1.关于Error -27791: Error -27790:Error -27740:
       Action.c(198): Error -27791: Server "www.zcpx.cn" has shut down the connection prematurely
       Action.c(198): Error -27790: Failed to read data from server "www.zcpx.cn": [10053] Software caused connection abort
       Action.c(198): Error -27740: Overlapped transmission of request to "www.zcpx.cn" for URL
       "http://www.zcpx.cn/userEntry.do" failed: WSA_IO_PENDING
2.Error -27796: Failed to connect to server
3. Error -27727: Step download timeout (120 seconds)
      Run-Time Setting ->Internet Protocol ->references ->Option -> Step download timeout(sec)改为32000.另外还有HTTP-request connect timeout和HTTP-request   receive timeout出现以上问题时最大可设为1000.

4. Error -27791 connection prematurely
      Action.c(7): Error -27791: Server "" has shut down the connection prematurely
      2、应用服务没有死。应用服务参数设置问题。例如:在许多客户端weblogic应用服务器被拒绝,而在服务器端没有错误显示,则有可能是 weblogic中的server元素的acceptbacklog属性   值设得过低。如果连接时收到connection refused消息,说明应提高该值,每次增加25%。



5. Failed to connect to server "域名:80": [10065] No Route to Host
  从服务器端检查下iptables 是否开启,看看 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max 是多少。
6. TTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error)
  A. 这个问题,开发人员从程序和环境进行调优了。
  B. 通过抓包发现有大量的sql语句重复执行,建议优化sql。
  C. 优化JVM。机器配置:4G的内存,32个线程并发能力
  -Xmx3800m -Xms3800m -Xmn2g -Xss128k -XX:+UseParallelGC -XXarallelGCThreads=20
7. HTTP Status-Code=504 (Gateway Time-out)
  502 bad Gateway 服务器作为网关或者代理时,为了完成请求访问下一个服务器,但该服务器返回了非法的应答。
  504Gateway Timeout 由作为代理或网关的服务器使用,表示不能及时地从远程服务器获得应答。
8. Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading non-resource(s)
  如 <Connector port="8080"
  maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
  enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
  debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
  disableUploadTimeout="true" />



1.Error: Failed to connect to server “″: [10060] Connection
Error: timed out Error: Server “″ has shut down the connection prematurely


        对应的Apache和tomcat的最大链接数需要修改,如果连接时收到connection refused消息,说明应提高相应的服务器最大连接的设置,增加幅度要根据实际情况和服务器硬件的情况来定,建议每次增加25%!



2 Error: Page download timeout (120 seconds) has expired




9.运行场景时提示“Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading resource(s)”

vuser_init.c(12): Error -27728: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading non-resource(s)(出现个别,可以忽略)
vuser_init.c(12): Error -27727: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading resource(s). Set the "Step Timeout caused by resources is a warning" Run-Time Setting to Yes/No to have this message as a warning/error, respectively
  如果觉得下载一个页面超过2分钟不是错误的话,可以在Run-Time设置中选择Preferences->Options,修改Step download timeout(sec)的时间

或者把“Step timeout caused by resources is a warning”设置为Yes,这样下载资源超时也只是作为警告,不作为错误提示。


vuser_init.c(26): Error -27727: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading resource(s). Set the "Step Timeout caused by resources is a warning" Run-Time Setting to Yes/No to have this message as a warning/error, respectively

1、 修改run time setting中的请求超时时间,默认120,你改大一些,其中有三项的参数可以一次都修改了,HTTP-request connect timeout,HTTP-request receieve timeout,Step download timeout,分别建议修改为600、600、5000;run time setting设置完了后记住还需要在control组件的option的run time setting中设置相应的参数;

2、 设置run time setting中的internet protocol-preferences中的advaced区域有一个winlnet replay instead of sockets选项,勾选。
  5. Abnormal termination, caused by mdrv process termination
  大胆尝试了修改了LR中的D:\Program Files\Mercury\LoadRunner\dat\protocols 中的http.lrp信息,在[Vugen]下面新加一条MaxThreadPerProcess=要设置的vuser数量 。
Message Code 27979 
Requested form not found 

The form was not found in the page received from the server. Possible reasons: (i) The current or a previous HTML page was changed after the script was recorded. (ii) A previous request navigated to a wrong page or failed. (iii) One or more web_submit_form arguments are missing or incorrect (especially for manually coded, parameterized, or correlated functions). (iv) The server returned an unexpected page (e.g., under excessive load). 

If the current or previous HTML page was changed, look for the correct properties of the form used in the text (e.g., action), and change it in the script.
If your snapshots and extended log are disabled, enable them and run the script again. 
(i) To enable Snapshots: Select Tools > General Options > Correlation, and check the Save correlation information during replay box. 
(ii) To enable Extended Log: Select Run-time Settings > General: Log, and check Enable logging, Always send messages, Extended log, Data returned by server, Advanced trace.
Compare the record and replay snapshots for each step in the script from the beginning, and locate the first difference. If you identify a difference in the snapshots, locate the corresponding HTTP request in both the recording log and the extended log. Compare the requests and, if they are different, have the replay issue exactly the same request. This can be done, for example, by adding web_add_header (for adding missing headers or adjusting existing ones), web_remove_auto_header (for removing extra headers), and web_add_cookie (for missing cookies).

If some correlation is missing, (e.g., the recording and replay runs have different session IDs), use the correlation tool to locate and handle such cases.