
MySQL 数据库 2

  2、DBMS(Database Management System)
  3、DBS(Database System)


    select * from 表名 where 条件;

    1、update 表名 set 字段名=值,字段名=值,...where 条件;
      1、delete from 表名 where 条件;

  1 mysql> show databases;
  2 +--------------------+
  3 | Database           |
  4 +--------------------+
  5 | information_schema |
  6 | db1                |
  7 | db2                |
  8 | db3                |
  9 | mysql              |
 10 | performance_schema |
 11 | sys                |
 12 +--------------------+
 13 7 rows in set (1.52 sec)
 15 mysql> use db2
 16 Database changed
 17 mysql> show tables;
 18 Empty set (0.01 sec)
 20 mysql> create table t1(
 21     -> id int(3) zerofill,
 22     -> name varchar(15),
 23     -> age tinyint unsigned,
 24     -> address char(10)
 25     -> )default charset=utf8;
 26 Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.12 sec)
 28 mysql> insert into t1 values
 29     -> (1,'诸葛亮',33,'北京'),
 30     -> (2,'司马懿',34,'上海'),
 31     -> (3,'赵子龙',30,'北京');
 32 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 33 
 34 (3,'赵子龙',30,'北京')' at line 4
 35 mysql> insert into t1 values (1,'诸葛亮',33,'北京'),  (2,'司马懿',34,'上海'),  (3,'赵子龙',30,'北京');
 36 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',  (3,'赵子龙',30,'北京')' at line 1
 37 mysql> insert into t1 values (1,'诸葛亮',33,'北京'),  (2,'司马懿',34,'上海'),  (3,'赵子龙',30,'北京');
 38 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',  (3,'赵子龙',30,'北京')' at line 1
 39 mysql> insert into t1 values (1,'诸葛亮',33,'北京'),  (2,'司马懿',34,'上海'),  (3,'赵子龙',30,'北京');
 40 Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.34 sec)
 41 Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
 43 mysql> select * from t1 where address='北京';
 44 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 45 | id   | name      | age  | address |
 46 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 47 |  001 | 诸葛亮    |   33 | 北京    |
 48 |  003 | 赵子龙    |   30 | 北京    |
 49 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 50 2 rows in set (0.08 sec)
 52 mysql> select * from t1 where id=1;
 53 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 54 | id   | name      | age  | address |
 55 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 56 |  001 | 诸葛亮    |   33 | 北京    |
 57 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 58 1 row in set (0.03 sec)
 60 mysql> update t1 set address='上海'
 61     -> where
 62     -> name='赵子龙';
 63 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
 64 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
 66 mysql> select * from t1;
 67 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 68 | id   | name      | age  | address |
 69 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 70 |  001 | 诸葛亮    |   33 | 北京    |
 71 |  002 | 司马懿    |   34 | 上海    |
 72 |  003 | 赵子龙    |   30 | 上海    |
 73 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 74 3 rows in set (0.02 sec)
 76 mysql> update t1 set name='张飞',age=88
 77     -> where
 78     -> id=1;
 79 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)
 80 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
 82 mysql> select * from t1;
 83 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 84 | id   | name      | age  | address |
 85 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 86 |  001 | 张飞      |   88 | 北京    |
 87 |  002 | 司马懿    |   34 | 上海    |
 88 |  003 | 赵子龙    |   30 | 上海    |
 89 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 90 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 92 mysql> update t1 set name='赵云'
 93     -> where
 94     -> id=3;
 95 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)
 96 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
 98 mysql> select * from t1;
 99 +------+-----------+------+---------+
100 | id   | name      | age  | address |
101 +------+-----------+------+---------+
102 |  001 | 张飞      |   88 | 北京    |
103 |  002 | 司马懿    |   34 | 上海    |
104 |  003 | 赵云      |   30 | 上海    |
105 +------+-----------+------+---------+
106 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
108 mysql> update t1 set name='赵云';
109 Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.03 sec)
110 Rows matched: 3  Changed: 2  Warnings: 0
112 mysql> select * from t1;
113 +------+--------+------+---------+
114 | id   | name   | age  | address |
115 +------+--------+------+---------+
116 |  001 | 赵云   |   88 | 北京    |
117 |  002 | 赵云   |   34 | 上海    |
118 |  003 | 赵云   |   30 | 上海    |
119 +------+--------+------+---------+
120 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
122 mysql> delete from t1 where id=2;
123 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
125 mysql> select * from t1;
126 +------+--------+------+---------+
127 | id   | name   | age  | address |
128 +------+--------+------+---------+
129 |  001 | 赵云   |   88 | 北京    |
130 |  003 | 赵云   |   30 | 上海    |
131 +------+--------+------+---------+
132 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
134 mysql> delete from t1;
135 Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.04 sec)
137 mysql> select * from t1;
138 Empty set (0.00 sec)
140 mysql> 
View Code
  1 第一步:创建库 SANGUO
  2 create database SANGUO;
  4 第二步:切换库
  5 use SANGUO;
  7 第三步:创建表sanguo
  8 create table sanguo(
  9 id int,
 10 name char(15),
 11 sex enum("男","女"),
 12 country char(10)
 13 )default charset=utf8;
 15 第四步:插入记录
 16 insert into sanguo values
 17 (1,"曹操","男","魏国"),
 18 (2,"小乔","女","吴国"),
 19 (3,"诸葛亮","男","蜀国"),
 20 (4,"貂蝉","女","东汉"),
 21 (5,"赵子龙","男","蜀国"),
 22 (6,"魏延","男","蜀国");
 24 ######
 25 1、创建库MoShou
 26 create database MoShou;
 28 2、切换库
 29 use MoShou;
 31 3、创建表sanguo        
 32 create table sanguo(
 33 id int,
 34 name char(20),
 35 gongji int,
 36 fangyu tinyint unsigned,
 37 sex enum("男","女"),
 38 country varchar(20)
 39 )default charset=utf8;
 41 4、在表中插入记录
 42 insert into sanguo values
 43 (1,'诸葛亮',120,20,'','蜀国'),
 44 (2,'司马懿',119,25,'','魏国'),
 45 (3,'关羽',188,60,'','蜀国'),
 46 (4,'赵云',200,66,'','魏国'),
 47 (5,'孙权',110,20,'','吴国'),
 48 (6,'貂蝉',666,10,'','魏国'),
 49 (7,null,1000,99,'','蜀国'),
 50 (8,'',1005,88,'','蜀国');
 52 ####
 53 mysql> create database SANGUO;
 54 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.20 sec)
 56 mysql> use SANGUO;
 57 Database changed
 58 mysql> create table sanguo(
 59     -> id int,
 60     -> name char(15),
 61     -> sex enum("男","女"),
 62     -> country char(10)
 63     -> )default charset=utf8;
 64 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.16 sec)
 66 mysql> insert into sanguo values
 67     -> (1,"曹操","男","魏国"),
 68     -> (2,"小乔","女","吴国"),
 69     -> (3,"诸葛亮","男","蜀国"),
 70     -> (4,"貂蝉","女","东汉"),
 71     -> (5,"赵子龙","男","蜀国"),
 72     -> (6,"魏延","男","蜀国");
 73 Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.07 sec)
