data section:

#1 = LINE(...);
#2 = CURVE(...);
#3 = BBB(1.0, #2, 0.5);
#4 = CCC(1.5, #1);

For the instances #3 and #4 the encoding is the same as if there were no redeclared attributes in the entities bbb and ccc.

12.2.9 Entity local rules

Entity local rules, WHERE rules and UNIQUE rules, shall not be mapped to the exchange structure.

EXAMPLE      Entity definition in EXPRESS:

ENTITY widget; ----------------------->  A
  a : REAL; -------------------------->  B
  b : REAL; -------------------------->  C
  c : REAL; -------------------------->  D
  a ** 2 + b ** 2 + c ** 2 = 3.0; ---->  E

Sample entity instance in data section.:

The WHERE rules are not instantiated in the entity instance.

#2 = WIDGET( 1.0, 1.0, 2.0 );
        ^     ^    ^    ^
        |     |    |    |
        A     B    C    D

A: The EXPRESS entity name widget is mapped to the entity data type keyword of the data section entity.

B: Attribute a has a value of 1.0 in the entity instance.

C: Attribute b has a value of 1.0 in the entity instance.

D: Attribute c has a value of 2.0 in the entity instance.

E: The WHERE rule did not map to the exchange structure. The entity is syntactically correct. However, the WHERE rule is not satisfied by the values of the three attributes.

12.2.10 Mapping of INVERSE attributes

Attributes within the INVERSE clause shall not be mapped to the exchange structure.

12.2.11 Encoding of entity type names

If the document that defines the schema whose instances are the subject of a data section also defines a set of short names for each of the entity data types within that schema, these short names may be used as the encoding of the entity data type names. Otherwise, the encoding of the entity data type names shall be the entity data type names themselves. In either case, any small letters shall be converted to their corresponding capital letters, i.e., the encoding shall not contain any small letters.

12.3 Mapping of the EXPRESS element of SCHEMA

The EXPRESS element of SCHEMA shall not be mapped to the exchange structure. The name of the schema that specifies entities that appear in an exchange structure shall be mapped to the header section of the exchange structure by use of an instance of the file_schema entity data type as specified in 8.2.4.

12.4 Mapping of the EXPRESS element of CONSTANT

Each reference to an EXPRESS element of CONSTANT shall be mapped to a constant instance name (see or a constant value name (see

12.5 Mapping of the EXPRESS element of RULE

The EXPRESS element of RULE shall not be mapped to the exchange structure.

12.6 Remarks

Remarks shall not be mapped to the exchange structure.

13 Printed representation of exchange structures

The graphic character combinations as specified in Table 6 may be used to control the printed appearance of an exchange structure. Except as noted below, these directives may appear at any position where a token separator may appear, and within strings and binaries. Details on token separators are given in Table 3. The graphic character combinations shall appear together without any intervening graphic characters.

Explicit print control directives are also allowed within strings. The directives "\N\" and "\F\" do not contribute to the effective contents of the string. For the encoding of strings see 6.4.3. The print control directives "\N\" and "\F\" are relevant only for the printed presentation of the exchange structure and are to be ignored otherwise. Annex G provides guidance on the printing of the exchange structure.

The directives shall not appear within UNIVERSAL_RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER tokens, within the anchor section (see 9), or the reference section (see 10).

Table 6 — Print control directives
Graphic character sequenceMeaning

14 Signature sections

14.1 Signature section structure

The syntax of the signature section is prescribed in Table 3. The signature section is optional. If a signature section is included in the exchange structure then it shall be given after the content that is being verified by that signature. There may be multiple signature sections. Each section shall begin with the special token "SIGNATURE;" and shall terminate with the special token "ENDSEC;".

Each signature shall verify the content that precedes the "SIGNATURE;" token including any previously defined signatures.

The signature shall be structured as defined by the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) for a signature with external content. See clause 3.9.1 for the definition of the CMS.

NOTE 1      External because the data is included in the sections above the signature and not embedded into the signature.

When computing the message_digest for the CMS, an implementation shall only include the characters in the alphabet defined in Table 1. See clause 3.9.2 for the definition of the message_digest.

The CMS structure shall be written into the exchange structure using the base64 encoding. See clause 3.8.1 for the definition of base64.

EXAMPLE      Three lines of a signature:


NOTE 2      The content of the signature is as described in RFC 5652 Section 5. The encoding of the signature is as described in RFC 4648 Section 4.

NOTE 3      As per Table 3, the first signature is given after the "ISO-10303-21;" token and the rest follow each one verifying all the data in the alphabet that precedes the "S" character in the SIGNATURE token.

Annex A

File representation on storage media

A.1 Record-oriented transport content

A magnetic tape may contain several data sets. Each data set may be a sequential file whose content can be interpreted as an exchange structure conforming to this part of ISO 10303.

It is the responsibility of the sender of such a tape to communicate to any receiver, either on the tape or otherwise, information on which data sets are exchange structures conforming to this part of ISO 10303.

The transport format for each exchange structure is as follows:

  • the file shall consist of a sequence of records;
  • the first graphic characters in the first record shall be the special token "ISO-10303-21;" that initiates the exchange structure. The formatting of the storage medium is dependent on the operating system and is a matter of agreement between the sender and the receiver;
  • the last record shall be padded (if necessary) with spaces after the semicolon of the special token "END-ISO-10303-21;".

A.1.1 Transport format for magnetic tape media

For tape transport of exchange files, the following characteristics defined in ISO 3788 define the preferred format for interchange:

  • 12,7 mm (0.5 in) inch tape width;
  • unlabeled;
  • 9 track tape;
  • 63 cpmm (1600 bpi) tape density;
  • 4000 octet (8-bit byte) physical block size;
  • blocks separated by inter-record gaps;
  • last block followed by tape mark.

Other standard magnetic tape media, such as 246 cpmm (6250 bpi), may also be used.

A.1.2 Other storage media with record-oriented storage

Other media on which exchange structures are stored as sequences of records may use the same transport format as specified for tapes.

A.2 Line-oriented transport content

Some magnetic media contain data sets stored as a sequence of lines. Each of these data sets may be a sequential file whose content can be interpreted as a file conforming to this part of ISO 10303.

The file shall consist of a sequence of lines:

  • the first graphic characters in the first line shall be the special token "ISO-10303-21;" that initiates the exchange structure.
  • the last line shall be padded, if necessary, with spaces after the special token "END-ISO-10303-21;" that terminates the exchange structure.

