mysql 5.5 安装

1. 解压压缩包

2. 设置 mysql_home 环境变量

2. 与 5.7 不同 5.5 以前 使用 mysql/scripts 下的 ./mysql_install_db 脚本 初始化。!




添加开机启动:执行命令cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql,把启动脚本放到开机初始化目录


启动mysql服务:执行命令service mysql start





Usage: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_install_db [OPTIONS]
  --basedir=path       The path to the MySQL installation directory.
  --cross-bootstrap    For internal use.  Used when building the MySQL system
                       tables on a different host than the target.
  --datadir=path       The path to the MySQL data directory.
  --force              Causes mysql_install_db to run even if DNS does not
                       work.  In that case, grant table entries that normally
                       use hostnames will use IP addresses.
  --ldata=path         The path to the MySQL data directory.
  --rpm                For internal use.  This option is used by RPM files
                       during the MySQL installation process.
  --skip-name-resolve  Use IP addresses rather than hostnames when creating
                       grant table entries.  This option can be useful if
                       your DNS does not work.
  --srcdir=path        For internal use.  The directory under which
                       mysql_install_db looks for support files such as the
                       error message file and the file for popoulating the
                       help tables.
  --user=user_name     The login username to use for running mysqld.  Files
                       and directories created by mysqld will be owned by this
                       user.  You must be root to use this option.  By default
                       mysqld runs using your current login name and files and
                       directories that it creates will be owned by you.


posted on 2019-05-20 19:14  正义的伙伴!  阅读(288)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

