Gazebo 机器人仿真流程之 WorldPrivate 类

在 Gazebo 中,World 类可以认为是场景容器,包含了仿真场景中的所有对象。其中,绝大多数成员变量以 WorldPrivate 类的形式存放,参见 gazebo/gazebo/physics/WorldPrivate.hh

WorldPrivate 类中,则主要定义了仿真场景中所需包含的对象、数据等信息。主要成员变量有:


/// \brief Pointer the physics engine.
public: PhysicsEnginePtr physicsEngine;


/// \brief The root of all entities in the world.
public: BasePtr rootElement;


/// \brief thread in which the world is updated.
public: std::thread *thread;

/// \brief True to stop the world from running.
public: bool stop;

/// \brief Name of the world.
public: std::string name;

/// \brief Current simulation time.
public: common::Time simTime;

/// \brief Amount of time simulation has been paused.
public: common::Time pauseTime;

/// \brief Clock time when simulation was started.
public: common::Time startTime;

/// \brief True if simulation is paused.
public: bool pause;

/// \brief Number of steps in increment by.
public: int stepInc;


/// \brief All the event connections.
public: event::Connection_V connections;


/// \brief Transportation node.
public: transport::NodePtr node;

/// \brief Publisher for world statistics messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr statPub;

/// \brief Publisher for request response messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr responsePub;

/// \brief Publisher for model messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr modelPub;

/// \brief Publisher for gui messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr guiPub;

/// \brief Publisher for light modify messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr lightPub;

/// \brief Publisher for light factory messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr lightFactoryPub;

/// \brief Publisher for pose messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr posePub;

/// \brief Publisher for local pose messages.
public: transport::PublisherPtr poseLocalPub;

/// \brief Subscriber to world control messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr controlSub;

/// \brief Subscriber to log playback control messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr playbackControlSub;

/// \brief Subscriber to factory messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr factorySub;

/// \brief Subscriber to joint messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr jointSub;

/// \brief Subscriber to light messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr lightSub;

/// \brief Subscriber to light factory messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr lightFactorySub;

/// \brief Subscriber to light modify messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr lightModifySub;

/// \brief Subscriber to model messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr modelSub;

/// \brief Subscriber to request messages.
public: transport::SubscriberPtr requestSub;

/// \brief Outgoing world statistics message.
public: msgs::WorldStatistics worldStatsMsg;

/// \brief Outgoing scene message.
public: msgs::Scene sceneMsg;


/// \brief Function pointer to the model update function.
public: void (World::*modelUpdateFunc)();


/// \brief All the plugins.
public: std::vector<WorldPluginPtr> plugins;


/// \brief List of entities to delete.
public: std::list<std::string> deleteEntity;

(9)Ray Test

/// \brief Ray used to test for collisions when placing entities.
public: RayShapePtr testRay;


/// \brief Alternating buffer of states.
public: std::deque<WorldState> states[2];

/// \brief Keep track of current state buffer being updated
public: int currentStateBuffer;

/// \brief Buffer of prev states
public: WorldState prevStates[2];

/// \brief Previous unfiltered state. Used for determining insertions
/// and deletions
public: WorldState prevUnfilteredState;

/// \brief Int used to toggle between prevStates
public: int stateToggle;


/// \brief A cached list of models. This is here for performance.
public: Model_V models;

/// \brief A cached list of lights.
public: Light_V lights;


/// \brief A list of roads in the world
public: std::vector<RoadPtr> roads;


/// \brief Callback function intended to call the scene with updated Poses
public: UpdateScenePosesFunc updateScenePoses;


posted @ 2020-04-18 17:18  wghou09  阅读(250)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报