The means by which lines are delimited and end-of-file is represented are dependent on the operating system and are a matter of agreement between sender and receiver, subject to the restriction that the delimiters shall not make use of any character in the basic alphabet. Whatever their representation, line- and file-delimiters shall be ignored when processing the exchange structure.

A.2.1 Transport format for diskette media

Any of the popular media for diskettes (3 1/2", 5 1/4", low or high density) may be used to transmit the exchange structure.

It is the responsibility of the sender of such a diskette to communicate to any receiver either on the diskette or outside the diskette which data sets are exchange structures adhering to this part of ISO 10303.

A.2.2 Other media

Other media on which files are stored as sequences of lines may use the same transport format as specified for diskettes. In particular, this format may be appropriate for transfer over communication networks (E-mail).

NOTE 1      During transfer of clear text files via electronic mail attachment, lines that start with full stop are sometimes corrupted by either removal or doubling of the full stop. Electronic mail transfer may wrap lines in clear text attachments, so removal or doubling has also been observed with full stop appearing later in long lines.

NOTE 2      Implementations are advised to use line breaks within the exchange structure to avoid placing a full stop as the first character and to wrap lines containing full stop so they do not extend beyond 80 characters. Placing the exchange structure in a ZIP archive as described in A.4 also avoids the problem, because ZIP files are typically handled differently when sent as electronic mail attachments.

A.3 Treatment of multi-volume files

It may be necessary to spread an exchange structure over more than one physical volume.

NOTE      Depending on circumstances, special administrative software or the operating system of the receiving system may concatenate the physically separate parts of a multi-volume file into one exchange structure.

A.4 Transport for compressed archive content

A file that meets the requirements of this specification may be compressed and stored in a ZIP archive (see 3.10.13). The archive shall be written using PKZip 2.04g compression.

NOTE 1      This compression method limits the zip support to exclude encryption, Unicode filename support and usage of deflate64 mechanism. This compression is compatible with Windows Compressed Folders, WinZip, info-zip and zlib.

A ZIP archive may contain multiple compressed files. Some of these files may be exchange structures that meet the requirements of this specification. Some of the files may be subdirectories containing further files. Some of the files may themselves be ZIP archives. Finally some of the files may be ancillary data that is not part of the information model but is being carried with the model so that it can be referenced.

If a URI resolves to a compressed archive then a root file in the archive shall be read into the application. This file shall be an exchange structure that meets the constraints of this part of ISO 10303. This file shall have the name "ISO-10303.p21".

NOTE 2      The transport protocol (for example http, ftp, file etc.,) delivers a file to the requestor. If this file is ASCII then it is processed as an exchange structure. If the file is binary then the decompression algorithm is applied and the file named "ISO-10303.p21" is processed as an exchange structure.

The "ISO-10303.p21" file shall be known as the root. Any other files in the archive, including any files in sub-directories, shall be known as subsidiaries. An archive shall be conformant to this part of ISO 10303 only if it contains a root.

The root file shall be known by its local name if referenced by other files inside the archive and by the name of the archive when referenced from outside. In order for references within the archive to be kept consistent, all relative addresses shall be interpreted as addresses relative to the location of the referencing file within the archive directory. No relative address shall address a file outside the archive.

NOTE 3      Because all relative addressing is kept in scope an implementation may read the zip file and uncompress it in a location of its choosing for subsequent processing.

Only the root file can be referenced from outside of the archive. If other files in the archive contain entities that need to be externally referenced then an anchor must be defined in the root file and that anchor must forward the reference to the required entity or value in the subsidiary file.

EXAMPLE 1      An archive is created for a building. The root file describes the building. The subsidiary files describe the two floors and a picture.

File name Content summary
ISO-10303.p21 Project header data
first_floor.ifc Description of the first floor
second_floor.ifc Description of the second floor
picture.jpeg Photograph of the building

EXAMPLE 2      Anchor section of the ISO-10303.p21 file exposes archive anchors to external applications:

<first_floor> = #10				/* first floor defined in another file (see references) */
<second_floor> = #20				/* second floor defined in another file (see references) */
<electrical_system> = #30			/* electrical system defined in data section */
<building_photo> = <picture.jpeg>		/* extra- data not part of information model - but made accessible */

EXAMPLE 3      Reference section of the ISO-10303.p21 file:

#10 = <first.ifc#51c13346-2084-4494-8003-d956d1d25c45>		/* GUID that anchors an entity in first.ifc */
#20 = <second.ifc#cdd73fcb-e2d1-4546-b4f2-c34d2d333d42>		/* GUID that anchors an entity in second.ifc */

A.5 Transport for directory content

In order for the addressing to be consistent for structures that may be in an archive at some times, and outside an archive at other times, the transport for compressed content rules shall also apply if a URI resolves to a directory containing the file named "ISO-10303.p21".

Annex B

WSN notational conventions

The syntax of the exchange structure is defined in Wirth Syntax Notation (WSN) as published by Niklaus Wirth in Communications of the ACM, 20:11 (Nov 77), 822-823. The WSN consists of a set of productions or substitution rules. The element given on the left side of a production (i.e. before the equals sign) can be used to represent an occurrence of the pattern given on the right side. Elementary terms that appear only on the right side of such productions are called terminals. Elements that occur on the left side of a production are called non-terminals.

The notational conventions are given below. Table B.1 presents WSN defined in itself.

  • a string in capital letters is an element of the language; the string is the name of the element (for convenience, small letters are used for undefined identifiers and commentary);
  • any string enclosed in quotation marks is literally what is contained within the quotation marks. The one exception to this rule is a quotation mark within a literal. To accomplish this, the quotation mark is immediately repeated once. The sequence """" is interpreted as ", and the sequence "AB""C" is interpreted as AB"C.
  • the equals sign "=" indicates a production. The element on the left is defined to be the combination of the elements on the right. Any spaces appearing between the elements of a production are meaningless unless they appear within a literal. A production is terminated by a full stop ".";
  • curly brackets "{ }" indicates zero or more repetitions;
  • square brackets "[ ]" indicate optional parameters;
  • vertical line "|" indicates the logical OR;
  • parentheses "(" ")" indicate priority operations. In particular, where they enclose elements separated by vertical lines, one of the elements is to be chosen in conjunction with any other operation.

