



https://blog.kaush.co/2014/12/24/implementing-an-event-bus-with-rxjava-rxbus/                     (这篇文章里的考虑不全,尽量不要使用)


因为Rx在调用了oncomplete或onerror之后,或者在 onnext里抛出了异常之后,bus就失效了,因此有必要使用rxrelay来解决这个问题,而且rxrelay是大神JakeWharton开发的:

rxrelay:  https://github.com/JakeWharton/RxRelay




url:    https://github.com/JakeWharton/RxRelay/issues/7

why subscribing a Subject or Relay to a stream should be immediately an anti-pattern ?

i'll try to give a simple example.
suppose we have 2 separate presenters.
P1 holds a View with a Button.
P2 hold a view to display info.

Scenario 1: No Relays

    P1 receives call to send Network Request
    P1 sends Request and gets an Observable form the Network Module
    P1 send the observable to P2
    P2 subscribes to it
    P2 receives an event and renders data

Scenario 2: With Relays
0) P2 subscribes to a Relay "XX" (happens only once)

    P1 receives call to send Network Request
    P1 sends Request and gets an Observable form the Network Module
    P1 subscribes Relay "XX" to the Observable
    P2 receives an event and renders data

Sure, here we do not have that much advantage especially that Relays/Subjects are the vulnerable(mutable) part in the chain, but lets suppose we take care of that.

Now what if we have many P1 and many P2 it can become a mesh of passing Observables around and this doesn't look too reactive to me.





How to make an Event Bus with RxJava and RxAndroid

21 January 2017

If you’ve ever needed to communicate between different parts of your application, it can be painful. To alleviate this, you can use an event bus like Otto. But, with the addition of RxJava and RxAndroid to the Android ecosystem you don’t need to rely on Otto anymore. Otto is actually deprecated in favour of these newer libraries, since making your own event bus with them is actually quite easy.

I came up with my own solution that works well for my purposes. You can use it as is if you want, or tweak it to fit your needs.

First attempt

If you just want to pass arbitrary data around your app this is all you need:

public final class RxBus {

    private static PublishSubject<Object> sSubject = PublishSubject.create();

    private RxBus() {
        // hidden constructor

    public static Disposable subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<Object> action) {
        return sSubject.subscribe(action);

    public static void publish(@NonNull Object message) {

//Example usage below:

public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //Using Retrolambda
        RxBus.subscribe((message) -> {
            if (message instanceof Data) {
                Data data = (Data) cityObject;
                Log.v("Testing", data.getInfo());

public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment, container, false);
        //Using Retrolambda
        v.findViewById(R.id.view).setOnClickListener(view -> {
            RxBus.publish(new Data("Hello World"));
        return v;


Using a PublishSubject means that a new subscriber will only receive events emitted after they subscribed. It will not repeat old events to new subscribers.

This simple solution has a few problems though. You can’t pick what kind of events your subscriber will receive, it’s going to see everything. The only way to ensure you get the data you want, is to define a new class for each event, such as XYZDataDownloadedEvent or PurpleButtonClickedEvent. Then you have to do an instanceof check and cast it. Personally, I don’t like having to create a new class for each type of event I want to broadcast.

Also, this solution can cause memory leaks if you don’t unsubscribe from each subscription. Ideally I want to be able to publish an event and subscribe to updates for that event. I don’t want to have to manage subscriptions in each place I subscribe.

Second attempt

To address these issues, my next iteration looked like this:

public final class RxBus {

    private static Map<String, PublishSubject<Object>> sSubjectMap = new HashMap<>();
    private static Map<Object, CompositeDisposable> sSubscriptionsMap = new HashMap<>();

    private RxBus() {
        // hidden constructor

     * Get the subject or create it if it's not already in memory.
    private static PublishSubject<Object> getSubject(Integer subjectKey) {
        PublishSubject<Object> subject = sSubjectMap.get(subjectKey);
        if (subject == null) {
            subject = PublishSubject.create();
            sSubjectMap.put(subjectKey, subject);

        return subject;

