ERROR 658 (HY000): Proxy ERROR: Join internal error: Table 'mysql.proc' doesn'texist
ERROR 658 (HY000): Proxy ERROR: Join internal error: Table 'mysql.proc' doesn'texist
迁移数据库至TDSQL ,版本5.0到8.0,执行sql报错
查了资料发现mysql8.0的mysql的proc表确实淘汰 不用了
JSON_CONTAINS替换为 locate, JSON_Array >> OR locate
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT d.ec_goods_id AS parentGoodsId, d.flag, COUNT(*) statistics FROM ( SELECT ec_goods_id,'a' AS flag ,create_time from goods_electronic WHERE shop_id = 1144 AND title LIKE concat( '%', '炭烤', '%' ) AND shelf_status = 1 AND ( JSON_CONTAINS( shop_categorys, JSON_Array(1635128788))) AND parent_id IS NULL UNION SELECT parent_id,'b' AS flag,create_time FROM goods_electronic WHERE shop_id = 1144 AND title LIKE concat( '%', '炭烤', '%' ) AND shelf_status = 1 AND ( JSON_CONTAINS( shop_categorys, JSON_Array(1635128788))) AND parent_id IS NOT NULL ) d GROUP BY d.ec_goods_id ORDER BY create_time )g
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT d.ec_goods_id AS parentGoodsId, d.flag, COUNT(*) statistics FROM ( SELECT ec_goods_id, 'a' AS flag, create_time, shop_categorys FROM goods_electronic WHERE shop_id = 116592 AND title LIKE concat( '%', '上传', '%' ) AND shelf_status = 1 AND ( locate( 16989, shop_categorys ) OR locate( 17002, shop_categorys ) OR locate( 17087, shop_categorys )) AND parent_id IS NULL UNION SELECT parent_id, 'b' AS flag, create_time, shop_categorys FROM goods_electronic WHERE shop_id = 1144 AND title LIKE concat( '%', '炭烤', '%' ) AND shelf_status = 1 AND ( locate( 16989, shop_categorys ) OR locate( 17002, shop_categorys ) OR locate( 17087, shop_categorys )) AND parent_id IS NOT NULL ) d GROUP BY d.ec_goods_id ORDER BY create_time )g