EXAMPLE      The sequence "A(B|C|D)" is equivalent to "AB|AC|AD"

Table B.1 — Wirth Syntax Notation (WSN) defined in itself
SYNTAX         = { PRODUCTION }.



TERM           = FACTOR { FACTOR }.

                   | LITERAL
                   | "[" EXPRESSION "]"
                   | "(" EXPRESSION ")"
                   | "{" EXPRESSION "}" .

IDENTIFIER     = letter { letter }.

LITERAL        = """" character { character } """".

Annex C

Information object registration

C.1 Document identification

In order to provide for unambiguous identification of an information object in an open system, the object identifier

  • { iso standard 10303 part(21) version(4) }

is assigned to this part of ISO 10303. The meaning of this value is defined in ISO/IEC 8824-1, and is described in ISO 10303-1.

C.2 Schema identification

In order to provide for unambiguous identification of the header_section_schema in an open information system, the object identifier

  • { iso standard 10303 part(21) version(4) object(1) header-section-schema(1) }

is assigned to the header_section_schema schema (see clause 8). The meaning of this value is defined in ISO/IEC 8824-1, and is described in ISO 10303-1.

Annex D

Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma

D.1 Conformance statement

The Protocol Information and Conformance Statement (PICS) Proforma supports the conformance assessment of implementations requesting evaluation to this part of ISO 10303. This annex is in the form of a questionnaire. This questionnaire is intended to be filled out by the implementer and may be used in preparation for conformance testing by a testing laboratory.

All implementers shall provide answers to the questions provided.

D.2 Conformance class

Check one.

Does the implementation support syntactic conformance class 1

___ for reading ___ for writing

Does the implementation support syntactic conformance class 2

___ for reading ___ for writing

Does the implementation support syntactic conformance class 3

___ for reading ___ for writing

D.3 Encodings

Check as many as are appropriate.

D.3.1 Entity instance encoding

Does the implementation support entity instance names

___ for reading ___ for writing

Does the implementation support value instance names

___ for reading ___ for writing

Does the implementation support EXPRESS constant names

___ for reading ___ for writing

D.3.2 Short name encoding

Does the implementation support short names for entities

___ for reading ___ for writing

Does the implementation support short names for select type values

___ for reading ___ for writing

Does the implementation support short names for enumeration values

___ for reading ___ for writing

D.3.3 String encoding

Does the implementation support the \X\ encoding for characters?

___ for reading, and if so, what is the binary representation used by the implementation?

___ for writing

Does the implementation support the \S\ and \P\ encoding for ISO 8859 characters?

___ for reading, and if so, what is the binary representation used by the implementation?

___ for writing

Does the implementation support the \X2\ encoding for ISO 10646 characters?

___ for reading, and if so, what is the binary representation used by the implementation?

___ for writing

Does the implementation support the \X4\ encoding for ISO 10646 characters?

___ for reading, and if so, what is the binary representation used by the implementation?

___ for writing

Does the implementation support UTF-8 encoding for ISO 10646 characters for exchange structures that declare an implementation_level value of '4;1', '4;2' or '4;3' (see clause 8.2.2)?

___ for reading, and if so, what is the binary representation used by the implementation?

___ for writing

D.3.4 Reference encoding

Does the implementation support URI references

___ with Anchors ___ with References ___ in clear text ___ in compressed archives

Does the implementation control the validity of references using an explicit Schema population

___ without time stamps ___ with time stamps ___ without signatures ___ with signatures

D.4 Implementation limits

What is the maximum number of schemas that can be referenced by an exchange structure?

What is the maximum number of data sections that may exist within an exchange structure?

What is the maximum number of instance names (or binary representation used by the implementation) that may exist within an exchange structure?

What are the maximum and minimum values (or binary representation used by the implementation) for EXPRESS INTEGER that is supported?

What is the limit of EXPRESS REAL precision (or binary representation used by the implementation) that is supported?

What is the maximum length of EXPRESS STRING that is supported?

What is the maximum length of EXPRESS BINARY that is supported?

What is the maximum number of elements that may appear in the encoding of an aggregate?

What is the maximum nesting depth that may appear in the encoding of nested aggregates?

Annex E

Multiple EXPRESS schemas in an exchange structure

E.1 Reference validity

An exchange structure with multiple data sections may have entity instance references among instances defined in data sections based on different EXPRESS schemas. These references across schemas raise two questions, 1) what references are to be considered valid and 2) which instances shall be considered as being based on a particular schema when determining the schema conformance of the exchange structure.

This subclause describes two methods of determining what references between entity instances are to be considered valid for determining schema conformance of the exchange structure. Other methods are possible but are not specified in this part of ISO 10303.

NOTE      This section describes ways in which the authors of documents that define EXPRESS schemas may also define reference validity between two or more schemas.

When determining schema conformance, an implementation must refer to the document that defines the schema for the EXPRESS definition, short names, and other requirements or constraints. If the schema is to be used in combination with others, the document must also define what references are to be considered valid.

It is expected that this determination will be done once and will govern all uses of the multiple schemas, so no attempt is made to convey within a particular exchange structure the means by which reference validity was originally determined.

E.1.1 EXPRESS interface specification method

If this method is used, references between entity instances defined by different schemas shall be governed by the EXPRESS interface specification set forth in clause 11 of ISO 10303-11.

An instance of a type defined by a schema may be referenced by an instance of a type defined by a second schema if the first type is interfaced by the second schema using USE or REFERENCE constructs.

EXAMPLE      Consider the following two schemas and the exchange structure based on them:

SCHEMA base;
  range : REAL;
  name : STRING;

SCHEMA extension;
USE FROM base (a, b);

  addressed_item : b;
  address : STRING;
RULE a_range_positive FOR (a);
  WR1: SIZEOF (QUERY (inst <* a | inst.range < 0)) = 0;

DATA ('ONE', ('BASE'));
#2=B('Sam Smith');
#3=B('John Doe');
#4=C(#2, '100 Main Street');
#5=C(#3, '1300 Elmwood Avenue);

Using the EXPRESS interface specification method, when determining the validity of references, an implementation must consider that entity type B is explicitly interfaced by schema 'EXTENSION' so the references from #4 to #2 and #5 to #3 are permitted.

E.1.2 SDAI domain equivalence method

If this method is used, references between entity instances defined by different schemas shall be governed by the domain equivalence methods specified in ISO 10303-22.

Given an instance of a type defined by a schema, instances of any entity type in the schema that may reference instances of the first type may also reference instances of any type that is declared domain equivalent to the first type.

