(转)Creating a GTK notification area icon using Mono and C#
Cool (Linux) applications have their own icon in the notification area. To add my own icon in the Gnome notification area using Mono only took a few lines of code. In the post below I show how you can add your icon and associate a tooltip and right click menu to it.
GTK provides the StatusIcon class to register your own icon in the notification area.
StatusIcon myStatusIcon;
You can provide and load your own icon, but for this example I used one of the GTK stock icons.
myStatusIcon = StatusIcon.NewFromStock(Stock.Harddisk); // I use a stock icon from Stock.*
// to avoid having to include an icon file
myStatusIcon.Visible = true; // Make sure we are displayed
Adding or changing a tooltip is as straighforward as assigning it:
// The message to show when the mouse hovers over the icon
myStatusIcon.Tooltip = "Hello World ToolTip";
To create a rightclick menu we need to register the PopupMenu event handler:
myStatusIcon.PopupMenu += OnStatusIconPopupMenu; // Link in the right click popup menu
/* The Status Popup menu is shown when the user right clicks on the toolbar icon */
protected void OnStatusIconPopupMenu(object sender, EventArgs e)
Menu popupMenu = new Menu();
MenuItem helloItem = new MenuItem("About Hello World");
helloItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnHelloAboutActivated);
And that is really all there is to it. I have included the complete code below. If you create a new GTK solution in MonoDevelop you will end up with two files, Main.cs and MainWindows.Cs. Replace the MainWindow.CS file with the content below:
using System;
using Gtk;
public partial class MainWindow: Gtk.Window
StatusIcon myStatusIcon;
AboutDialog aboutDialog;
public MainWindow (): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
/* The following lines create the notification area status icon */
/* Make it visible and link in the right click popup menu */
myStatusIcon = StatusIcon.NewFromStock(Stock.Harddisk); // I use a stock icon from Stock.*
// to avoid having to include an icon file
myStatusIcon.Tooltip = "Hello World ToolTip"; // The message to show when the mouse hovers over the icon
myStatusIcon.Visible = true; // Make sure we are displayed
myStatusIcon.PopupMenu += OnStatusIconPopupMenu; // Link in the right click popup menu
/* Not necessary */
Label AppWindowLabel = new Label("Hello World");
Build ();
/* Called when the main application closes */
protected void OnDeleteEvent (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
Application.Quit ();
a.RetVal = true;
/* The Status Popup menu is shown when the user right clicks on the toolbar icon */
protected void OnStatusIconPopupMenu(object sender, EventArgs e)
Menu popupMenu = new Menu();
MenuItem helloItem = new MenuItem("About Hello World");
helloItem.Activated += new EventHandler(OnHelloAboutActivated);
/* If the user select the "About Hello World" menu option, we show the about dialog */
protected void OnHelloAboutActivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
aboutDialog = new AboutDialog();
aboutDialog.ProgramName = "The About Dialog Popup Demo";
aboutDialog.Version = "1.0beta";
aboutDialog.Comments = "The best things in life are simple!";
aboutDialog.License = "Creative Commons";
aboutDialog.Authors = new string[] { "Martijn Dijksterhuis" };
aboutDialog.Website = "http://www.dijksterhuis.org";
aboutDialog.Response += new ResponseHandler(OnHelloAboutClose);
/* Catch the "Close" and "X" button event from the about dialog box */
protected void OnHelloAboutClose(object sender, ResponseArgs e)
if (e.ResponseId==ResponseType.Cancel || e.ResponseId==ResponseType.DeleteEvent)