

package java.util.function;

import java.util.Objects;

public interface Consumer<T> {

    void accept(T t);

    default Consumer<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> after) {
        return (T t) -> { accept(t); after.accept(t); };



package java.util.concurrent;

public interface Callable<V> {

    V call() throws Exception;



package java.util.function;

public interface Supplier<T> {

    T get();



package java.lang;

public interface Runnable {

    public abstract void run();


Function<T, R>

package java.util.function;

import java.util.Objects;

 * Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
 * <p>This is a <a href="package-summary.html">functional interface</a>
 * whose functional method is {@link #apply(Object)}.
 * @param <T> the type of the input to the function
 * @param <R> the type of the result of the function
 * @since 1.8
public interface Function<T, R> {

    R apply(T t);

    default <V> Function<V, R> compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T> before) {
        return (V v) -> apply(before.apply(v));

    default <V> Function<T, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after) {
        return (T t) -> after.apply(apply(t));

    static <T> Function<T, T> identity() {
        return t -> t;




package java.util.concurrent;

public interface Future<V> {

    boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning);

    boolean isCancelled();

    boolean isDone();

    V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;

    V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;

Metrics 度量指标

interface Metrics {

         * Returns the current failure rate in percentage. If the number of measured calls is below
         * the minimum number of measured calls, it returns -1.
         * @return the failure rate in percentage
        float getFailureRate();

         * Returns the current percentage of calls which were slower than a certain threshold. If
         * the number of measured calls is below the minimum number of measured calls, it returns
         * -1.
         * @return the failure rate in percentage
        float getSlowCallRate();

         * Returns the current total number of calls which were slower than a certain threshold.
         * @return the current total number of calls which were slower than a certain threshold
        int getNumberOfSlowCalls();

         * Returns the current number of successful calls which were slower than a certain
         * threshold.
         * @return the current number of successful calls which were slower than a certain threshold
        int getNumberOfSlowSuccessfulCalls();

         * Returns the current number of failed calls which were slower than a certain threshold.
         * @return the current number of failed calls which were slower than a certain threshold
        int getNumberOfSlowFailedCalls();

         * Returns the current total number of buffered calls in the ring buffer.
         * @return he current total number of buffered calls in the ring buffer
        int getNumberOfBufferedCalls();

         * Returns the current number of failed buffered calls in the ring buffer.
         * @return the current number of failed buffered calls in the ring buffer
        int getNumberOfFailedCalls();

         * Returns the current number of not permitted calls, when the state is OPEN.
         * <p>
         * The number of denied calls is always 0, when the CircuitBreaker state is CLOSED or
         * HALF_OPEN. The number of denied calls is only increased when the CircuitBreaker state is
         * OPEN.
         * @return the current number of not permitted calls
        long getNumberOfNotPermittedCalls();

         * Returns the current number of successful buffered calls in the ring buffer.
         * @return the current number of successful buffered calls in the ring buffer
        int getNumberOfSuccessfulCalls();


package io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.internal;

import io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreaker;
import io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerConfig;
import io.github.resilience4j.core.metrics.FixedSizeSlidingWindowMetrics;
import io.github.resilience4j.core.metrics.Metrics;
import io.github.resilience4j.core.metrics.SlidingTimeWindowMetrics;
import io.github.resilience4j.core.metrics.Snapshot;

import java.time.Clock;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;

import static io.github.resilience4j.core.metrics.Metrics.Outcome;

class CircuitBreakerMetrics implements CircuitBreaker.Metrics {

    private final Metrics metrics;
    private final float failureRateThreshold;
    private final float slowCallRateThreshold;
    private final long slowCallDurationThresholdInNanos;
    private final LongAdder numberOfNotPermittedCalls;
    private int minimumNumberOfCalls;

    private CircuitBreakerMetrics(int slidingWindowSize,
        CircuitBreakerConfig.SlidingWindowType slidingWindowType,
        CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig,
        Clock clock) {
        if (slidingWindowType == CircuitBreakerConfig.SlidingWindowType.COUNT_BASED) {
            this.metrics = new FixedSizeSlidingWindowMetrics(slidingWindowSize);
            this.minimumNumberOfCalls = Math
                .min(circuitBreakerConfig.getMinimumNumberOfCalls(), slidingWindowSize);
        } else {
            this.metrics = new SlidingTimeWindowMetrics(slidingWindowSize, clock);
            this.minimumNumberOfCalls = circuitBreakerConfig.getMinimumNumberOfCalls();
        this.failureRateThreshold = circuitBreakerConfig.getFailureRateThreshold();
        this.slowCallRateThreshold = circuitBreakerConfig.getSlowCallRateThreshold();
        this.slowCallDurationThresholdInNanos = circuitBreakerConfig.getSlowCallDurationThreshold()
        this.numberOfNotPermittedCalls = new LongAdder();

    private CircuitBreakerMetrics(int slidingWindowSize,
        CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig, Clock clock) {
        this(slidingWindowSize, circuitBreakerConfig.getSlidingWindowType(), circuitBreakerConfig, clock);

    static CircuitBreakerMetrics forClosed(CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig, Clock clock) {
        return new CircuitBreakerMetrics(circuitBreakerConfig.getSlidingWindowSize(),
            circuitBreakerConfig, clock);

