
Anyone considering any Borland product, particularly Delphi 7 or greater, please read...

Borland realizes that it must jump on the .NET bandwagon in order to keep it's product viable.  
Fine.  They're right.  But in the rush to do so, they've released a very, very poor quality product.
 If your current code base is Delphi and you wish to migrate to .NET using Delphi 7-9, plan on some serious grief...

For the last countless months in our migration to .NET, we've dealt with frequent GPF's in the IDE,
build problems, the debugger not working at all, and countless other problems.  
I understand that this is a very brief and vague accusation that by itself does not hold much water...  
but I don't need to go into details...  see the newsgroups!!!  Borland and their quality is going downhill!

As an example, Delphi 8 Update 2 does not even work under .NET 1.1 SP 1.
 They released a subsequent version of Delphi (Delphi 2005) which runs fine under SP 1,
however they left their Delphi 8 customers in the dust, without a patch.  Why?  It's obvious...  
They're trying to force those who just recently dropped their hard earned
$$$ on Delphi 8 to again immediately pay more $$$ for Delph 2005.  Its called... EXTORTION!

I deplore you, before you consider giving Borland any of your hard earned money, read the news groups.
 See for yourselves how and why their once loyal user base is eroding.

Now, to the point...

I plan on developing an automated Delphi to C# conversion program.  I promise, it will come.  
But in the meantime, I am besieging any honorable release group to post Delphi 2005 to the public so that our work can continue.  
I've already dumped enough $$$ into Borland and their shitty software.  I refuse to do so any more.

Send a message to Borland.  Do NOT pay for Delphi 2005 until they listen to their customers!!!

Enough is enough!!!  Borland, listen to your customers!!!  Or you are done!!!
posted on 2004-11-27 12:27  wenew  阅读(618)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报