读论文-协同过滤技术综述(A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques)
今天读的一篇论文题目为《协同过滤技术综述》(A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques),文章发表于《人工智能研究进展》(Advances in Artificial Intelligence)。
Xiaoyuan Su, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, "A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques", Advances in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2009, Article ID 421425, 19 pages, 2009. https://doi.org/10.1155/2009/421425
As one of the most successful approaches to building recommender systems, collaborative filtering (CF) uses the known preferences of a group of users to make recommendations or predictions of the unknown preferences for other users. In this paper, we first introduce CF tasks and their main challenges, such as data sparsity, scalability, synonymy, gray sheep, shilling attacks, privacy protection, etc., and their possible solutions. We then present three main categories of CF techniques: memory-based, model-based, and hybrid CF algorithms (that combine CF with other recommendation techniques), with examples for representative algorithms of each category, and analysis of their predictive performance and their ability to address the challenges. From basic techniques to the state-of-the-art, we attempt to present a comprehensive survey for CF techniques, which can be served as a roadmap for research and practice in this area.
In everyday life, people rely on recommendations from other people by spoken words, reference letters, news reports from news media, general surveys, travel guides, and so forth. Recommender systems assist and augment this natural social process to help people sift through available books, articles, webpages, movies, music, restaurants, jokes, grocery products, and so forth to find the most interesting and valuable information for them. The developers of one of the first recommender systems, Tapestry[1] (other earlier recommendation systems include rule-based recommenders and user-customization), coined the phrase “collaborative filtering (CF),” which has been widely adopted regardless of the facts that recommenders may not explicitly collaborate with recipients and recommendations may suggest particularly interesting items, in addition to indicating those that should be filtered out[2]. The fundamental assumption of CF is that if users and rate items similarly, or have similar behaviors (e.g., buying, watching, listening), and hence will rate or act on other items similarly[3].
CF techniques use a database of preferences for items by users to predict additional topics or products a new user might like. In a typical CF scenario, there is a list of users and a list of n items , and each user, , has a list of items, , which the user has rated, or about which their preferences have been inferred through their behaviors. The ratings can either be explicit indications, and so forth, on a 1–5 scale, or implicit indications, such as purchases or click-throughs[4]. For example, we can convert the list of people and the movies they like or dislike (Table 1(a)) to a user-item ratings matrix (Table 1(b)), in which Tony is the active user that we want to make recommendations for. There are missing values in the matrix where users did not give their preferences for certain items.
Table 1(a):
Table 1(b):
There are many challenges for collaborative filtering tasks (Section 2). CF algorithms are required to have the ability to deal with highly sparse data, to scale with the increasing numbers of users and items, to make satisfactory recommendations in a short time period, and to deal with other problems like synonymy (the tendency of the same or similar items to have different names), shilling attacks, data noise, and privacy protection problems.
Early generation collaborative filtering systems, such as GroupLens [5], use the user rating data to calculate the similarity or weight between users or items and make predictions or recommendations according to those calculated similarity values. The so-called memory-based CF methods (Section 3) are notably deployed into commercial systems such as http://www.amazon.com/ (see an example in Figure 1) and Barnes and Noble, because they are easy-to-implement and highly effective [6, 7]. Customization of CF systems for each user decreases the search effort for users. It also promises a greater customer loyalty, higher sales, more advertising revenues, and the benefit of targeted promotions [8].
早期的协同过滤系统,如GroupLens[5],使用用户评分数据来计算用户或项目之间的相似度或权重,并根据计算出的相似度值进行预测或推荐。所谓的基于内存的CF方法(第3节)被显著地部署到商业系统中,例如http://www.amazon.com/ (参见图1中的示例)和Barnes and Noble,因为它们易于实现且高效[6,7]。为每个用户定制CF系统可以减少用户的搜索工作量。它还承诺更高的客户忠诚度,更高的销售额,更多的广告收入,以及有针对性的促销[8]。
However, there are several limitations for the memory-based CF techniques, such as the fact that the similarity values are based on common items and therefore are unreliable when data are sparse and the common items are therefore few. To achieve better prediction performance and overcome shortcomings of memory-based CF algorithms, model-based CF approaches have been investigated. Model-based CF techniques (Section 4) use the pure rating data to estimate or learn a model to make predictions [9]. The model can be a data mining or machine learning algorithm. Well-known model-based CF techniques include Bayesian belief nets (BNs) CF models [9–11], clustering CF models [12, 13], and latent semantic CF models [7]. An MDP (Markov decision process)-based CF system [14] produces a much higher profit than a system that has not deployed the recommender.
