在SQL Server中如何比较两个表的各组数据
前一阵子,在项目中碰到这样一个SQL查询需求,有两个相同结构的表(table_left & table_right),如下:
如图1. 可以看出表table_left和table_right存在两组数据完整相等:
通过"Select … From …Order by … xml for path('') "把各组的data列数据连串起来(如,图4.把table_left的组#11的列data连串起来成"data1-data2-data3"),其他分组(包含表table_right)以此方法实现data列数据连串起来;然后通过比较两表的连串后字段是否存在相等,若是相等就说明这比较多两组数据相等,由此可以判断出表table_left的哪组数据在表table_right存在与它数据完全相等的组。
alter table table_left add dataPath nvarchar(200) alter table table_right add dataPath nvarchar(200) |
update a set dataPath=b.dataPath from table_left a cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)b
update a set dataPath=b.dataPath from table_right a cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)b |
select distinct a.groupId from table_left a where exists(select 1 from table_right x where x.dataPath=a.dataPath) |
use tempdb go if object_id('table_left') is not null drop table table_left if object_id('table_right') is not null drop table table_right go create table table_left(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10)) create table table_right(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10)) go alter table table_left add dataPath nvarchar(200) alter table table_right add dataPath nvarchar(200) go create nonclustered index ix_left on table_left(dataPath) create nonclustered index ix_right on table_right(dataPath) go set nocount on go insert into table_right(groupId,data) select '#1','data1' union all select '#1','data2' union all select '#1','data3' union all select '#2','data55' union all select '#2','data55' union all select '#3','data91' union all select '#3','data92' union all select '#4','data65' union all select '#4','data66' union all select '#4','data67' union all select '#4','data68' union all select '#4','data69' union all select '#5','data77' union all select '#5','data79' insert into table_left(groupId,data) select '#11','data1' union all select '#11','data2' union all select '#11','data3' union all select '#22','data55' union all select '#22','data57' union all select '#33','data99' union all select '#33','data99' union all select '#44','data66' union all select '#44','data68' union all select '#55','data77' union all select '#55','data78' union all select '#55','data79' go update a set dataPath=b.dataPath from table_left a cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)b update a set dataPath=b.dataPath from table_right a cross apply(select (select '-'+x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=a.groupId order by x.data for xml path('')) as dataPath)b -- select distinct a.groupId from table_left a where exists(select 1 from table_right x where x.dataPath=a.dataPath)
通过SQL Sever提供的集运算符"Except",判断两组非重复的数据。如果两组针对对方都不存在非重复的数据,就说明这两组数据完全相等。如,表table_left中的组#11和表 table_right中的组#1,对列data进行"Except"集运算,无任是(#11 à #1)进行Except集运算,还是(#1 à #11 )进行Except集合运算,都返回空结果,这就说明组#1 和#11的data数据完全相等,如:
select data from table_left where groupId='#11' except select data from table_right where groupId='#1'
select data from table_right where groupId='#1' except select data from table_left where groupId='#11' |
同样道理,我们把表table_left中的组#11和表 table_right中的组#2,对列data进行"Except"集运算,如:
select data from table_left where groupId='#11' except select data from table_right where groupId='#2'
select data from table_right where groupId='#2' except select data from table_left where groupId='#11' |
只要(#11 à #2 )或 (#2 à #11 )的"Except"集运算结果有记录,就说明两组的数据不相等。
select distinct a.groupId from table_left a inner join table_right b on b.data=a.data where not exists(select x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId except select y.data from table_right y where y.groupId=b.groupId ) and not exists(select x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=b.groupId except select y.data from table_left y where y.groupId=a.groupId ) |
use tempdb go if object_id('table_left') is not null drop table table_left if object_id('table_right') is not null drop table table_right go create table table_left(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10)) create table table_right(groupId nvarchar(5),data nvarchar(10)) go create nonclustered index ix_left on table_left(data) create nonclustered index ix_right on table_right(data) go set nocount on go insert into table_right(groupId,data) select '#1','data1' union all select '#1','data2' union all select '#1','data3' union all select '#2','data55' union all select '#2','data55' union all select '#3','data91' union all select '#3','data92' union all select '#4','data65' union all select '#4','data66' union all select '#4','data67' union all select '#4','data68' union all select '#4','data69' union all select '#5','data77' union all select '#5','data79' insert into table_left(groupId,data) select '#11','data1' union all select '#11','data2' union all select '#11','data3' union all select '#22','data55' union all select '#22','data57' union all select '#33','data99' union all select '#33','data99' union all select '#44','data66' union all select '#44','data68' union all select '#55','data77' union all select '#55','data78' union all select '#55','data79' go --select select distinct a.groupId from table_left a inner join table_right b on b.data=a.data where not exists(select x.data from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId except select y.data from table_right y where y.groupId=b.groupId ) and not exists(select x.data from table_right x where x.groupId=b.groupId except select y.data from table_left y where y.groupId=a.groupId )
方法1 Vs. 方法2 :
这样的情况,可对字段dataSub1 & dataSub2 创建一个哈希索引,如:
alter table table_left add dataChecksum as checksum(dataSub1,dataSub2) alter table table_right add dataChecksum as checksum(dataSub1,dataSub2) go
create nonclustered index ix_table_left_cs on table_right(dataChecksum) create nonclustered index table_right_cs on table_right(dataChecksum) |
后面的select查询语句,在Inner Join 部分稍改动下即可,如:
select distinct a.groupId from table_left a inner join table_right b on b.dataChecksum=a.dataChecksum and b.dataSub1=a.dataSub1 and b.dataSub2=a.dataSub2 where not exists(select x.dataSub1,x.dataSub2 from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId except select y.dataSub1,y.dataSub2 from table_right y where y.groupId=b.groupId ) and not exists(select x.dataSub1,x.dataSub2 from table_right x where x.groupId=b.groupId except select y.dataSub1,y.dataSub2 from table_left y where y.groupId=a.groupId ) |
use tempdb go if object_id('table_left') is not null drop table table_left if object_id('table_right') is not null drop table table_right go create table table_left(groupId nvarchar(5),dataSub1 nvarchar(10),dataSub2 nvarchar(10)) create table table_right(groupId nvarchar(5),dataSub1 nvarchar(10),dataSub2 nvarchar(10)) go alter table table_left add dataChecksum as checksum(dataSub1,dataSub2) alter table table_right add dataChecksum as checksum(dataSub1,dataSub2) go create nonclustered index ix_table_left_cs on table_left(dataChecksum) create nonclustered index table_right_cs on table_right(dataChecksum) go set nocount on go insert into table_right(groupId,dataSub1,dataSub2) select '#1','data1','data7' union all select '#1','data2','data8' union all select '#1','data3','data9' union all select '#2','data55','data4' union all select '#2','data55','data5' insert into table_left(groupId,dataSub1,dataSub2) select '#11','data1','data7' union all select '#11','data2','data8' union all select '#11','data3','data9' union all select '#22','data55','data0' union all select '#22','data57','data2' union all select '#33','data99','data4' union all select '#33','data99','data6' go --select select distinct a.groupId from table_left a inner join table_right b on b.dataChecksum=a.dataChecksum and b.dataSub1=a.dataSub1 and b.dataSub2=a.dataSub2 where not exists(select x.dataSub1,x.dataSub2 from table_left x where x.groupId=a.groupId except select y.dataSub1,y.dataSub2 from table_right y where y.groupId=b.groupId ) and not exists(select x.dataSub1,x.dataSub2 from table_right x where x.groupId=b.groupId except select y.dataSub1,y.dataSub2 from table_left y where y.groupId=a.groupId )
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
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