


*	file name:	linkedlist.c
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表的创建、拆入、删除功能
*	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef int  DataType_t;

typedef struct LinkedList
	DataType_t  		 data; //结点的数据域
	struct LinkedList	*next; //结点的指针域


*	func name:	LList_Create
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表中的头结点创建
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  LList_t * LList_Create(void)
  LList_t *Head = (LList_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(LList_t));
  if (NULL == Head)
  	perror("Calloc memory for Head is Failed");

  Head->next = NULL;

  return Head;

*	func name:	LList_NewNode
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表的结点创建
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  //创建新的结点,并对新结点进行初始化(数据域 + 指针域)
  LList_t * LList_NewNode(DataType_t data)
  LList_t *New = (LList_t *)calloc(1,sizeof(LList_t));
  if (NULL == New)
  	perror("Calloc memory for NewNode is Failed");
  	return NULL;

  New->data = data;
  New->next = NULL;
  return New;

*	func name:	LList_HeadInsert
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表结点头插
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  bool LList_HeadInsert(LList_t *Head,DataType_t data)
  LList_t *New = LList_NewNode(data);
  if (NULL == New)
  	printf("can not insert new node\n");
  	return false;

  if (NULL == Head->next)
  	Head->next = New;
  	return true;

  New->next  = Head->next;
  Head->next = New;
  return true;

*	func name:	LList_TailInsert
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表结点尾插
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  bool LList_TailInsert(LList_t* Head, DataType_t data)
  LList_t* New = LList_NewNode(data);
  if (NULL == New)
  	printf("can not insert new node\n");
  	return false;
  if(NULL == Head->next)
  	return false;
  LList_t* Phead = Head;

  while (Phead->next)
  	Phead = Phead->next;
  Phead->next = New;
  New->next = NULL;
  return true;

*	func name:	LList_DestInsert
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表指定位置插入结点
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  bool LList_DestInsert(LList_t* Head, DataType_t dest, DataType_t data)
  LList_t* New = LList_NewNode(data);
  if (NULL == New)
  	printf("can not insert new node\n");
  	return false;
  if (NULL == Head->next)
  	return false
  LList_t* Phead1 = Head;
  LList_t* phead2 = Head;
  for (int i = 0; i < dest; i++)
  	Phead1 = Phead1->next;
  for (int j = 0; j <= dest; j++)
  	Phead2 = Phead2->next;
  New->next = Phead2;
  Pheadl-> = New;
  return true;

*	func name:	LList_HeadDele
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表头结点删除
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  bool LList_HeadDele(LList_t* Head)
  if (NULL == Head->next)
  	return false;
  LList_t* Phead = Head->next;
  Head->next = Head->next->next;
  Head->next->next == NULL;
  return true;

*	func name:	LList_TailDele
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表尾结点删除
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  bool LList_TailDele(LList_t* Head)
  if (NULL == Head->next)
  	return false;

  LList_t* Phead1 = Head;
  LList_t* Phead2 = Head;

  int count = 0;
  while (Phead1->next)
  	Phead1 = Phead1->next;
  for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
  	Phead2 = Phead2->next;
  Phead2->next = NULL;
  return true;

*	func name:	LList_DestDele
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现单向链表指定数值的结点删除
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  bool LList_DestDele(LList_t* Head, DataType_t data)
  if (NULL == Head->next)
  	return false;
  LList_t* Phead1 = Head;
  LList_t* Phead2 = Head;

  int count = 0;
  while (Phead1->next)
  	Phead1 = Phead1->next;
  	if (data == Phead1->data)
  for (int i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
  	Phead2 = Phead2->next;
  Phead1->next = Phead2->next;
  Phead2-> = NULL;
  return true;

*	func name:	LList_Print
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现输出所有单向链表结点中的数据
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  void LList_Print(LList_t* Head)
  LList_t* Phead = Head;

  while (Phead->next)
  	Phead = Phead->next;

  	printf("data = %d\n", Phead->data);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	return 0;


  • 删除单链表L(有头结点)中的一个最小值结点
*	func name:	LList_Print
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现输出所有单向链表结点中的数据
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  bool LList_DeleMin(LList_t* Head)
  	if (NULL == Head->next)
  		return false;
  		Head->next = NULL;
		return true;
  LList_t* Phead1 = Head;
  LList_t* Phead2 = Head;
  int min = Head->data;//假设第一个数据为最小值
  int count = 0,temp = 0;
  while (Phead1->next)
  	Phead1 = Phead1->next; //遍历到尾的地址
  	if (min>=Phead1->data) 
  		min = Phead1->data;
		count = temp;
  for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
  	Phead2 = Phead2->next;//最下值的前一个结点的地址
  LList_t* P = Phead2->next;
  Phead2->next= Phead2->next->next;
  P = NULL;
  return true;


  • 假设该链表只给出了头指针 head。在不改变链表的前提下,请设计一个尽可能高效的算法,
  • 查找链表中倒数第k(k为正整数个位置上的结点。若查找成功,算法输出该结点的data值,并返回1,否则,只返回0。
*	func name:	LList_FindDataPut
*	author	 :  17666589210@136.com
*	date	 :  2024/04/22
*	function :  实现查找链表中倒数第k个位置上的结点的值
* 	note	 :  None
*	CopyRight (c)  2023-2024   17666589210@136.com   All Right Reseverd
  int LList_FindDataPut(LList_t* Head,unsigned int k)
  int count = 0;
  LList_t* Phead1 = Head;
  LList_t* Phead2 = Head;
  while (Phead1->next)
  	Phead1 = Phead1->next; //遍历到尾的地址
  if (k > count) //找不到的情况
  	printf("can not find K-th to last data = %d\n")
  	return 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < count - k; i++)
  	Phead2 = Phead2->next;//找到倒数第k个的地址
  printf("K-th to last data = %d\n", Phead2->data);//输出k下所在的数据
  return 1;

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