然而,基于内存的CF技术存在一些限制,例如,相似度值是基于公共项的,因此在数据稀疏且公共项较少的情况下是不可靠的。为了获得更好的预测性能并克服基于内存的CF算法的不足,研究了基于模型的CF方法。基于模型的CF技术(第4节)使用纯评级数据来估计或学习模型以进行预测[9]。该模型可以是数据挖掘或机器学习算法。众所周知的基于模型的CF技术包括贝叶斯信念网(BNs) CF模型[9-11]、聚类CF模型[12,13]和潜在语义CF模型[7]。基于MDP(马尔可夫决策过程)的CF系统[14]比没有部署推荐器的系统产生更高的利润。
Besides collaborative filtering, content-based filtering is another important class of recommender systems. Content-based recommender systems make recommendations by analyzing the content of textual information and finding regularities in the content. The major difference between CF and content-based recommender systems is that CF only uses the user-item ratings data to make predictions and recommendations, while content-based recommender systems rely on the features of users and items for predictions [15]. Both content-based recommender systems and CF systems have limitations. While CF systems do not explicitly incorporate feature information, content-based systems do not necessarily incorporate the information in preference similarity across individuals [8].
Hybrid CF techniques, such as the content-boosted CF algorithm [16] and Personality Diagnosis (PD) [17], combine CF and content-based techniques, hoping to avoid the limitations of either approach and thereby improve recommendation performance (Section 5).
CF categories | Representative techniques | Main advantages | Main shortcomings |
Memory-based CF | eighbor-based CF (item-based/user-based CF algorithms with Pearson/vector cosine correlation) | asy implementation | *are dependent on human ratings |
ew data can be added easily and incrementally | *performance decrease when data are sparse | ||
tem-based/user-based top- recommendations | eed not consider the content of the items being recommended | *cannot recommend for new users and items | |
*scale well with co-rated items | *have limited scalability for large datasets | ||
Model-based CF | ayesian belief nets CF | *better address the sparsity, scalability and other problems | *expensive model-building |
lustering CF | |||
DP-based CF | *improve prediction performance | *have trade-off between prediction performance and scalability | |
atent semantic CF | |||
parse factor analysis | *give an intuitive rationale for recommendations | *lose useful information for dimensionality reduction techniques | |
F using dimensionality reduction techniques, for example, SVD, PCA | |||
Hybrid recommenders | ontent-based CF recommender, for example, Fab | *overcome limitations of CF and content-based or other recommenders | *have increased complexity and expense for implementation |
ontent-boosted CF | *improve prediction performance | *need external information that usually not available | |
ybrid CF combining memory-based and model-based CF algorithms, for example, Personality Diagnosis | *overcome CF problems such as sparsity and gray sheep |
协同过滤的特点与挑战(Characteristics and Challenges of Collaborative Filtering)
E-commerce recommendation algorithms often operate in a challenging environment, especially for large online shopping companies like eBay and Amazon. Usually, a recommender system providing fast and accurate recommendations will attract the interest of customers and bring benefits to companies. For CF systems, producing high-quality predictions or recommendations depends on how well they address the challenges, which are characteristics of CF tasks as well.
2.1. 数据稀疏 Data Sparsity
In practice, many commercial recommender systems are used to evaluate very large product sets. The user-item matrix used for collaborative filtering will thus be extremely sparse and the performances of the predictions or recommendations of the CF systems are challenged.
The data sparsity challenge appears in several situations, specifically, the cold start problem occurs when a new user or item has just entered the system, it is difficult to find similar ones because there is not enough information (in some literature, the cold start problem is also called the new user problem or new item problem [21, 22]). New items cannot be recommended until some users rate it, and new users are unlikely given good recommendations because of the lack of their rating or purchase history. Coverage can be defined as the percentage of items that the algorithm could provide recommendations for. The reduced coverage problem occurs when the number of users’ ratings may be very small compared with the large number of items in the system, and the recommender system may be unable to generate recommendations for them. Neighbor transitivity refers to a problem with sparse databases, in which users with similar tastes may not be identified as such if they have not both rated any of the same items. This could reduce the effectiveness of a recommendation system which relies on comparing users in pairs and therefore generating predictions.
To alleviate the data sparsity problem, many approaches have been proposed. Dimensionality reduction techniques, such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) [23], remove unrepresentative or insignificant users or items to reduce the dimensionalities of the user-item matrix directly. The patented Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) used in information retrieval is based on SVD [24, 25], in which similarity between users is determined by the representation of the users in the reduced space. Goldberg et al. [3] developed eigentaste, which applies Principle Component Analysis (PCA), a closely-related factor analysis technique first described by Pearson in 1901 [26], to reduce dimensionality. However, when certain users or items are discarded, useful information for recommendations related to them may get lost and recommendation quality may be degraded [6, 27].
Hybrid CF algorithms, such as the content-boosted CF algorithm [16], are found helpful to address the sparsity problem, in which external content information can be used to produce predictions for new users or new items. In Ziegler et al. [28], a hybrid collaborative filtering approach was proposed to exploit bulk taxonomic information designed for exact product classification to address the data sparsity problem of CF recommendations, based on the generation of profiles via inference of super-topic score and topic diversification [28]. Schein et al. proposed the aspect model latent variable method for cold start recommendation, which combines both collaborative and content information in model fitting [29]. Kim and Li proposed a probabilistic model to address the cold start problem, in which items are classified into groups and predictions are made for users considering the Gaussian distribution of user ratings [30].
