
[imply, implicate, implication]

imply v. 暗示

implicate v. 表明有...牵连

implication n. 暗示,牵连,影响

[allege, declare, claim]

allege v. 断言

declare v. 宣称

claim v. 断言

[royal, loyal]

royal adj. 皇家的

loyal adj. 忠诚的

[author, authority, authorize]

author n. 作者

authority n. 权威

authorize v. 批准

[necessary, indispensable, imperative, essential]

adj. 必要的,不可缺少的

[eccentric, weird, strange, peculiar]

eccentric, weird, strange adj. 古怪的

peculiar adj. 奇怪的,特定的

[expert, expertise, special, specialist, specialty, specialize, specialization]

expert n. 专家 adj. 熟练的

expertise n. 专业知识

special adj. 特别的

specialty n. 专业

specialist n. 专家

specialize v. 专攻

specialization n. 专业化

[urban, municipal]

urban adj. 城市的

municipal adj. 市政的

rural adj. 乡村的

[transit, transition, transitional, transmit]

transit v. 经过 n. 中转

transition n. 过渡

transitional adj. 过渡的

transmit v. 传递

bleed -v -your nose is bleeding
subsistence -n -people on a subsistence living
shrink -v -she shrank my clothes
thrill -n,v -a thrill to see
combat -n,v -combat cancer
peculiar -adj -in his peculiar way
tame -adj,v -a tame wolf
implication -n -have wide implication for medical research
probe -v,n -probe deeply into a lady's personal affairs; unmanned probes
hemisphere -n -the northern hemisphere

oppose -v -oppose war
allege -v -allege that
aggressive -adj -aggressive behavior
loyalty -n -customer loyalty
questionnaire -n -fill in a questionnaire
descendant -n -Descendants of the Sun
poetry -n -read poetry
dramatic -adj -dramatic changes; dramatic arts
coupon -n -a coupon for free movie
visa -n -a US visa

embody -v -embody the dream of...
versus -prep -US versus CN
authorize -v -authorize the use of this weapon
syndrome -n -Multiple Personality Syndrome
association -n -Football Association
instantaneous -adj -death was instantaneous
indispensable -adj -everyone is indispensable
commit -v -commit murder; I commit myself to you
congress -n -the US Congress
underlie -v -underlie lung cancer

suppress -v -suppress a smile
tenant -n,v -a model tenant
dismiss -v -dismiss the suggestion; dismiss a worker
eccentric -adj,n -eccentric old man
masculine -adj -a masculine voice
expertise -n -your guidance and expertise
municipal -adj -municipal councils
transmit -v -transmit a signal
abnormal -adj -abnormal behavior
ambitious -adj -a ambitious man

posted @ 2022-02-09 10:50  white514  阅读(357)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报