Concurrent Design Models Wrap-up

There often aren’t clear, discrete steps to follow when developing a task or data decomposition solution. When considering how to answer the design element questions for your chosen design model, some of the decisions you make will be based on answers to questions that follow and answers that have come before. I hope you got that sense from the discussion of each example given. Even though I had to write down the questions sequentially, you may need to consider more than one thing at a time to devise an efficient concurrent solution.



For most of the algorithms that are discussed and analyzed in Chapters 6 through 10, I will include a “Design Factor Scorecard” to discuss the concurrent algorithm and its implementation on four key factors. These factors are taken from Mattson’s Patterns for Parallel Programming where they are used as criteria concurrent programmers need to keep in mind when designing and implementing parallel applications through the parallel programming patterns that are presented. For our purposes, I’ve redefined these terms slightly from how Mattson et al. originally used them. My interpretations of these terms are given shortly.

It is my contention (论点) that programmers of concurrent algorithms should keep each of these factors in mind, along with their relative importance to each other and the tradeoffs between stressing one factor over another when designing and implementing concurrent algorithms. The merits and tradeoffs possible for the algorithms and code given in later chapters will also be presented in the Design Factor Scorecard section after the descriptions of each algorithm presented.



Your concurrent applications must run quickly and make good use of processing resources. With regard to a concurrent algorithm, efficiency will examine the overhead computations that you must add to ensure a correct execution, how alternative arrangements of threads or organizations of tasks might work better or worse, and what other problems there could be with the performance of the threaded application.


The simpler your concurrent algorithms are, the easier they will be to develop, debug, verify, and maintain. In terms of concurrent code based on a serial version, discussions of simplicity will focus on how much extra code you have to add to achieve a concurrent solution and how much of the original structure of the serial algorithm remains.


One of the goals of this book is to be as agnostic as possible with regard to available threading models and which models are used to implement the solution algorithms presented. Portability discussions will examine the tradeoffs that you could encounter if you used a different threading model from the one used in this text. While this book is primarily dedicated to the design and exploration of multithreaded codes, one of the options discussed under portability will be distributed-memory variations of the algorithms.


Because the number of cores will only increase as time passes, your concurrent applications should be effective on a wide range of numbers of threads and cores, and sizes of data sets. Scalability refers to what you should expect with regard to how a given concurrent algorithm will behave with changes in the number of cores or size of data sets.


My Two Cents’ Worth on the Factors

For me, scalability is the most important of these four factors, with efficiency a close second. This means that I will typically try to design a concurrent algorithm that will maintain its level of performance as the number of cores and threads increases to the detriment of a simpler or more portable algorithm. In order to gain that scalability, the algorithm and its implementation must be efficient, so that is my secondary goal.

There have been many times when the scalability of a concurrent application I’ve written has peaked and flattened out. This was usually due to the requirements of the algorithm and the paraphernalia provided by the threading model being used. In these cases, I would ask myself if it is worth the extra work to try to discover an alternative (which may not exist) that might scale better, or to rewrite the whole thing in terms of a different threading or design model. These are some of the tradeoffs you face when tackling concurrent algorithms.

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