




Data     教程连接 http://www.w3school.com.cn/sql/sql_dates.asp

DATEADD  教程连接 http://www.w3school.com.cn/sql/func_dateadd.asp

DATEDIFF 教程连接 http://www.w3school.com.cn/sql/func_datediff.asp

Convert   教程连接 http://www.w3school.com.cn/sql/func_convert.asp

DATEPART 教程连接  http://www.w3school.com.cn/sql/func_datepart.asp

Sum     教程连接 http://www.w3school.com.cn/sql/sql_func_sum.asp




declare @IsShow int; declare @AllIsShow int;

select   @IsShow=count(*)   from   Emp_Base where IsShow=1 and  datepart(mm,JoinTime) =datepart(mm,getdate()) select   @AllIsShow=count(*)   from   Emp_Base

SELECT  count(@IsShow) AS DepartIDCount, count(@AllIsShow) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@IsShow)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@AllIsShow)) AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比 FROM Emp_Base 




select (Count(*)) as 入职人数 from   Emp_Base where IsShow=1 and  datepart(mm,JoinTime) =datepart(mm,getdate())


select datepart(dd,JoinTime) from emp_base





/** 查询行政部***/

Declare @DepartID int;Declare @Alltotal int;

Select @DepartID=Count(*) From Emp_Base where DepartID=2 select @Alltotal=Count(*) from emp_base

SELECT SUM(@DepartID) AS DepartIDCount, SUM(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@DepartID)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal))

AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*400/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base where DepartID=2 Group By DepartID 


Declare @DepartID int;Declare @Alltotal int; 

Select  @DepartID=Count(*) From Emp_Base where DepartID=2 select @Alltotal=Count(*) from emp_base 

SELECT  SUM(@DepartID) AS DepartIDCount, SUM(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@DepartID)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal)) 

AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*400/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base where DepartID=2 Group By DepartID




Declare @Sex int;Declare @Alltotal int; 

Select @Sex=Count(*) From Emp_Base where Sex=1 select @Alltotal=Count(*) from emp_base 

SELECT SUM(@Sex) AS sexCount, SUM(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal,

CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@Sex))*100/ CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal)) AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,

Count(*)*50/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base where Sex=1 Group By Sex

select Count(*) sex from Emp_Base where sex=1





Declare @DepartID int;Declare @Alltotal int; 

Select  @DepartID=Count(*) From Emp_Base where DepartID=12  select @Alltotal=Count(*) from emp_base 

SELECT  count(@DepartID) AS DepartIDCount, count(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@DepartID)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal)) 

AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*100/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base   where DepartID=12


select * from Emp_Base where DepartID=2

select COUNT(*) from Emp_Base

select  * from U_Depart where DepartID=2



Declare @total int;Declare @t table(myDay varchar(50),display varchar(50),DayID tinyint);Select @total=Count(*) From U_LoginLog;

Insert into @t Select '1,2,3,4','01-04',1;

Insert into @t Select '5,6,7,8','05-08',2;

Insert into @t Select '9,10,11,12','09-12',3;

Insert into @t Select '13,14,15,16','13-16',4;

Insert into @t Select '17,18,19,20','17-20',5;

Insert into @t Select '21,22,23,24,25','21-25',6;

Insert into @t Select '26,27,28,29,30,31','26-31',7;

Select display,SUM(次数)*100/@total as 次数,SUM(次数)*400/@total as 长度 From(Select LoginTime,

Count(*) as 次数 From (Select DATENAME(day,LoginTime) as LoginTime From U_LoginLog






Declare @CorpposID  int ;Declare @Alltotal int; 

Select  @CorpposID=Count(*)  From Emp_Base where CorpposID=1  select @Alltotal=Count(*) from emp_base 

SELECT SUM(@CorpposID) AS DepartIDCount, SUM(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@CorpposID)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal))

AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*10/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base 

left join U_Corppos on U_Corppos.CorpposID = Emp_Base.CorpposID




Declare @DepartID int;Declare @Alltotal int; 

Select  @DepartID=Count(*) From Emp_Base where DepartID=2  select @Alltotal=Count(*) from emp_base 

SELECT  count(@DepartID) AS DepartIDCount, count(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@DepartID)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal)) 

AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*100/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base   where DepartID=2




Declare @CorpposID  int ;Declare @Alltotal int;

select  @CorpposID=Count(*)  From Emp_Base  where Emp_Base.CorpposID=3  select  @Alltotal=Count(*)  from emp_base

select a.CorpposID, SUM(@CorpposID) AS DepartIDCount, SUM(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@CorpposID)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal)) AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*10/@Alltotal as 长度  FROM Emp_Base  a

Left Join U_Corppos b on a.CorpposID=b.CorpposID where a.CorpposID=1  group by a.CorpposID


select a.CorpposID,b.CorpposID,b.Corppos from Emp_Base  a ,U_Corppos b  where a.CorpposID=b.CorpposID