 74 Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
 76 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 77 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 78 | id   | name      | sex  | country |
 79 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 80 |    1 | 曹操      || 魏国    |
 81 |    2 | 小乔      || 吴国    |
 82 |    3 | 诸葛亮    || 蜀国    |
 83 |    4 | 貂蝉      || 东汉    |
 84 |    5 | 赵子龙    || 蜀国    |
 85 |    6 | 魏延      || 蜀国    |
 86 +------+-----------+------+---------+
 87 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 89 mysql> create database MoShou;
 90 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
 92 mysql> use MoShou;
 93 Database changed
 94 mysql> create table sanguo(
 95     -> id int,
 96     -> name char(20),
 97     -> gongji int,
 98     -> fangyu tinyint unsigned,
 99     -> sex enum("男","女"),
100     -> country varchar(20)
101     -> )default charset=utf8;
102 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)
104 mysql> insert into sanguo values
105     -> (1,'诸葛亮',120,20,'','蜀国'),
106     -> (2,'司马懿',119,25,'','魏国'),
107     -> (3,'关羽',188,60,'','蜀国'),
108     -> (4,'赵云',200,66,'','魏国'),
109     -> (5,'孙权',110,20,'','吴国'),
110     -> (6,'貂蝉',666,10,'','魏国'),
111     -> (7,null,1000,99,'','蜀国'),
112     -> (8,'',1005,88,'','蜀国');
113 Query OK, 8 rows affected (0.09 sec)
114 Records: 8  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
116 mysql> select * from sanguo;
117 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
118 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
119 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
120 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
121 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
122 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
123 |    4 | 赵云      |    200 |     66 || 魏国    |
124 |    5 | 孙权      |    110 |     20 || 吴国    |
125 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
126 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
127 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
128 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
129 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
131 mysql> select database();
132 +------------+
133 | database() |
134 +------------+
135 | MoShou     |
136 +------------+
137 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
139 mysql> use SANGUO;
140 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
141 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
143 Database changed
144 mysql> show tables;
145 +------------------+
146 | Tables_in_SANGUO |
147 +------------------+
148 | sanguo           |
149 +------------------+
150 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
152 mysql> select * from sanguo;
153 +------+-----------+------+---------+
154 | id   | name      | sex  | country |
155 +------+-----------+------+---------+
156 |    1 | 曹操      || 魏国    |
157 |    2 | 小乔      || 吴国    |
158 |    3 | 诸葛亮    || 蜀国    |
159 |    4 | 貂蝉      || 东汉    |
160 |    5 | 赵子龙    || 蜀国    |
161 |    6 | 魏延      || 蜀国    |
162 +------+-----------+------+---------+
163 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
166 mysql> use SANGUO;
167 Database changed
168 mysql> show tables;
169 +------------------+
170 | Tables_in_SANGUO |
171 +------------------+
172 | sanguo           |
173 +------------------+
174 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
176 mysql> select * from sanguo;
177 +------+-----------+------+---------+
178 | id   | name      | sex  | country |
179 +------+-----------+------+---------+
180 |    1 | 曹操      || 魏国    |
181 |    2 | 小乔      || 吴国    |
182 |    3 | 诸葛亮    || 蜀国    |
183 |    4 | 貂蝉      || 东汉    |
184 |    5 | 赵子龙    || 蜀国    |
185 |    6 | 魏延      || 蜀国    |
186 +------+-----------+------+---------+
187 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
189 mysql> select * from sanguo where country='蜀国';
190 +------+-----------+------+---------+
191 | id   | name      | sex  | country |
192 +------+-----------+------+---------+
193 |    3 | 诸葛亮    || 蜀国    |
194 |    5 | 赵子龙    || 蜀国    |
195 |    6 | 魏延      || 蜀国    |
196 +------+-----------+------+---------+
197 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
199 mysql> select name,sex,country from sanguo where sex='';
200 +--------+------+---------+
201 | name   | sex  | country |
202 +--------+------+---------+
203 | 小乔   || 吴国    |
204 | 貂蝉   || 东汉    |
205 +--------+------+---------+
206 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
208 mysql> update sanguo set 
209     -> sex='',country='泰国'
210     -> where 
211     -> name='魏延';
212 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
213 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
215 mysql> select * from sanguo;
216 +------+-----------+------+---------+
217 | id   | name      | sex  | country |
218 +------+-----------+------+---------+
219 |    1 | 曹操      || 魏国    |
220 |    2 | 小乔      || 吴国    |
221 |    3 | 诸葛亮    || 蜀国    |
222 |    4 | 貂蝉      || 东汉    |
223 |    5 | 赵子龙    || 蜀国    |
224 |    6 | 魏延      || 泰国    |
225 +------+-----------+------+---------+
226 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
228 mysql> update sanguo set
229     -> name='司马懿',sex='',country='魏国'
230     -> where
231     -> id=2;
232 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
233 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
235 mysql> select * from sanguo;
236 +------+-----------+------+---------+
237 | id   | name      | sex  | country |
238 +------+-----------+------+---------+
239 |    1 | 曹操      || 魏国    |
240 |    2 | 司马懿    || 魏国    |
241 |    3 | 诸葛亮    || 蜀国    |
242 |    4 | 貂蝉      || 东汉    |
243 |    5 | 赵子龙    || 蜀国    |
244 |    6 | 魏延      || 泰国    |
245 +------+-----------+------+---------+
246 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
248 mysql> delect from sanguo
249     -> where 
250     -> country='泰国';
251 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'delect from sanguo
252 where 
253 country='泰国'' at line 1
254 mysql> delect from sanguo where  country='泰国';
255 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'delect from sanguo where  country='泰国'' at line 1
256 mysql> delete from sanguo where  country='泰国';
257 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
259 mysql> select * from sanguo;
260 +------+-----------+------+---------+
261 | id   | name      | sex  | country |
262 +------+-----------+------+---------+
263 |    1 | 曹操      || 魏国    |
264 |    2 | 司马懿    || 魏国    |
265 |    3 | 诸葛亮    || 蜀国    |
266 |    4 | 貂蝉      || 东汉    |
267 |    5 | 赵子龙    || 蜀国    |
268 +------+-----------+------+---------+
269 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
271 mysql> 
View Code

