读论文-基于序列_会话的推荐_挑战,方法,应用和机遇(Sequential_Session-based Recommendations_ Challenges, Approaches, Applications and Opportunities)


今天读的论文为一篇于2022年7月7日发表在第45届国际ACM信息检索研究与发展会议论文集(Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.)的论文,文章主要讲述了序列推荐系统(SRSs)和基于会话的推荐系统(SBRSs)作为推荐系统领域的新范式,它们的目的是捕捉用户的短期且动态变化的偏好,以便提供更加及时和准确的推荐。文章指出,尽管这一领域已被广泛研究,但仍存在许多由于不同描述、设置、假设和应用背景导致的不一致性。目前还没有工作提出一个统一的框架或问题定义来消除这些不一致性。此外,文章还提到了现有研究中缺乏对这些系统的全面和系统性分析,包括数据特性、关键挑战、最先进的方法、现实世界的应用,以及未来研究的重要方向。文章的目标是填补这些研究空白,促进该领域的发展。

第45届国际ACM信息检索研究与发展会议论文集是由ACM(Association for Computing Machinery)出版的一本关于信息检索领域的学术论文集。这本论文集收录了在该会议上发表的高质量研究论文,涵盖了信息检索领域的各个方面,包括搜索引擎、文本挖掘、自然语言处理、机器学习等。这些论文主要关注信息检索技术的最新发展和创新,以及在实际应用中的挑战和解决方案。这些研究成果对于推动信息检索技术的发展和应用具有重要意义,同时也为相关领域的研究人员和实践者提供了宝贵的参考资源。这本论文集的内容经过严格的同行评审,确保了论文的质量和学术价值。作为信息检索领域的重要学术会议,第45届国际ACM信息检索研究与发展会议论文集对于研究者、工程师和学生来说,是了解该领域最新研究动态和技术进展的重要途径。


Wang, Shou**, et al. "Sequential/Session-based Recommendations: Challenges, Approaches, Applications and Opportunities." Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2022.


In recent years, sequential recommender systems (SRSs) and sessionbased recommender systems (SBRSs) have emerged as a new paradigm of RSs to capture users’ short-term but dynamic preferences for enabling more timely and accurate recommendations. Although SRSs and SBRSs have been extensively studied, there are many inconsistencies in this area caused by the diverse descriptions, settings, assumptions and application domains. There is no work to provide a unified framework and problem statement to remove the commonly existing and various inconsistencies in the area of SR/SBR. There is a lack of work to provide a comprehensive and systematic demonstration of the data characteristics, key challenges, most representative and state-of-the-art approaches, typical realworld applications and important future research directions in the area. This work aims to fill in these gaps so as to facilitate further research in this exciting and vibrant area.



  • 序列推荐系统(SRSs)和基于会话的推荐系统(SBRSs)是新兴的推荐系统范式。
  • 它们专注于捕获用户的短期动态偏好,以提供更及时准确的推荐。
  • 该领域存在许多由于多样性造成的不一致。
  • 缺乏统一的框架和问题陈述来解决这些不一致。
  • 需要全面系统的分析来展示数据特征、挑战、最新方法和未来方向。
  • 本项工作的目标是填补这些研究空白,推动领域发展。