     * Get the CompositeDisposable or create it if it's not already in memory.
    private static CompositeDisposable getCompositeDisposable(@NonNull Object object) {
        CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable = sSubscriptionsMap.get(object);
        if (compositeDisposable == null) {
            compositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable();
            sSubscriptionsMap.put(object, compositeDisposable);

        return compositeDisposable;

     * Subscribe to the specified subject and listen for updates on that subject. Pass in an object to associate
     * your registration with, so that you can unsubscribe later.
     * <br/><br/>
     * <b>Note:</b> Make sure to call {@link RxBus#unregister(Object)} to avoid memory leaks.
    public static void subscribe(@Subject int subject, @NonNull Object lifecycle, @NonNull Consumer<Object> action) {
        Disposable disposable = getSubject(subject).subscribe(action);

     * Unregisters this object from the bus, removing all subscriptions.
     * This should be called when the object is going to go out of memory.
    public static void unregister(@NonNull Object lifecycle) {
        //We have to remove the composition from the map, because once you dispose it can't be used anymore
        CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable = sSubscriptionsMap.remove(lifecycle);
        if (compositeDisposable != null) {

     * Publish an object to the specified subject for all subscribers of that subject.
    public static void publish(Integer subject, @NonNull Object message) {

I added a CompositeDisposable to manage all of the subscriptions for a given object (typically an Activity or Fragment). I also added a map to keep track of the different types of subjects. That way, I can easily keep track of all of the subscriptions and subjects.

Also, to simplify management of unsubscribing and keeping a reference to those subscriptions, I created a BaseActivity and BaseFragment.

public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onDestroy() {
public abstract class BaseFragment extends Fragment {

    public void onDestroy() {

Calling RxBus.unregister(this) in onDestroy() is all that’s required for cleanup. If there are subscriptions associated to that object they will be unsubscribed and removed. I also wrote comments to make it clear that if you subscribe, you need to call unregister. In case you aren’t using a base class that handles it or subscribe to the bus from somewhere else.

Whenever I create a new subject, it’s set to be subscribed on the main thread. For my purposes, all of the events being posted will trigger UI updates. You could always extend it to allow for subscribing on different threads if you want. The current implementation makes it simple and covers the majority of use cases.

Final implementation

The last change I made is to how you define what subject you are subscribed to. Initially you could just pass in a String key, defined wherever you like. I like having all these keys organized in one place though. Also, I wanted to limit the events you could subscribe and publish to. So, I changed the String parameter to an int, and created a set of integer constants with the IntDef annotation. You can see my completed RxBus.java class below:

 * Used for subscribing to and publishing to subjects. Allowing you to send data between activities, fragments, etc.
 * <p>
 * Created by Pierce Zaifman on 2017-01-02.

public final class RxBus {

    private static SparseArray<PublishSubject<Object>> sSubjectMap = new SparseArray<>();
    private static Map<Object, CompositeDisposable> sSubscriptionsMap = new HashMap<>();

    public static final int SUBJECT_MY_SUBJECT = 0;
    public static final int SUBJECT_ANOTHER_SUBJECT = 1;

    @interface Subject {

    private RxBus() {
        // hidden constructor

     * Get the subject or create it if it's not already in memory.
    private static PublishSubject<Object> getSubject(@Subject int subjectCode) {
        PublishSubject<Object> subject = sSubjectMap.get(subjectCode);
        if (subject == null) {
            subject = PublishSubject.create();
            sSubjectMap.put(subjectCode, subject);

        return subject;

     * Get the CompositeDisposable or create it if it's not already in memory.
    private static CompositeDisposable getCompositeDisposable(@NonNull Object object) {
        CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable = sSubscriptionsMap.get(object);
        if (compositeDisposable == null) {
            compositeDisposable = new CompositeDisposable();
            sSubscriptionsMap.put(object, compositeDisposable);

        return compositeDisposable;

     * Subscribe to the specified subject and listen for updates on that subject. Pass in an object to associate
     * your registration with, so that you can unsubscribe later.
     * <br/><br/>
     * <b>Note:</b> Make sure to call {@link RxBus#unregister(Object)} to avoid memory leaks.
    public static void subscribe(@Subject int subject, @NonNull Object lifecycle, @NonNull Consumer<Object> action) {
        Disposable disposable = getSubject(subject).subscribe(action);

