
[alarm, alert]

alarm n. 警报

alert adj. 警觉的

[conserve, reserve, preserve]

conserve n. 保护,保养

reserve v. 预定,保留

preserve v. 维持(状态)n. 禁区,果酱

[dedicate, devote]

v. 奉献

[cooperation, collaboration]

n. 合作

collaboration 还有“通敌”的意思

[generalize, generous]

generalize v. (片面地)概括

generous adj. 慷慨的

[prohibit, exhibit, inhabit]

prohibit v. 禁止

exhibit n. 展品 v. 展示

inhabit n. 居住于

[habitat, inhabit, inhabitant, inhabited, uninhabited]

habitat n. 栖息地

inhabit v. 居住于

inhabitant n. 居民

inhabited adj. 有人居住的

uninhabited adj. 无人居住的

urge -v,n -urge you to stay silent; have urges
refresh -v -refresh yourself
emergency -n -three emergency exits
manual -n,adj -manual labor; consult your operation manual
entrepreneur -n -successful young entrepreneur
devote -v -devoted myself too this relationship; devote five minutes a day to smiling
literacy -n -literacy rates
productive -adj -the most productive part of your day; spent a productive hour in the library
junk -n,v -a bunch of junk; eat all this junk
stock -n,v,adj -check if you have any of these books in stock; food stock; invest in stocks

characterize -v -a generation characterized by hard work; characterize the way he was being with her
contradict -v -you are contradicting everything I say;
pyramid -n -Egyptian pyramid
specific -adj -was my warming not specific enough
alert -adj,v,n -stay alert; alert me to this situation; on full alert
legend -n -a Chinese legend; you will be a legend
diminish -v -diminish my strength
reflect -n reflect your satisfaction with a tip; reflect on your mistake
conservation -n dedicate himself to the study and conservation of the bear
exclusive -adj -is a high-quality education only exclusive to the rich

preserve -v,n -preserve the honor of the family; science was still the preserve of men
render -v -be rendered speechless by fear
assure -v -assure your safety; I do assure you that
contest -n -entre a contest
testify -v -testify for the prosecution
nonetheless -adv -it was a remote region, but beautiful nonetheless
consistent -adj -on consistent version of Siri; the most consistent male relationship
formulate -v -formulate another plan
collaboration -n -science is not only collaboration, but also about competition
exception -n -... and China is no exception; the exception to the rule

slice -n,v -save you a slice of pizza
generalize -v -it's wrong to generalize people
mosquito -n -a mosquito net
prohibit -v -eating in lab is strictly prohibited
hesitate -v -hesitate for a moment; don't hesitate to call
whereas -conj -death is so final, whereas life... life is full of possibilities
inhabitant -n -we are all inhabitants of Earth
ballet -n -be a ballet dancer
momentum -n -keep the momentum going;
trivial -adj -I'm so sorry to bother you with these trivial details

posted @ 2022-02-18 13:54  white514  阅读(418)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报