Recommender systems (RSs) have been playing an increasingly important role in informed consumption, and decision-making in the current era of information explosion and digitized economy [12]. In recent years, sequential recommender systems (SRSs) and sessionbased recommender systems (SBRSs) have emerged as a new paradigm of RSs to capture users’ short-term but dynamic preferences for enabling more timely and accurate recommendations [14]. SRSs and SBRSs have been quite important and popular research areas in the recommendation communities, which have attracted much attention from both academia and industry. SRSs and SBRSs are highly correlated and similar in terms of the input, output and recommendation mechanism, and most of the representative approaches for building SRSs and SBRSs are very similar. Therefore, we present this work to cover both SRSs and SBRSs. The key challenge of building SRSs/SBRSs lies in how to comprehensively learn the complex dependencies embedded within and between sequences/sessions to accurately infer users’ timely and dynamic preferences [12]. In recent years, there has been some promising progress in tackling this challenge, including, e.g., Markov chain based approaches [10], distributed representation based approaches [13], recurrent neural network (RNN) based approaches [4], graph neural network (GNN) based approaches [15, 16], reinforcement learning-based approaches [17] and contrastive learn-ing-based approaches [6]. Although SRSs and SBRSs have been extensively studied in recent years, there are many inconsistencies within each area and/or between both areas, caused by the diverse description terms, scenario settings, employed assumptions and application domains. There is a lack of a unified framework to well categorize them, and there are no unified problem statements for the research problem(s) [12]. A few tutorials have focused on sequence-aware recommender systems [9], deep learning-based sequential recommendations [2], and session-based recommendation on GPU [1]. However, there is no work to provide a unified framework and problem statement to remove the commonly existing and various inconsistencies in the areas of SRSs and SBRSs. There is a lack of work to provide a comprehensive and systematic demonstration of the data characteristics, key challenges, most representative and state-of-the-art approaches, typical real-world applications and important future research directions in the area of SRSs and SBRSs. This work aims to fill in these gaps so as to facilitate further research in this exciting and vibrant area.




  • 推荐系统在信息化消费和决策中很重要。
  • 序列推荐系统和基于会话的推荐系统是新范式,用于捕获用户短期动态偏好。
  • 两者在学术界和工业界都很受欢迎,有许多相似之处。
  • 构建这些系统的挑战在于学习序列/会话内的复杂依赖性。
  • 已有进展包括多种方法,如马尔可夫链、分布式表示、RNN、GNN等。
  • 存在不一致性,需要统一框架和问题陈述。
  • 缺乏对这些系统的全面分析,包括数据特性、挑战、方法和未来方向。
  • 本工作旨在解决这些问题,推动领域发展。

There are some surveys and tutorials focusing on the topic of SRSs or SBRSs. For SRSs, Quadrana et al. performed a comprehensive survey [8] together with two tutorials [7, 9] at WWW 2019 and RecSys 2018 on sequence-aware recommender systems, which talk about the recommendation task, algorithms and evaluations of SRSs. Fang et al. provided a survey [3] and presented a tutorial [2] at ICWE 2019 both on deep learning based sequential recommendations. They discussed various aspects of SRSs including the concepts, algorithms, influential factors, and evaluations; Wang et al. [14] conducted a brief review on the challenges, progress and prospects of SRSs. Regarding SBRSs, to the best of our knowledge, there is only one comprehensive survey on SBRSs [12] to systematically discuss the session-based recommendation problem, data characteristics, recent progress, approach taxonomy, applications and future directions. Ludewig et al. [5] conducted an empirical study on some representative SBRS algorithms while Gabriel et al. [1] provided a tutorial on session-based recommendation on GPU. These existing works have great value in treating specifics of research in more detail in the area of SRSs or SBRSs. However, they often focus on either SRSs or SBRSs, and none of them can systematically focus on both SRSs and SBRSs to systematically talk about the difference and similarities of SRSs and SBRSs, as well as to address the commonly existing inconsistencies w.r.t. concepts, settings, etc. between them. This work is well complementary to those related works by providing a more complete summarization of sequential and session-based recommendations with an emphasis on the problem statement, data characteristics and challenges, applications and prospects, and comprehensive analysis of all kinds of state-of-the-art approaches, models and algorithms. Specifically, it performs a comprehensive review of the latest survey papers on the sequential and session-based recommendations.

