

  1. elf header(定义在/usr/include/elf.h)//64位的系统ELF文件头包括以下两个部分

    #define EI_NIDENT (16)
    typedef struct
      	unsigned char	e_ident[EI_NIDENT];/* Magic number 	and other info */
    Elf32_Half	e_type;			/* Object file type */
    Elf32_Half	e_machine;		/* Architecture */
    Elf32_Word	e_version;		/* Object file version */
    Elf32_Addr	e_entry;		/* Entry point virtual address */
    Elf32_Off	e_phoff;		/* Program header table file offset */
    Elf32_Off	e_shoff;		/* Section header table file offset */
    Elf32_Word	e_flags;		/* Processor-specific flags */
    Elf32_Half	e_ehsize;		/* ELF header size in bytes */
    Elf32_Half	e_phentsize;		/* Program header table entry size */
    Elf32_Half	e_phnum;		/* Program header table entry count */
    Elf32_Half	e_shentsize;		/* Section header table entry size */
    Elf32_Half	e_shnum;		/* Section header table entry count */
    Elf32_Half	e_shstrndx;		/* Section header string table index */
    } 	Elf32_Ehdr;  //32位
    typedef struct
    unsigned char	e_ident[EI_NIDENT];	/* Magic number 	and other info */
    Elf64_Half	e_type;			/* Object file type */
    Elf64_Half	e_machine;		/* Architecture */
    Elf64_Word	e_version;		/* Object file version */
    Elf64_Addr	e_entry;		/* Entry point virtual address */
    Elf64_Off	e_phoff;		/* Program header table file offset */
    Elf64_Off	e_shoff;		/* Section header table file offset */
    Elf64_Word	e_flags;		/* Processor-specific flags */
    Elf64_Half	e_ehsize;		/* ELF header size in bytes */
    Elf64_Half	e_phentsize;		/* Program header 	table entry size */
    Elf64_Half	e_phnum;		/* Program header 	table entry count */
    Elf64_Half	e_shentsize;		/* Section header 	table entry size */
    Elf64_Half	e_shnum;		/* Section header 	table entry count */
    Elf64_Half	e_shstrndx;		/* Section header 	string table index */
    } Elf64_Ehdr;//64位
  2. section header

    typedef struct
    Elf32_Word	sh_name;		/* Section name (string tbl index) */
    Elf32_Word	sh_type;		/* Section type */
    Elf32_Word	sh_flags;		/* Section flags */
    Elf32_Addr	sh_addr;		/* Section virtual addr at execution */
    Elf32_Off	sh_offset;		/* Section file offset */
    Elf32_Word	sh_size;		/* Section size in bytes */
    Elf32_Word	sh_link;		/* Link to another section */
    Elf32_Word	sh_info;		/* Additional section information */
    Elf32_Word	sh_addralign;		/* Section alignment */
    Elf32_Word	sh_entsize;		/* Entry size if section holds table */
    } Elf32_Shdr;
    typedef struct
    Elf64_Word	sh_name;		/* Section name (string tbl index) */
    Elf64_Word	sh_type;		/* Section type */
    Elf64_Xword	sh_flags;		/* Section flags */
    Elf64_Addr	sh_addr;		/* Section virtual addr at execution */
    Elf64_Off	sh_offset;		/* Section file offset */
    Elf64_Xword	sh_size;		/* Section size in bytes */
    Elf64_Word	sh_link;		/* Link to another section */
    Elf64_Word	sh_info;		/* Additional section information */
    Elf64_Xword	sh_addralign;		/* Section alignment */
    Elf64_Xword	sh_entsize;		/* Entry size if section holds table */
    } Elf64_Shdr;


hexdump hello.o



(对应e_ident[EI_NIDENT]):实际表示内容为7f45 4c46 0201 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000。

前四个字节7f45 4c46(0x45,0x4c,0x46是’e','l','f'对应的ASCⅡ)是一个魔数(magic number),表示这是一个ELF对象,接下来的一个字节02表示是一个64位对象(32位的对象是01),再接下来的一个字节01表示采用小端法表示,再接下来的一个字节01表示文件头版本,剩下的默认都设置为0。






e_flags(四个字节)值为0x00000000,表示未知处理器特定标志(#define EF_SH_UNKNOWN 0x0);
e_ehentsize(两个字节)值为0x0040表示段头大小为64个字节(由这里知道section header table里面每个header的大小)。


以上就是我们找到的section header table,然后我们再通过其找到各个section。


typedef struct
  Elf64_Word	sh_name;		/* Section name (string tbl index) */
  Elf64_Word	sh_type;		/* Section type */
  Elf64_Xword	sh_flags;		/* Section flags */
  Elf64_Addr	sh_addr;		/* Section virtual addr at execution */
  Elf64_Off	sh_offset;		/* Section file offset */
  Elf64_Xword	sh_size;		/* Section size in bytes */
  Elf64_Word	sh_link;		/* Link to another section */
  Elf64_Word	sh_info;		/* Additional section information */
  Elf64_Xword	sh_addralign;		/* Section alignment */
  Elf64_Xword	sh_entsize;		/* Entry size if section holds table */
} Elf64_Shdr;

由Elf64_Word sh_name;得知此节区段名在段命串表中的偏移00000020
Elf64_Off sh_offset;段的起始位置00000040
Elf64_Xword sh_size段的大小00000031

使用objdump -x hello.o检验

4.readelf -h hello.o

5.readelf -s hello.o

posted @ 2016-05-31 01:26  20135312吴汉彦  阅读(265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报