    select * from 表名 where 字段名 运算符 数字/字符;
    update 表名 set 字段名=值,... where 字段名 运算符 数字/字符;
    delete from 表名 where 字段名 运算符 数字/字符;

 1 mysql> use MoShou;
 2 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 3 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
 5 Database changed
 6 mysql> show tables;
 7 +------------------+
 8 | Tables_in_MoShou |
 9 +------------------+
10 | sanguo           |
11 +------------------+
12 1 row in set (0.04 sec)
14 mysql> select * from sanguo;
15 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
16 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
17 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
18 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
19 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
20 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
21 |    4 | 赵云      |    200 |     66 || 魏国    |
22 |    5 | 孙权      |    110 |     20 || 吴国    |
23 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
24 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
25 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
26 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
27 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
29 mysql> select name,gongji from sanguo
30     -> where
31     -> gongji > 150;
32 +--------+--------+
33 | name   | gongji |
34 +--------+--------+
35 | 关羽   |    188 |
36 | 赵云   |    200 |
37 | 貂蝉   |    666 |
38 | NULL   |   1000 |
39 |        |   1005 |
40 +--------+--------+
41 5 rows in set (0.01 sec)
43 mysql> update sanguo set 
44     -> gongji=666,fangyu=88
45     -> where
46     -> name='赵云';
47 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
48 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
50 mysql> select * from sanguo;
51 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
52 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
53 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
54 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
55 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
56 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
57 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
58 |    5 | 孙权      |    110 |     20 || 吴国    |
59 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
60 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
61 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
62 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
63 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
65 mysql> 
View Code



 1 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 2 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 3 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 4 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 5 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
 6 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
 7 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 8 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
 9 |    5 | 孙权      |    110 |     20 || 吴国    |
10 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
11 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
12 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
13 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
14 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
16 mysql> 1、找出攻击值大于200的蜀国英雄的名字及攻击值
17     ->     2、将吴国英雄中攻击值为110的英雄的攻击值设置为100,防御值设置为60 
18     ->     3、查找蜀国和魏国的英雄信息\c
19 mysql> select name,gongji from sanguo
20     -> where
21     -> gongji > 200 and country='蜀国';
22 +------+--------+
23 | name | gongji |
24 +------+--------+
25 | NULL |   1000 |
26 |      |   1005 |
27 +------+--------+
28 2 rows in set (0.07 sec)
30 mysql> update sanguo set
31     -> gongji=100,fangyu=60
32     -> where 
33     -> gongji=110 and country='吴国';
34 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
35 Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
37 mysql> select * from sanguo;
38 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
39 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
40 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
41 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
42 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
43 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
44 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
45 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
46 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
47 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
48 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
49 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
50 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
52 mysql> select * from sanguo where contry='吴国';
53 ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'contry' in 'where clause'
54 mysql> select * from sanguo where country='吴国';
55 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
56 | id   | name   | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
57 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
58 |    5 | 孙权   |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
59 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
60 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
62 mysql> select * from sanguo 
63     -> where
64     -> country='蜀国' or country='魏国';
65 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
66 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
67 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
68 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
69 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
70 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
71 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
72 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
73 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
74 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
75 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
76 7 rows in set (0.01 sec)
78 mysql> 
View Code


    1、运算符 :between and 、in 、not in
  字段名 between 值1 and 值2
  字段名 in(值1,值2,...)
  字段名 not in(值1,值2,...)
      4、找到编号为1或3或5的蜀国英雄 和 貂蝉的编号、姓名和国家

