sublime text3 Sync_Setting

sublime text 3 Sync_Setting 

official web:


Getting Started

  1. Run Package Control: Install Package command, and looks for Sync Settings
  2. Run Sync Settings: Edit User Settings
  3. if Do you already have a gist?
    1. Copy gist id and put it in config file (<username>/<gist id>) (gist_id property)
    2. Run Sync Settings: Download command to retrieve your backup.
  4. else
    1. Create an access token here with gist scope checked.
    2. Put the token in the config file (access_token property)
    3. Run Sync Settings: Create and Upload command

File Format

Please note - the config file uses the JSON format. A simplified example may look like the following.

    "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "gist_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"





Sync Settings: Create and UploadCreates a new backup on from your local files
Sync Settings: Delete and CreateDeletes the remote reference of your gist and then, creates a new backup from your local files to
Sync Settings: UploadUpload a backup from your local files to
Sync Settings: DownloadRetrieves the latest version of your backup, using as reference the gist_id property defined in your settings file.
Sync Settings: DeleteDeletes the remote version of your gist, using as reference the gist_id property defined in your settings file. (This action is irreversible)
Sync Settings: Show LogsOpen a new view, with Sync Settings log file
Sync Settings: Edit User SettingsOpen a new view, with Sync Settings user settings.

在另一台安装了sublime text的机器上,按照类似的步骤操作,选择Download即可同步设置和插件。


posted @ 2021-04-14 14:39  Keep_Silent  阅读(19)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报