problem description: there is four number list named A,B,C,D; now you should out put the num of tuples which statisfy A[i] +B[j]+C[k]+D[l] =0 i.e: 以上的 阅读全文
The Manifold Tangent Classifier (MTC) Putting it all together, here is the high level summary of how we build and train a deep network: 1. Train (unsu 阅读全文
problem description: remove the nth node from the end of the list for example: given: 1->2->3 n = 1 return: 1->2 thought: first:you should know the le 阅读全文
problem description: this is the addition about the 3sum,you can use the method of solve the 3sum. given a integer and the target,you should return th 阅读全文
problem description: you should change the given digits string into possible letter string according to the phone keyboards. i.e. input '23' output [' 阅读全文
problem describe: given a string , first find the first word which is not white space;then there will be an optional '+' or '-', but the given the tes 阅读全文