Study Plan - The Twenty-Sixth Day

    I got off work the latest today since I come to Shanghai, there was a inner test show that out software have a lot of details should to perfect. And some functions should to implement, deprtment manager pay attention on the software release time, and in order to make this product online in time, he suggest our team to work overtime.

    When I took care on check this inner test report, I found some condition can not display again, so I think this is not need spend time to debug, and some condition is because the function not finished, and some condition is because of the I not good understand UI's mean, it is our fault, so I reply all of the report, and repair some bug, when I got off work I found the time is nearly 22:00 o'clock. So late!

posted @ 2012-05-10 00:25  下一个自己  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报