This article is about becoming a millionaire today, in the very “real world” of your imagination. If you’re ever going to become a millionaire in reality, you’re going to have first become an “imaginary millionaire.”


The imagination is a very, very real realm; it determines what our future holds. Our imagination pre-plays our future.


“You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality.” – Wayne Dyer


Put it another way, you create your reality.


You have to see yourself as a millionaire at all times. You must (on some level) disconnect from your present situation, and connect with your imagination.


If you can see yourself as a millionaire “all the time, ” it’s only a matter of time before you live it out. I’m not talking about dreaming about being a millionaire; I’m talking about living in a faith-filled world within your imagination. When you ride the bus, you see yourself riding in your brand new BMW, when you walk into your “little” home, you see yourself walking into your mansion, and when you arrive to the job that you despise, you see yourself arriving at your dream job. See every aspect of your life the way you want it to be in the future.


You have to go there first in your imagination, and if you can see it…if you can really see it and believe it…you will begin to “act” like you’re already there… Your actions will then create opportunities for you to go where you’ve already been in your imagination.


The more you see yourself as what you’d like to become, and act as if what you want is already here, the more you’ll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality – Wayne Dyer


The imagination is a real world, and if you spend enough time there, you will take on the characteristics of the person that are in that world…you will become the person you imagine. If you imagine yourself confident, you will become confident; if you imagine yourself rich (long enough) you will begin to take rich actions, which will lead to a rich lifestyle. The first step to becoming a millionaire is becoming a millionaire in your imagination.


If you can go there in your imagination, and if you can believe it, you can have it. Now, I’m not talking about sitting on the couch and wishing up “magical lollie-pops” without effort. I’m talking about going to a real place in your mind, and living in that realm until your actions bring you there on the physical plane.


I’m reminded of when my wife and I first got married…while I worked during the day, my wife would go out and look at beautiful homes (she’s always dreaming). She would tour those big beautiful homes, and then she would invite me to come and visit them. I would go, and we would walk around those homes imagining ourselves living there…


During this time in our lives we were living in a one-bedroom apartment. BUT, we looked at those homes, and we really believed that we could live in such a home. Why did we believe this? I don’t know …but we did. We certainly had no proof that we could live in such a home, however we could see it in our imagination.


We imagined it, and nothing could stop us. Just a few years later we moved into such a home [See the article: How I manifested a seven bedroom home at 24].


Act as if what you intend to manifest in life is already a reality, eliminate thoughts of conditions, limitations, or the possibility of something not manifesting. – Wayne Dyer


Once you have imagined it “long enough, ” once you have convinced yourself that the imagination is a real realm that shows you the future, once you’re filled with faith, you will begin to take the steps that will take you into the world of your imagination; you will feel at home; because you’ve been there before!









    如果你能“时时”视自己为一个百万富翁来看待,那你真正实现这个目标就只是时间问题了。我并不是在说做白日梦;而是说你要忠实于自己想象中百万富翁形象,有信仰地去生活。当你在坐公交车的时候,你要想象自己正开着一辆宝马车;当你回到自己的小居所时,你要想象自己回到了一幢大厦里;当你开始了一天乏味的工作时,你要想象你正在做梦想中的工作。在生活中的各个方面,你都要去想象你渴望在未来得到的那部分。阅读:The Power(《力量》)。