 1 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 2 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 3 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 4 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 5 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
 6 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
 7 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 8 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
 9 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
10 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
11 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
12 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
13 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
14 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
16 mysql> select * from sanguo
17     -> where
18     -> gongji between 100 and 200 and country='蜀国';
19 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
20 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
21 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
22 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
23 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
24 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
25 2 rows in set (0.05 sec)
27 mysql> select * from sanguo
28     -> where
29     -> (gongji between 100 and 200) and (country='蜀国');
30 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
31 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
32 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
33 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
34 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
35 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
36 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
38 mysql> select * from sanguo
39     -> where
40     -> in\c
41 mysql> select id,name from sanguo
42     -> where
43     -> id in(1,3,5,7);
44 +------+-----------+
45 | id   | name      |
46 +------+-----------+
47 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |
48 |    3 | 关羽      |
49 |    5 | 孙权      |
50 |    7 | NULL      |
51 +------+-----------+
52 4 rows in set (0.05 sec)
54 mysql> select * from sanguo
55     -> where
56     -> country not in('蜀国','吴国') and sex='';
57 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
58 | id   | name   | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
59 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
60 |    6 | 貂蝉   |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
61 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
62 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
64 mysql> select id,name,country from sanguo
65     -> where
66     -> id in(1,3,5) and country='蜀国' or name='貂蝉';
67 +------+-----------+---------+
68 | id   | name      | country |
69 +------+-----------+---------+
70 |    1 | 诸葛亮    | 蜀国    |
71 |    3 | 关羽      | 蜀国    |
72 |    6 | 貂蝉      | 魏国    |
73 +------+-----------+---------+
74 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
76 mysql> 
View Code


    1、空 :is null
    2、非空 :is not null
      2、查找姓名为 "" 的英雄的id,姓名和国家

      1、null :空值,必须用is 或者 is not 去匹配
      2、"" :空字符串,用 = 或者 != 去匹配

 1 mysql> select * from sanguo where name is null and country='蜀国' and sex='';
 2 Empty set (0.00 sec)
 4 mysql> select * from sanguo where name is null and country='蜀国';
 5 +------+------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 6 | id   | name | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 7 +------+------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 8 |    7 | NULL |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
 9 +------+------+--------+--------+------+---------+
10 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
12 mysql> 
13 mysql> 
14 mysql> select * from sanguo 
15     -> where \c
16 mysql> select id,name,country from sanguo
17     -> where
18     -> name='';
19 +------+------+---------+
20 | id   | name | country |
21 +------+------+---------+
22 |    8 |      | 蜀国    |
23 +------+------+---------+
24 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
26 mysql> 
View Code


        字段名 like 表达式
        1、_ : 匹配单个字符
        2、% : 匹配0到多个字符
        1、select id,name from sanguo where name like "_%_";   ## 名字中至少2个字符的
        2、select id,name from sanguo where name like "%";   ## 名字不为null的所有记录
        3、select id,name from sanguo where name like "___";   ##匹配名字是三个字符的记录
        4、select id,name from sanguo where name like "赵%";


 1 mysql> select id,name from sanguo
 2     -> where
 3     -> name like '_%_';
 4 +------+-----------+
 5 | id   | name      |
 6 +------+-----------+
 7 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |
 8 |    2 | 司马懿    |
 9 |    3 | 关羽      |
10 |    4 | 赵云      |
11 |    5 | 孙权      |
12 |    6 | 貂蝉      |
13 +------+-----------+
14 6 rows in set (0.04 sec)
16 mysql> select id,name from sanguo
17     -> where
18     -> name like '%';
19 +------+-----------+
20 | id   | name      |
21 +------+-----------+
22 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |
23 |    2 | 司马懿    |
24 |    3 | 关羽      |
25 |    4 | 赵云      |
26 |    5 | 孙权      |
27 |    6 | 貂蝉      |
28 |    8 |           |
29 +------+-----------+
30 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
32 mysql> select id,name from sanguo
33     -> where
34     -> name like '___';
35 +------+-----------+
36 | id   | name      |
37 +------+-----------+
38 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |
39 |    2 | 司马懿    |
40 +------+-----------+
41 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
43 mysql> select id,name from sanguo
44     -> where
45     -> name like '赵%';
46 +------+--------+
47 | id   | name   |
48 +------+--------+
49 |    4 | 赵云   |
50 +------+--------+
51 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
53 mysql> 
View Code



    3、 select ... 聚合函数 from ...
    1、 where ...
    2、 group by ...
    4、 having ...
    5、 order by ...
    6、 limit ...;
2、order by
  2、语法格式:order by 字段名 排序方式;
    1、ASC(默认) : 升序
    2、DESC :降序
    3、将魏蜀两国男英雄中名字为三个字的英雄按防御值升序 排列

 1 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 2 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 3 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 4 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 5 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
 6 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
 7 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 8 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
 9 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
10 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
11 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
12 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
13 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
14 8 rows in set (0.17 sec)
16 mysql> select * from sanguo order by fangyu;
17 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
18 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
19 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
20 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
21 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
22 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
23 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
24 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
25 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
26 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
27 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
28 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
29 8 rows in set (0.16 sec)
31 mysql> select * from sanguo order by fangyu ASC;
32 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
33 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
34 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
35 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
36 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
37 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
38 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
39 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
40 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
41 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
42 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
43 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
44 8 rows in set (0.04 sec)
46 mysql> select * from sanguo order by gongji DESC;
47 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
48 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
49 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
50 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
51 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
52 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
53 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
54 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
55 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
56 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
57 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
58 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
59 8 rows in set (0.05 sec)
61 mysql> select * from sanguo
62     -> where
63     -> country='蜀国' order by gongji desc;
64 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
65 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
66 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
67 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
68 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
69 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
70 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
71 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
72 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
74 mysql> select * from sanguo
75     -> where
76     -> country in('蜀国','魏国') and sex='' and name like '___'
77     -> order by fangyu asc;
78 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
79 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
80 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
81 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
82 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
83 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
84 2 rows in set (0.04 sec)
86 mysql> 
View Code


