ffmpeg: libjniaudio on gingerbread


I tried to run the ffpmeg app on Galaxy S with v. 2.3.3. Issue #1 was with libjniaudio - due to change of signature of android::AudioTrack::set().

Follows my patch for audiotrack.cpp, function AndroidAudioTrack_set():

status_t ret = NAME_NOT_FOUND;

void *lptr_media = dlopen("libmedia.so", 0);
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, TAG, "dlopen returns %p", lptr_media);

if (lptr_media)         // first, try gingerbread
    status_t (*fptr_set)(AudioTrack* track,
                        int streamType,
                        uint32_t sampleRate,
                        int format,
                        int channels,
                        int frameCount,
                        uint32_t flags,
                        AudioTrack::callback_t cbf,
                        void* user,
                        int notificationFrames,
                        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
                        bool threadCanCallJava,
                        int sessionId);

    fptr_set = (typeof fptr_set)dlsym(lptr_media, "_ZN7android10AudioTrack3setEijiiijPFviPvS1_ES1_iRKNS_2spINS_7IMemoryEEEbi");
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, TAG, "dlsym returns %p", fptr_set);

    if (fptr_set != 0)
        ret = fptr_set(track,
                       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, TAG, "fptr_set() returns %d", ret);
        lptr_media = 0;

if (lptr_media)         // second, try froyo
    status_t (*fptr_set)(AudioTrack* track,
                        int streamType,
                        uint32_t sampleRate,
                        int format,
                        int channels,
                        int frameCount,
                        uint32_t flags,
                        AudioTrack::callback_t cbf,
                        void* user,
                        int notificationFrames,
                        const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
                        bool threadCanCallJava);

    fptr_set = (typeof fptr_set)dlsym(lptr_media, "_ZN7android10AudioTrack3setEijiiijPFviPvS1_ES1_iRKNS_2spINS_7IMemoryEEEb");
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, "dlsym returns %p", fptr_set);

    if (fptr_set != 0)
        ret = fptr_set(track,
                       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // push max number of parameters
        __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, "fptr_set() returns %d", ret);
        lptr_media = 0;

if (lptr_media)         // finally, close library anyway

ffmpeg: libjnivideo on gingerbread

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No one is assigned


I tried to run the ffpmeg app on Galaxy S with v. 2.3.3. Issue #2 was with libjnivideo - due to change of name of the native surface field in android/view/Surface class.

Follows my patch for surface.cpp, function getNativeSurface():

static Surface* getNativeSurface(JNIEnv* env, jobject jsurface) {
 jclass clazz = env->FindClass("android/view/Surface"); 
 jfieldID field_surface = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "mSurface", "I"); 
 if(field_surface == NULL) {
#ifdef ANDROID_VIEW_SURFACE_JNI_ID // using gingerbread version of <surfaceflinger/Surface.h>
  field_surface = env->GetFieldID(clazz, ANDROID_VIEW_SURFACE_JNI_ID, "I");
 if(field_surface == NULL) {
 return NULL; 
 return (Surface *) env->GetIntField(jsurface, field_surface); 

   alexcohnhavlenapetr, and sunrui are participating in this issue.

hi, you should change the mSurface to mNativeSurface with under above 2.3.
BTW, how to compile with neon or vfp?

yes I know, better way will be add ifdef for OS version, neon or vfp support zou must set in config.h of ffmpeg, but I think that better way is compile ffmpeg with theirs makefiles and than use this libffmpeg.so like prebuilt library in android's project

posted @ 2012-08-07 17:51  weinyzhou  阅读(352)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报