EXAMPLE      Consider the following two schemas and the exchange structure based on them:

  range : REAL;
  name : STRING;

  range : REAL;
  name : STRING;

  addressed_item : b;
  address : STRING;
RULE a_range_positive FOR (a);
  WR1: SIZEOF (QUERY (inst <* a | inst.range < 0)) = 0;

DATA ('ONE', ('LONGA'));
#2=B('Sam Smith');
#3=B('John Doe');
DATA ('TWO', ('LONGB'));
#4=C(#2, '100 Main Street');
#5=C(#3, '1300 Elmwood Avenue);

For the purpose of this example, assume that we have domain equivalence information, determined using one of the techniques described in ISO 10303-22, that states types A and B are domain equivalent in both schemas. That is:



Using the domain equivalence, when determining the validity of references, an implementation must consider that entity type LONGA.B is domain equivalent to LONGB.B so the references from #4 to #2 and #5 to #3 are permitted.

E.2 Determining population of a schema

The file_population header section entity associates an EXPRESS schema and a collection of entity instances within the exchange structure. The attribute determination_method identifies an algorithm for selecting a collection of entity instances when given a set of data sections. This subclause describes three determination methods. Other methods are possible but are not specified in this part of ISO 10303.

When determining schema conformance of the exchange structure, the collection of entity instances identified by each file_population shall be checked against the associated EXPRESS schema. If a data section is not referenced by any file_population, that data section shall be checked against its governing schema according to the section boundary method described below.

When determining the satisfaction of requirements and constraints of a schema, references to entity instances outside of the collection of entity instances shall behave as unset values.

NOTE      The following procedure describes an approach for checking the exchange structure that is consistent with contents of clause 8.2.6 and the paragraph above:

For each file_population "F" in the exchange structure:

— find a set of instances by applying the determination method identified by F.determination_method to the data sections called out by F.governed_sections. If F.governed_sections is unset, apply to all data sections in the exchange structure;

— check this set of instances against the rules and constraints defined by F.governing_schema;

— mark the data sections that were given as input to F.determination_method.


For each data section "D" that has not been marked:

— check the set of instances in D against the rules and constraints defined by its schema.

E.2.1 Section boundary method

The determination_method attribute shall have the value "SECTION_BOUNDARY" when the section boundary method is to be used. Given an input of one or more data sections, the collection of entity instances shall consist of the following:

  • all instances in the given data sections.

EXAMPLE 1      Consider the schemas and exchange structure described by the example in E.1.1 The header section does not contain any file_population instances. When determining the schema conformance of the exchange structure, the following must be considered:

— data section ONE is not referenced by any file_population, so we must check all instances in the data section against its governing schema. All instances in data section ONE must satisfy the requirements and constraints of schema BASE. In this example, the population satisfies all constraints of schema BASE.

— data section TWO is not referenced by any file_population, so we must check all instances in the data section against its governing schema. All instances in data section TWO must satisfy the requirements and constraints of schema EXTENSION. In this example, the data section does not contain any instances of entity A, so rule a_range_positive is satisfied. The addressed_item attribute of instances #4 and #5 refer to instances outside of the population, so the references must be treated as if they were unset values. The addressed_item attribute is not optional, so this population does not satisfy the constraints of schema EXTENSION.

EXAMPLE 2      Consider the schemas and exchange structure described by the example in E.1.1, but with a header section as shown below:

file_population('BASE', 'SECTION_BOUNDARY', ('ONE'));
file_population('EXTENSION', 'SECTION_BOUNDARY', ('ONE','TWO'));

When determining the schema conformance of the exchange structure, the following must be considered:

— the first file_population defines a collection of instances that is governed by schema BASE. All instances in data section ONE must satisfy the requirements and constraints of schema BASE. In this example, the population satisfies all constraints of schema BASE.

— the second file_population defines a collection of instances that is governed by schema EXTENSION. All instances in data section ONE and data section TWO must satisfy the requirements and constraints of schema EXTENSION. In this example, rule a_range_positive is violated by instance #1, so this population does not satisfy the constraints of schema EXTENSION.

E.2.2 Include all compatible method

The determination_method attribute shall have the value "INCLUDE_ALL_COMPATIBLE" when the include all compatible method is to be used. Given an input of one or more data sections, the collection of entity instances shall consist of the following:

  • all instances in the given data sections;
  • all instances in other data sections, where the entity type of the instance is permitted to be referenced by instances defined by the governing schema of the population.

EXAMPLE      Consider the schemas and exchange structure described by the example in clause E.1.1, but with a header section as shown below:

file_population('BASE', 'INCLUDE_ALL_COMPATIBLE', ('ONE'));

When determining the schema conformance of the exchange structure, the following must be considered:

— the first file_population defines a collection of instances that is governed by schema BASE. This collection contains all instances in data section ONE. It must also contain instances in data section TWO that are permitted to be referenced by instances defined by schema BASE. In this example, there are none. However, if data section TWO contained instances of type A or B, they would be considered for constraint validation. In this example, the population satisfies all constraints of schema BASE.

— the second file_population defines a collection of instances that is governed by schema EXTENSION. This collection contains all instances in data section TWO. It also contains all instances of A and B from data section ONE because those types are permitted to be referenced by instances defined by schema EXTENSION. In this example, rule a_range_positive is violated by instance #1, so this population does not satisfy the constraints of schema EXTENSION.

E.2.3 Include referenced instance method

The determination_method attribute shall have the value "INCLUDE_REFERENCED" when the include referenced instance method is to be used. Given an input of one or more data sections, the collection of entity instances shall consist of the following:

  • all instances in the given data sections;
  • instances in other data sections, where the instance is referenced by an instance in the given data sections.

EXAMPLE      Consider the schemas and exchange structure described by the example in clause E.1.1, but with a header section as shown below:


When determining the schema conformance of the exchange structure, the following must be considered:

— the first file_population defines a collection of instances that is governed by schema BASE. This collection contains all instances in data section ONE. It must also contain instances in data section TWO that are referenced by instances in data section ONE. In this example, there are none. In this example, the population satisfies all constraints of schema BASE.

— the second file_population defines a collection of instances that is governed by schema EXTENSION. This collection contains all instances in data section TWO. It also contains instances #2 and #3 from data section ONE because those types are referenced by instances in data section TWO. In this example, instance #1 is not a member of the population, so rule a_range_positive is satisfied. This population satisfies all constraints of schema EXTENSION.