    1、limit n -->显示几条记录
    2、limit m,n
    m --> 从第几条记录开始显示,n表示显示几条
      ## m的值是从0开始计数的, 如果m=3则从第四条记录开始
    limit 1,3 --> 显示 2、3、4 三条记录,从2开始显示3条记录;
    2、查找攻击值前三名且名字不为空值的蜀国英雄的姓名,攻 击值和国家

  1 mysql> select * from sanguo;
  2 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
  3 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
  4 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
  5 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
  6 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
  7 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
  8 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
  9 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
 10 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
 11 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
 12 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
 13 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 14 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 16 mysql> select * from sanguo
 17     -> where
 18     -> country='蜀国' order by fangyu
 19     -> limit 1,3;
 20 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 21 | id   | name   | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 22 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 23 |    3 | 关羽   |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 24 |    8 |        |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
 25 |    7 | NULL   |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
 26 +------+--------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 27 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 29 mysql> select * from sanguo  order by fangyu  limit 1,3;
 30 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 31 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 32 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 33 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
 34 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
 35 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 36 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 37 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 39 mysql> select * from sanguo
 40     -> where
 41     -> \c
 42 mysql> select name,gongji,country from sanguo
 43     -> where
 44     -> name is null and country='蜀国'
 45     -> order by gongji desc limit 3;
 46 +------+--------+---------+
 47 | name | gongji | country |
 48 +------+--------+---------+
 49 | NULL |   1000 | 蜀国    |
 50 +------+--------+---------+
 51 1 row in set (0.03 sec)
 53 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 54 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 55 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 56 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 57 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
 58 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
 59 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 60 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
 61 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
 62 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
 63 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
 64 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
 65 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 66 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 68 mysql> select name,gongji,country from sanguo where name is null and country='蜀国'  order by gongji desc limit 3;
 69 +------+--------+---------+
 70 | name | gongji | country |
 71 +------+--------+---------+
 72 | NULL |   1000 | 蜀国    |
 73 +------+--------+---------+
 74 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 76 mysql> select name,gongji,country from sanguo where name is null and country='蜀国'  order by gongji desc limit 0,3;
 77 +------+--------+---------+
 78 | name | gongji | country |
 79 +------+--------+---------+
 80 | NULL |   1000 | 蜀国    |
 81 +------+--------+---------+
 82 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 84 mysql> select name,gongji,country from sanguo where name is null and country='蜀国'  order by gongji desc;
 85 +------+--------+---------+
 86 | name | gongji | country |
 87 +------+--------+---------+
 88 | NULL |   1000 | 蜀国    |
 89 +------+--------+---------+
 90 1 row in set (0.05 sec)
 92 mysql> select name,gongji,country from sanguo where name is not null and country='蜀国'  order by gongji desc limit 0,3;
 93 +-----------+--------+---------+
 94 | name      | gongji | country |
 95 +-----------+--------+---------+
 96 |           |   1005 | 蜀国    |
 97 | 关羽      |    188 | 蜀国    |
 98 | 诸葛亮    |    120 | 蜀国    |
 99 +-----------+--------+---------+
100 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
102 mysql> 
View Code


    1、avg(字段名) : 求字段的平均值
    2、sum(字段名) : 求字段的和
    3、max(字段名) : 求字段的最大值
    4、min(字段名) : 求字段的最小值
    ## 空值NULL不会被count统计,""可以被统计

  1 mysql> select * from sanguo;
  2 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
  3 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
  4 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
  5 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
  6 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
  7 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
  8 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
  9 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
 10 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
 11 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
 12 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
 13 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 14 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 16 mysql> select max(gongji) from sanguo;
 17 +-------------+
 18 | max(gongji) |
 19 +-------------+
 20 |        1005 |
 21 +-------------+
 22 1 row in set (0.45 sec)
 24 mysql> 攻击力最强值\c
 25 mysql> 
 26 mysql> select max(gongji) as aa from sanguo;
 27 +------+
 28 | aa   |
 29 +------+
 30 | 1005 |
 31 +------+
 32 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 34 mysql> 别名aa \c
 35 mysql> 
 36 mysql> 统计下id和name有多少条记录\c
 37 mysql> 
 38 mysql> select count(id) as c_id,count(name) as c_name from sanguo;
 39 +------+--------+
 40 | c_id | c_name |
 41 +------+--------+
 42 |    8 |      7 |
 43 +------+--------+
 44 1 row in set (0.03 sec)
 46 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 47 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 48 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 49 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 50 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
 51 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
 52 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 53 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
 54 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
 55 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
 56 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
 57 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
 58 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 59 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 61 mysql> NULL不会被统计进去 \c
 62 mysql> 
 63 mysql> 计算蜀国英雄的总攻击力\c
 64 mysql> select sum(gongji) from sanguo
 65     -> where
 66     -> country='蜀国';
 67 +-------------+
 68 | sum(gongji) |
 69 +-------------+
 70 |        2313 |
 71 +-------------+
 72 1 row in set (0.07 sec)
 74 mysql> 统计蜀国英雄中攻击值大于200的英雄的数量\c
 75 mysql> select count(name) from sanguo
 76     -> where
 77     -> country='蜀国' and gongji > 200;
 78 +-------------+
 79 | count(name) |
 80 +-------------+
 81 |           1 |
 82 +-------------+
 83 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 85 mysql> select count(*) from sanguo
 86     -> where
 87     -> country='蜀国' and gongji > 200;
 88 +----------+
 89 | count(*) |
 90 +----------+
 91 |        2 |
 92 +----------+
 93 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
 95 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 96 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 97 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 98 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 99 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
100 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
101 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
102 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
103 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
104 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
105 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
106 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
107 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
108 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
110 mysql> 
View Code


