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摘要:材料来源于 ADMM ⊇ Projective Dynamics: Fast Simulation of Hyperelastic Models with Dynamic Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Gra
摘要:材料来源于 Descent methods for elastic body simulation on the GPU, ACMTransactions on Graphics (TOG), 2016. 0. 概述 在本论文中,提出了一种***。下面将详细介绍该方法的源代码及实现细节,并对照论文中
摘要:材料来源于 Siggraph Asia 2018 的 course note Parallel iterative solvers for real-time elastic deformations, SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Courses, 2018. 0. 概述 在形变仿真中,许
摘要:论文题目:Complementary Dynamics 。It is a SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 paper by Jiayi Eris Zhang, Seungbae Bang, David I.W. Levin and Alec Jacobson. More details is
摘要:本论文提出了一种适用于 Projective Dynamics 的模型降阶方法,主要包含了三部分内容:(1)坐标系的降阶;(2)约束的降阶;(3)Projective Dynamics 的求解过程,包括 globle/local 求解过程; 1 - 总体概述 模型降阶(model order red
摘要:论文: A validated physical model for real-time simulation of soft robotic snakes. 2019 内容:a framework that is capable of accurately representing soft ro