
essential -adj,n -is essential for; essential elements; the essential of
vigorous -adj -a vigorous supporter;
resume -n,v -resume negotiations; prepare your resume
shuttle -n,v -the space shuttle; airport shuttle service; shuttle from ... to ...
liberal -n,adj -liberal parents; liberal trade; have a liberal education
certainty -n -with absolute certainty
tendency -n -have a tendency to; show an upward tendency
substantial -adj -a substantial amount of
decorate -v -decorate Christmas tree
expansion -n -a rapid expansion of the city

inevitable -adj -death is inevitable
client -n -meet with clients
superior -n,adj -be replaced by superior species; feel superior; my immediate superior
pursuit -n -the pursuit of happiness; popular outdoor pursuit
timely -adj -in a timely manner
given -n,adj -at any given time; given that
depression -n -severe depression; sent him to a deep depression; the depression era
criterion -n -meet criteria
grain -n -grain production; grains of sand
academic -n,adj -the academic life; is purely academic; be an Oxford academic

council -n -a city council
remain -v,vlink -remain calm; have tow minutes remaining
motive -n -a good motive for murder
demand -n,v -meet your demand; demand an apology
nominal -adj -a nominal fee
humanity -n -the story of humanity; the worst in humanity; study humanities
contaminate -v -contaminate the water supply
flaw -n -a flaw in a diamond
version -n -a few versions of the song
multiply -v -multiplied ten times; cells multiply

dispose -v -dispose of the body; disposing of government assets
subtle -adj -a subtle smell; subtle approach; a subtle solution
cumulative -adj -knowledge is cumulative
budget -n,v,adj -the budget for the whole year; budget $11 for ...
hierarchy -n -at the top of the hierarchy
vary -v -vary from $48 to 400; varied with her moods
biography -n -the biography of the Princes
abundant -adj -an abundant supply of fruit
shrug -n,v -shrug your shoulder; shrug off
elevate -v -be elevate to a new level

posted @ 2022-01-25 12:20  white514  阅读(63)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报