


对于10bit的数据,不同的工具可能有不同的计算方式,大概在 2 10 − 1 2^{10}-1 2101附近。

const uint32_t maxval                = /*useWPSNR ? (1 << maximumBitDepth) - 1 :*/ 255 << (maximumBitDepth - 8); 
// fix with WPSNR: 1023 (4095) instead of 1020 (4080) for bit depth 10 (12)

对应的10bit是 255 ∗ 4 = 1020 255*4=1020 2554=1020
对应的12bit是 255 ∗ 16 = = 4080 255*16==4080 25516==4080



void calculateCombinedValues(const ChromaFormat chFmt, double &PSNRyuv, double &MSEyuv, const BitDepths &bitDepths)
    MSEyuv    = 0;
    int scale = 0;
    int maximumBitDepth = bitDepths.recon[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA];
    for (uint32_t channelTypeIndex = 1; channelTypeIndex < MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; channelTypeIndex++)
      if (bitDepths.recon[channelTypeIndex] > maximumBitDepth)
        maximumBitDepth = bitDepths.recon[channelTypeIndex];
    const uint32_t maxval                = /*useWPSNR ? (1 << maximumBitDepth) - 1 :*/ 255 << (maximumBitDepth - 8); // fix with WPSNR: 1023 (4095) instead of 1020 (4080) for bit depth 10 (12)
    const uint32_t maxval                = 255 << (maximumBitDepth - 8);
    const uint32_t numberValidComponents = getNumberValidComponents(chFmt);
    for (uint32_t comp=0; comp<numberValidComponents; comp++)
      const ComponentID compID        = ComponentID(comp);
      const uint32_t        csx           = getComponentScaleX(compID, chFmt);
      const uint32_t        csy           = getComponentScaleY(compID, chFmt);
      const int         scaleChan     = (4>>(csx+csy));	//权重的计算
      const uint32_t        bitDepthShift = 2 * (maximumBitDepth - bitDepths.recon[toChannelType(compID)]); //*2 because this is a squared number

      const double      channelMSE    = (m_MSEyuvframe[compID] * double(1 << bitDepthShift)) / double(getNumPic());
      scale  += scaleChan;
      MSEyuv += scaleChan * channelMSE;
    MSEyuv /= double(scale);  // i.e. divide by 6 for 4:2:0, 8 for 4:2:2 etc.
    PSNRyuv = (MSEyuv == 0) ? 999.99 : 10.0 * log10((maxval * maxval) / MSEyuv);


static inline uint32_t        getComponentScaleX        (const ComponentID id, const ChromaFormat fmt) { return getChannelTypeScaleX(toChannelType(id), fmt);               }
static inline uint32_t        getComponentScaleY        (const ComponentID id, const ChromaFormat fmt) { return getChannelTypeScaleY(toChannelType(id), fmt);               }


static inline uint32_t        getChannelTypeScaleX      (const ChannelType id, const ChromaFormat fmt) { return (isLuma(id) || (fmt==CHROMA_444)) ? 0 : 1;                  }
static inline uint32_t        getChannelTypeScaleY      (const ChannelType id, const ChromaFormat fmt) { return (isLuma(id) || (fmt!=CHROMA_420)) ? 0 : 1;   



const uint32_t size   = width * height;

MSEyuvframe[comp] = (double)uiSSDtemp / size;


const uint64_t uiSSDtemp = xFindDistortionPlane(recPB, orgPB, useWPSNR ? bitDepth : 0, ::getComponentScaleX(compID, format), ::getComponentScaleY(compID, format));

uint64_t EncGOP::xFindDistortionPlane(const CPelBuf& pic0, const CPelBuf& pic1, const uint32_t rshift
                                    , const uint32_t chromaShiftHor /*= 0*/, const uint32_t chromaShiftVer /*= 0*/
  uint64_t uiTotalDiff;
  const  Pel*  pSrc0 = pic0.bufAt(0, 0);
  const  Pel*  pSrc1 = pic1.bufAt(0, 0);

  TCHECK(pic0.width  != pic1.width , "Unspecified error");
  TCHECK(pic0.height != pic1.height, "Unspecified error");

  if( rshift > 0 )
    const   uint32_t  BD = rshift;      // image bit-depth
    if (BD >= 8)
      const uint32_t   W = pic0.width;  // image width
      const uint32_t   H = pic0.height; // image height
      const double     R = double(W * H) / (1920.0 * 1080.0);
      const uint32_t   B = Clip3<uint32_t>(0, 128 >> chromaShiftVer, 4 * uint32_t(16.0 * sqrt(R) + 0.5)); // WPSNR block size in integer multiple of 4 (for SIMD, = 64 at full-HD)

      uint32_t x, y;

      if (B < 4) // image is too small to use WPSNR, resort to traditional PSNR
        uiTotalDiff = 0;
        for (y = 0; y < H; y++)
          for (x = 0; x < W; x++)
            const           int64_t iDiff = (int64_t)pSrc0[x] - (int64_t)pSrc1[x];
            uiTotalDiff += uint64_t(iDiff * iDiff);
          pSrc0 += pic0.stride;
          pSrc1 += pic1.stride;
        return uiTotalDiff;

      double wmse = 0.0, sumAct = 0.0; // compute activity normalized SNR value

      for (y = 0; y < H; y += B)
        for (x = 0; x < W; x += B)
          wmse += calcWeightedSquaredError(pic1,   pic0,
                                           sumAct, BD,
                                           W,      H,
                                           x,      y,
                                           B,      B);

      // integer weighted distortion
      sumAct = 16.0 * sqrt ((3840.0 * 2160.0) / double((W << chromaShiftHor) * (H << chromaShiftVer))) * double(1 << BD);

      return (wmse <= 0.0) ? 0 : uint64_t(wmse * pow(sumAct, BETA) + 0.5);
#endif // ENABLE_QPA
    uiTotalDiff = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < pic0.height; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < pic0.width; x++)
        Intermediate_Int iTemp = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x];
        uiTotalDiff += uint64_t((iTemp * iTemp) >> rshift);
      pSrc0 += pic0.stride;
      pSrc1 += pic1.stride;
    uiTotalDiff = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < pic0.height; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < pic0.width; x++)
        Intermediate_Int iTemp = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x];
        uiTotalDiff += uint64_t(iTemp * iTemp);
      pSrc0 += pic0.stride;
      pSrc1 += pic1.stride;

  return uiTotalDiff;

posted @ 2022-05-09 16:43  Keep_Silent  阅读(145)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报