有一些调查和教程关注SRSs或SBRSs的话题。对于SRSs,Quadrana等人在WWW 2019和RecSys 2018进行了一项全面的调查[8]以及两个教程[7, 9],讨论了序列感知推荐系统的推荐任务、算法和评估。Fang等人在ICWE 2019提供了一个调查[3]并呈现了一个关于基于深度学习的序列推荐的教程[2]。他们讨论了SRSs的各个方面,包括概念、算法、影响因素和评估;Wang等人[14]对SRSs的挑战、进展和前景进行了简要回顾。关于SBRSs,据我们所知,只有一项关于SBRSs的全面调查[12]系统地讨论了基于会话的推荐问题、数据特性、近期进展、方法分类、应用和未来方向。Ludewig等人[5]对一些代表性的SBRS算法进行了实证研究,而Gabriel等人[1]提供了关于GPU上的基于会话的推荐的教程。这些现有工作在更详细地处理SRSs或SBRSs领域的具体研究方面具有很大的价值。然而,它们通常只关注SRSs或SBRSs,没有一项能够系统地关注SRSs和SBRSs两者,系统地讨论SRSs和SBRSs的差异和相似性,以及解决它们之间在概念、设置等方面的常见不一致性。本项工作通过提供更完整的序列和基于会话的推荐总结,强调问题陈述、数据特性和挑战、应用和前景,以及对各种最新方法、模型和算法的全面分析,与这些相关工作形成了很好的互补。具体来说,它对序列和基于会话的推荐的最新调查论文进行了全面的回顾。

  • Quadrana等人对SRSs进行了全面调查,并提供了相关教程。
  • Fang等人对基于深度学习的SRSs进行了调查和教程。
  • Wang等人回顾了SRSs的挑战、进展和前景。
  • 有一项全面调查专门讨论了SBRSs的问题、数据特性、进展、方法和未来方向。
  • Ludewig等人对SBRS算法进行了实证研究。
  • Gabriel等人提供了关于GPU上的SBRS的教程。
  • 现有工作通常只关注SRSs或SBRSs,没有系统地讨论两者的差异和相似性。
  • 本项工作提供了更完整的总结,强调问题陈述、数据特性和挑战、应用和前景,以及对最新方法、模型和算法的全面分析。



This work will perform a systematic and high-level review of the most notable works to date on SRSs/SBRSs. It will contain five parts: • Part 1 Introduction and Problem Statement. This part will first introduce the background of SRSs and SBRSs with an emphasis on the comparison between them, followed by a unified problem statement of SRSs/SBRSs. • Part 2 Data Characteristics and Challenges. This part will thoroughly analyze the characteristics of data used for SRSs and SBRSs and the main challenges triggered by them. • Part 3 Sequential/Session-Based Recommendation Approaches. This part will first provide a classification scheme to well organize all the existing approaches to SRSs and SBRSs and then highlight the most recent advance in each class of approaches. • Part 4 Applications and Algorithms. This part will introduce both the traditional and emerging real-world applications of SRSs and SBRSs and a collection of representative and state-of-the-art SRSs/SBRSs algorithms together with public datasets. • Part 5 Future Opportunities. This part will discuss some of the most promising directions in the area and conclude this tutorial.


  • 第一部分:引言和问题陈述。这部分将首先介绍SRSs和SBRSs的背景,并强调两者之间的比较,然后是SRSs/SBRSs的统一问题陈述。
  • 第二部分:数据特性和挑战。这部分将彻底分析用于SRSs和SBRSs的数据特性以及由此引发的主要挑战。
  • 第三部分:序列/基于会话的推荐方法。这部分将首先提供一个分类方案,以很好地组织所有现有的SRSs和SBRSs方法,然后在每一类方法中突出最新的进展。
  • 第四部分:应用和算法。这部分将介绍SRSs和SBRSs的传统和新兴的现实世界应用,以及一系列代表性和最先进的SRSs/SBRSs算法和公共数据集。
  • 第五部分:未来机会。这部分将讨论该领域中一些最有前景的方向,并总结本次教程。




Generally, SRSs and SBRSs take sequence data and session data as its input respectively. A session is a set of interactions with clear boundary and the interactions may be ordered or unordered. A sequence is a list a elements (such as item IDs) with clear chronological order. SBRSs either predict the next interaction(s) based on the given historical interactions within a session, or predict the future session (e.g., the next-basket) based on the historical sessions, which mainly depends on the intra- or inter-session dependencies. In comparison, SRSs predict the following elements of a sequence given the historical elements in the sequence, which mainly relies on the sequential or temporal dependencies over the elements inside each sequence [11, 12].