5、group by
  1、作用 :给查询的结果进行分组; (去重)
    3、查找所有国家中 英雄数量最多的 前2名 的国家的名称及英雄数量
    1、group by之后的字段必须要为select之后的字段;
    2、如果select之后的字段和group by之后的字段不一致,则必须要对select之后的该字段值做聚合处理;
    select country,avg(gongji) from sanguo
    group by country;

 1 mysql> select * from sanguo;
 2 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 3 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
 4 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 5 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
 6 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
 7 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
 8 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
 9 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
10 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
11 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
12 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
13 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
14 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
16 mysql> 几个国家
17     -> \c
18 mysql> select country from sanguo by country;
19 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'by country' at line 1
20 mysql> select country from sanguo group by country;
21 +---------+
22 | country |
23 +---------+
24 | 吴国    |
25 | 蜀国    |
26 | 魏国    |
27 +---------+
28 3 rows in set (0.09 sec)
30 mysql> select name,country from sanguo group by country;
31 ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
32 mysql> 计算所有国家的攻击力\c
33 mysql> 平均\c
34 mysql> select country,avg(gongji) from sanguo
35     -> group by country;
36 +---------+-------------+
37 | country | avg(gongji) |
38 +---------+-------------+
39 | 吴国    |    100.0000 |
40 | 蜀国    |    578.2500 |
41 | 魏国    |    483.6667 |
42 +---------+-------------+
43 3 rows in set (0.14 sec)
45 mysql> select country,count(name) from sanguo
46     -> group by country order by desc limit 2;
47 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc limit 2' at line 2
48 mysql> select country,count(name) from sanguo group by country order by desc, limit 2;
49 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc, limit 2' at line 1
50 mysql> select country,count(*) from sanguo group by country order by desc, limit 2;
51 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc, limit 2' at line 1
52 mysql> select country,count(*) from sanguo group by country order by desc limit 2;
53 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc limit 2' at line 1
54 mysql> select country,count(*) from sanguo
55     -> group by country
56     -> order by count(*) desc
57     -> limit 2;
58 +---------+----------+
59 | country | count(*) |
60 +---------+----------+
61 | 蜀国    |        4 |
62 | 魏国    |        3 |
63 +---------+----------+
64 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
66 mysql> select country,count(*) from sanguo group by country order by count(*) desc limit 2;
67 +---------+----------+
68 | country | count(*) |
69 +---------+----------+
70 | 蜀国    |        4 |
71 | 魏国    |        3 |
72 +---------+----------+
73 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
75 mysql> 
View Code


    1、having语句通常与group by语句联合使用,用来过滤由group by语句返回的记录集

 1 mysql> 平均攻击力> 105\c
 2 mysql> 
 3 mysql> select country,avg(gongji) from sanguo
 4     -> group by country
 5     -> having avg(gongji) > 105
 6     -> order by avg(gongji) desc
 7     -> limit 2;
 8 +---------+-------------+
 9 | country | avg(gongji) |
10 +---------+-------------+
11 | 蜀国    |    578.2500 |
12 | 魏国    |    483.6667 |
13 +---------+-------------+
14 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
16 mysql> 
View Code