Model-based CF algorithms, such as TAN-ELR (tree augmented naïve Bayes optimized by extended logistic regression) [11, 31], address the sparsity problem by providing more accurate predictions for sparse data. Some new model-based CF techniques that tackle the sparsity problem include the association retrieval technique, which applies an associative retrieval framework and related spreading activation algorithms to explore transitive associations among users through their rating and purchase history [32]; Maximum margin matrix factorizations (MMMF), a convex, infinite dimensional alternative to low-rank approximations and standard factor models [33, 34]; ensembles of MMMF [35]; multiple imputation-based CF approaches [36]; and imputation-boosted CF algorithms [37].
基于模型的CF算法,如TAN-ELR (tree augmented naïve Bayes optimized by extended logistic regression)[11,31],通过为稀疏数据提供更准确的预测来解决稀疏问题。一些新的基于模型的协同过滤技术解决了稀疏性问题,包括关联检索技术,它应用关联检索框架和相关的激活传播算法,通过用户的评分和购买历史[32]探索用户之间的传递性关联;最大间隔矩阵分解(MMMF),一种低秩近似和标准因子模型的凸无限维替代方案[33,34];MMMF[35]集成;基于多插补的协同过滤算法[36];以及插补增强的CF算法[37]。
2.2. 可伸缩性 Scalability
When numbers of existing users and items grow tremendously, traditional CF algorithms will suffer serious scalability problems, with computational resources going beyond practical or acceptable levels. For example, with tens of millions of customers and millions of distinct catalog items , a CF algorithm with the complexity of is already too large. As well, many systems need to react immediately to online requirements and make recommendations for all users regardless of their purchases and ratings history, which demands a high scalability of a CF system [6].
Dimensionality reduction techniques such as SVD can deal with the scalability problem and quickly produce good quality recommendations, but they have to undergo expensive matrix factorization steps. An incremental SVD CF algorithm [38] precomputes the SVD decomposition using existing users. When a new set of ratings are added to the database, the algorithm uses the folding-in projection technique [25, 39] to build an incremental system without re-computing the low-dimensional model from scratch. Thus it makes the recommender system highly scalable.
SVD等降维技术可以解决可扩展性问题,并快速产生高质量的推荐,但它们必须经历昂贵的矩阵分解步骤。增量式SVD CF算法[38]利用已有用户预先计算SVD分解。当一组新的评分添加到数据库时,该算法使用折叠投影技术[25,39]来构建一个增量系统,而无需从头重新计算低维模型。从而使推荐系统具有高度的可扩展性。
Memory-based CF algorithms, such as the item-based Pearson correlation CF algorithm can achieve satisfactory scalability. Instead of calculating similarities between all pairs of items, item-based Pearson CF calculates the similarity only between the pair of co-rated items by a user [6, 40]. A simple Bayesian CF algorithm tackles the scalability problem by making predictions based on observed ratings [41]. Model-based CF algorithms, such as clustering CF algorithms, address the scalability problem by seeking users for recommendation within smaller and highly similar clusters instead of the entire database [13, 42–44], but there are tradeoffs between scalability and prediction performance.
基于内存的协同过滤算法,如基于物品的皮尔逊相关协同过滤算法,可以达到令人满意的可扩展性。基于项目的Pearson CF只计算用户共同评分的项目对之间的相似度[6,40],而不是计算所有项目对之间的相似度。一个简单的贝叶斯协同过滤算法通过根据观察到的评分[41]进行预测来解决可扩展性问题。基于模型的协同过滤算法,如聚类协同过滤算法,通过在较小且高度相似的集群中寻找用户进行推荐,而不是在整个数据库中解决可扩展性问题[13,42 - 44],但在可扩展性和预测性能之间存在权衡。
2.3. 同义词 Synonymy
Synonymy refers to the tendency of a number of the same or very similar items to have different names or entries. Most recommender systems are unable to discover this latent association and thus treat these products differently. For example, the seemingly different items “children movie” and “children film” are actual the same item, but memory-based CF systems would find no match between them to compute similarity. Indeed, the degree of variability in descriptive term usage is greater than commonly suspected. The prevalence of synonyms decreases the recommendation performance of CF systems.
Previous attempts to solve the synonymy problem depended on intellectual or automatic term expansion, or the construction of a thesaurus. The drawback for fully automatic methods is that some added terms may have different meanings from intended, thus leading to rapid degradation of recommendation performance [45].
The SVD techniques, particularly the Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) method, are capable of dealing with the synonymy problems. SVD takes a large matrix of term-document association data and construct a semantic space where terms and documents that are closely associated are placed closely to each other. SVD allows the arrangement of the space to reflect the major associative patterns in the data, and ignore the smaller, less important ones. The performance of LSI in addressing the synonymy problem is impressive at higher recall levels where precision is ordinarily quite low, thus representing large proportional improvements. However, the performance of the LSI method at the lowest levels of recall is poor [25].
The LSI method gives only a partial solution to the polysemy problem, which refers to the fact that most words have more than one distinct meaning [25].
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