
D-LINK DI-524无线路由器变身DI-624,解决BT断线问题

Posted on 2007-10-11 22:16  姜伟华  阅读(11617)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报

D-LINK DI-524无线路由器变身DI-624,解决BT断线问题

我有个D-LINK的DI-524无线路由器,是2年多前托同学从美国带回来的。原来用在512K ADSL上时还可以,后来家里升了2M ADSL。噩梦就来了,每次只要我一用BT下载东西(电脑是有线连接到DI-524上的),平均10分钟必然断线一次(是电脑到路由器的连接断了,电脑显示要重新获取IP)。

一开始我以为是我的ADSL猫问题(电信送的虬江路烂猫),所以在淘宝上接连买了Tompson的Speedtouch 546 和Speedtouch 608两个高级的集成ADSL猫的路由器。但洋垃圾的质量就是不稳定,546用了2个月就出现启动不了的状况(电源红灯常亮),608用了3个月电源坏了,换了电源也点不亮了(没有任何反应)。


看来是要换路由器了,但看看市面上的无线路由器要么很贵(Linksys或者Baffulo),要么评价一般(TP-LINK, D-LINK),所以一直没有下定决心。


这篇文章说D-LINK DI-524(54M)和DI-624(108M)其实在硬件上是完全一样的,用的都是 Atheros AR2313A-00 SoC (System-on-a-Chip)芯片。之所以有两个产品,只是D-LINK的一种市场策略而已。
既然硬件一样,那么当然可以互换firmware了。我的是DI-524 revC,看看D-LINK官网上的DI-624 revC的最新firmware是2.76,日期比DI-524 revC的3.23新大约2个月。

2. http://www.utorrent.com/faq.php#Modems_routers_that_are_known_to_have_problems_with_P2P
  b.uPnP. 内网用户要BT的话,有两种方法:uPnP或者端口映射(Port Forwarding)。原来我是用uPnP的,因为用起来非常方便。既然它有问题,我就把它禁了,用端口映射吧。


The basic cause of most problems like this (the ones that aren't fixed by low values of net_maxqosrequests) is that the router can only track a limited number of connections. Different routers break in different ways when this limit is exceeded.

In order to allow multiple PCs to share a single IP (NAT), the router needs to keep track of connections. Because UDP is connectionless, tracking UDP "connections" requires the router to notice when your computer sends a UDP packet, and remember the IP/port that it was sent to for some period of time (connection track timeout). When a response comes back, the router knows where to send it. This is typically stored in a fixed size table.

When you get a game server list, what happens is you get a list of IPs from a master, and then your client queries each server by sending it a UDP packet. This causes the router to create one connection for each server you query. This can easily exceed the maximum number the router can track. What happens next depends on the router.

In some cases, it will reboot, crash or freeze. This means your entire connection will die until it comes back up, and obviously all connections will be lost.

In other cases, it will pick some entry to discard. If the entry it discards is another UDP connection related to a server query, this shouldn't be a big deal. at most, you will miss information from that one server. However ET:QW uses a TCP connection to it's master/login server, and if this gets discarded, you will probably run into problems.