

import socket import json import struct import os soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) soc.bind(('', 8021)) soc.listen(5) # 上传函数 def uploading_file(): while True: try: ftp_dir = r'F:\shpython11\pycharmwork\first_project\study_start\day32\ftp_dir' if not os.path.isdir(ftp_dir): # 这个是作为我们上传了之后的文件放在这个位置,你改成自己本地的 os.mkdir(ftp_dir) head_bytes_len = conn.recv(4) # 拿到struct后的头长度 head_len = struct.unpack('i', head_bytes_len)[0] # 取出真正的头长度 # 拿到真正的头部内容 head_bytes = conn.recv(head_len) # 反序列化后取出头 head = json.loads(head_bytes) file_name = head['file_name'] file_path = os.path.join(ftp_dir,file_name) data_len = head['data_len'] with open(file_path, 'wb') as fw: while data_len > 1024: fw.write(conn.recv(1024)) data_len -= 1024 else: fw.write(conn.recv(data_len)) conn.send(f'上传文件 {file_name} 成功'.encode('utf8')) except Exception: break while True: print('等待客户端连接。。。') conn, addr = soc.accept() print('客户端已连接:', addr) choice = conn.recv(1).decode('utf8') if choice == 'q': break if choice == '1': print('客户端选择了ftp上传服务') uploading_file() elif choice == '2': print('客户端选择了ftp下载服务') while True: try: ftp_dir = r'F:\shpython11\pycharmwork\first_project\study_start\day32\ftp_dir' if not os.path.isdir(ftp_dir): # 这个是作为我们上传了之后的文件放在这个位置,你改成自己本地的 os.mkdir(ftp_dir) file_list = os.listdir(ftp_dir) head = {'file_list': file_list} head_bytes = json.dumps(head).encode('utf8') head_bytes_len = struct.pack('i', len(head_bytes)) conn.send(head_bytes_len) conn.send(head_bytes) client_head_bytes_len = conn.recv(4) client_head_len = struct.unpack('i', client_head_bytes_len)[0] client_head_bytes = conn.recv(client_head_len) client_head = json.loads(client_head_bytes) choice = client_head['choice'] file_name = file_list[int(choice)] file_path = os.path.join(ftp_dir, file_name) with open(file_path, 'rb') as fr: data = fr.read() server_head = {'data_len': len(data), 'file_name': file_name} # 自定义头 server_head_bytes = json.dumps(server_head).encode('utf8') server_head_bytes_len = struct.pack('i', len(server_head_bytes)) conn.send(server_head_bytes_len) conn.send(server_head_bytes) conn.send(data) conn.send(f'下载文件 {file_name} 成功'.encode('utf8')) except Exception: break conn.close() soc.clone()


import socket import os import struct import json client_soc = socket.socket() client_soc.connect(('',8021)) # 获取文件夹下的文件 def get_file_list(file_path): if os.path.exists(file_path): if os.path.isfile(file_path): return True,file_path else: file_list = os.listdir(file_path) if file_list==[]: return False,'当前文件夹为空,请重新选择' else: return True,file_list else: return False,'你输入的文件路径不对' # 上传函数 def uploading_file(): print('欢迎进入ftp文件上传系统') while True: dir_path = input('请输入文件所在的文件夹路径或文件路径(输入q退出):') if dir_path == 'q': print('你选择了退出上传系统') break flag, dir_list = get_file_list(dir_path) if flag: if os.path.isfile(dir_path): file_name = dir_path.split('\\')[-1] file_path = dir_path else: for ind, file in enumerate(dir_list): print(f'文件编号:{ind} 对应的文件名为:{file}') choice = input('请输入文件编号进行上传:').strip() choice = int(choice) file_name = dir_list[choice] file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file_name) with open(file_path,'rb') as fr: data = fr.read() head = { 'data_len': len(data),'file_name':file_name} # 自定义头 head_bytes = json.dumps(head).encode('utf8') head_bytes_len = struct.pack('i',len(head_bytes)) client_soc.send(head_bytes_len) client_soc.send(head_bytes) client_soc.send(data) msg = client_soc.recv(1024) print(msg.decode('utf8')) else: print('你输入的文件路径不存在') # 下载函数 def download(): print('欢迎来到ftp下载系统') head_bytes_len = client_soc.recv(4) head_len = struct.unpack('i', head_bytes_len)[0] head_bytes = client_soc.recv(head_len) head = json.loads(head_bytes) file_list = head['file_list'] if file_list == []: print('当前ftp中无文件可下载,等待上传中') else: print('当前ftp中有如下文件') for ind,file in enumerate(file_list): print(f'文件编号:{ind} 对应的文件名为:{file}') choice = input('请选择要下载文件的编号:') choice_head = {'choice':choice} # 自定义头 choice_head_bytes = json.dumps(choice_head).encode('utf8') choice_head_bytes_len = struct.pack('i', len(choice_head_bytes)) client_soc.send(choice_head_bytes_len) client_soc.send(choice_head_bytes) # 接收用户传递过来的文件 client_head_bytes_len = client_soc.recv(4) # 拿到struct后的头长度 client_head_len = struct.unpack('i', client_head_bytes_len)[0] # 取出真正的头长度 # 拿到真正的头部内容 client_head_bytes = client_soc.recv(client_head_len) # 反序列化后取出头 client_head = json.loads(client_head_bytes) file_name = client_head['file_name'] data_len = client_head['data_len'] with open(file_name, 'wb') as fw: while data_len > 1024: fw.write(client_soc.recv(1024)) data_len -= 1024 else: fw.write(client_soc.recv(data_len)) msg = client_soc.recv(1024) print(msg.decode('utf8')) while True: msg = ''' 1.文件上传 2.文件下载 q.退出系统 ''' print(msg) choice = input('请做出你的选择:').strip() client_soc.send(choice.encode('utf8')) if choice == 'q': print('你选择了退出系统') break if choice == '1': uploading_file() elif choice == '2': download()



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