另外A服务器上建立目录,如::/wjjk_oracle/export_files/space_res_files 用于存放生成的csv文件
conn &1/&2 set head off set headsep off set newp none set linesize 1000 set pagesize 10000 set sqlblanklines OFF set trimspool ON set termout off set feedback off set verify off column dat1 new_value filename; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') dat1 from dual; spool /wjjk_oracle/export_files/datang_to_dw_files/space_res/&&filename._bts.csv prompt OMC中网元名称,中文名称,所属BSC,移动通信标识,传输类型,基站应急类型,VIP基站,所属机房,蜂窝类型,基站编号,设备型号,故障受理单位,代维公司,网元状态,设备供应商,软件版本信息,开通时间; select a.name||','|| a.name||','|| (SELECT de.name FROM device de where de.device_id = b.belong_net_cell and de.status <> 'D')||','|| ''||','|| ''||','|| ''||','|| ''||','|| (SELECT rm.name FROM room rm where rm.room_id = a.room_id and rm.status = 'U')||','|| b.T_HONEYCOMB_TYPE||','|| a.code||','|| (select ff.name from facility_model ff WHERE ff.facility_model_id = a.facility_model_id)||','|| ''||','|| ''||','|| decode(a.status, 'U','现网','F','空载','S','停用','')||','|| (select f.name from factory f WHERE f.factory_id = a.factory_id and rownum = 1)||','|| a.soft_version||','|| a.using_date FROM device a, base_station b WHERE a.res_spec_id = 201701 and a.device_id = b.base_station_id and a.status <> 'D'; spool off exit
conn &1/&2 set head off set headsep off set newp none set linesize 1000 set pagesize 10000 set sqlblanklines OFF set trimspool ON set termout off set feedback off set verify off column dat1 new_value filename; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') dat1 from dual; spool /wjjk_oracle/export_files/datang_to_dw_files/space_res/&&filename._nodeb.csv prompt OMC中网元名称,中文名称,所属RNC,移动通信标识,传输类型,频段,基站应急类型,VIP基站,所属机房,蜂窝类型,基站编号,设备型号,故障受理单位,代维公司,网元状态,设备供应商,软件版本信息,开通时间; select a.name||','|| a.name||','|| (SELECT de.name FROM device de where de.device_id = b.belong_net_cell and de.status <> 'D')||','|| ''||','|| ''||','|| b.spectrum||','|| ''||','|| ''||','|| (SELECT rm.name FROM room rm where rm.room_id = a.room_id and rm.status = 'U')||','|| b.T_HONEYCOMB_TYPE||','|| a.code||','|| (select ff.name from facility_model ff WHERE ff.facility_model_id = a.facility_model_id)||','|| ''||','|| ''||','|| decode(a.status, 'U','现网','F','空载','S','停用','')||','|| (select f.name from factory f WHERE f.factory_id = a.factory_id and rownum = 1)||','|| a.soft_version||','|| a.using_date FROM device a, base_station b WHERE a.res_spec_id = 201702 and a.device_id = b.base_station_id and a.status <> 'D'; spool off exit
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK export ORACLE_SID=rms1 ouser=rmssc opassword=rms4sc rip=133.63.202.XX ruser=fxxxxx rpassword=xxx #BTS START cd /wjjk_oracle/export_script/datang_to_dw/space_res nohup $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus rms/rms4sc @bts.sql $ouser $opassword curdate="`date +%Y%m%d`" filename="$curdate""_bts.csv" cd /wjjk_oracle/export_files/datang_to_dw_files/space_res echo $filename ftp -v -n $rip << EOF user $ruser $rpassword binary hash #$strrpath cd datang_to_dw/space_res prompt mput $filename bye EOF #BTS end #NODEB START cd /wjjk_oracle/export_script/datang_to_dw/space_res nohup $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus rms/rms4sc @nodeb.sql $ouser $opassword curdate="`date +%Y%m%d`" filename="$curdate""_nodeb.csv" cd /wjjk_oracle/export_files/datang_to_dw_files/space_res echo $filename ftp -v -n $rip << EOF user $ruser $rpassword binary hash #$strrpath cd datang_to_dw/space_res prompt mput $filename bye EOF #NODEB END
最后建立一个定时任务,crontab -e。
00 16 * * * /wjjk_oracle/export_script/datang_to_dw/space_res/bts.sh >> /wjjk_oracle/export_script/datang_to_dw/space_res/bts.log 2>&1