- 我们需要到目标服务器上执行这些脚本,有的甚至还需要部署后执行一遍。
- 不能生成这些T-SQL脚本到一个文件中。
- 重度使用的动态脚本代码冗长不方便阅读和维护。
- 在cmdlet函数中,可以接收一个SQLServer实例名称的列表以及登陆名($OldLogin),这些登陆名的权限是准备复制的。
- 对于每个实例,使用SMO Server.EnumObjectPermissions(loginName) 来获取服务对象(如登陆账号)权限并且使用Server.EnumServerPermissions(loginName) 来获取服务器级别的权限。
- 使用 Login.EnumDatabaseMappings()来查找每个存在数据库登陆账户映射$OldLogin账户关系的数据库
- 在每个映射用户的数据库中,我们可以通过 Database.EnumDatabasePermissions , Database.EnumObjectPermissions, User.EnumRoles, 和 EnumObjectPermissions 来获得用户的证书、对称以及非对称秘钥、ServiceBrokers等等来检索用户的所有权限。
- 所有检索到的权限信息将被添加到一个哈希表的数组汇总,然后通过循环数组导出权限脚本到一个文件中或者运行这个脚本用来复制一个新的账户权限。
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Create databases IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'TestA' ) DROP DATABASE TestA; CREATE DATABASE TestA; GO IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'TestB' ) DROP DATABASE TestB; CREATE DATABASE TestB; GO -- 3rd, create permissions or db role memberships for [Bobby] USE TestA; GO CREATE USER [Bobby] FROM LOGIN [Bobby]; GO EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_securityadmin' , @membername = 'Bobby' ; CREATE ROLE TestRoleInTestA; GO EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'TestRoleInTestA' , @membername = 'Bobby' ; GO if object_id( 'dbo.t' , 'U' ) is not null drop table dbo.t; create table dbo.t (a int identity, b varchar (30), d datetime default current_timestamp ); go -- only SELECT ON TWO columns GRANT SELECT on object::dbo.t (a, d) to [Bobby]; DENY UPDATE on object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA ::dbo TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION ; GO USE TestB; GO CREATE USER [Bobby] FROM LOGIN [Bobby]; GO GRANT IMPERSONATE ON USER ::dbo TO [Bobby]; GO CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'S0m3Str0ng!!P4ssw0rd@' ; CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY ASymKey WITH ALGORITHM = RSA_2048; CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY SymKey1 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_256 ENCRYPTION BY ASYMMETRIC KEY ASymKey; CREATE CERTIFICATE TestCert WITH SUBJECT = 'A Test Cert to Show Permission Cloning' ; CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY SymKey2 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_256 ENCRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE TestCert; GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SimpleProc AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON ; SELECT 'Test Procedure' ; END ; GO GRANT CONTROL ON ASYMMETRIC KEY ::ASymKey TO [Bobby]; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON CERTIFICATE::TestCert TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY ::SymKey1 TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY ::SymKey2 TO [Bobby]; GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.SimpleProc TO [Bobby]; DENY VIEW DEFINITION ON dbo.SimpleProc TO [Bobby]; GO Use testB go CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION XSC AS N '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/ProductModelManuInstructions" xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/ProductModelManuInstructions" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" > <xsd:complexType name="StepType" mixed="true" > <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" > <xsd:element name="tool" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="material" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="blueprint" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="specs" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="diag" type="xsd:string" /> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="root"> <xsd:complexType mixed="true"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Location" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:complexType mixed="true"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="step" type="StepType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="LocationID" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/> <xsd:attribute name="SetupHours" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="MachineHours" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="LaborHours" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> <xsd:attribute name="LotSize" type="xsd:decimal" use="optional"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema>' ; GO GRANT ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; DENY TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; GO alter database testA set enable_broker; use testA create message type [//MyTest/Sample/RequestMsg] validation = well_formed_xml; create message type [//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] validation = well_formed_xml; create contract [//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] ( [//MyTest/Sample/RequestMsg] sent by initiator, [//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] sent by target); create queue InitQu; --create queue TargetQu; create service [//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] on queue InitQu; create route ExpenseRoute with service_name= '//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc' , Address= 'tcp://www.sqlserver.com:1234' ; grant alter on Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] Grant references on message type::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] Deny view definition on Route::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] Grant alter on route::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] Grant View Definition on Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] Deny alter on Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] create fulltext catalog ftCat as default ; create fulltext stoplist mystopList; grant alter on fulltext catalog::ftcat to [Bobby] Deny view definition on fulltext Stoplist::myStopList to [Bobby] grant alter on fulltext Stoplist::myStopList to [Bobby] go USE master GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [bobby]; |
