
 *作     者:温子祺

例子1:PB6.0通过Clear SysGen产生的TOC编译信息。

Found pTOC at 0000156c
No imports for nk.exe
No imports for kernel.dll
No imports for coredll.dll
No imports for k.coredll.dll
Warning: Unable to do imports from ppp.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from schannel.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.schannel.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from eapol.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from eapchap.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from crypt32.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
Warning: Unable to do imports from k.crypt32.dll to RSAENH.dll - will late bind
No imports for shdoclc.dll
No imports for pwd_res.dll
Processing NK

Writing C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\Mini2440\Mini2440\RelDir\Mini2440_ARMV4I_Release\NK.bin
Table of contents  81f9524c  00002658  (      9816)
Writing ROM signature and TOC pointer at 80200040
Kernel data copy section  814e7ce0  00000020  (        32)
ROM Header                81f951f8  00000054  (        84)
First DLL Address:       4001c001
Last DLL Address:        415fc09e
Physical Start Address:  80200000
Physical End Address:    81f978a4
Start RAM:               82000000
Start of free RAM:       8200e000
End of RAM:              83e00000
Number of Modules:       207
Number of Copy Sections: 2
Copy Section Offset:     814e7ce0
Kernel Flags:            00000002
FileSys 4K Chunks/Mbyte: 48 <2Mbyte  48 2-4Mbyte  0 4-6Mbyte  0 >6Mbyte
CPU Type:                    01c2h
Miscellaneous Flags:         0002h
Extensions Pointer:      80201570
Total ROM size:          01d978a4 (  31029412)
Starting ip:             80201000
Raw files size:          00c34e4a
Compressed files size:   0079f4ca
Compacting bin file...
Writing rom file...
Start 80200000 Len 00000004
Start 80200040 Len 00000008
Start 80200048 Len 00000004


例子2:通过Make Run-Time Image编译迅速产生TOC编译信息。

Writing C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\Mini2440\Mini2440\RelDir\Mini2440_ARMV4I_Release\NK.bin
Table of contents  81f9524c  00002658  (      9816)
Writing ROM signature and TOC pointer at 80200040
Kernel data copy section  814e7ce0  00000020  (        32)
ROM Header                81f951f8  00000054  (        84)
First DLL Address:       4001c001
Last DLL Address:        415fc09e
Physical Start Address:  80200000
Physical End Address:    81f978a4
Start RAM:               82000000
Start of free RAM:       8200e000
End of RAM:              83e00000
Number of Modules:       207
Number of Copy Sections: 2
Copy Section Offset:     814e7ce0
Kernel Flags:            00000002
FileSys 4K Chunks/Mbyte: 48 <2Mbyte  48 2-4Mbyte  0 4-6Mbyte  0 >6Mbyte
CPU Type:                    01c2h
Miscellaneous Flags:         0002h
Extensions Pointer:      80201570
Total ROM size:          01d978a4 (  31029412)
Starting ip:             80201000
Raw files size:          00c34e4a
Compressed files size:   0079f4ca
Compacting bin file...
Writing rom file...
Start 80200000 Len 00000004
Start 80200040 Len 00000008
Start 80200048 Len 00000004
Start 80201000 Len 0002f3d4


Start 81f9524c Len 00002658
Creating rom file C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\Mini2440\Mini2440\RelDir\Mini2440_ARMV4I_Release\NK.nb0
makeimg: Check for C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\Mini2440\Mini2440\RelDir\Mini2440_ARMV4I_Release\PostRomImage.bat to run.
makeimg: Check for C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\Mini2440\Mini2440\RelDir\Mini2440_ARMV4I_Release\PostMakeImg.bat to run.
makeimg: Change directory to C:\WINCE600.
makeimg: run command: cmd /C C:\WINCE600\public\common\oak\misc\pbpostmakeimg
Mini2440 - 0 error(s), 8 warning(s)





posted @ 2010-08-23 13:17  温子祺  阅读(389)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报