Annex F

ECMAScript binding for the anchor section

F.1 Introduction

The binding described in this annex maps the anchor section of an exchange structure to ECMAScript objects.

NOTE 1      ECMAScript is the term used in ISO/IEC 16262 for the language more commonly known as JavaScript.

NOTE 2      The anchor items may refer to data instances in the body of the exchange structure.

The binding enables the materialization of the data referenced by the anchors as objects that can be processed in an application.

The binding is defined as a set of functions that operate on a context defined by an object called the P21 object.

F.2 Required properties of the P21 object

The P21 object delivered by the functions that read an exchange structure shall have one property for each anchor in the exchange structure. This property shall have the same name as the anchor.

EXAMPLE 1      The following code uses a synchronous read function to read an exchange structure and access an anchor called geometry.

function read_model_geometry()
    var model = read_model("example.p21");
    return model.geometry;

NOTE 1     The read_model function is only an example. Implementations may prefer to use asynchronous read functionality to get better performance.

When an application reads an exchange structure it shall determine what anchors are expected from the attribute of the header section. If two exchange structures have the same then each anchor with the same name shall have the same representation.

NOTE 2     For example, if the attribute has the value "workingstep.paths" then the exchange structure may be expected to have anchors representing toolpaths.

F.3 Anchor value mappings

Each anchor shall have properties with the following descriptions.

  • A property called "$value" that describes the value of the anchor encoded as described below.
  • Each tag of the anchor shall be an additional property with the name of the tag preceded by a dollar sign ("$") and encoded as described below.

EXAMPLE 2      The ECMAScript expression "model.first.$value = new P21.Integer (10);" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<first> = 10;

EXAMPLE 3      The two ECMAScript expressions "model.second.$value = new P21.Real (10);" and "model.second.$third = new P21.String ("10");" are equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<second> = 10. {third:'10'};

Each anchor value shall be represented as a P21.Wrapper object. Each instance shall be specialized to one of the subtypes of P21.Wrapper listed below. The P21.Wrapper object shall have a method called toP21String() in addition to the toString() and valueOf() methods prescribed by ECMAScript.

The toP21String() method shall return the ECMAScript string value '$' if the instance has not been specialized.

NOTE      In ECMAScript the underlying value of a wrapper is accessed implicitly when necessary using the valueOf() method, and a printable representation is accessed implicitly when necessary using the toString() method.

F.3.1 integer mapping

A property defined by an INTEGER shall be mapped to a P21.Integer object. The valueOf() method shall return the integer literal represented as an ECMAScript number. The toString() method shall return the ECMAScript string representation of the ECMAScript number. The toP21String() method shall return a string representation of the ECMAScript number that meets the requirements defined by this part of ISO 10303 for an integer literal.

NOTE      Multiple examples in this annex assume that a P21 object has been read and assigned to an ECMAScript variable called model.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.Integer (10);" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = 10;

NOTE      There is no integer type in ECMAScript. All numbers have the type number.

F.3.2 real mapping

A property defined by a REAL shall be mapped to a P21.Real object. The valueOf() method shall return the real literal represented as an ECMAScript number. The toString() method shall return the ECMAScript string representation of the ECMAScript number. The toP21String() method shall return a string representation of the ECMAScript number that meets the requirements defined by this part of ISO 10303 for a real literal.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.Real (10);" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = 10.;

NOTE      This part of ISO 10303 requires the representation of real numbers to include a ".".

F.3.3 string mapping

A property defined by a STRING shall be mapped to a P21.String object. The valueOf() method shall return the string literal without the first and last "'" characters. The toString() method shall return the same result as the valueOf() method. The toP21String() method shall return a string that meets the requirements defined by this part of ISO 10303 for a string literal. This string shall include the first and last "'" characters.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.String ('This is a message');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = 'This is a message';

F.3.4 enumeration mapping

A property defined by an ENUMERATION shall be mapped to a P21.Enumeration object. The valueOf() method shall return the ECMAScript value true if the exchange structure value is ".T.", the ECMAScript value false if the exchange structure value is ".F.", and the enumeration represented as an ECMAScript string with the first and final "." characters omitted otherwise. The toString() method shall return the ECMAScript result of applying the toString() method to the result of the valueOf() method. The toP21String () method shall return the enumeration string defined by this part of ISO 10303.

EXAMPLE 1      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.Enumeration ('RED');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = .RED.;

EXAMPLE 2      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.Enumeration (true);" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = .T.;

NOTE 1      The EXPRESS BOOLEAN and LOGICAL types represent true and false as ".T." and ".F.". In principle other enumerations can also use these values. If so the mapping may produce unexpected results but no information will be lost.

NOTE 2      The ECMAScript environment implicitly converts null values to false in boolean expressions. This would be an issue for OPTIONAL BOOLEAN values in an SDAI implementation but is the expected behavior for this part of ISO 10303.

F.3.5 binary mapping

A property defined by a BINARY shall be mapped to a P21.Binary object. The valueOf() method shall return the binary literal represented as an ECMAScript string with the first and last quote characters omitted. The toString() method shall produce the same result. The toP21String() method shall produce a string with the first and last quote characters in place.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.Binary ('0123456789ABCDEF');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = "0123456789ABCDEF";

F.3.6 entity instance name mapping

A property that is defined by a ENTITY_INSTANCE_NAME shall be mapped to a P21.EID object. The valueOf() method shall return an encoding of the entity addressed by the entity instance name or NULL.

NOTE      An anchor defined by an entity should be given an application specific ECMAScript mapping.

The toString() method shall produce the entity instance name without the initial "#" character encoded as an ECMAScript string. The toP21String() method shall produce a string with the encoding described by this part of ISO 10303 that includes the initial "#" character.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.EID ('20');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = #20;

F.3.7 value instance name mapping

A property defined by an VALUE_INSTANCE_NAME shall be mapped to a P21.VID object. The valueOf() method shall return an encoding for the value addressed by the value instance name.

The toString() method shall produce the value instance name without the initial "@" character encoded as an ECMAScript string. The toP21String() method shall produce a string with the encoding described by this part of ISO 10303 that includes the initial "@" character.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.VID ('20');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = @20;

F.3.8 constant instance name mapping

A property that is defined by a CONSTANT_ENTITY_NAME shall be mapped to a P21.CIN object. The valueOf() method shall return an encoding of the entity addressed by the entity instance name or NULL.

