04 2012 档案
摘要:拿朋友的ppt翻译的 还没翻译完就被bs了 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 继续努力Detail Design Principle in .NetAgendaMethodMethod ParameterMethod Return ValueFieldPropertyLockMulti-ThreadingConstructor一个方法内的代码不能超过30行The code line in a method no more than 30 lines.绝大部分方法都可以在30行内结束Most of method can end less than 30 lines.这是一种强迫开发者优化设计和代码的方式This
摘要:It is the second time to go to gym, for I got off work have a little late, after have dinner and go home to take something, when I arrived at thegym at nearly 8:30 o'clock. I go to thegym in the way my mother called me. My mother's call is the most afraid call for me. Because my mother alway
摘要:Yesterday I have had lunch with my schoolmate and his girlfriend and his girlfriend's schoolmates. The place is up by they, I am the lastest one to appointment. For we are not know each other, my schoolmate's girlfriend introduceabout my work, relation with my schoolmate,native home and so o
摘要:Today is not a ordinary day, because I was on TV. That a entertainment programme, it is provide a platform for same man and womenmeet each other, and play same game to go deep into familiar with each other. Although I have not display good enough, but I was so happy to watch myself on TV, and so ex.
摘要:The weekend is comming,whatshouldI plan to dothis weekend? Have a meeting with same college schoolmates and friends or go out for a walk with a girl? Or the first day to organize the party and the second day to go out. If I want to organize a party, I should to prepare so many of thing, include sna.
摘要:Another day full life, today's work is to optimize the functions which I have written. We will release the app at next Monday, so we should test the functions carefully, do out best to optimize performance and UE. Our boss have no problem on this app, it made we very happy. I find the function I
摘要:In orderto save memory and network flow, I use a strategy only load a few images one time, in front of and in backofthe scroll position,the images whichout of thisrange will remove and replace by a default image, so the app can save much of memory by this mode.And the images prior loadlocal. when it
摘要:Today I have gotten a Gym Card, I want to do exercise in coming twomonths, and it is very convenient thatthe gymnasium is near my home. One thing make mehappy is that there get a swimming pool. Swimming is my hobby, almost one year that I have notswimming. Today my work is continueto resolvethat tw.
摘要:Details decided to perfect. It is absolutely right, because I spended much time to resolve bugs today, and it was for my not carefully on work. Inside test help me to perfect the functions which was me development, although it spend my a lot of time. And it let me know what is the importance of uni.
摘要:This weekend is also full and busy, what make me happy isone of my best friend at ShangHai, and with another best friend go to drink wine and play together. I want to leave him at ShangHai, luckly another friend told me that they have a good singlegirl.So we plan to organize a activity let they kno.
摘要:Today the Weilingdiproject which I amresponsible have a meeting with PM and UI, we were talk about the latest UIdesigntogether, some requirements should edit by PM, so we should let this requirements develop behind. For I have not finished complete the TuDing's develop, I will not startdevelopin
摘要:Yesterday I considered that I have finished my task which distribution to me, and not consideredcarefullytold to PM. But when software development assistance send me a develop plan on the product which I in charge in window phone platform, I found that I have not finished, some UI should perfect. B.
摘要:After engaged weekend life, I was very tired, but I have finished work in time, although I was noon break over time. The weather change so quickly, I was get wet in the rain when I got off work. What was the lucky that the rain is not heavy. Today what made me happy was I knew how to use The Unit T.
摘要:We were go to the Happy Valley to play, the most ofadventure game equipment we have play. All of we feel very happy, but at end of time in the Happy Valley a personwas injured by accident for me. So we advance leave hospital to examine whether it is seriously injured. Not easy to found the hospital.