Study Plan - The Fifty-Second Day

    Our boss came to company today, but unfortunately I was late and our boss saw me when I arrived. In my memory, every time when I was late for work, our boss happened to come to the company. I don't always wake up late, but I am used to wasting time, so when I leave for company, the time is very late. Maybe it is a very bad habit and from this issue it could indicate that I am not a person of discipline. Maybe I think it is not a big deal and do not need to take it seriously. But many people think from little things it can reflect the character of a person, so I should pay more attention to it.

    Before I got off work, our PM showed me the designs of new functions. He said it was approved by our boss and he wanted me to implement it first so that he could see the effect. Since I do not have any work to do and I have been learning the IOS programming recently, I need some practices to prove my real skills . So I accepted it at once. But then I suddenly recalled that my department manager told us we should not begin to develop without the complete requirements and designs. It seems that I should do it quietly.


posted @ 2012-08-16 00:07  下一个自己  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报