  1、运算符 :+ - * / %
    1、查询时显示所有英雄的攻击力 *10
    2、查询时显示所有英雄的防御力 +5

  1 mysql> select * from sanguo;
  2 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
  3 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
  4 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
  5 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
  6 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
  7 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
  8 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
  9 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
 10 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
 11 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
 12 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
 13 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
 14 8 rows in set (0.77 sec)
 16 mysql> select country,avg(gongji) from sanguo
 17     -> group by country
 18     -> having avg(gongji) > 105
 19     -> order by avg(gongji) desc
 20     -> limit 2;
 21 +---------+-------------+
 22 | country | avg(gongji) |
 23 +---------+-------------+
 24 | 蜀国    |    578.2500 |
 25 | 魏国    |    483.6667 |
 26 +---------+-------------+
 27 2 rows in set (0.24 sec)
 29 mysql> 平均攻击力> 105\c
 30 mysql> 
 31 mysql> select country,avg(gongji) from sanguo
 32     -> group by country
 33     -> having avg(gongji) > 105
 34     -> order by avg(gongji) desc
 35     -> limit 2;
 36 +---------+-------------+
 37 | country | avg(gongji) |
 38 +---------+-------------+
 39 | 蜀国    |    578.2500 |
 40 | 魏国    |    483.6667 |
 41 +---------+-------------+
 42 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
 44 mysql> 
 45 mysql> 三国表中一共多少个国家\c
 46 mysql> 
 47 mysql> select country from sanguo group by country;
 48 +---------+
 49 | country |
 50 +---------+
 51 | 吴国    |
 52 | 蜀国    |
 53 | 魏国    |
 54 +---------+
 55 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 57 mysql> select distinct country from sanguo;
 58 +---------+
 59 | country |
 60 +---------+
 61 | 蜀国    |
 62 | 魏国    |
 63 | 吴国    |
 64 +---------+
 65 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 67 mysql> select distinct country,name from sanguo;
 68 +---------+-----------+
 69 | country | name      |
 70 +---------+-----------+
 71 | 蜀国    | 诸葛亮    |
 72 | 魏国    | 司马懿    |
 73 | 蜀国    | 关羽      |
 74 | 魏国    | 赵云      |
 75 | 吴国    | 孙权      |
 76 | 魏国    | 貂蝉      |
 77 | 蜀国    | NULL      |
 78 | 蜀国    |           |
 79 +---------+-----------+
 80 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 82 mysql> 计算蜀国有多少个英雄\c
 83 mysql> 
 84 mysql> select count(distinct name) from sanguo
 85     -> where
 86     -> country='蜀国';
 87 +----------------------+
 88 | count(distinct name) |
 89 +----------------------+
 90 |                    3 |
 91 +----------------------+
 92 1 row in set (0.04 sec)
 94 mysql> select count(distinct name) from sanguo;
 95 +----------------------+
 96 | count(distinct name) |
 97 +----------------------+
 98 |                    7 |
 99 +----------------------+
100 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
102 mysql> select country(distinct id) from sanguo where country='蜀国';
103 ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'distinct id) from sanguo where country='蜀国'' at line 1
104 mysql> select count(distinct id) from sanguo where country='蜀国';
105 +--------------------+
106 | count(distinct id) |
107 +--------------------+
108 |                  4 |
109 +--------------------+
110 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
112 mysql> 显示攻击力×10\c
113 mysql> 
114 mysql> select id,name,gongji*10 as xgjl from sanguo;
115 +------+-----------+-------+
116 | id   | name      | xgjl  |
117 +------+-----------+-------+
118 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |  1200 |
119 |    2 | 司马懿    |  1190 |
120 |    3 | 关羽      |  1880 |
121 |    4 | 赵云      |  6660 |
122 |    5 | 孙权      |  1000 |
123 |    6 | 貂蝉      |  6660 |
124 |    7 | NULL      | 10000 |
125 |    8 |           | 10050 |
126 +------+-----------+-------+
127 8 rows in set (0.03 sec)
129 mysql> 防御力+\c
130 mysql> 
131 mysql> select id,name,fangyu+5 as xfyl from sanguo;
132 +------+-----------+------+
133 | id   | name      | xfyl |
134 +------+-----------+------+
135 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |   25 |
136 |    2 | 司马懿    |   30 |
137 |    3 | 关羽      |   65 |
138 |    4 | 赵云      |   93 |
139 |    5 | 孙权      |   65 |
140 |    6 | 貂蝉      |   15 |
141 |    7 | NULL      |  104 |
142 |    8 |           |   93 |
143 +------+-----------+------+
144 8 rows in set (0.01 sec)
146 mysql> select * from sanguo;
147 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
148 | id   | name      | gongji | fangyu | sex  | country |
149 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
150 |    1 | 诸葛亮    |    120 |     20 || 蜀国    |
151 |    2 | 司马懿    |    119 |     25 || 魏国    |
152 |    3 | 关羽      |    188 |     60 || 蜀国    |
153 |    4 | 赵云      |    666 |     88 || 魏国    |
154 |    5 | 孙权      |    100 |     60 || 吴国    |
155 |    6 | 貂蝉      |    666 |     10 || 魏国    |
156 |    7 | NULL      |   1000 |     99 || 蜀国    |
157 |    8 |           |   1005 |     88 || 蜀国    |
158 +------+-----------+--------+--------+------+---------+
159 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
161 mysql> 
View Code


        字段名 数据类型 default 值,
    2、非空约束(not null)
      1、作用 :不允许将该字段设置为NULL
      2、格式 :字段名  数据类型  not null

 1 mysql> create table t1(
 2     -> id int(3) zerofill,
 3     -> name char(20),
 4     -> sex enum('F','M','Secret') default 'Secret',
 5     -> age tinyint unsigned
 6     -> )default charset=utf8;
 7 Query OK, 0 rows affected (2.36 sec)
 9 mysql> desc t1;
10 +-------+--------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
11 | Field | Type                     | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
12 +-------+--------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
13 | id    | int(3) unsigned zerofill | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
14 | name  | char(20)                 | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
15 | sex   | enum('F','M','Secret')   | YES  |     | Secret  |       |
16 | age   | tinyint(3) unsigned      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
17 +-------+--------------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
18 4 rows in set (0.20 sec)
20 mysql> insert into t1(id,name) values(1,'Lucy');
21 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.38 sec)
23 mysql> select * from t1;
24 +------+------+--------+------+
25 | id   | name | sex    | age  |
26 +------+------+--------+------+
27 |  001 | Lucy | Secret | NULL |
28 +------+------+--------+------+
29 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
31 mysql> create table t2(
32     -> id int,
33     -> name varchar(15) not null default '单挑王'
34     -> )default charset=utf8;
35 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.56 sec)
37 mysql> desc t2;
38 +-------+-------------+------+-----+-----------+-------+
39 | Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default   | Extra |
40 +-------+-------------+------+-----+-----------+-------+
41 | id    | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL      |       |
42 | name  | varchar(15) | NO   |     | 单挑王    |       |
43 +-------+-------------+------+-----+-----------+-------+
44 2 rows in set (0.09 sec)
46 mysql> insert into t2(id) values(1);
47 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)
49 mysql> select * from t2;
50 +------+-----------+
51 | id   | name      |
52 +------+-----------+
53 |    1 | 单挑王    |
54 +------+-----------+
55 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
57 mysql> create table t3(
58     -> id int not null,
59     -> name varchar(15)
60     -> );
61 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.44 sec)
63 mysql> insert into t3(name) values('Bob');
64 ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'id' doesn't have a default value
65 mysql> 
View Code



            create index 索引名 on 表名(字段名);
        1、desc 表名; -->查看key标志
        2、show index from 表名;
        drop index 索引名 on 表名;