     * Unregisters this object from the bus, removing all subscriptions.
     * This should be called when the object is going to go out of memory.
    public static void unregister(@NonNull Object lifecycle) {
        //We have to remove the composition from the map, because once you dispose it can't be used anymore
        CompositeDisposable compositeDisposable = sSubscriptionsMap.remove(lifecycle);
        if (compositeDisposable != null) {

     * Publish an object to the specified subject for all subscribers of that subject.
    public static void publish(@Subject int subject, @NonNull Object message) {

Potential issues

While working on this, I made a list of problems I had with the implementation. Some of which I believe can be addressed, others I’m not sure.

I’m still passing around objects which have to be cast to the correct type. I’m not sure if there’s a way around this, because the subject publishes Objects. So, the subscriber will only receive Objects.

You can pass in any object to associate your subscription with, so there’s no guarantee that you’ve actually unsubscribed. I tried to address this with my comments, saying that you must call unregister. But there’s no guarantee that it gets called, which will cause memory leaks.

The BaseActivity and BaseFragment unregister from the bus in onDestroy(). This means that if you start a new activity, the old activity will still be subscribed. So if you publish an event that the previous activity is subscribed to, it may end up causing your app to crash with java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState. I didn’t want to call unregister in onStop() because if you go back to the previous activity, it won’t be subscribed anymore. If you are careful with how you manage your subjects, this won't be an issue. Ideally the subscriptions would pause and resume with the lifecycle, and finally get destroyed with the lifecycle.

Lastly, I’m using static members instead of the singleton pattern. Technically I believe that using the singleton pattern is more memory efficient. Since it will only create the class when it needs to. But, in my case since I’m using RxBus in onCreate() for most of my activities, it won’t really save anything. Plus, the amount of memory it uses is negligible. Some people also think that static variables are evil.

Final thoughts

This solution isn’t perfect, but I felt it was a good compromise between complexity and ease of use.





//RxJava and RxAndroid
compile 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:1.1.0'
compile 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.1.0'



import rx.Observable;
import rx.subjects.PublishSubject;
import rx.subjects.SerializedSubject;
import rx.subjects.Subject;

 * Created by xialo on 2016/6/28.
public class RxBus {

    private static volatile RxBus mInstance;

    private final Subject bus;

* PublishSubject只会把在订阅发生的时间点之后来自原始Observable的数据发射给观察者
      public RxBus()
        bus = new SerializedSubject<>(PublishSubject.create());

     * 单例模式RxBus
     * @return
    public static RxBus getInstance()

        RxBus rxBus2 = mInstance;
        if (mInstance == null)
            synchronized (RxBus.class)
                rxBus2 = mInstance;
                if (mInstance == null)
                    rxBus2 = new RxBus();
                    mInstance = rxBus2;

        return rxBus2;

     * 发送消息
     * @param object
    public void post(Object object)



     * 接收消息
     * @param eventType
     * @param <T>
     * @return
    public <T> Observable<T> toObserverable(Class<T> eventType)
        return bus.ofType(eventType);

1、Subject同时充当了Observer和Observable的角色,Subject是非线程安全的,要避免该问题,需要将 Subject转换为一个 SerializedSubject,上述RxBus类中把线程非安全的PublishSubject包装成线程安全的Subject。



 * Created by xialo on 2016/6/28.
public class StudentEvent {
    private String id;
    private String name;

    public StudentEvent(String id, String name) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;


RxBus.getInstance().post(new StudentEvent("007","小明"));


                .subscribe(new Action1<StudentEvent>() {
                    public void call(StudentEvent studentEvent) {
                        textView.setText("id:"+ studentEvent.getId()+"  name:"+ studentEvent.getName());



    protected void onDestroy() {
        if (!rxSbscription.isUnsubscribed()){



posted @ 2017-11-09 17:56  微信公众号--共鸣圈  阅读(600)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报