
witch -n -an evil witch
glacier -n -mountain glaciers
auction -n,v -be sold at auction
pastime -n -a hobby or pastime
visualize -adj -visualize your anger as a red cloud inside your body
lyric -n,adj -write the lyrics
relish -v -I just want to relish this moment a little longer
limelight -n -in the limelight
stern -his dark face looked stern
subsequent -adj -subsequent analysis

benign -adj -get benign weather
detergent -n -laundry detergent
flirt -v -flirt with him
aisle -n -a window or aisle seat
stationary -adj -you remain stationary
skull -n -the bones in your skull
aftermath -n -the aftermath of war
bull -n -the old bull
brood -v -many birds come to here to brood
havoc -n -wreak havoc on the world

assassinate -v -was assassinate in the spring
diesel -n -be powered by petrol or diesel
peck -v,n -woodpeckers pecked wood for a pest
boycott -n,v -boycott the party
reside -v -reside here in New York
pearl -can't afford to buy her pearls
Catholic -adj -the Catholic Church
spice -n -sugar and spice
uranium -n -enriched uranium
syndicate -n,v -the powerful crime syndicate

sanitation -sanitation workers
turmoil -n -lead to war, turmoil and poverty
indict -v -was indicted on murder charges
linin -n -wear long linin garments
patronize -v -patronize this store
impromptu -adj,adv -an impromptu celebration
sob -v,n -sob out this wish
remnant -n -food remnants
rein -n,v -you need rein it in
lure -n,v -lure her away with chocolates

posted @ 2022-03-05 23:21  white514  阅读(86)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报