    static CircuitBreakerMetrics forHalfOpen(int permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState,
        CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig, Clock clock) {
        return new CircuitBreakerMetrics(permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState,
            CircuitBreakerConfig.SlidingWindowType.COUNT_BASED, circuitBreakerConfig, clock);

    static CircuitBreakerMetrics forForcedOpen(CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig, Clock clock) {
        return new CircuitBreakerMetrics(0, CircuitBreakerConfig.SlidingWindowType.COUNT_BASED,
            circuitBreakerConfig, clock);

    static CircuitBreakerMetrics forDisabled(CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig, Clock clock) {
        return new CircuitBreakerMetrics(0, CircuitBreakerConfig.SlidingWindowType.COUNT_BASED,
            circuitBreakerConfig, clock);

    static CircuitBreakerMetrics forMetricsOnly(CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreakerConfig, Clock clock) {
        return forClosed(circuitBreakerConfig, clock);

     * Records a call which was not permitted, because the CircuitBreaker state is OPEN.
    void onCallNotPermitted() {

     * Records a successful call and checks if the thresholds are exceeded.
     * @return the result of the check
    public Result onSuccess(long duration, TimeUnit durationUnit) {
        Snapshot snapshot;
        if (durationUnit.toNanos(duration) > slowCallDurationThresholdInNanos) {
            snapshot = metrics.record(duration, durationUnit, Outcome.SLOW_SUCCESS);
        } else {
            snapshot = metrics.record(duration, durationUnit, Outcome.SUCCESS);
        return checkIfThresholdsExceeded(snapshot);

     * Records a failed call and checks if the thresholds are exceeded.
     * @return the result of the check
    public Result onError(long duration, TimeUnit durationUnit) {
        Snapshot snapshot;
        if (durationUnit.toNanos(duration) > slowCallDurationThresholdInNanos) {
            snapshot = metrics.record(duration, durationUnit, Outcome.SLOW_ERROR);
        } else {
            snapshot = metrics.record(duration, durationUnit, Outcome.ERROR);
        return checkIfThresholdsExceeded(snapshot);

     * Checks if the failure rate is above the threshold or if the slow calls percentage is above
     * the threshold.
     * @param snapshot a metrics snapshot
     * @return false, if the thresholds haven't been exceeded.
    private Result checkIfThresholdsExceeded(Snapshot snapshot) {
        float failureRateInPercentage = getFailureRate(snapshot);
        float slowCallsInPercentage = getSlowCallRate(snapshot);

        if (failureRateInPercentage == -1 || slowCallsInPercentage == -1) {
            return Result.BELOW_MINIMUM_CALLS_THRESHOLD;
        if (failureRateInPercentage >= failureRateThreshold
            && slowCallsInPercentage >= slowCallRateThreshold) {
            return Result.ABOVE_THRESHOLDS;
        if (failureRateInPercentage >= failureRateThreshold) {
            return Result.FAILURE_RATE_ABOVE_THRESHOLDS;

        if (slowCallsInPercentage >= slowCallRateThreshold) {
            return Result.SLOW_CALL_RATE_ABOVE_THRESHOLDS;
        return Result.BELOW_THRESHOLDS;

    private float getSlowCallRate(Snapshot snapshot) {
        int bufferedCalls = snapshot.getTotalNumberOfCalls();
        if (bufferedCalls == 0 || bufferedCalls < minimumNumberOfCalls) {
            return -1.0f;
        return snapshot.getSlowCallRate();

    private float getFailureRate(Snapshot snapshot) {
        int bufferedCalls = snapshot.getTotalNumberOfCalls();
        if (bufferedCalls == 0 || bufferedCalls < minimumNumberOfCalls) {
            return -1.0f;
        return snapshot.getFailureRate();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public float getFailureRate() {
        return getFailureRate(metrics.getSnapshot());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public float getSlowCallRate() {
        return getSlowCallRate(metrics.getSnapshot());

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getNumberOfSuccessfulCalls() {
        return this.metrics.getSnapshot().getNumberOfSuccessfulCalls();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getNumberOfBufferedCalls() {
        return this.metrics.getSnapshot().getTotalNumberOfCalls();

    public int getNumberOfFailedCalls() {
        return this.metrics.getSnapshot().getNumberOfFailedCalls();

    public int getNumberOfSlowCalls() {
        return this.metrics.getSnapshot().getTotalNumberOfSlowCalls();

    public int getNumberOfSlowSuccessfulCalls() {
        return this.metrics.getSnapshot().getNumberOfSlowSuccessfulCalls();

    public int getNumberOfSlowFailedCalls() {
        return this.metrics.getSnapshot().getNumberOfSlowFailedCalls();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public long getNumberOfNotPermittedCalls() {
        return this.numberOfNotPermittedCalls.sum();

    enum Result {

        public static boolean hasExceededThresholds(Result result) {
            return hasFailureRateExceededThreshold(result) ||

        public static boolean hasFailureRateExceededThreshold(Result result) {
            return result == ABOVE_THRESHOLDS || result == FAILURE_RATE_ABOVE_THRESHOLDS;

        public static boolean hasSlowCallRateExceededThreshold(Result result) {
            return result == ABOVE_THRESHOLDS || result == SLOW_CALL_RATE_ABOVE_THRESHOLDS;

posted on 2023-03-17 10:18  weldonh  阅读(22)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
