





  1. 极大极小算法有些不明白?
  2. Minimax维基百科


//node 结点,代表开始搜索的局面
//depth 搜索的深度,可以自定义调节,越深时间越长
//maximizingPlayer bool变量,判断该阶段是搜索最大值还是最小值
function minimax(node,depth,maximizingPlayer)
    if depth=0 or node is a terminal node
	    return the heuristic value of node
	if maximizingPlayer
	    bestValue := -9999999999
		for each child of node
		    v := minimax(child,depth-1,FALSE)
			bestValue := max(bestValue,v)
		return bestValue
	    bestValue := +9999999999
		for each child of node
		    v := minimax(child,depth-1,TRUE)
			bestValue := min(bestValue,v)
		return bestValue




  1. Alpha-beta 维基百科
  2. Alpha-Beta剪枝 CSDN博客


// node 结点,代表开始搜索的局面
// depth 搜索的深度,可以自定义调节,越深时间越长
// maximizingPlayer bool变量,判断该阶段是搜索最大值还是最小值 
function alphabeta(node,depth,alpha,beta,maximizingPlayer)
    if depth=0 or node is a terminal node
	    return the heuristic value of node
	if maximizingPlayer
	    bestValue := -9999999999
		for each child of node
		    v := max(v,alphabeta(child,depth-1,alpha,beta,FALSE))
			alpha := max(alpha,v)
			if beta<=alpha
		return v 
	    bestValue := +9999999999
		for each child of node
			v := min(v,alphabeta(child,depth-1,alpha,beta,TRUE))
			beta := min(beta,v)
			if beta<=alpha
		return v 



  1. go语言实现的命令行窗口的2048 shiyanlou/golang2048_game
  2. js写的网页版2048并且带ai使用了alpha-beta算法 ovolve/2048-AI
  3. js的2048ai的设计思路
  4. go语言实现的2048ai使用minimax算法 xwjdsh/2048-ai



package ai
import (

type AI struct {
	// Grid is 4x4 grid.
	Grid *grid.Grid
	Active bool
var directions = []grid.Direction{

// The chance is 10% about fill "4" into grid and 90% fill "2" in the 2048 game.
var expectMap = map[int]float64{
	2: 0.9,
	4: 0.1,
var (
	// There are three model weight matrix, represents three formation for 2048 game, it from internet.
	// The evaluate function is simple and crude, so actually it's not stable.
	// If you feel interesting in evaluation function, you can read project source code.
	model1 = [][]int{
		{16, 15, 14, 13},
		{9, 10, 11, 12},
		{8, 7, 6, 5},
		{1, 2, 3, 4},
	model2 = [][]int{
		{16, 15, 12, 4},
		{14, 13, 11, 3},
		{10, 9, 8, 2},
		{7, 6, 5, 1},
	model3 = [][]int{
		{16, 15, 14, 4},
		{13, 12, 11, 3},
		{10, 9, 8, 2},
		{7, 6, 5, 1},

// Search method compute each could move direction score result by expect search algorithm
func (a *AI) Search() grid.Direction {
	var (
		bestDire  = grid.NONE
		bestScore float64
	// depth value depending on grid's max value.
	dept := a.deptSelect()
	for _, dire := range directions {
		newGrid := a.Grid.Clone()
		if newGrid.Move(dire) {
			newAI := &AI{Grid: newGrid, Active: false}
			if newScore := newAI.expectSearch(dept,-999999999,999999999); newScore > bestScore {
				bestDire = dire
				bestScore = newScore
	if bestDire==grid.NONE{
		bestDire = directions[rand.Intn(3)]
	return bestDire

func (a *AI) expectSearch(dept int,alpha,beta float64) float64 {
	if dept == 0 {
		return float64(a.score())
	var score float64
	if a.Active {
		score = alpha
		for _, d := range directions {
			newGrid := a.Grid.Clone()
			if newGrid.Move(d) {
				newAI := &AI{Grid: newGrid, Active: false}
				if newScore := newAI.expectSearch(dept - 1,score,beta); newScore > score {
					score = newScore
				if score>beta{
					log.Println("player turn cut-off",alpha,"-",beta)
					return beta
	} else {
		score = beta
		points := a.Grid.VacantPoints()
		if len(points)==0{
			return alpha
		for k,_ := range expectMap {
			for _, point := range points {
				newGrid := a.Grid.Clone()
				newGrid.Data[point.X][point.Y] = k
				// Change active, select a direction to move now.
				//加入这行代码,即填补位置周围都是空时跳过该预测,减少迭代次数,可以很快达到2048,不过也很容易game over
				if smt:=newGrid.Smoothness(point.X,point.Y,k);smt==0{
				newAI := &AI{Grid: newGrid, Active: true}
				if newScore := newAI.expectSearch(dept - 1,alpha,score);newScore<score{
					score = newScore
				if alpha>score{
					log.Println("computer put cell,cut-off",alpha,"-",score)
					return alpha
	return score

// score method evaluate a grid
func (a *AI) score() int {
	result := make([]int, 24)
	for x := 0; x < 4; x++ {
		for y := 0; y < 4; y++ {
			if value := a.Grid.Data[x][y]; value != 0 {
				// get eight result(rotate and flip grid) for each model,
				modelScore(0, x, y, value, model1, &result)
				modelScore(1, x, y, value, model2, &result)
				modelScore(2, x, y, value, model3, &result)
	// get max score in above 24 result, apply best formation
	var max int
	for _, v := range result {
		if v > max {
			max = v
	return max

// get eight result(rotate and flip grid) for each model
func modelScore(index, x, y, value int, model [][]int, result *[]int) {
	start := index * 8
	r := *result
	r[start] += value * model[x][y]
	r[start+1] += value * model[x][3-y]

	r[start+2] += value * model[y][x]
	r[start+3] += value * model[3-y][x]

	r[start+4] += value * model[3-x][3-y]
	r[start+5] += value * model[3-x][y]

	r[start+6] += value * model[y][3-x]
	r[start+7] += value * model[3-y][3-x]

// the return value is search depth, it depending on grid's max value
// the max value larger and depth larger, this will takes more calculations and make move became slowly but maybe have a better score result.
func (a *AI) deptSelect() int {
	dept := 4
	max := a.Grid.Max()
	if max >= 2048 {
		dept = 6
	} else if max >= 1024 {
		dept = 5
	return dept

posted @ 2020-03-13 13:00  星灬期灬五  阅读(745)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报