在这个环境中,把所有不同的grant/deny 权限,来自用户[Bobby]的权限,不论是服务器登陆账户还是数据库账户的权限都获取了。总之,这就是一个权限 的grant/deny 脚本。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 | -- summary script -- as server Login account use Master; EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby' , @rolename = 'securityadmin' ; EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby' , @rolename = 'dbcreator' ; GO GRANT ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT IMPERSONATE ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL SERVER TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ON ENDPOINT::[TSQL Default TCP] TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION ; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [bobby]; GO -- as db account in [TestA] db Use TestA EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_securityadmin' , @membername = 'Bobby' ; EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'TestRoleInTestA' , @membername = 'Bobby' ; GRANT SELECT on object::dbo.t (a, d) to [Bobby]; DENY UPDATE on object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA ::dbo TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION ; GRANT ALTER ON Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] GRANT REFERENCES ON MESSAGE TYPE::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] DENY VIEW DEFINITION on Route::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] GRANT ALTER ON ROUTE::ExpenseRoute to [Bobby] Grant View Definition on Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] DENY ALTER ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] GO -- as db account in [TestB] db use TestB EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby' , @rolename = 'securityadmin' ; EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby' , @rolename = 'dbcreator' ; GRANT ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE TO [Bobby]; GRANT IMPERSONATE ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT CONTROL SERVER TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ON ENDPOINT::[TSQL Default TCP] TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN TO [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION ; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON LOGIN::[sa] TO [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; DENY TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC TO [BOBBY]; GO |
在我本地的电脑上,我有两个数据库实例,一个叫做[TP_W520](默认),另一个叫做[TP_W520\SQL2014]。分别在两个实例上运行。ok,接下来就是PowerShell 脚本了。
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#if Version-11.xx means sql server 2012 function Clone - SQLLogin { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] Param ( # Param1 help description [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )] [string[]] $ServerInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $OldLogin, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $NewLogin, [string] $NewPassword = "", [string] $FilePath = "", [switch] $Execute ) Begin { [string]$newUser = $newLogin.Substring($newLogin.IndexOf( '\' ) + 1 ); # if $newLogin is a Windows account, such as domain\username, since "\" is invalid in db user name, we need to remove it [hashtable[]] $hta = @(); # a hashtable array [hashtable] $h = @{}; if ( ($FilePath - ne "") - and (test - path - Path $FilePath)) { del - Path $filepath; } } Process { foreach ($sqlinstance in $ServerInstance) { $svr = new - object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $sqlinstance; if ($svr.Edition - eq $null) { Write - warning "$sqlinstance cannot be connected" ; continue ; } [string]$ str = ""; if ( - not $WindowsLogin) { $ str + = "create login $($newLogin) with password='$($newPassword)'; `r`n" } else { $ str + = "create login $($newLogin) from windows;`r`n " } #find role membership for $login if ($svr.logins[$OldLogin] - ne $null) { $svr.logins[$oldLogin].ListMembers() | % {$ str + = "exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = '$($newLogin)', @rolename = '$($_)'; `r`n" };} else { Write - warning "$oldLogin does not exist on server [$($svr.name)] so this sql instance is skipped" ; continue ; } # find permission granted to $login $svr.EnumObjectPermissions($oldLogin) | % { if ($_.PermissionState - eq 'GrantWithGrant' ) {$ str + = "GRANT $($_.PermissionType) on $($_.ObjectClass)::[$($_.ObjectName)] to [$newLogin] WITH GRANT OPTION; `r`n" } else { $ str + = "$($_.PermissionState) $($_.PermissionType) on $($_.ObjectClass)::[$($_.ObjectName)] to [$newLogin]; `r`n" } } $svr.EnumServerPermissions($oldLogin) | % { if ($_.PermissionState - eq 'GrantWithGrant' ) { $ str + = "GRANT $($_.PermissionType) to [$newLogin] WITH GRANT OPTION; `r`n" } else { $ str + = "$($_.PermissionState) $($_.PermissionType) to [$newLogin]; `r`n" } } $h = @{Server = $sqlinstance; DBName = 'master' ; sqlcmd = $ str }; $hta + = $h; #$str; $ObjPerms = @(); # store login mapped users in each db on $svr $Roles = @(); $DBPerms = @(); foreach ($itm in $svr.logins[$oldLogin].EnumDatabaseMappings()) { if ($svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Status - ne 'Normal' ) { continue ;} if ($svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Users[$newUser] - eq $null) { $hta + = @{Server = $sqlinstance; DBName = $itm.DBName; sqlcmd = "create user [$newUser] for login [$newLogin];`r`n" }; } $r = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Users[$itm.UserName].EnumRoles(); if ($r - ne $null) { $r | % { $hta + = @{Server = $sqlinstance; DBName = $itm.DBName; sqlcmd = "exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='$_', @memberName='$($newUser)';`r`n" } } } $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].EnumDatabasePermissions($itm.UserName); if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName) if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p}; } $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].Certificates | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} #AsymmetricKeys $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].AsymmetricKeys | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p}; } #SymmetricKeys $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].SymmetricKeys | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} #XMLSchemaCollections $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].XMLSchemaCollections | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} #service broker components $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.MessageTypes | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.Routes | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.ServiceContracts | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].ServiceBroker.Services | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} #Full text $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].FullTextCatalogs | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} $p = $svr.Databases[$itm.DBName].FullTextStopLists | % {$_.EnumObjectPermissions($itm.UserName)} if ($p - ne $null) { $ObjPerms + = @{DBName = $itm.DBName; Permission = $p};} } #generate t-sql to apply permission using SMO only #[string]$str = ([System.String]::Empty) foreach ($pr in $ObjPerms) { $h = @{Server = $sqlinstance; DBName = $($pr.DBName); sqlcmd = ""}; $ str = " " #" use $($pr.DBName) `r`n" foreach ($p in $pr.Permission) { [string]$op_state = $p.PermissionState; if ($p.ObjectClass - ne "ObjectOrColumn" ) { [string] $schema = ""; if ($p.ObjectSchema - ne $null) { $schema = "$($p.ObjectSchema)." } [string]$option = ""; if ($op_state - eq "GRANTwithGrant" ) { $op_state = 'GRANT' ; $option = ' WITH GRANT OPTION' ; } Switch ($p.ObjectClass) { 'Database' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n" ;} 'SqlAssembly' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Assembly::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n" ;} 'Schema' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON SCHEMA::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n" ;} 'UserDefinedType' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON TYPE::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n" ;} 'AsymmetricKey' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON ASYMMETRIC KEY::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n" ;} 'SymmetricKey' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON SYMMETRIC KEY::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option;`r`n" ;} 'Certificate' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Certificate::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} 'XmlNamespace' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::$($schema)$($p.ObjectName) to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} 'FullTextCatalog' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON FullText Catalog::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} 'FullTextStopList' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON FullText Stoplist::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} 'MessageType' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Message Type::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} 'ServiceContract' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Contract::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} 'ServiceRoute' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Route::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} 'Service' { $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Service::$($schema)[$($p.ObjectName)] to [$newUser]$option`r`n" ;} #you can add other stuff like Available Group etc in this switch block as well } #switch } else { [string]$col = "" #if grant is on column level, we need to capture it if ($p.ColumnName - ne $null) { $col = "($($p.ColumnName))" }; $ str + = "$op_state $($p.PermissionType) ON Object::$($p.ObjectSchema).$($p.ObjectName) $col to [$newUser];`r`n" ; } #else } #$str += "go`r`n"; $h.sqlcmd = $ str ; $hta + = $h; } } #loop $ServerInstance } #process block End { [string] $sqlcmd = ""; if ($FilePath.Length - gt 3 ) # $FilePath is provided { [string]$servername = ""; foreach ($h in $hta) { if ($h.Server - ne $Servername) { $ServerName = $h.Server; $sqlcmd + = ":connect $servername `r`n" } $sqlcmd + = "use $($h.DBName);`r`n" + $h.sqlcmd + "`r`ngo`r`n" ; } $sqlcmd | out - file - FilePath $FilePath - Append ; } if ($Execute) { foreach ($h in $hta) { $server = new - object "Microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.server" $h.Server; $database = $server.databases[$h.DBName]; $database.ExecuteNonQuery($h.sqlcmd) } } #$Execute } #end block } #clone-sqllogin # test, change parameters to your own. The following creates a script about all permissions assigned to [Bobby] # Clone-SQLLogin -Server "$env:ComputerName", "$env:ComputerName\sql2014" -OldLogin Bobby -NewLogin Bobby -FilePath "c:\temp\Bobby_perm.sql"; |