NOTE      For an anchor defined by a EXPRESS constant the name of the constant is probably more useful than the value.

The toString() method shall produce the entity instance name without the initial "#" character encoded as an ECMAScript string. The toP21String() method shall produce a string with the encoding described by this part of ISO 10303 that includes the initial "#" character.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.CIN ('INCH');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = #INCH;

F.3.9 constant value name mapping

A property defined by an CONSTANT_VALUE_NAME shall be mapped to a P21.CVN object. The valueOf() method shall return an encoding for the value addressed by the constant value name.

The toString() method shall produce the value instance name without the initial "@" character encoded as an ECMAScript string. The toP21String() method shall produce a string with the encoding described by this part of ISO 10303 that includes the initial "@" character.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.CVN ('PI');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = @PI;

F.3.10 null value mapping

A property defined by a null value ("$") shall be mapped to an ECMAScript null.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = null;" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = $;

F.3.11 anchor item list mapping

A property that is defined by a ANCHOR_ITEM_LIST shall be mapped to a P21.List object. The valueOf() method shall return an ECMAScript array with each member of the list represented using the encoding prescribed for the corresponding valueOf() method in annex F.3. The toString() method shall return a one dimensional ECMAScript array with each member of the list represented using the encoding prescribed for the corresponding toString() method. The toP21String() method shall return a one dimensional ECMAScript array with each member of the list represented using the encoding prescribed for the corresponding toP21String() method.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.List (new P21.Integer (1), new P21.Integer(2), new P21.Integer(3));" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

<example> = (1, 2, 3);

F.3.12 URI mapping

A property that is defined by a RESOURCE shall be mapped to a P21.URI object.

If the value addressed by the anchor is an exchange structure then the valueOf() method shall return the anchor addressed by the URI encoded as described in this annex.

If the value addressed by the anchor is not an exchange structure then the valueOf method shall return NULL.

The toString() method shall return the URI represented as an ECMAScript string with the initial "<" and final ">" characters omitted. The toP21String() method shall return the string with the "<" and final ">" characters included.

EXAMPLE      The ECMAScript expression "model.example.$value = new P21.URI ('#wheel');" is equivalent to the following exchange structure code.

#10 = <#wheel>;

F.4 Required methods of the P21 object

The P21.Model object shall have the following methods.

F.4.1 uri() method

The uri() method shall return the address of the exchange structure as a P21.URI object.

F.4.2 name() method

The name() method shall return the (see clause 8.2.3) of the header section of the exchange structure as a P21.String object.

F.4.3 schema_population() method

The schema_population() method shall return an array of P21.Population objects describing the schema_population of the exchange structure (see clause 8.2.5).

Each P21.Population object shall have the following methods:

  • The uri() method shall return the address of the exchange structure that is to be included in the population as a P21.URI object.
  • The stamp() method shall return null or the date and time stamp of the entry as an ECMAScript date object.
  • The verification() method shall return true if the referenced structure has not been altered since the verification string was set, and false otherwise.

F.4.4 set_uri() method

The set_uri() method shall set the address of the exchange structure to the P21.URI object given by the argument.

F.4.5 set_name() method

The set_name() method shall set the of the header section of the exchange structure to the P21.String object given by the argument.

NOTE      Applications use the to determine the ECMAScript representation of the anchors in an exchange structure .

F.4.6 set_schema_population() method

The set_schema_population() method shall set the schema population to the array of P21.Population objects given by the argument.

Each P21.Population object shall have the following methods:

  • The set_uri() method shall set the address of the exchange structure to the value of the P21.URI object given as the argument.
  • The set_stamp() method shall set the date and time stamp of the entry to the value defined by an ECMAScript date object.
  • The set_verification() method shall generate and set the message digest of the reference.

EXAMPLE      The following lines of ECMAScript code create a new P21.Population object and add it to the current schema population of the exchange structure in model.

pop = new P21.Population;
pop.set_uri (new P21.URI ('http//'));
pop.set_stamp (new date ('4/2/2013'));
pop.set_verification ();
model.set_schema_population (model.schema_population().push (pop));

Annex G

Mapping UUIDs to anchor names

G.1 Introduction

Many systems generate unique identifiers. They are usually known as Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) or Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs). This annex describes how to map these identifiers into anchor names so that applications can determine when two anchors have the same UUID.

G.2 Mapping UUID names to anchor names

A UUID is a 128 bit value generated by a system.

NOTE 1      The identifiers are unique in practice, but this uniqueness is not guaranteed.

When used as an anchor name the UUID shall be encoded as prescribed in RFC 4122 (see clause 3.7.1). There shall be no prefix on the encoding.

NOTE 2      The RFC 4122 encoding was chosen because the dashes make it marginally easier for a person to recognize when two UUIDs have the same value and therefore represent the same identifier.


Valid representation as anchor name Source
<48a0de4c-3c6f-488f-843a-231e08125315> Generated using the Online UUID Generator at
<63309550-ce63-11e4-8830-0800200c9a66> Generated using the Online UUID Generator at
Invalid representation Problem
<439K6> Invalid RFC 4122 encoding
<uuid:09087c40-ce64-11e4-8830-0800200c9a66> Encoding must not include a prefix

Annex H

Example of a complete exchange structure

H.1 Introduction

An example EXPRESS schema definitions, a table of short names and an exchange structure are presented below. This EXPRESS schema does not reflect the contents of any part of ISO 10303.

H.2 Example schema

The EXPRESS schema definitions used for the exchange structure example.

SCHEMA example_geometry;

TYPE length_measure = NUMBER;

ENTITY geometry

ENTITY point
SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(cartesian_point))
SUBTYPE OF (geometry);

ENTITY cartesian_point
SUBTYPE OF (point);
  x_coordinate  : length_measure;
  y_coordinate  : length_measure;
  z_coordinate  : OPTIONAL length_measure;

TYPE edge_or_logical = SELECT (edge, edge_logical_structure);

ENTITY topology
SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(vertex, edge, loop));

ENTITY vertex
SUBTYPE OF (topology);
  vertex_point : OPTIONAL point;

SUBTYPE OF (topology);
  edge_start   : vertex;
  edge_end     : vertex;

ENTITY edge_logical_structure;
  edge_element : edge;
  flag : BOOLEAN;

SUBTYPE OF (topology);

ENTITY edge_loop
SUBTYPE OF (loop);
  loop_edges : LIST [1:?] OF edge_or_logical;


H.3 Example short names

The following gives the short names for the schema above.

