Description 年轻的探险家来到了一个印第安部落里。在那里他和酋长的女儿相爱了,于是便向酋长去求亲。酋长要他用10000个金币作为聘礼才答应把女儿嫁给他。探险家 拿不出这么多金币,便请求酋长降低要求。酋长说:"嗯,如果你能够替我弄到大祭司的皮袄,我可以只要8000金币。如果你能够弄来他的水... 阅读全文
最长回文子串就是一个字符串的一个子串,他从左往右读和从右往左读是一样的。 可以用 Manacher 算法来求,他的复杂度是 O(n) 。 可以看这篇文章 http://blog.csdn.net/ywhorizen/article/details/6629268 但是其中应该有一个错误(纠... 阅读全文
Description The country of jiuye composed by N cites. Each city can be viewed as a point in a two- dimensional plane with integer coordinates (x,y)... 阅读全文
Description Dragon loves lottery, he will try his luck every week. One day, the lottery company brings out a new form of lottery called accumulated... 阅读全文
Description As we know,the fzu AekdyCoin is famous of math,especially in the field of number theory.So,many people call him "the descendant of Chen... 阅读全文
Description Today we play a squigglysudoku, The objective is to fill a 9*9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine Con... 阅读全文
Description A Sudoku grid is a 16x16 grid of cells grouped in sixteen 4x4 squares, where some cells are filled with letters from A to P (the first ... 阅读全文
Description In the game of Sudoku, you are given a large 9 × 9 grid divided into smaller 3 × 3 subgrids. For example,.2738..1..1...6735.......293.5... 阅读全文
Description The left figure below shows a complete 3*3 grid made with 2*(3*4) (=24) matchsticks. The lengths of all matchsticks are one. You can fi... 阅读全文
Description 这是个剑与魔法的世界.英雄和魔物同在,动荡和安定并存.但总的来说,库尔特王国是个安宁的国家,人民安居乐业,魔物也比较少.但是.总有一些魔物不时会进入城市附近,干扰人民的生活.就要有一些人出来守护居民们不被魔物侵害.魔法使艾米莉就是这样的一个人.她骑着她的坐骑,神龙米格拉... 阅读全文