打开一个PowerShell ISE的窗口,复制、黏贴这个PS脚本到一个新的窗口,然后还需要取消最后一行的注释(还有修改服务器参数的名称:-Server parameter),接着运行脚本。
你将会看到一个新生成位于c:\temp\Bobby_perm.sql 的脚本。然后在NotePad 中打开这个脚本,如下:
:connect TP_W520 use master; create login Bobby with password=''; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'securityadmin'; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'dbcreator'; Grant IMPERSONATE on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW DEFINITION on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER on Endpoint::[TSQL Default TCP] to [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL SERVER to [Bobby]; Grant CONNECT SQL to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW SERVER STATE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='TestRoleInTestA', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='db_securityadmin', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant CREATE TABLE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; Deny UPDATE ON Object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (a) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (d) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant REFERENCES ON Message Type::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Deny ALTER ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; Grant EXECUTE ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Certificate::TestCert to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON ASYMMETRIC KEY::ASymKey to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey1 to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey2 to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] Deny TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] go :connect TP_W520\sql2014 use master; create login Bobby with password=''; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'securityadmin'; exec sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'Bobby', @rolename = 'dbcreator'; Grant IMPERSONATE on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW DEFINITION on Login::[sa] to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER on Endpoint::[TSQL Default TCP] to [Bobby]; GRANT ALTER ANY LOGIN to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant ALTER ANY SERVER ROLE to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL SERVER to [Bobby]; Grant CONNECT SQL to [Bobby]; Grant VIEW SERVER STATE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='TestRoleInTestA', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; exec sp_addrolemember @rolename='db_securityadmin', @memberName='Bobby'; go use TestA; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [Bobby] WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant CREATE TABLE to [Bobby]; go use TestA; Deny UPDATE ON Object::dbo.t to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (a) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON Object::dbo.t (d) to [Bobby]; Grant SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo to [Bobby]; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant REFERENCES ON Message Type::[//MyTest/Sample/ReplyMsg] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Route::[ExpenseRoute] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON Contract::[//Mytest/Sample/MyContract] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Deny ALTER ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Service::[//MyTest/Sample/InitSvc] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Catalog::[ftCat] to [Bobby] go use TestA; Grant ALTER ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON FullText Stoplist::[mystopList] to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONNECT to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Deny VIEW DEFINITION ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; Grant EXECUTE ON Object::dbo.SimpleProc to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant VIEW DEFINITION ON Certificate::TestCert to [Bobby] go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON ASYMMETRIC KEY::ASymKey to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey1 to [Bobby]; Grant CONTROL ON SYMMETRIC KEY::SymKey2 to [Bobby]; go use TestB; Grant ALTER ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] Deny TAKE OWNERSHIP ON XML SCHEMA COLLECTION::dbo.XSC to [Bobby] go
注意: 看到生成的脚本与我们之前总结的有一点不同,因为授权的同时默认授权的了连接权限。否则,如果连接不被许可那么第一步创建账户都不能实现。
1 2 3 4 5 | # clone [Bobby] to [Johnny] Clone - SQLLogin - Server $Env:ComputerName, "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME\sql2014" - OldLogin Bobby - NewLogin Johnny - NewPassword "P@s$w0Rd" - Execute; # generate a permission auditing script, change parameter valeus to your needs, make sure [OldLogin] and [NewLogin] are same. Clone - SQLLogin - Server $Env:ComputerName, "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME\sql2014" - OldLogin Johnny - NewLogin Johnny - FilePath "c:\temp\Johnny_perm.sql" ; |
我们可以比较之前的c:\temp\Bobby_perm.sql与新的c:\temp\Johnny_perm.sql 然后发现他们是完全一样的除了账户名称。
查找并复制用户的权限在SQLServer内是一个普遍的任务。利用这个技巧我们可以创建一个高级的PowerShell 函数来做这个工作来处理多服务器的情况,没必要去分别到目标服务器去执行代码。同时建议将这个PS脚本放到一个module中来正常使用,因此当你需要的时候只需要加在PS文件就可以自动加载该功能了。
这个脚本适合我当前的工作,但是如果想进一步升级这个功能比如属性列表和可利用群组等权限则还需要进一步完善,同时要求数据库是2012及其以后版本才能支持。由于目前我的服务器还存在大量2008r2 所有我只能暂时忽略这些了。不过目前看也是够用了。
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