Entity name Short name
cartesian_point cpt
vertex vx
edge ed
edge_logical_structure ed_strc
edge_loop ed_loop

H.4 Example exchange structure

The following is an example of a complete exchange structure.

NOTE 1     The schema is only an example, so there is no schema registration id present in the schema_name attribute of the file_schema entity instance in the header section.

#1=CPT(0.0,0.0,0.0);    /* THIS IS A CARTESIAN POINT ENTITY */
#11=VX(#1);             /* THIS IS A VERTEX ENTITY */
#16=ED(#11,#12);        /* THIS IS AN EDGE ENTITY */
#24=ED_LOOP((#21,#22,#23));   /* THIS IS AN EDGE LOOP ENTITY */

NOTE 2      This example exchange structure has been edited to aid readability. Unnecessary spaces have been added to aid readability.

Annex J

Example of a distributed exchange structure

J.1 Introduction

This edition allows the content of an exchange structure to be distributed between multiple files. The distribution does not change the meaning of the content only the location. The example below illustrates by distributing the content of the example given in annex H.4 between two files.

J.2 Example distributed exchange structure

The following example assumes that Giant Industries has been taken over and in the new environment Acme Inc. defines vertices from points supplied by Giant.

Giant has included a message digest for the Acme file in its schema population (see clause 8.2.5). The Giant files has a signature which verifies both its contents and the contents of the Acme file because of the message digest.


<POINT_1> = #1;
<POINT_2> = #2;
<POINT_3> = #3;
<POINT_4> = #4;
<POINT_5> = #5;
<POINT_6> = $;          /* PROMISSORY USAGE */

#11 = <>;

#24=ED_LOOP((#21,#22,#23));   /* EDGE LOOP ENTITY ALSO UNCHANGED*/

The Acme subsidiary file only contains one entity.


<vertex_1> = #11;



NOTE      To aid readability the entity instance names in this example are the same as in annex H.4 but this is not required and unlikely in practice. Unnecessary spaces and new lines have been added.

Annex K

Examples of EXPRESS constants to define units

K.1 EXPRESS constants for basic units

The following example shows how to define the basic units of a typical STEP file as EXPRESS constants.

plane_angle_radian : si_unit := named_unit (?) || plane_angle_unit () || si_unit (?, radian);
solid_angle_steradian : si_unit := named_unit (?) || solid_angle_unit () || si_unit (?, steradian);
length_millimeter : si_unit := named_unit (?) || length_unit () || si_unit (milli, metre);

seven_dimensions_a : dimensional_exponents := dimensional_exponents (0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
degree_to_radian : measure_with_unit := measure_with_unit (plane_angle_measure (0.01745329252), radian));
plane_angle_degree : conversion_based_unit := conversion_based_unit ('degree', degree_to_radian)) 
                                                   || named_unit (seven_dimensions_a)
						   || plane_angle_unit ();

seven_dimensions_b : dimensional_exponents := dimensional_exponents (1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
inch_to_millimeter : measure_with_unit := measure_with_unit (length_measure (25.4), inch));
imperial_length_inch : conversion_based_unit := conversion_based_unit ('inch', inch_to_millimetre)) 
                                                   || named_unit (seven_dimensions_b)
						   || length_unit ();

NOTE       These examples are for illustration only.

K.2 Exchange structure usage of the EXPRESS constants

The following example uses the previously defined EXPRESS constants to define a geometric context for a STEP file.

/* description */ ('example of how to reference EXPRESS constants that define units'),
/* implementation_level */ '4;3');

/* name */ 'example.stp',
/* time_stamp */ '2013-02-09T12:37:49-05:00',
/* author */ (''),
/* organization */ (''),
/* preprocessor_version */ '',
/* originating_system */ '',
/* authorisation */ '');

#10 = (


Annex L

Recommended names for file types

In resolution 583 (Stuttgart, Germany, - June 2003) SC4 recommended the following type names for files described by this part of ISO 10303

  • The type names .stp and .step for files according to the ISO 10303 Application Protocols. .
  • The type name .p21 for general use including those described by ISO 10303, ISO 13584 and ISO 15926.

Annex M

Guidelines for printing the exchange structure

M.1 Print control directives

The exchange structure allows the optional inclusion of directives that explicitly control a printed representation of the structure. Where such directives are not included but a printed representation of the exchange structure is to be created, the set of implicit print control guidelines specified in G.2 should be used. The explicit print control directives override the implicit print control guidelines.

M.2 Explicit print control directives

Explicit print control directives may be used in those cases where the sender needs accurate control of the printed appearance of the exchange structure.

The directive reverse solidus latin capital letter N reverse solidus "\N\" indicates that the first character immediately following the directive appears at the start of a new printed line. The directive reverse solidus latin capital letter F reverse solidus "\F\" indicates that the printing continues at the start of a new page. In either case, the print control directive itself should not be printed.

NOTE      The printing of the exchange structure will normally not be controlled by the explicit or implicit print control directives. It is assumed that the print control directives will only be used in those circumstances where the sender requires control over the printed appearance of the exchange structure. This situation may occur if the exchange structure is part of a legal contract.

M.3 Implicit print control directives

When printing the exchange structure, the following directives may be used in the absence of explicit print control directives:

  • a) printed lines should be left justified;
  • b) each section should begin at the start of a new printed line;
  • c) header section entities should begin at the start of a new printed line;
  • d) an instance name preceding the equals sign "=" should begin on a new printed line;
  • e) tokens other than strings and binaries should not be broken across printed lines. Strings and binaries should be broken only if they do not fit on a single printed line. Directive h) determines where strings and binaries should be broken;
  • f) comments should begin on a new printed line;
  • g) a token separator other than a comment should not be broken across printed lines. A comment will be broken if it does not fit on a printed line. Directive h) determines where a comment will be broken;
  • h) printed lines should be at most 72 characters long. If a character would be printed in the 73rd position of a line, this character should be printed on the first position of a new printed line instead.

Annex N

Change Log

N.1 Changes in Edition 2


  • Added clause 8.2.6 to describe file_population.
  • Added clause 8.2.7 to describe section_language.
  • Added clause 8.2.8 to describe section_context.
  • Extended clause 12.1.7 to allow for short names for enumerated types.
  • Extended clause 11.1 to allow for multiple data sections.
  • Added normative annex E to describe validation of exchange structures with multiple data sections.

