def pre_process(text): """ 文本预处理: 1. 删除掉符号 2. 大写转小写s :param text: :return: """ text = del_pun(text) # 删除符号 text = text.lower() # 英文转小写 text = text2list(text) # 字符串转序列 # todo 将itn转换过来 return text def is_equal(ref,hyp): """ 比较两个短文本是否等价 :param ref: :param hyp: :return: """ ref = del_pun(ref) # 删除符号 ref = ref.lower() # 英文转小写 hyp = del_pun(hyp) # 删除符号 hyp = hyp.lower() # 英文转小写 if ref == hyp: return True else: return False def del_pun(text): """ 删除文本中的特殊符号 :param text: :return: """ list_pun = (",", ",", "。", "《", "》", "“", "”", "?", "?", "(", ")", "(", ")", "!", "!", ":", ";", ";", "……", "…", "、", "@", "[", "]", "_", "*", "-", "&", "×", "·", "\t", "\n") # 需要过滤的标点:× stra = '' for word in text: if word in list_pun: continue else: stra += word stra = stra.strip() # 去掉首尾空格 return stra def is_upper_eng_char(uchar): """ unicode大写字母 :param uchar: :return: """ if '\u0041' <= uchar <= '\u005a': return True return False def is_lower_eng_char(uchar): if '\u0061' <= uchar <= '\u007a': return True return False def is_eng_char(uchar): """ 字符是否是英文,英文的Unicode编码 :param uchar: :return: """ if is_upper_eng_char(uchar) or is_lower_eng_char(uchar): return True return False def is_num_char(uchar): return True if '\u0030' <= uchar <= '\u0039' else False def is_cjk_char(uchar): """ 文本中是否包含非中文,CJK Unified Ideographs (4E00–9FFF) wiki 汉字的unicode范围是:0x4E00~0x9FA5 :param uchar: :param text: :return: """ return True if '\u4E00' <= uchar <= '\u9FA5' else False def hasNum(text): """ 文本中是否包含数字 :param text: :return: """ for uchar in text: if is_num_char(uchar): return True return False def text2list(text): """ 将文本的每个字符转换成list,英文单词算一个字符,以空格作为区分 :param text: :return: """ tlist = [] lastEng = False begin = 0 for i in range(len(text)): # print(text[i], isEng(text[i])) if i == (len(text) - 1): if lastEng and is_eng_char(text[i]): tlist.append(text[begin:]) elif lastEng and not is_eng_char(text[i]): tlist.append(text[begin:i]) tlist.append(text[i]) else: tlist.append(text[i]) break if lastEng: if not is_eng_char(text[i]): tlist.append(text[begin:i].strip()) if text[i] != ' ': tlist.append(text[i]) lastEng = False else: if is_eng_char(text[i]): begin = i lastEng = True else: if text[i] != ' ': tlist.append(text[i]) return tlist class MyTest(TestCase): def test_hasNum(self): self.assertTrue(hasNum('ab3de好不好'), msg='应该存在数字') self.assertFalse(hasNum('ab不好'), msg='应该不存在数字') if __name__ == '__main__': print(del_pun('AB-C'))
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