SELECT a.*,b.CorpposID,b.Corppos  FROM Emp_Base a  Left Join U_Corppos b on a.CorpposID=b.CorpposID




declare @count float select @count=count(1) from emp_base

select corpposid,count(corpposid) as 职位数量 ,(convert(varchar(20),(count(corpposid)/@count)*100)+'%') as 百分比 from emp_base a group by corpposId



select  Distinct(b.corppos), a.corpposId, b.corpposId from emp_base a left join  U_Corppos b on a.corpposId=b.corpposId  


select count(corpposid) as 职位数量  from emp_base group by  corpposId

select Distinct Corppos from U_Corppos  

select count(1) from emp_base


declare @count float   select @count=count(1) from emp_base

select a.corpposid,max(b.corppos)corppos, count(a.corpposid) as 职位数量 ,(str(convert(varchar(20),(count(a.corpposid)/@count)*100),5,2)+'%') as 百分比 from emp_base a

left join U_Corppos b  on a.corpposId=b.corpposId group by a.corpposId


select  Salary from emp_base where  group by  corpposId




declare @count float select @count=count(1) from emp_base

select a.DepartID,max(b.Depart)Depart, count(a.DepartID) as 职位数量 ,(str((convert(varchar(20),(count(a.DepartID)/@count)*100)),5,2)+'%') as 百分比 from emp_base a

left join U_Depart b  on a.DepartID=b.DepartID group by a.DepartID




select str((convert(float,(@czcj/@ckrs)*100)),5,2)+'%'或者select convert(varchar,convert(decimal(10,2),(@czcj/@ckrs)*100))+'%'






declare @count float select @count=count(1) from emp_base

select case when sex=1 then '男'  when sex=0 then '女' end as sex1,count(sex) as 性别数量 ,(str(convert(varchar(20),(count(sex)/@count)*100),5,2)+'%') as 百分比 from emp_base a group by sex




declare @count float select @count=count(1) from emp_base

select a.ProvinceID,max(b.Province)Province, count(a.ProvinceID) as 地区数量 ,(str(convert(varchar(20),(count(a.ProvinceID)/@count)*100),5,2)+'%')  as 百分比 from emp_base a

left join U_Province b  on a.ProvinceID=b.ProvinceID group by a.ProvinceID



declare @count float select @count=count(1) from emp_base

select a.BirthDate,max(a.BirthDate)BirthDate, count(BirthDate) as 年龄数量 ,(convert(varchar(20),(count(a.BirthDate)/@count)*100)+'%')  as 百分比 from emp_base a

group by BirthDate


Declare @old int;Declare @Alltotal int; 

Select  @old=count(*) from emp_base where datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate()) >=41 and datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate())<=50 select @Alltotal=Count(*)

from emp_base 

SELECT DISTINCT(count(@old)) AS oldcount, count(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal, CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@old)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal)) 

AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*400/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base  where datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate()) >=41 and datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate())<=50 



select BirthDate,count(*) as 各年龄人数 from emp_base group by BirthDate


select COUNT(*) as 年龄人数,BirthDate from emp_base  where BirthDate  between (year(getdate())-year(BirthDate)=18) and (year(getdate())-year(BirthDate)=25)


SELECT BirthDate  FROM emp_base WHERE BirthDate BETWEEN (year(getdate())-year(BirthDate)) AND (year(getdate())-year(BirthDate))


select BirthDate,datediff(year,BirthDate,getdate()) as '年龄' from emp_base 


select BirthDate,datediff("yyyy",emp_base.BirthDate,getdate()) as 年龄 from emp_base


select count(*) from emp_base where datediff("yyyy",emp_base.BirthDate,getdate()) >=18 and datediff("yyyy",emp_base.BirthDate,getdate())<=25



Select  count(*) from emp_base where datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate()) >=41 and datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate())<=50 





select Name from emp_base where datediff(month,BirthDate,getdate())=0 ---本月




SELECT Name,(dateadd(year,datediff(year,BirthDate,getdate()),BirthDate)) AS Nbirthday FROM    emp_base 

WHERE  (dateadd(year,datediff(year,BirthDate,getdate()),BirthDate)) BETWEEN getdate() AND getdate()+30 




select name from emp_base where (dateadd(year,datediff(year,BirthDate,getdate()),BirthDate)) BETWEEN getdate() AND getdate()+30




select Name,convert(varchar(10),(dateadd(year,datediff(year,BirthDate,getdate()),BirthDate)),120) AS Nbirthday  from emp_base

where datediff(month,dateadd(yy,datediff(yy,birthdate,getdate()),birthdate),getdate())=0 ---每月







select   convert(int,sum(Salary)) 总工资 from emp_base 





 Declare @old int;Declare @Alltotal int;    Select  @old=count(*) from emp_base where datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate()) >=81

and datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate())<=90 select @Alltotal=Count(*) from emp_base SELECT  count(@old) AS oldcount, count(@Alltotal) AS Alltotal,

CAST(CONVERT (float, SUM(@old)) * 100 / CONVERT (float, SUM(@Alltotal))   AS decimal(38 , 2)) AS 百分比,Count(*)*400/@Alltotal as 长度 FROM Emp_Base 

where datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate()) >=81 and datediff(year,emp_base.BirthDate,getdate())<=90  Group By BirthDate



/*xiaoZ(2509500286)  16:59:52


  select 职位,职位人数,convert(float,count(count(员工id)))/(select count(员工id) from 员工表)

  as 占比

  from 员工表 inner jion 职位信息表 on 人员.职位id=职位信息表.职位id

  group by 职位信息表.职位id



as 后面是占比



posted @ 2013-06-11 18:32  盛开的雨季  阅读(393)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报