通常,SRSs和SBRSs分别以序列数据和会话数据作为输入。会话是一系列具有明确边界的交互,这些交互可能是有序的或无序的。序列是一个元素列表(如项目ID),具有明确的时间顺序。SBRSs基于给定会话内的历史交互预测下一次交互(们),或者基于历史会话预测未来的会话(例如下一个篮子),这主要取决于内部或外部会话依赖性。相比之下,SRSs根据序列中的历史元素预测序列的后续元素,这主要依赖于每个序列内部元素的序列或时间依赖性[11, 12]。


  • SRSs和SBRSs分别使用序列数据和会话数据作为输入。
  • 会话是一系列具有明确边界的交互,可以是有序或无序的。
  • 序列是一个具有明确时间顺序的元素列表。
  • SBRSs依赖于内部或外部会话依赖性来预测下一次交互或未来会话。
  • SRSs依赖于序列内部元素的序列或时间依赖性来预测后续元素。


Sequential/Session-based Recommendation Problem Statement

There are five entities (namely User, Item, Action, Interaction and Sequence/Session) involved in sequential/session-based recommendation scenarios and they constitute the foundations for defining the sequential/session-based recommendation research problems. We first provide a brief introduction of each of them and then define the sequential/session-based recommendation research problem. • User and User Properties. • Item and Item Properties. • Action and Action Properties. Actions refers to users’ actions on items, such as clicks, views, purchases. • Interaction and Interaction Properties. An interaction is a triplet of ⟨𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑟, 𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛,𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚⟩. • Sequence/Session and Their Properties. A sequence or a session is a set of interactions and can be characterised by a set of properties including sequence/session length, internal order, action type (purchase or click, etc.), user information availability and data structure. A detailed illustration was provided by Wang et al. [12]. Problem Statement. Sequential/session-based recommendation is often formalized as a next-item or next-basket prediction problem. Specifically, given a user’s historical interaction information, an RS is built to predict the user’s future interactions, such as her/his next item, next basket to be purchased, or next POI to be visited. The main work mechanism is to first accurately learn the complex dependencies embedded in users’ interaction behaviours and then employ the learned dependencies as a signal to guide the following prediction. So the main challenge/task lies in dependency learning.

在序列/基于会话的推荐场景中,涉及五个实体(即用户、项目、行为、互动和序列/会话),它们构成了定义序列/基于会话的推荐研究问题的基础。我们首先简要介绍每一个实体,然后定义序列/基于会话的推荐研究问题。• 用户及其属性。• 项目及其属性。• 行为及其属性。行为指的是用户对项目的操作,如点击、查看、购买。• 互动及其属性。一个互动是一个包含⟨用户, 动作, 项目⟩的三元组。• 序列/会话及其属性。序列或会话是一组互动,可以通过一系列属性来描述,包括序列/会话长度、内部顺序、行为类型(购买或点击等)、用户信息可用性和数据结构。Wang等人[12]提供了一个详细的说明。问题陈述。序列/基于会话的推荐通常被形式化为下一个项目或下一个篮子预测问题。具体来说,给定一个用户的历史互动信息,构建一个推荐系统来预测用户的未来互动,比如她的/他的下一个项目、下个要购买的篮子,或下一个要去访问的兴趣点。主要工作机制是首先准确地学习用户互动行为中嵌入的复杂依赖性,然后利用学到的依赖性作为信号指导后续的预测。因此,主要的挑战/任务在于依赖性学习。