N.2 Changes in Edition 3


  • Added anchor section to describe how entities within the exchange structure can be given anchor names that can be referenced from external files in clause 9.
  • Added reference section to describe how entity instances stored in external files can be referenced from an exchange structure in clause 10.
  • Added signature section to ensure authenticity of an exchange structure in clause 14.
  • Added Schema population definition to the header section to describe how to find a distributed population for conformance validation in clause 8.2.5.
  • Added three new implementation levels to the file_description of the header section in clause 8.2.2.
  • Amended clause 4.3 to define three levels of syntactic conformance.
  • Amended clause 5.3 to remove the requirement for an exchange structure to contain at least one data section.
  • Amended clause 6.4.4 to allow for value instances and references to EXPRESS constants.
  • Amended clause 11 to allow for EXPRESS constants and value instances
  • Added normative annex A.4 for transport of compressed content.
  • Added normative annex F for ECMAScript management of anchors.
  • Added normative annex G for encoding UUIDs in anchor names.
  • Added an informative example of a distributed model in annex J.
  • Added informative examples of unit and constant definitions in annex K.
  • Added file type name recommendations in annex L.
  • Changed 5.2 to describe the basic alphabet in terms of ISO 10646 rather than ISO 8859-1 and to specify UTF-8 encoding for all characters. Annex D in the Edition 2, which listed the graphic character for each octet value, was removed.
  • Extended string encoding in 6.4.3 to permit the code points U+0080 to U+10FFFF to appear in strings as UTF-8 encoded octets, as an alternative to the earlier \X2\ and \X4\ encodings. Reworded section to use the current ISO 10646 terminology.
  • Clarified the collation sequence for partial complex entity values within an external mapping in


  1. Globally Unique IDentifier (GUID): 2.5.5 Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs), [cited 2013-01-17], Available from World Wide Web,
  2. Representational state transfer (REST): How to create a REST Protocol, O'Reilly, 1 December 2004, [cited 2013-01-17]. Available from World Wide Web,


# (number sign) 5.4 6.4.4

$ (dollar sign) 6.2 7 9.2.4 10.2.1 12.1.3 12.2.2

* (asterisk) 12.2.6

aggregate 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 12.1.5

alphabet 2 3.10.2

anchor 3.10.1 5.5 9

anchor item list 5.5 7.2 9.2.5

anchor section 5.3 5.5 9

application protocol 8.2.4

array 12.1.3


derived 12.2.3 12.2.6

explicit 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.4 12.2.8

inverse 12.2.7

redeclared 12.2.6 12.2.8

bag 12.1.5

basic alphabet 3.10.2

basic multilingual plane

base64 3.8.1 8.2.5 14-1

binary 5.4


BMP 3.11

character 4.2 5.2

clear text encoding 3.10.3

CMS 3.9.1 3.11 14.1

comment 5.6

complex entity instance 12.2.5


schema 4.3 E E.2.3

syntactic 4.3

constant 12.4

control directive 3.10.4

cryptographic message syntax 3.9.1 14.1

data section 5.3 5.5 11 E.2.3

data type 6.4

determination method E.2

digital signature 3.9.1 14

diskette A.2.1

ECMAScript 3.5 F

e-mail A.2.2

entity 8.1 12.2 12.2.11

entity name 5.4 11.2 12.2.4 12.2.11

entity instance name 5.4 11.2

enumeration 5.4 6.4.5 12.1.7 12.1.8

exchange structure 4 4.3 5.3 5.5 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 H J

external mapping 12.2.5

external reference 6.5.2 10

EXPRESS constant 3.4 9-2-7 12.4 K

file_description 8.2.2

file_name 8.2.3

file_population 8.2.6 E.2

file_schema 8.2.4 11.1 12.3

file-delimiters A.2

global rules 12.5

graphic character 5.3

GUID 3.11 M

header section 5.3 5.5 8 8.3 12.3

IETF 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.11

IETF RFC 2396 2 3.6 9.2.6 10

IETF RFC 4122 2 3.7 9.2 M

IETF RFC 4648 2 3.8 14.1

IETF RFC 5652 2 3.9 8.2.5 14.1

integer 5.4 6.4.1

internal mapping 12.2.5

inverse 12.2.10

ISO 10646 2

ISO 639 2 8.2.7

ISO 8859 2

JavaScript 3.5 F

keyword 3.10.5 5.4 6.3 8.1 12.1.8 12.2.1

line-delimiters 5.6 A.2

line-oriented transport A.2

list 12.1.2

local rules 12.2.9


magnetic tape A.1.1

message digest 3.9.2 8.2.5 J.2

multi-volume files A.3


object identifier 3.11 8.2.3 8.2.4

occurrence name 5.4 6.4.4

OID 3.11 8.2.3 8.2.4

optional 12.1.3 12.2.2

partial complex entity instance

print control directives M

real 5.4 6.4.2

record-oriented transport A.1

reference 3.10.6 10.2

reference section 5.3 5.5 10

remarks 12.6

resource 3.10.7 6.5.1 9.2.6

root file A.4

rule 12.5

schema 1 4.3 8.2.1 8.2.4 12.3 E E.2.3

schema population 8.2.5

section 3.10.8 5.3

section_context 8.2.8

section_language 8.2.7

select 12.1.8

sequential file 3.10.9

set 12.1.4

short names 12.1.7 12.1.8 12.2.11

signature 3.9.1 3.10.10 14 J.2

signature section 5.3 5.5 14 J.2

simple data types 6.4 9.2.3 12.1.1

simple defined type 12.1.6

simple entity instance 12.2

string 5.4 6.4.3

subsidiary file A.4

subtype 12.2 12.2.5 12.2.8

supertype 12.2.3

tag 3.10.11 9.2.8

tag name 5.4 6.5.5 9.2.8

token 5.4

token separator 3.10.12

Uniform Resource Identifier 3.6.1 5.4 10 A.4 A.5

URI 3.6.1 3.11 10 A.4 A.5

URI Fragment Identifier 3.6.2 9 10.2.1 10.2.2

URI Query component 3.6.3

user-defined type 6.3 8.1 8.3 11.3

UUID 3.7.1 3.11 G

value name 11.2 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 12.1.5

value instance name 5.4

where 12.2.9

whitespace 5.6

WSN 3.11 B

ZIP Archive 3.10.13 10.2 A.4


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