  1 mysql> create table t4(
  2     -> id int,
  3     -> name char(20),
  4     -> age tinyint unsigned,
  5     -> index(id),
  6     -> index(name)
  7     -> );
  8 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.50 sec)
 10 mysql> desc t4;
 11 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 12 | Field | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 13 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 14 | id    | int(11)             | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 15 | name  | char(20)            | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 16 | age   | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
 17 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 18 3 rows in set (0.08 sec)
 20 mysql> create index age on t4(age);
 21 Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.37 sec)
 22 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
 24 mysql> desc t4;
 25 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 26 | Field | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 27 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 28 | id    | int(11)             | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 29 | name  | char(20)            | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 30 | age   | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 31 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 32 3 rows in set (0.04 sec)
 34 mysql> show index from t4;
 35 +-------+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
 36 | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |
 37 +-------+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
 38 | t4    |          1 | id       |            1 | id          | A         |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |         |               |
 39 | t4    |          1 | name     |            1 | name        | A         |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |         |               |
 40 | t4    |          1 | age      |            1 | age         | A         |           0 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |         |               |
 41 +-------+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
 42 3 rows in set (0.04 sec)
 44 mysql> show index from t4\G;
 45 *************************** 1. row ***************************
 46         Table: t4
 47    Non_unique: 1
 48      Key_name: id
 49  Seq_in_index: 1
 50   Column_name: id
 51     Collation: A
 52   Cardinality: 0
 53      Sub_part: NULL
 54        Packed: NULL
 55          Null: YES
 56    Index_type: BTREE
 57       Comment: 
 58 Index_comment: 
 59 *************************** 2. row ***************************
 60         Table: t4
 61    Non_unique: 1
 62      Key_name: name
 63  Seq_in_index: 1
 64   Column_name: name
 65     Collation: A
 66   Cardinality: 0
 67      Sub_part: NULL
 68        Packed: NULL
 69          Null: YES
 70    Index_type: BTREE
 71       Comment: 
 72 Index_comment: 
 73 *************************** 3. row ***************************
 74         Table: t4
 75    Non_unique: 1
 76      Key_name: age
 77  Seq_in_index: 1
 78   Column_name: age
 79     Collation: A
 80   Cardinality: 0
 81      Sub_part: NULL
 82        Packed: NULL
 83          Null: YES
 84    Index_type: BTREE
 85       Comment: 
 86 Index_comment: 
 87 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 89 ERROR: 
 90 No query specified
 92 mysql> desc t4;
 93 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 94 | Field | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 95 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
 96 | id    | int(11)             | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 97 | name  | char(20)            | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 98 | age   | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
 99 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
100 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
102 mysql> drop index id on t4;
103 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec)
104 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
106 mysql> desc t4;
107 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
108 | Field | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
109 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
110 | id    | int(11)             | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
111 | name  | char(20)            | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
112 | age   | tinyint(3) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
113 +-------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
114 3 rows in set (0.05 sec)
116 mysql> drop index name on t4;
117 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.18 sec)
118 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
120 mysql> drop index age on t4;
121 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.31 sec)
122 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
124 mysql> show index from t4;
125 Empty set (0.00 sec)
127 mysql> 
View Code


  2、唯一索引(unique key)
        2、字段名 数据类型 unique,
        create unique index 索引名 on 表名;
          drop index 索引名 on 表名;

 1 mysql> create table t5(
 2     -> id int,
 3     -> name varchar(15),
 4     -> number char(11) unique
 5     -> );
 6 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.56 sec)
 8 mysql> desc t5;
 9 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
10 | Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
11 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
12 | id     | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
13 | name   | varchar(15) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
14 | number | char(11)    | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
15 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
16 3 rows in set (0.06 sec)
18 mysql> create unique index id on t5(id);
19 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.16 sec)
20 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
22 mysql> desc t5;
23 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
24 | Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
25 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
26 | id     | int(11)     | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
27 | name   | varchar(15) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
28 | number | char(11)    | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
29 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
30 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
32 mysql> show index from t5\G;
33 *************************** 1. row ***************************
34         Table: t5
35    Non_unique: 0
36      Key_name: number
37  Seq_in_index: 1
38   Column_name: number
39     Collation: A
40   Cardinality: 0
41      Sub_part: NULL
42        Packed: NULL
43          Null: YES
44    Index_type: BTREE
45       Comment: 
46 Index_comment: 
47 *************************** 2. row ***************************
48         Table: t5
49    Non_unique: 0
50      Key_name: id
51  Seq_in_index: 1
52   Column_name: id
53     Collation: A
54   Cardinality: 0
55      Sub_part: NULL
56        Packed: NULL
57          Null: YES
58    Index_type: BTREE
59       Comment: 
60 Index_comment: 
61 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
63 ERROR: 
64 No query specified
66 mysql> desc t5;
67 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
68 | Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
69 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
70 | id     | int(11)     | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
71 | name   | varchar(15) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
72 | number | char(11)    | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
73 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
74 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
76 mysql> drop index id on t5;
77 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.39 sec)
78 Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
80 mysql> desc t5;
81 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
82 | Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
83 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
84 | id     | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
85 | name   | varchar(15) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
86 | number | char(11)    | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
87 +--------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
88 3 rows in set (0.08 sec)
90 mysql> 
View Code




 1 有一张文章评论表comment如下
 2 comment_id(评论)    article_id(文章)    user_id    date
 3 1    10000    10000    2018-01-30 09:00:00
 4 2    10001    10001    ... ...
 5 3    10002    10000    ... ...
 6 4    10003    10015    ... ...
 7 5    10004    10006    ... ...
 8 6    10025    10006    ... ...
 9 7    10009    10000    ... ...
10 以上是一个应用的comment表格的一部分,请使用SQL语句找出在本站发表的所有评论数量最多的10位用户及评论数,并按评论数从高到低排序
11 备注:comment_id为评论id
12 article_id为被评论文章的id
13 user_id指用户id
14 答案:
15 select user_id,count(*) as c from comment
16 group by user_id order by c desc limit 10;
View Code


posted on 2018-06-05 20:16  微子天明  阅读(370)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