  • 序列/基于会话的推荐场景中涉及五个实体:用户、项目、行为、互动和序列/会话。
  • 这些实体构成了定义推荐问题的基础。
  • 序列/基于会话的推荐通常是下一个项目或下一个篮子预测问题。
  • 推荐系统的工作机制是学习用户互动中的依赖性,并用以指导预测。
  • 主要挑战是依赖性学习。



This section will introduce the unique characteristics of data used for SRSs/SBRSs and the special challenges they brought to SRSs/SBRSs from five dimensions: (1) sequence/session length, (2) the internal order within sequences/sessions, (3) the type of actions within sequences/sessions, (4) user information, and (5) sequence/session data structure. The outline of this section is listed below. • Characteristics and Challenges Related to Sequence/Session Length. According to length, a sequence/session can be classified into long or short sequence/session, which has different challenges. For instance, the challenges for long sequence/sessions lie in how to learn long-range and/or high-order dependencies while that for short sessions lies in how to learn enough dependency information with limited interactions. • Characteristics and Challenges Related to Internal Order. For sequences, there is clear order within each sequence, while for sessions, they may be ordered, unordered and flexibly ordered sessions. Sessions with different types of orders often have different challenges when making recommendations based on them. • Characteristics and Challenges Related to Action Type. The action can be purchase, click, view, and add to cart. So a sequence/session can be based on each of them or a combination of any of them, leading to single-action-type sequence/sessions and multi-actiontype sequence/sessions. The main challenges for multi-actiontype sequence/sessions lie in how to effectively learn the intraand inter-action type dependencies. • Characteristics and Challenges Related to User Information. Sequences/sessions can be divided into anonymous ones and nonanonymous ones. Usually, anonymous ones can be more challenging for dependency learning. • Characteristics and Challenges Related to Data Structure. Session data can be divided into single-level sessions and multi-level sessions according to the number of structure levels involved [12].

本节将介绍用于SRSs/SBRSs的数据的独特特性以及它们从五个维度给SRSs/SBRSs带来的特殊挑战:(1)序列/会话长度,(2)序列/会话内部的次序,(3)序列/会话内的行为类型,(4)用户信息,以及(5)序列/会话数据结构。本节的大纲如下所列。• 与序列/会话长度相关的特性和挑战。根据长度,序列/会话可以被分类为长或短序列/会话,它们有不同的挑战。例如,长序列/会话的挑战在于如何学习长距离和/或高阶依赖性,而短会话的挑战在于如何在有限的互动中学习足够的依赖信息。• 与内部次序相关的特性和挑战。对于序列,每个序列内部有明确的次序,而对于会话,它们可能是有序的、无序的或灵活排序的会话。不同类型次序的会话在基于它们进行推荐时通常有不同的挑战。• 与行为类型相关的特性和挑战。行为可以是购买、点击、查看和加入购物车。因此,一个序列/会话可以基于它们中的任何一个或它们的任意组合,导致单行为类型序列/会话和多行为类型序列/会话。多行为类型序列/会话的主要挑战在于如何有效地学习内部和跨行为类型的依赖性。• 与用户信息相关的特性和挑战。序列/会话可以分为匿名的和非匿名的。通常,匿名的序列/会话对依赖性学习更具挑战性。• 与会话数据结构相关的特性和挑战。根据涉及的结构层次数量,会话数据可以分为单级会话和多级会话[12]。

  • SRSs/SBRSs的数据具有独特特性,带来特殊挑战。
  • 挑战包括序列/会话长度、内部次序、行为类型、用户信息和数据结构。
  • 序列/会话可以是长或短,有序或无序,单行为类型或多行为类型。
  • 匿名序列/会话的依赖性学习更具挑战性。
  • 会话数据结构可以是单级或多级。






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