今天使用kubectl命令查看pod信息时,一直正常运行的k8s集群突然不能访问了,输入任何命令都提示以下报错: Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2025-01-25T11:35:45+08:00 is after 2024-11-22T23:44:48Z
You can then repeat the second step on as many other machines as you like.
kubeadm [command]
Available Commands:
alpha Kubeadm experimental sub-commands
completion Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
config Manage configuration for a kubeadm cluster persisted in a ConfigMap in the cluster
help Help about any command
init Run this commandin order to set up the Kubernetes control plane
join Run this on any machine you wish to join an existing cluster
reset Performs a best effort revert of changes made to this host by 'kubeadm init ' or 'kubeadm join'
token Manage bootstrap tokens
upgrade Upgrade your cluster smoothly to a newer version with this command
version Print the version of kubeadm
--add-dir-header If true, adds the file directory to the header of the lo g messages
-h, --helphelpfor kubeadm
--log-file string If non-empty, use this log file
--log-file-max-size uint Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800)
--rootfs string [EXPERIMENTAL] The path to the 'real' host root filesyst em.
--skip-headers If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
--skip-log-headers If true, avoid headers when opening log files
-v, --v Level number for the log level verbosity
Use "kubeadm [command] --help"for more information about a command.
[root@k8smaster k8s]# kubectl alpha --help
These commands correspond to alpha features that are not enabled in Kubernetes
clusters by default.
Available Commands:
debug Attach a debug container to a running pod
Use "kubectl <command> --help"for more information about a given command.
[root@k8smaster k8s]# kubeadm alpha --help
Kubeadm experimental sub-commands
kubeadm alpha [command]
Available Commands:
certs Commands related to handling kubernetes certificates
kubeconfig Kubeconfig file utilities
selfhosting Make a kubeadm cluster self-hosted
-h, --helphelpfor alpha
Global Flags:
--add-dir-header If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages
--log-file string If non-empty, use this log file
--log-file-max-size uint Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800)
--rootfs string [EXPERIMENTAL] The path to the 'real' host root filesystem.
--skip-headers If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
--skip-log-headers If true, avoid headers when opening log files
-v, --v Level number for the log level verbosity
Additional help topics:
kubeadm alpha phase Invoke subsets of kubeadm functions separately for a manual install
Use "kubeadm alpha [command] --help"for more information about a command.
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